Thursday, June 16, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Steak House 6/16/2011

*** (15:05:39):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
SM7 says to  (15:10:20):
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:12:34):
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:13:23):
Hello SM7 and Benyamin
SM7 says to  (15:13:34):
looking at kalagenesis' blog now.  kalagenesis allowed them to call you names?
SM7 says to  (15:13:52):
SM7 says to  (15:15:00):
they said you were Jewish KKK  8-|
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:16:35):
Benyamin, we know you won't harm anyone !
SM7 says to  (15:17:35):
i disagree with kalagenesis when he says that you have done Jewish issues more harm than good.  You have made me aware of the points of view that some Jews have about the Palestinians, Muslim Brotherhood, and Islam
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:18:50):
Yes , Benyamin has brought some good info.
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:19:20):
Some of his info is very accurate !
bluesky69 says to  (15:19:22):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (15:19:35):
hi odd(L):-*
Benyamin Solomon says (15:19:41):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (15:19:46):
hi sm7(L):-*
SM7 says to  (15:19:57):
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:20:02):
Hello Bluesky69 !
SM7 says to  (15:20:03):
BenWah says to  (15:20:13):
Hi Benyamin
Benyamin Solomon says (15:20:21):
Hi BenWah.
BenWah says to  (15:21:31):
i got kicked off kalegensis show yesterday, first time i got kicked offa btr
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:21:44):
Wow i am shocked at what these guys are saying
Benyamin Solomon says (15:22:05):
It was two days ago.
BenWah says to  (15:22:23):
Sound like a pit of vipers to me
BenWah says to  (15:23:46):
Yeah pretty much
ODD SQUAD says to  (15:24:02):
I thought pumpkin13 was a nice person
BenWah says to  (15:24:15):
Kosovo is a trial run for the world community to blow up israel
BenWah says to  (15:28:38):
The whole peace process is absurd, the official government of the palestinians now involves Hamas, a terrorist org that denies israels right to exist
BenWah says to  (15:29:27):
When these big countries and world organizations try to force israel to make concessions with and negotiate with a terrorist org like Hamas, they clearly don't want israel to exist
VitoEsposito says to  (15:30:14):
Islam reform? (LOL)
BenWah says to  (15:30:21):
Islam will never change.  The scriptures call for killing jews wherever they find them.  The only thing that will change is the degree to which people adhere to islam.
ggt183 says to  (15:30:47):
bluesky69 says to  (15:30:53):
ggt183 says to  (15:31:01):
bluesky69 says to  (15:31:04):
omg ggt (lol)
VitoEsposito says to  (15:31:22):
Happy Birthday Blue!
bluesky69 says to  (15:31:27):
thank u
VitoEsposito says to  (15:31:31):
ggt183 says to  (15:32:31):
SM7 says to  (15:32:33):
i felt a message for kalagenesis under his comments expressing my support for benyamin's defense of Israel.
SM7 says to  (15:32:51):
left not felt(Tp)
Benyamin Solomon says (15:32:56):
Thanks SM7.
ggt183 says to  (15:33:12):
Benyamin Solomon says (15:33:20):
I noticed from the skype.
bluesky69 says to  (15:33:40):
Benyamin Solomon says (15:33:45):
The Bosnian Muslim "victims"(lol)
ggt183 says to  (15:33:50):
Benyamin Solomon says (15:34:02):
In relaity, Serbs are the victims. God bless Serbia.
ggt183 says to  (15:34:28):
SM7 says to  (15:34:42):
BenWah says to  (15:35:01):
israelis should study and learn about serbia/kosovo, because this is exactly the model the world will use against them next
ggt183 says to  (15:35:04):
bluesky69 says to  (15:35:12):
(lol) ggt
SM7 says to  (15:35:23):
it is her birthday
ggt183 says to  (15:35:27):
bluesky69 says to  (15:35:35):
yes :$
BenWah says to  (15:35:39):
Obama wants to destroy israel, i have no doubt whatsoever
SM7 says to  (15:36:12):
(F)(F)(F)  happy birthday Bluesky  (F)(F)(F)
ggt183 says to  (15:36:16):
bluesky69 says to  (15:36:25):
thank u sm7
bluesky69 says to  (15:36:37):
roflmao ggt
SM7 says to  (15:37:13):
ggt183 says to  (15:37:16):
bluesky69 says to  (15:37:27):
ggt183 says to  (15:37:53):
BenWah says to  (15:38:09):
what did I do?
