Saturday, July 9, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone 7/8/2011

*** (00:12:50):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (00:17:17):
hi benyamin(L):-*
alf123 says to  (00:17:25):
alf here saying hello to all my Earth friends.
bluesky69 says to  (00:17:33):
hi alf123(L):-*
Benyamin Solomon says (00:17:50):
hi alf123.
Benyamin Solomon says (00:18:03):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:00):
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:20:09):
Hi blue (L):-*
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:20:18):
Hi Benyamin (})
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:20:26):
Hi alf (})
alf123 says to  (00:20:56):
Hi Mysty
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:58):
how are you this evening?
alf123 says to  (00:21:06):
I am good, thanks for asking
alf123 says to  (00:21:15):
A little hungry
bluesky69 says to  (00:21:17):
nnot u alf........holly
bluesky69 says to  (00:21:20):
bluesky69 says to  (00:21:26):
me 2
alf123 says to  (00:21:34):
you need to make that more clear. I thought you cared there for a minute
bluesky69 says to  (00:21:43):
bluesky69 says to  (00:22:03):
of cource i do
bluesky69 says to  (00:22:10):
alf123 says to  (00:23:05):
What's a libtard? Is that a smoked sausage? I like sausage
bluesky69 says to  (00:23:19):
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:01):
and warlordx benyamin
alf123 says to  (00:25:03):
I thought this was a show about cooking! Boy, was I off!
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:10):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:25:27):
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:30):
cooking? are u serious?
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:25:38):
I  am fine blue, how are you?
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:40):
alf123 says to  (00:25:42):
holy crap a ghost and an alien in the same room!
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:45):
im goood
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:25:47):
hello all (})
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:25:52):
Hi ghost (})
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:25:55):
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:59):
bluesky69 says to  (00:26:05):
bluesky69 says to  (00:26:28):
ghost shawn got a show on tonight
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:26:41):
ok i will try and make it
bluesky69 says to  (00:26:44):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:26:53):
bluesky69 says to  (00:27:07):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:27:11):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:27:16):
alf123 says to  (00:27:23):
does this Shawn talk about food?
bluesky69 says to  (00:27:33):
bluesky69 says to  (00:27:36):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:27:42):
bluesky69 says to  (00:27:45):
go eat if your hunggry
bluesky69 says to  (00:27:51):
bluesky69 says to  (00:28:09):
this alf guy is hungry \
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:28:19):
alf123 says to  (00:28:23):
how do you know I am a man? I could be both
bluesky69 says to  (00:28:26):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:28:38):
bluesky69 says to  (00:28:55):
well i don't know but i would  hate to find out
bluesky69 says to  (00:28:57):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:28:57):
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:29:08):
bluesky69 says to  (00:29:13):
:D ghost
bluesky69 says to  (00:30:13):
alf123 says to  (00:30:16):
I am going to find a cooking show. (})
ThunderCracker says to  (00:30:29):
ThunderCracker says to  (00:30:50):
any Trolls Tonight?
bluesky69 says to  (00:31:09):
no just that one guy alf
bluesky69 says to  (00:31:17):
i think he wasa troll
ThunderCracker says to  (00:32:12):
I was listening to another Show but The sound Failed! So Here I am!
bluesky69 says to  (00:32:21):
ohh ok
NickTrano says to  (00:32:28):
Listening to the Obama Muslim Terrorist thing?
NickTrano says to  (00:32:35):
Those guys are ***s, they don't even let you speak.
suckonit says to  (00:32:37):
any newt gengch's here?
NickTrano says to  (00:32:48):
Newt Gingrich here. You in the thread?
NickTrano says to  (00:33:00):
suckonit says to  (00:33:01):
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:33:06):
Hi TC :-*
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:33:15):
<~~Holly Lynn
ThunderCracker says to  (00:33:28):
suckonit says to  (00:33:37):
is there any potential here?
TechnoViking says to  (00:34:00):
Wait is this Newt talking?
ThunderCracker says to  (00:34:05):
Donald Duck libtard!(lol)
bluesky69 says to  (00:34:13):
(lol) thunder
TechnoViking says to  (00:34:13):
or actually the radio host?
NickTrano says to  (00:35:03):
Kentucky Fried Chicken is ***in' awesome, don't make fun of it!
TechnoViking says to  (00:35:27):
Shut up Roody poo
ThunderCracker says to  (00:35:29):
I call harry Reid! kentucky Reid Chicken!
suckonit says to  (00:35:47):
this room is full of cady asses
TechnoViking says to  (00:35:51):
tro10101 says to  (00:36:07):
what is this, i don't even
suckonit says to  (00:36:13):
well, back to /b/ase...
