Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday night politics with Ben Solomon 1/30/2012

*** (22:14:55):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Minister Grok says to  (22:18:13):
Minister Grok says to  (22:18:16):
God Bless you Ben!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:19:50):
God bless you to, minister grok.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:23:01):
Can you hear me clearly?
Minister Grok says to  (22:23:18):
you sound fine!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:25:42):
Thank yoy for saying me.
Minister Grok says to  (22:26:41):
Keep speakin that truth!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:27:22):
Thanks, Minister Grok.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:31:44):
Minister Grok says to  (22:40:12):
Hello ggt
GGT183 says to  (22:43:30):
Hi Minister Grok!
GGT183 says to  (22:44:54):
Islam is the single biggest external threat to could even argue that its a minor internal threat
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:47:06):
GGT183 says to  (22:50:43):
what Paulbots fail to do is..understand the mindset of radical Islam..and their expansionist desires.Islam is not a religion,its a covert plan to usher in a worldwide caliphate and make the whole world submit to sharia law
GGT183 says to  (22:51:28):
we should continue to fight it everywhere and everytime we see it
GGT183 says to  (22:52:38):
the stakes are very high....we should take it very serious.
GGT183 says to  (22:58:31):
a12iggymom says to  (22:58:31):
Hi Benyamin, ggt, Thunder
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:58:31):
Hi a12iggymom.
GGT183 says to  (22:58:37):
GGT183 says to  (23:00:10):
if the republicans go along woth Obama and cut defense...i'm done with the republicans
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:24):
The Republicnas are the lesser of two evils.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:40):
I'm just a Republican to make them more Conservative. America has become a two party system.
GGT183 says to  (23:00:45):
yes..but they cave to easy..IMO
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:51):
True. Too many of them do.
ThunderCracker says to  (23:02:48):
Hi Iggy!(})
GGT183 says to  (23:02:56):
ecco says to  (23:03:03):
Israel is about Jacob and Joseph's two sons ...the rest is banker BS (H)
ecco says to  (23:03:10):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:03:21):
ggt and ecco!(})
GGT183 says to  (23:03:30):
a12iggymom says to  (23:03:32):
hi ecco
aabbcc says to  (23:03:44):
hey germaine
aabbcc says to  (23:03:50):
let me guess....
ecco says to  (23:03:51):
ggt, aabbcc, TC, a1
aabbcc says to  (23:03:59):
we're talking about israel
ecco says to  (23:04:02):
aabbcc says to  (23:04:04):
aabbcc says to  (23:04:41):
i never say dirty jew
ecco says to  (23:04:43):
let's take off da gloves :D
aabbcc says to  (23:04:48):
quit lying ben
aabbcc says to  (23:05:22):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:05:39):
GGT183 says to  (23:05:44):
oscara says to  (23:05:47):
(})rwj, iggymom, abc, ECCO, Thunder!!!!!
aabbcc says to  (23:05:49):
israel is a terrorist state
a12iggymom says to  (23:05:53):
hi Oscara
oscara says to  (23:05:58):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:06:05):
Iran is a Terrorist State!
oscara says to  (23:06:12):
ecco says to  (23:06:28):
Israel is about Jacob and his son Joseph's two sons...not a land mass
oscara says to  (23:06:49):
yes, poetry, ECCO
ecco says to  (23:07:19):
oscara i had more respect :D
aabbcc says to  (23:07:23):
oscara says to  (23:07:35):
lol Ecco, get off the bar! lol
aabbcc says to  (23:07:39):
oscara says to  (23:07:50):
Ecco's Tiki Bar
ecco says to  (23:08:16):
(Tp) pouring oscara a three shot drink
oscara says to  (23:08:22):
Are you taking skype calls? rwj
oscara says to  (23:08:29):
whoa ECCO
*** (23:08:46):aabbcc is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
oscara says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:09:05):
Do you accept Skype calls?
ecco says to  (23:09:14):
get real, jews are evil
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to oscara (private) (23:09:16):
oscara says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:09:24):
what's you i.d. on skype?
oscara says to  (23:10:19):
I can do that?
oscara says to  (23:10:23):
How do u do it?
BathTubGirl says to  (23:12:22):
i am so in love . . . (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:12:32):
ABC. call in chicken.
ecco says to  (23:12:38):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:13:34):
Can you hear me clearly?
