Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The leftist anti-Semitic Islamophillia from the Olympics 8/7/2012

*** (21:26:06):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
flycatch says to  (21:39:34):
Obama has empowered Muslims throughout the world.
flycatch says to  (21:40:04):
Palestians are nothing more than gypsies.
flycatch says to  (21:41:39):
Palestians are not a race they are Arabs.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:45:27):
flycatch says to  (21:59:07):
 Isreal was created by a UN mandate to give the Jew a homeland.
MELINDA says to  (22:13:24):
I love you, Benyamin.  You are amazing.  You are so smart.
flycatch says to  (22:14:07):
Muslims don't contribute they never have. Their way of life is by the sword.
flycatch says to  (22:15:19):
The West created this problem by exploiting their oil fields.
flycatch says to  (22:15:48):
If it were not for oil they still would be nothing.
flycatch says to  (22:16:33):
The pictures disturb our host wait until they invade your neighborhood.
flycatch says to  (22:17:52):
Islam is nothing more than a cult of death.
flycatch says to  (22:18:51):
All Muslims support oneanother and if they don't than they are traitors to Islam.
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:37:54):
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:37:58):
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:38:06):
I can't hear anything.
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:38:34):
Is the show over?
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:38:52):
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:38:56):
oh well
The 1 and Only One Angry Jew says to  (22:39:27):
Maybe he is having 10 min of silence for the PLO murderers
rossp says to  (22:41:24):
Ben is back!
rossp says to  (22:42:07):
Right wing Jews Rock.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:44:34):
Thanks rossp
rossp says to  (22:47:21):
Jesus Works.
rossp says to  (22:52:42):
Not Bob
rossp says to  (22:55:15):
Demo=Free stuff $
BobUSMC says to  (22:57:55):
Obama - Biggest THIEF In World History
BobUSMC says to  (22:58:07):
Dr. John C. Drew Exposes Obama's Communist College Years
BobUSMC says to  (22:58:10):
BobUSMC says to  (22:58:25):
"Obama a Communist in College"

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

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