TechnoViking says to  (00:36:23):
Back to the drawing/b/oard
bluesky69 says to  (00:36:50):
ben talk like Thomas
bluesky69 says to  (00:37:02):
the parrot
ThunderCracker says to  (00:37:05):
Bye Bye Schmuckhead Trolls!:P
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:37:51):
thundercracker good one :D
bluesky69 says to  (00:37:59):
ThunderCracker says to  (00:38:13):
Hey Ghost!(})
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:38:13):
i used to say we going to get out our reid whackers it time to cut the reids
Ghostfighterradio says to  (00:38:22):
tro10101 says to  (00:38:47):
the obama muslim conspiracy guy is back on
Benyamin Solomon says (00:41:56):
Obama is a foreign-born Islamic Communust usurper.
Benyamin Solomon says (00:45:32):
I'll do the parrot talk soon.
Benyamin Solomon says (00:45:40):
How do you like the Kalagenesis sound?
ThunderCracker says to  (00:46:40):
Is That Warlady X?
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:46:45):
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:46:50):
Benyamin Solomon says (00:46:51):
Yes, that is Warlord X and Kalaidiot.
Benyamin Solomon says (00:47:04):
Warlord X is a girly sissy.
bluesky69 says to  (00:50:02):
bluesky69 says to  (00:50:06):
bluesky69 says to  (00:50:09):
bluesky69 says to  (00:50:42):
Benyamin Solomon says (00:51:06):
That's Kalagenesis.
bluesky69 says to  (00:51:17):
Thomas never gets old
bluesky69 says to  (00:51:26):
this one is even funnier
Benyamin Solomon says (00:51:27):
Exactly bluesky69.
Benyamin Solomon says (00:51:34):
Exactly again bluesky69.
bluesky69 says to  (00:52:05):
bluesky69 says to  (00:53:09):
ok i gotta run shawn got a show on now and i got to go cohost with him
bluesky69 says to  (00:53:12):
good ben
bluesky69 says to  (00:53:17):
good show ben
ThunderCracker says to  (00:55:10):
Last Time I heard Indonesia was The Largest Muslim Country!
ThunderCracker says to  (00:55:21):
Hey Donny!(})
Donny C says to  (00:55:32):
Hello TC!
Mystybluskyz says to  (00:56:41):
Hi Donny (})
Donny C says to  (00:57:15):
Hi Mysty!!
Camera Mom says to  (01:01:06):
a12iggymom says to  (01:01:29):
Hi Benyamin, CameraMom, Donny, Ghost, Mysty, Thunder
Camera Mom says to  (01:01:37):
Benyamin Solomon says (01:02:29):
Hi a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to  (01:02:37):
Hi O-zone
The O-zone™ says to  (01:02:46):
Donny C says to  (01:03:34):
Hi iggy!!
Mystybluskyz says to  (01:06:07):
Hi iggymom (})
ThunderCracker says to  (01:07:19):
Hi Iggy!(})
ThunderCracker says to  (01:07:31):
Hi O-zone!(})
The O-zone™ says to  (01:08:33):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:09:01):
Hi Beyamin
Benyamin Solomon says (01:09:41):
Hi Mark Brickely.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:10:01):
I am happy to be in Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone  .  .  .
Mark Brickley says to  (01:10:09):
a great place to be
Mark Brickley says to  (01:10:52):
that sounds like Yassar Arafat
Mystybluskyz says to  (01:11:05):
HI Mark (})
Mark Brickley says to  (01:11:07):
how did you get that recording of him
Mark Brickley says to  (01:11:22):
hi mystibluskyz
ThunderCracker says to  (01:12:36):
Hey Mark!(})
Mark Brickley says to  (01:14:34):
palestinians are not all nazi-like scumbags,  I heard there was one that was a moral decent person,  but it has not been proven
Camera Mom says to  (01:14:47):
I doubt it
Mark Brickley says to  (01:16:42):
I saw Palestine on a map once,  it was a fake map  ...
Camera Mom says to  (01:17:41):
I for one, am perfectly comfortable with an Islam free planet.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:18:10):
Me too,  muslims do not play well,  with others
Mark Brickley says to  (01:18:57):
  14 % believe in violence to impose sharia law.  that is enough to cause chaos in the United States
Mark Brickley says to  (01:19:24):
when are they going to convict Major Hasan,  speaking of evil muslims  ...