GGT183 says to  (23:13:55):
a12iggymom says to  (23:14:12):
now, but you were breaking up earlier
*** (23:14:13):aabbcc has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:14:21):aabbcc is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
GGT183 says to  (23:14:32):
oscara says to  (23:15:02):
(Tp)<rwj obsessed w/ abc
oscara says to  (23:15:56):
The govt. is fascistic, not the people, rwj
GGT183 says to  (23:16:13):
c'mon Ben...unmute abc...he was following the rules...let us debate him in chat
oscara says to  (23:16:26):
The people in Syria, for example, don't even have enough clear water.
ecco says to  (23:16:27):

Isaac had two sons, one the evil Esau,  and one Jacob/Israel...Israel is man not a land mass and the one under oppression in da USA
oscara says to  (23:16:49):
sevendeviations says to  (23:17:14):
Oh, that is a person
oscara says to  (23:17:16):
i'm leaving; nobody answers me and rwj won't tell me how to call the show on skype
sevendeviations says to  (23:17:41):
I am free from the fake left vs right puppet show.  I am free from the propaganda.
GGT183 says to  (23:17:52):
oscara..just click on the skype button beside the call in number
sevendeviations says to  (23:17:56):
I respect the peoples of all nations and brainwashed by all religions.
oscara says to  (23:18:22):
ggt, oh
sevendeviations says to  (23:18:46):
I wish more people of Jewish faith stood up against the criminal acts of the Israeli government.
a12iggymom says to  (23:18:56):
Biblical Borders of the Land of Israel,
sevendeviations says to  (23:19:01):
I wish more Americans stood up against the actions of the American government.
oscara says to  (23:19:14):
ggt, thanks, another time. rwj is moody
sevendeviations says to  (23:19:20):
I wish the peoples of all nations stood up against the actions of all their governments.
GGT183 says to  (23:19:23):
lol..i know
sevendeviations says to  (23:19:35):
If you are calling your listeners chickens then you obviously are not interested in discourse.
sevendeviations says to  (23:19:39):
It is sad
*** (23:20:13):aabbcc has been unmuted by Admin.
aabbcc says to  (23:20:25):
ecco says to  (23:20:26):
jews think they are the closen one...wrong (H)
GGT183 says to  (23:20:39):
*** (23:20:44):aabbcc is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (23:20:59):
is this a time warp to 1930's Germany here. geez
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:20:56):
Abc, call in coward.
ecco says to  (23:21:02):
jews are not part of God's kingdom
BobUSMC says to  (23:21:04):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:21:03):
I call in when abc cohosts ggt183's show.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:21:10):
I'll unmute you abc if you call in.
a12iggymom says to  (23:21:17):
which one of you play Hitler
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:21:14):
That chicken abc left.
Measure of Faith says to  (23:21:24):
a12iggymom says to  (23:21:31):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:21:33):
Abc is a chicken. He knows that he won't have a chance when he doesn't control the studio.
GGT183 says to  (23:21:42):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:21:59):
Ben abc won't call because he can't mute you on your show
Measure of Faith says to  (23:22:04):
abc is a coward
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:22:05):
Exactly, Robert.
BobUSMC says to  (23:22:21):
lol, that's right.
sevendeviations says to  (23:22:24):
Just because you are an asshole and have the internet does not mean you HAVE to spew your bull*** at people.
sevendeviations says to  (23:22:26):
a12iggymom says to  (23:23:05):
Hi Antoinette
Antoinette from De says to  (23:24:33):
GGT183 says to  (23:25:34):
Antoinette..thanks for all the info you sent me on skype..still reading some of it
ecco says to  (23:26:18):
abc is ok just a little confused on o and Holder
Antoinette from De says to  (23:26:32):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:27:10):
GGT183 says to  (23:28:32):
DesertRose says to  (23:28:45):
a12iggymom says to  (23:28:47):
Hi (((Rose)))
DesertRose says to  (23:28:55):
:-* GGT(L)
DesertRose says to  (23:29:01):
DesertRose says to  (23:29:15):
(F) hi Benji
BobUSMC says to  (23:29:27):
Obama: "...I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!...."
DesertRose says to  (23:29:31):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:29:36):
Hi desertrose.