bluesky69 says to  (15:38:09):
ggt183 says to  (15:38:26):
BenWah says to  (15:38:30):
BenWah says to  (15:38:37):
Congrats on being one year closer to death!  Hooray!
bluesky69 says to  (15:38:41):
lol ggt
bluesky69 says to  (15:38:53):
oh thank's for the reminder
SM7 says to  (15:38:58):
OMG  benwah
ggt183 says to  (15:39:24):
(Tp)putting benwah on ignore for being a party pooper
BenWah says to  (15:39:29):
oh come on
BenWah says to  (15:39:32):
i was just being silly!
ggt183 says to  (15:39:57):
cowpote says to  (15:40:23):
ggt183 says to  (15:40:43):
cowpote..its blueskys birthday!!
bluesky69 says to  (15:40:49):
bluesky69 says to  (15:41:24):
hi cowpote(L):-*
Stephen VanderGast says to  (15:41:46):
Hi.  Happy birthday, Bluesky!  You can drink legally now!!(lol)
bluesky69 says to  (15:41:49):
hi stephen(L):-*
ggt183 says to  (15:41:57):
ggt183 says to  (15:42:00):
bluesky69 says to  (15:42:09):
ummmm stephen im 39 years old
ggt183 says to  (15:42:16):
bluesky69 says to  (15:42:18):
not 18 or 19
bluesky69 says to  (15:42:32):
i could legally drink years ago
bluesky69 says to  (15:42:36):
SM7 says to  (15:42:36):
oh bluesky, you are so young still
Stephen VanderGast says to  (15:42:39):
Don't type angry!:D
ggt183 says to  (15:42:48):
bluesky69 says to  (15:42:48):
ggt183 says to  (15:43:14):
BenWah says to  (15:43:17):
If you look at who Obama associated with, and what his associates views are, there can be no doubt that Obama wants israel to disappear
Stephen VanderGast says to  (15:43:18):
Alright, then here's to another foot in the grave, LOL!!:D
bluesky69 says to  (15:43:34):
(lol) omg stephen
Stephen VanderGast says to  (15:43:38):
Happy Birthday!!
cowpote says to  (15:43:41):
bluesky69 says to  (15:43:45):
thank u
ggt183 says to  (15:44:01):
did you wish bluesky a happy birthday?({)
bluesky69 says to  (15:44:42):
<<<<< feels like the queen of btr (lol)(lol)
cowpote says to  (15:44:54):
i am in spain..READY 2 GO ON A CRUISE..happy b-day..KIDDO
ggt183 says to  (15:45:06):
bluesky69 says to  (15:45:09):
thank u cowpote
bluesky69 says to  (15:45:21):
a cruise?
VitoEsposito says to  (15:45:24):
So how did Obama get 78% of the American Jewish vote?
bluesky69 says to  (15:45:25):
Benyamin Solomon says (15:46:14):
Many Jews get duped by liberals.
Benyamin Solomon says (15:46:29):
Left-wing Jews tend to close themselves away from reality.
ggt183 says to  (15:46:36):
everyday is somebodys birthday...but today is blueskys birthday!!!(L):-*(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (15:46:51):
(lol)(lol) ggt
bluesky69 says to  (15:47:07):
yes it is my b-day
bluesky69 says to  (15:47:11):
BenWah says to  (15:47:13):
yeah that's pretty ridiculous
ggt183 says to  (15:48:00):
BenWah says to  (15:49:13):
Hey that's a good recording
BenWah says to  (15:49:32):
I've heard the recording of the old testament quotes before, but never contrasted with his comments calling the koran the HOLY koran
BenWah says to  (15:49:52):
He ONLY cites bible quotes to hold it up to contempt
bluesky69 says to  (15:50:50):
<<<<< still listening but on another page
ggt183 says to  (15:50:56):
VitoEsposito says to  (15:51:00):
Of course Obama would, just like a muslim you hold the Bible in contempt
cowpote says to  (15:51:01):
bluesky69 says to  (15:51:09):
i gotta check my emials
ggt183 says to  (15:51:24):
do i have your e-mail address
VitoEsposito says to  (15:51:36):
Only thing Obama forgot Christianity has evolved.  Unfortunately islam is still in the 7th Century
bluesky69 says to  (15:51:47):
ya u should i sent u an emial a longt ime ago
ggt183 says to  (15:51:52):
Benyamin Solomon says (15:52:28):
Islam can continue to be at war and cry Islamophobia over everything or it cna reform and contibute something positive for a change.