Camera Mom says to  (01:19:55):
I'd pay to see him hanging from a rope
Mark Brickley says to  (01:20:30):
What about Khalid Sheik Mohammad  ?  We got him in jail cell.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:20:42):
  what are we going to do with hiuim  ?
Camera Mom says to  (01:21:17):
Fish food?
Camera Mom says to  (01:21:36):
is that bad Arab rap?
Camera Mom says to  (01:22:29):
Oh funny!  The song is too funny!
Mark Brickley says to  (01:22:49):
I think the Saudi Arabia could make palestine a suburb of Riyadh,  right there in Saudi Arabia.  I know the Palestinians would be happier next to Saudi's ,  than Jews.  Sometimes I think palestinians do n
Mark Brickley says to  (01:23:05):
ot like Jews,  it hurts my feelings
Camera Mom says to  (01:23:11):
They are all Jordanians they should just WALK home
Mark Brickley says to  (01:23:57):
I am pretty sure Jordan does NOT WANT THEM.  EGYPT let some in once,  and they made so much trouble,  Egypt had to kick them back out
Camera Mom says to  (01:24:33):
Jordan is forcing them to do the dirty work for them, they are almost all Jordanians...GO HOME
Mark Brickley says to  (01:24:53):
I think that some of the area surrounding Israel belongs to Israel too.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:25:10):
Like the Sinai
Camera Mom says to  (01:25:15):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:26:23):
Actually Libya nand Egypt would welcome Israeli rule,  because we would not impose Sharia law  on them
Camera Mom says to  (01:26:53):
Israel needs a TAKE land for peace plan
Mark Brickley says to  (01:26:55):
We should run Jewish leaders in their elections before the muslim brotherhood takes them over
Camera Mom says to  (01:27:09):
Bomb Iran
Mark Brickley says to  (01:27:26):
I will be the more land Israel controls ,  the more peace there will be
Mark Brickley says to  (01:27:33):
  Muslims cannot rule well
Mark Brickley says to  (01:27:47):
  people do not like submitting to sharia law
Mark Brickley says to  (01:28:09):
  we would get the WOMAN VOTE
Camera Mom says to  (01:28:42):
some of those woman send their children to die
Mark Brickley says to  (01:28:42):
I would like to give the Jews a chance to rule the middle east
Mark Brickley says to  (01:28:57):
  we could do it BETTER
Mark Brickley says to  (01:29:19):
people like peace and fair treatment.  They don't get that from the muslim
Camera Mom says to  (01:29:30):
Jews have to stop being so civilized to rule all those nasty arabs
Camera Mom says to  (01:29:41):
bomb Iran
Mark Brickley says to  (01:29:46):
The muslims may even convert
Mark Brickley says to  (01:30:02):
  it beats the dumb educational system of muslims
Mark Brickley says to  (01:30:13):
  they all probably dream to be Jews
Camera Mom says to  (01:30:18):
they get the worst math scores in the world
Mark Brickley says to  (01:30:20):
intelligent and free
Mark Brickley says to  (01:30:39):
  Plus people do not have to blow themselves up
Camera Mom says to  (01:30:58):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:31:21):
THE MUSLIMS INVENTED the zero,  and have strived to make that score on every math test since
Mark Brickley says to  (01:32:18):
Being a muslim means not getting to be very educated,  creative ,  or productive
Camera Mom says to  (01:32:47):
Camera Mom says to  (01:33:11):
Islam creates NOTHING but war and misery
Mark Brickley says to  (01:33:36):
A lot of people in Iran wish the muslim would go away too.  Under the shah,  they were almost western and free
Mark Brickley says to  (01:33:49):
  now they fall into the medieval dark ages
Camera Mom says to  (01:33:51):
hey Ben how about that a muslims CAN have sex with his dead wife....ewwwww
Mark Brickley says to  (01:34:30):
who like kissing up to a fascist  ?  does not trip my trigger  ...
Mark Brickley says to  (01:35:58):
I thought Barrack Obama was a Jeremiah Wright type Christian  ...
ThunderCracker says to  (01:36:14):
Jeremiah Wrong!
Camera Mom says to  (01:36:22):
Well, that is MUSLIM
Mark Brickley says to  (01:36:25):
hater of Jews and whites,  and hater of the United States
Benyamin Solomon says (01:36:50):
The Arab and Muslim world [not talking about every Muslim and not talking about every Arab] is mentally retarded.
