*** (22:05:19):Welcome to the AmYisraelchairadio Chat Room. AmYisraelchairadio says (23:01:21): Tune into this great show, AmYisraelchairadio says (23:01:24): .
Sorry. I had to reload the chatroom because of a crash. But here is the chatroom post the crash there:
*** (17:16:59):Welcome to the AmYisraelchairadio Chat Room. AmYisraelchairadio says (17:33:17): Tune into this great show.
*** (16:14:54):Welcome to the AmYisraelchairadio Chat Room. VitoEsposito says to (16:43:23): Good evening! VitoEsposito says to (16:44:03): Morsi being a devout member of the Muslim Brotherhood & declares Egypt will live under Sharia VitoEsposito says to (16:45:05): & Sens. McCain & Graham were also useful idiots supporting Morsi & Muslim Brotherhood VitoEsposito says to (16:51:00): Good show.. Good night! AmYisraelchairadio says (16:54:41): http://blog.camera.org/archives/2014/09/iusa_today_not_the_guardian_ge.html
Sorry. The chatroom transcirpt was lost. IT just consisted of me putting two links [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0wJXf2nt4Y] and [http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.615478] into the chatroom.
*** (22:05:56):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room. HLF Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:31): Sorry that I scheduled it for 15 minutes and forgot to make it an hour. My bad.
*** (22:06:35):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room. flycatch says to (22:20:52): No such thing as an innocent Muslim. flycatch says to (22:22:49): There is no excuse for Islam since they promote themselves as savages. flycatch says to (22:25:21): If you are a practicing Muslim you can't deny the words of the Koran. flycatch says to (22:26:20): Muslims males use their women as shields either in battle or sitting in a TV studio. flycatch says to (22:28:53): HAMAS is just another Muslim organizations used to promote their war on the infidels. flycatch says to (22:31:19): Host, go back in history and you will find that the Jews and Christians did not recognize Muhammad as a prophet. This is the reason why he declared war on these two religions. flycatch says to (22:34:04): The Jews were promised the land of Palestine and they are full filling this gift.
*** (16:07:33):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room. MELINDA says to (16:21:14): hello, benyamin MELINDA says to (16:21:18): i am in love with you MELINDA says to (16:21:37): god bless you!!! MELINDA says to (16:25:59): but what about john kerry and the apartheid state? HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:26:53): What about tht? HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:26:56): that MELINDA says to (16:30:09): john kerry said israel is becoming an apartheid state MELINDA says to (16:30:18): didn't you hear about that? HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:30:36): He said that Israel may be an Apartheid state if there is no peace. HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:42:47): (})vitoEsposito VitoEsposito says to (16:43:02): Hi Benjamin VitoEsposito says to (16:43:15): Benyamin. sorry about the spelling HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:45:25): Don't worry about it. VitoEsposito says to (16:50:32): Exactly! When Hamas is not made to amend their charter that calls for the annihilation of Israel, the UN is a fraud! The OIC are a fraud! VitoEsposito says to (16:59:42): Abbas is no different than Hamas. The PA has the same terror mentality as Hamas! VitoEsposito says to (17:01:05): Ciao Benyamin! Happy Independence Day! 66 yrs!!! HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:20): Thanks
Ben Solomon's note: The web log and non-web log version shall be published because the first message in the chatroom is not on non-web log version, due to me accidentally leaving and reloading the chatroom page.
*** (14:21:18):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (14:23:52):
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (14:24:18):
*** (23:31:39):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room. HLF Benyamin Solomon says (00:12:10): These trolls are soo annoying. They won't get the time of day. Blues Unchained says to (00:12:50): who is this band play Pink Panther? The Soul Grifter says to (00:13:49): Who was the woman? *** (00:14:15):The Soul Grifter is muted by Admin for breaking rules! HLF Benyamin Solomon says (00:15:36): Sorry Bob HLF Benyamin Solomon says (00:15:41): Muy bad HLF Benyamin Solomon says (00:15:54): My *** (00:16:19):The Soul Grifter has been unmuted by Admin. Blues Unchained says to (00:18:43): ({) HLF Benyamin Solomon says (00:30:48): (})
*** (15:31:13):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (15:56:13):
Welcome to the show.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (15:56:34):
917 889 2149 is the call in number for the show.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (15:56:38):
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (15:57:03):
Login or get an account if you want to comment in the chatroom. That's the rules of BTR.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:26:36):
I got disconencted.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:37:27):
Benyamin Solomon's note: Censor means that that part of the message is being censored.
*** (16:13:00):Welcome to the HLF Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:31:23):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:33:49):
Perry Steele is a drunk@ host
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:34:57):
He is trying to distract you. HANG UP
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:38:46):
Why are you tolerating his drunken NONSENSE?
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:40:24):
Hang up on that foolish troll
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:40:59):
Ashkenazi is a NONSENSE
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:41:39):
Beasley is a troll. u got distracted by him
The Soul Grifter says to HLF Benyamin Solomon (private) (16:43:07):
Censor, that's Beastly, not Perry Steele.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:43:19):
Its Beasley not perry steele
The Soul Grifter says to HLF Benyamin Solomon (private) (16:43:21):
You are not talking to Perry Steele.
The Soul Grifter says to HLF Benyamin Solomon (private) (16:43:58):
He calls himself Brown Beasley, he is not Perry Steele.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:44:06):
The Soul Grifter says to HLF Benyamin Solomon (private) (16:44:03):
You idiot.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:44:13):
HLF Benyamin Solomon says to The Soul Grifter (private) (16:44:52):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:45:07):
The only WORTHLESS one is beasley WAKE UP HOST
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:45:41):
I see you lack DISCERNMENT host({)
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:46:00):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:47:09):
The Jew is CORRECT
The Soul Grifter says to HLF Benyamin Solomon (private) (16:47:25):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:47:56):
The Soul Grifter says to (16:49:04):
What is this show about?
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:49:17):
The Soul Grifter says to (16:49:19):
What are you doing that's so important? You got a girlfriend yet?
*** (16:49:28):The Soul Grifter is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (16:49:33):The Soul Grifter has been unmuted by Admin.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:50:39):
I don't give a crap who is who on BTR. I don't care much about the BTR trolls.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:51:16):
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:51:26):
I did hang up on him , OAJ.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:51:42):
I hung up on the both of you.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:52:14):
I didnt call in brother
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:55:59):
Where is the Scripture verses to support your blood theory?
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:56:11):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:56:53):
If you dont have verses its just SPECULATION
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:57:00):
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:58:23):
Keep reading the Scriptures , it might assist you in getting that anger from your heart(L)
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:59:00):
(})Peace brother(L)
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (16:59:10):
Whatever OAJ
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (16:59:52):
I am not OAJ you FOOLISH MAN8-)
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:00:01):
What part of the scriptures contradict what I say? I can tell from your profile that you are a troll, Christian Chicanery aka OAJ or one of his troll buddies, if not OAJ.
cHrIsTiAn ChIcAnErY says to (17:00:25):
I told u that u lacked DISCERNMENT
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:00:34):
Whatever, OAJ.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:00:55):
II studder. So what?
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:05):
OAJ, I see that your other account left.
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:24):
HLF Benyamin Solomon says (17:05:17):
(}) everyone aka OAJ