BenWah says to  (15:52:32):
I don't think Christianity has evolved.  It never needed to.  Teaching is the same as from day 1.
VitoEsposito says to  (15:53:00):
That's horse crap!
BenWah says to  (15:53:30):
I never understood the need to insult people from prior centuries, who often were better and more virtuous people than those of today
VitoEsposito says to  (15:53:31):
It's a shame that Islam is not respectful of the United States
ggt183 says to  (15:54:28):
cant hear it Ben
ggt183 says to  (15:55:07):
alot of static
cowpote says to  (15:56:36):
later ben....later kids
cowpote says to  (15:56:39):
ggt183 says to  (15:56:46):
VitoEsposito says to  (15:58:57):
His own Democratic Party were the obstructionists in the passage of Civil Rights Act
ggt183 says to  (16:04:35):
i'm back!!
SM7 says to  (16:05:12):
its good that benyamin explained his views on violence.  some people on BTR are making Benyamin sound like a terrorist by  twisting his words.
VitoEsposito says to  (16:05:15):
chapter 4 verse 71 - O you who believe go to war in separate groups or go to war altogether
bluesky69 says to  (16:05:20):
im back
ggt183 says to  (16:05:58):
Benyamin is a terrorist..but hes our terrorist..God Bless B(F)enyamin
VitoEsposito says to  (16:05:59):
Chapter 4 verse 84 - so engage in war for the sake of allah....provoke the disbelievers
bluesky69 says to  (16:06:17):
(lol) ggt
ggt183 says to  (16:06:48):
we (L) benyamin
SM7 says to  (16:09:43):
another thing Benyamin can do is not let them trick or trap him into saying statements that advocate violence,  i have seen that happen
ggt183 says to  (16:10:09):
ggt183 says to  (16:10:15):
ggt183 says to  (16:10:34):
ggt183 says to  (16:10:37):
ggt183 says to  (16:11:01):
ggt183 says to  (16:11:10):
Guess what day it is?
ggt183 says to  (16:11:24):
Its blueskys Birthday!!!
Beachbum55 says to  (16:11:30):
HEY GGT, Bluesky
Beachbum55 says to  (16:11:41):
I was gonna Guess It wasYours!!
ggt183 says to  (16:11:59):
nope..mine is September 17th
Beachbum55 says to  (16:12:17):
Happy Birthday Bluesky!!   Hope U Have the Night Off for Guarding Chat for Trolls!!
Beachbum55 says to  (16:12:33):
ahhhh a Libra that always Needs Change huh??
ggt183 says to  (16:12:51):
nope i'm Virgo
Beachbum55 says to  (16:13:07):
U Lucked Out... Virgo the Lover!!
ggt183 says to  (16:13:15):
Beachbum55 says to  (16:14:26):
gotta hook up external speaker.  Bens show is always the Lowest Volume of anyone on BTR!! Why is Kala so LOUD??
ggt183 says to  (16:15:15):
I love when kala gives his sermon....hes a really smart guy..if you listen to him
Guest223436 says to  (16:15:24):
Beachbum55 says to  (16:16:42):
I Listen sometimes and I cant argue He is stupid Not knowing whats going on politically but I dont agree with most of what He believes but Defend his right to Say it..
ggt183 says to  (16:16:53):
took me  awhile to understand that African Nationalism does not mean you have to hate America
Beachbum55 says to  (16:17:20):
well Most of His Callers Hate AMerica and freely say it.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:17:23):
warlord X did call America a "white trash counry".
ggt183 says to  (16:17:31):
the two are not a conflict of interest
Benyamin Solomon says (16:17:43):
Maybe not, but Kala and warlord X do hate America.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:17:57):
Warlord X called America a "white trash country".