Camera Mom says to  (01:37:13):
It's perverts leading the retards
Mark Brickley says to  (01:37:25):
the ones who are not want to get away from Islam
Camera Mom says to  (01:37:53):
Muslims have been lied to and deceived and subjugated by Islam, islam murders mostly muslims
Mark Brickley says to  (01:37:53):
they were our natural allies in Iran,  intil Jimmy Carter installed the Ayahtollah
Camera Mom says to  (01:38:10):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:39:02):
Did you hear of the great Atlanta school cheating,  it was Obama types,  extending affirmative action and equal outcomes
Mark Brickley says to  (01:39:35):
they just lied and cheated,  rather than taught useful subjects
Mark Brickley says to  (01:39:55):
And they got rewarded handsomely
Camera Mom says to  (01:40:10):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:40:25):
we can never get ahead living the lie of affirmative action
Mark Brickley says to  (01:40:37):
  or the concept of peaceful muslims
Camera Mom says to  (01:40:42):
I'd like to see it at the Olympics
ThunderCracker says to  (01:40:45):
One of Iran`s problems is The Fruitcakes that run The Country!
Camera Mom says to  (01:40:57):
yup TC
Mark Brickley says to  (01:41:18):
Benyamin  Soloman
Camera Mom says to  (01:41:29):
Sorry you don't get Gold, everybody gets BRONZE it's only FAIR that way
Mark Brickley says to  (01:42:10):
That is what Obama the secret muslim wants to do to us,  no space program,  nothing but mediiocrity
Camera Mom says to  (01:43:24):
worse he is trying to destroy the USA not just make it below average..
Mark Brickley says to  (01:43:47):
The Obama-supporters have shown themselves to be capable of nothing but failure
Camera Mom says to  (01:43:58):
and destruction..
Camera Mom says to  (01:44:23):
Where are you Mark, in the US?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:44:24):
Can we call the black people,  like Obama,  the "m"  word  ?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:44:35):
I am in Las Vegas
Camera Mom says to  (01:44:38):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:44:40):
  where are you ?
Camera Mom says to  (01:44:44):
I'm in St Louis
Mark Brickley says to  (01:44:49):
Camera Mom says to  (01:44:56):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:45:01):
Oh my G-d,  St'  Louis
Mark Brickley says to  (01:45:10):
my heart goes out to you
Camera Mom says to  (01:45:11):
that bad?
Camera Mom says to  (01:45:18):
St Louis AREA
Camera Mom says to  (01:45:35):
why crime and the like?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:45:38):
yeah almost as bad a Detroit.
Camera Mom says to  (01:45:48):
yes it is downtown
Camera Mom says to  (01:45:55):
and east st louis
Mark Brickley says to  (01:46:08):
it is a rough city to live in
Camera Mom says to  (01:46:12):
higest crime in the us
Mark Brickley says to  (01:46:21):
  you get to see up close the fruits of liberalism
Camera Mom says to  (01:46:35):
LOL we have an awsome TEA party
Mark Brickley says to  (01:46:38):
it is a lot better in Las Vegas
Mark Brickley says to  (01:46:55):
  the police and mom keep it safe so people will come gamble
Camera Mom says to  (01:47:02):
we do not have many illegals like we did in VA
Camera Mom says to  (01:47:20):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:30):
mob  ,  not mom
Camera Mom says to  (01:47:34):
Camera Mom says to  (01:47:47):
I thought your mom was the chief of police
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:48):
a slip of the finger
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:57):
LOL  ha ha ha
Mark Brickley says to  (01:48:07):
she would run a clean city
Mark Brickley says to  (01:48:16):
  she was devoutly Jewish
Camera Mom says to  (01:48:18):
have you seen my videos of outside detroit...dearborn MI?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:48:36):
I makes me sick,
Mark Brickley says to  (01:48:54):
  I cannot believe our American dream has fallen that far
Camera Mom says to  (01:49:12):
who is on the phone?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:49:36):
Chicago,  New York,  and the whole state of California,  I consider to be unfit for human habitation
Mark Brickley says to  (01:49:53):
he sounds black and liberal
Camera Mom says to  (01:49:58):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:50:04):
I do not know who he is
Camera Mom says to  (01:50:19):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:50:42):
I am guessing Warloed X
Camera Mom says to  (01:50:51):
who is that?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:51:06):
warlord X,  we have a few muslims on blogtalkradio,  all evil I think
Camera Mom says to  (01:51:29):
What islam evil?  It means peace!
Camera Mom says to  (01:51:38):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:52:26):
Obama said the muslim call to prayer   "is the sweetest sound heard on Earth"   he sounds "m"  to me
Camera Mom says to  (01:52:38):
he IS
Mark Brickley says to  (01:52:44):
  I will use the "m"  word...  Muslim  !
Mark Brickley says to  (01:53:16):
worse than negro
Camera Mom says to  (01:53:42):
I know you are Jewish but I am a Christian and sometimes the word Anti-Christ comes to my mind
Mark Brickley says to  (01:53:43):
I alway donate every year to the "united Negro COllege fund"   so I can use the word
Mark Brickley says to  (01:53:47):
Camera Mom says to  (01:53:53):
Camera Mom says to  (01:54:01):
I will use the 'A" word
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:02):
satan  ?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:11):
athiest ?
Camera Mom says to  (01:54:20):
the top dog working for satan on earth
Camera Mom says to  (01:54:29):
Anti Christ
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:31):
Obama  ?
Camera Mom says to  (01:54:33):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:55:00):
thought so,  not a hard guy to follow,  leaves a trail of destroyed people
Camera Mom says to  (01:55:21):
only satans helpers would hate Israel
Mark Brickley says to  (01:55:26):
Camera Mom says to  (01:55:35):
he's a jerk
Mark Brickley says to  (01:55:38):
ha ha ha my 144 IQ serves me well
Camera Mom says to  (01:56:02):
I'm only 1298-|
Mark Brickley says to  (01:56:06):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:56:27):
Roman soldiers killed Jesus,  I have it on good authority
Camera Mom says to  (01:56:35):
muhamad said Jesus just came to proclain muhamhead that's all...
Camera Mom says to  (01:56:58):
It was Gods plan ....
Mark Brickley says to  (01:57:09):
Without the  Jews,  there would be no Jesus
Camera Mom says to  (01:57:46):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:57:50):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:08):
why are the blacks that much less intelligent  ?
Camera Mom says to  (01:58:27):
Not all but the government schools don't help
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:36):
That is the way to deal with a racist like him
Camera Mom says to  (01:59:06):
government schools make America dumb
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:10):
Black superintendent  affirmative actioned into place,  same with principals,  teachers
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:18):
  they get what they wanted
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:26):
  but the kids did not benefit
Camera Mom says to  (01:59:45):
lots of dumb white marxists here Mark..
Beachbum55 says to  (01:59:54):
They are Low..
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:58):
Camera Mom says to  (02:00:07):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:14):
Beachbum55 says to  (02:00:34):
a12iggymom says to  (02:00:38):
going to get some sleep, thanks Benyamin, night all
Beachbum55 says to  (02:00:39):
ignore it..
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:41):
they can't keep their dates straight
Camera Mom says to  (02:00:43):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:48):
  they cannot argue well
Camera Mom says to  (02:00:58):
is it over?
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:00):
  whites can be dumbed down by marxism too
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:07):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:15):
  even a government official like WEINER
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:19):
marx was a jew
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:21):
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:28):
but he was a drunk
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:29):
look what being liberal did to him
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:33):
Camera Mom says to  (02:01:50):
weiner was married to the muslim brotherhood
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:55):
  what a genius,  being married by Bill Clinton  (satan junior)  to a muslim spy
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:05):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:08):
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:14):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:15):
you got that right
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:17):
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:29):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:32):
Camera mom  (L)
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:45):
I will look forward to seeing you again
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:48):
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:51):
see my videos
Camera Mom says to  (02:02:59):
mark (L)
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:00):
well tell me first
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:09):
where can we go now
Camera Mom says to  (02:03:15):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:19):
  I would like to discuss your videos
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:24):
nd talk more
Camera Mom says to  (02:03:36):
okay some day, email me at the channel...
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:42):
I have an idea ..
Camera Mom says to  (02:03:49):
I work for The United West
Mark Brickley says to  (02:04:25):
well well  I was just thinking a short edate here.  Will you play checkers at yahoo  ?  we can chat there
Mark Brickley says to  (02:04:43):
and talk about your videos
Mark Brickley says to  (02:04:57):
it is friday night
Mark Brickley says to  (02:05:07):
  I want to be witty and socialize
Mark Brickley says to  (02:05:31):
it is only midnight in Vegas,  the place is waking up
Mark Brickley says to  (02:06:25):
Good SHow Benyamin
Mark Brickley says to  (02:06:43):
I am looking forward to wrestling with Warlord X
Mark Brickley says to  (02:06:59):
maybe settle some matters of the spirit with him

Benyamin Solomon says (02:23:52):

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