Benyamin Solomon says (16:18:19):
Listen to two episodes ago.
ggt183 says to  (16:18:33):
Kala said that this his his country and he is thankful for what he has..that does not sound like someone who hates this country
Beachbum55 says to  (16:19:00):
funny it doesnt stop Im sure most of His AMerica Hating Callers from Taking every Handout the Country they Hate GIVE Them & the Children they Have.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:19:01):
he said that the white man made it where he has no reaosn to fele attached to America or something like that.
SM7 says to  (16:19:07):
ggt183, do you consider benyamin anti-american because he supports israel?
ggt183 says to  (16:19:15):
SM7 says to  (16:20:12):
well, there is not that much difference between supporting african and supporting israel,  they both want to see a better situation for the counties
ggt183 says to  (16:20:32):
BenWah says to  (16:20:37):
Anyone who says bless the muslim brotherhood is against western civilization period.  Including the USA
SM7 says to  (16:20:43):
kalagenesis is only adding his personal points of view to pan-africanism
bluesky69 says to  (16:20:58):
hi bb(L):-*
ggt183 says to  (16:21:10):
Kala is a good guy...but you can think what you want
SM7 says to  (16:21:51):
yes he does sound like a good person.  but some of the views are his own
SM7 says to  (16:22:42):
basically, it is about building ties between african americas and the country of america to improve the situation of both parties.
ggt183 says to  (16:23:38):
Kala is a Pan Africanist...i will trust what he says about the movemement before i trust someone who read  a couple of articles and formulated an opinion..Kala is well versed
BenWah says to  (16:24:39):
I think what GGT is saying is that Kala embraces an ideology that is the perfect black mirror image of the KKK
SM7 says to  (16:24:48):
not really. my grandfather was panafrican and a follower of marcus garvey.  my father knew the liberain president and had a chance to move to liberia to help build the country as an engineer.
ggt183 says to  (16:24:50):
BenWah says to  (16:24:52):
Kala is a black supremacist
ggt183 says to  (16:24:56):
SM7 says to  (16:25:16):
BenWah says to  (16:25:38):
kala pushes all kinds of anti white hate.  It's just like the white black supremacist group preaching hate, except he's a black doing same thing against whites.
BenWah says to  (16:25:40):
No difference
ggt183 says to  (16:25:59):
what did he say that was racist
SM7 says to  (16:26:01):
besides ggt183, kala has called you a racist
SM7 says to  (16:26:10):
why listen to you
bluesky69 says to  (16:27:14):
i gotta go now everyone have a good day im sure i will see u all on other btrs shows sometime today .......good show benyamin(L)(L)(L)
Benyamin Solomon says (16:27:29):
Listen to two episodes ago, whrre Warlord X and Kala bas whitey.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:27:35):
I was there.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:27:49):
Listen to the last episode, where I play that excerpt.
ggt183 says to  (16:27:58):
SM7 and Benwah...I think you both are closet racist..and you are using Kala as a scapegoat to spew your venom without the implications of being labeled a racist
Benyamin Solomon says (16:27:57):
Warlord X called America a "white trash country".
Benyamin Solomon says (16:28:06):
I was on the line then. I was there.
BenWah says to  (16:29:19):
I'm not a racist.  I'm against socialism and islam.  That's pretty much as deep as I get.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:29:43):
BenWah, I remember you were there when that happend two episodes ago.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:30:12):
Warlord X called America a "white trash country" and attacked Palin and her daughters, while claiming that anyone, who dislikes Obama, is "indecent".
Benyamin Solomon says (16:30:23):
Obama supporters tend to be anti-American traitors.
VitoEsposito says to  (16:32:18):
Islam is not a race.  Nice try though!
Benyamin Solomon says (16:32:36):
Ben Wah and SM7 are not racists. Come on. That's absurd.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:32:51):
Kala is the racist.
ggt183 says to  (16:33:01):
just like its absurd to call Kala a racist
Benyamin Solomon says (16:33:14):
Do oyu listen to Kala?
ggt183 says to  (16:33:27):
just because he desires a nation for his people
Benyamin Solomon says (16:33:33):
What about two episodes ago, where Kala and warlord X attack whitey?
ggt183 says to  (16:33:38):
Benyamin Solomon says (16:33:54):
Or you can lisen to that exchange by listening to my last episode.
SM7 says to  (16:33:58):
no i am not , and nation does not necessarily mean country
Benyamin Solomon says (16:34:05):
oyu means you. Sorry for tpo.
Benyamin Solomon says (16:34:11):
Benyamin Solomon says (16:34:15):
Dang typos:@
Benyamin Solomon says (16:35:08):
It's legitimate for Kala to desire a nation for his people in Liberia. But that doesn't mean that I'll hold him above criticism.
ggt183 says to  (16:36:30):
when i first came to Btr..I hated Kala..I encourage you all to listen to him..instaed of judging him and labeling him
ggt183 says to  (16:36:43):
it might change your mind
BenWah says to  (16:38:18):
His racial theories and ideologies won't get him far
SM7 says to  (16:38:39):
sorry ggt183, i had to log back in
SM7 says to  (16:39:28):
my problem with kalagenesis is that i think some  of this solutions are too extreme, and i have heard them all before, nothing new
ggt183 says to  (16:39:30):
the Pan-African movement is growing..Kala deserves some of that credit
Benyamin Solomon says (16:40:21):
ggt183, listening to him two episodes ago may change your mind.
ggt183 says to  (16:40:48):
we all need to be careful placing labels on people...thats all i'm saying
SM7 says to  (16:41:24):
i think you started that ggt183.
ggt183 says to  (16:41:33):
BenWah says to  (16:41:34):
Maybe we should be careful in labeling people pushing racial ideologies and theories as "nice people"
BenWah says to  (16:42:04):
In history these nice people spawned ideologies and governments that resulted in the worst death camps and mass murders in world history
ggt183 says to  (16:42:47):
in all was not my people who killed thousands and thousands of people...It was yours
SM7 says to  (16:43:01):
what kalagenesis says may sound new to you, but not to me.  and i think it is too extreme
BenWah says to  (16:43:20):
Oh, who are my people and what people did they kill?
BenWah says to  (16:43:28):
And who are your people?
Benyamin Solomon says (16:43:38):
I'm sick of criticism of kala being smeared as racist.
SM7 says to  (16:43:47):
i'll let the two of you talk
SM7 says to  (16:45:00):
oh yes, and just because you want to better the situation for your people does not make you a racist
Benyamin Solomon says (16:45:49):
It's out of line how Kala caalls brotherk "brother kkk".
Benyamin Solomon says (16:46:05):
That's the typical idiocy from these pinhead skunks.
SM7 says to  (16:46:21):
i think ggt183 ran
BenWah says to  (16:49:17):
who is that caller
BenWah says to  (16:49:25):
talkin to kale
ggt183 says to  (16:53:21):
ggt183 says to  (16:53:25):
ggt183 says to  (16:55:37):
no president in the history of this country has been demonized the way Obama has...and IMO some of it is racism..not all but some...I do agree that Obamas policies are bad
SM7 says to  (16:56:37):
ggt183, i think we have experienced a misunderstanding  in our conversation.  BTW, are you even responding to me or you responding to an other person
ggt183 says to  (16:57:11):
SM7...i was adressing what Benyamin said
SM7 says to  (16:57:19):
oh sorry
ggt183 says to  (16:58:44):
SM7..i know you and Benwah are not racist..i just think Kala gets a bad wrap
ggt183 says to  (16:59:05):
that all i'm trying to say
Beachbum55 says to  (16:59:38):
Good show , Ben,  thanx,  gotta run inside, Rain heading My Way,,,(})  see at 11:30pm ggt!!
ggt183 says to  (16:59:49):
see ya BB
SM7 says to  (16:59:58):
oh, well, kalagenesis has a good show, unfortunately, it is on when your show is.  i just dont agree with all he says
ggt183 says to  (17:00:40):
good show Benyamin
SM7 says to  (17:01:02):
you are a good person ggt183. bye
Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:38):
Amen SM7.
Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:44):
Thanks ggt183.
Benyamin Solomon says (17:01:53):
Agree to disagree for now, I guess.

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