GGT183 says to  (23:29:42):
maybe 44..but not
a12iggymom says to  (23:29:53):
ecco says to  (23:30:25):
o is clean up hitter :D sorry he's on da bench
DesertRose says to  (23:30:28):
ecco says to  (23:31:36):
(Tp) giving o a water job
GGT183 says to  (23:32:16):
BobUSMC says to  (23:32:36):
according to ObamaLiar himself he's only behind LyndonJohnson, FDR, and Lincoln
BobUSMC says to  (23:32:47):
hahaha, wut a self absorbed delusional gasbag.
beerhunter says to  (23:32:50):
hey ggt
BobUSMC says to  (23:33:03):
Obama is a total piece of shiit.
GGT183 says to  (23:33:05):
that would make him 5th best..Obama cant even
BobUSMC says to  (23:33:09):
beerhunter says to  (23:33:55):
now masive faliure is the 4th pest golfer in politics wait what
beerhunter says to  (23:34:10):
GGT183 says to  (23:34:15):
a12iggymom says to  (23:34:42):
Hi beerhunter!
ecco says to  (23:34:44):
no one is famous as a renewal of a famous person..Hollyweird sucks since there is no new talent (H)
BobUSMC says to  (23:34:56):
we knew he couldn't count, real there's 57 states for him.
BobUSMC says to  (23:34:59):
BobUSMC says to  (23:35:13):
GGT183 says to  (23:35:24):
and hawaii is i asia
GGT183 says to  (23:35:28):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:35:52):
hey teabaggers
GGT183 says to  (23:35:56):
Warlord X!!
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:36:05):
and my brothers and sisters
Antoinette from De says to  (23:36:09):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:36:11):
peace ggt
a12iggymom says to  (23:36:17):
well that is rude
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:36:19):
hello A
Measure of Faith says to  (23:36:26):
what up warlord  manhugger x
*** (23:36:26):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Antoinette from De says to  (23:36:37):
how are you Warlord
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:36:37):
Warlord X, how was your show slandering me?
*** (23:36:39):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:36:50):
teabaggers are rude to their own ki
Measure of Faith says to  (23:36:53):
how's the gay agenda treating you warlord manhugger x ?
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:36:54):
*** (23:36:53):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (23:37:00):
tea bagging is wut you gayasss libs do.
BobUSMC says to  (23:37:05):
homo loverz
BobUSMC says to  (23:37:09):
DesertRose says to  (23:37:15):

ecco says to  (23:37:18):
the tribes are upon us :D
DesertRose says to  (23:37:26):
that was scary
DesertRose says to  (23:37:32):
warlord is tht you!!!!!
DesertRose says to  (23:37:41):
why your font faded
BobUSMC says to  (23:37:55):
font faded because he's muted
DesertRose says to  (23:38:00):
ecco says to  (23:38:02):
(Tp) getting my spear ready
DesertRose says to  (23:38:13):
(lol) already ot in trouble
DesertRose says to  (23:38:26):
(F) here have a flower
BobUSMC says to  (23:38:28):
warlordX is a ninnyboy, can't even hold a rifle correctly.  haha
beerhunter says to  (23:38:53):
man did i get blog talked
DesertRose says to  (23:39:05):
8-| f bomb
ecco says to  (23:39:27):
(Tp) grinding up warlords with a meat grinder
Antoinette from De says to  (23:39:46):
DesertRose says to  (23:39:47):
Warlord I would bust you out..but I dont have a key
DesertRose says to  (23:39:51):
brotherk says to  (23:39:52):
hello to all!!
DesertRose says to  (23:39:57):
ecco says to  (23:39:57):
DesertRose says to  (23:40:01):
hey brother K!
GGT183 says to  (23:40:02):
Brother K...!!!
beerhunter says to  (23:40:07):
hey K
brotherk says to  (23:40:07):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:40:12):
hello Brother K and Rose
ecco says to  (23:40:22):
k/ecco 2012
brotherk says to  (23:40:25):
what happened to the ggt show tonight?
brotherk says to  (23:40:33):
GGT183 says to  (23:40:36):
no show on Sundayss
brotherk says to  (23:40:50):
beerhunter says to  (23:40:58):
most likley blog talked K its going around again
BobUSMC says to  (23:41:19):
yo broK, wut it b.
brotherk says to  (23:41:23):
unmute warlord x
brotherk says to  (23:41:34):
wassup bob !!
ecco says to  (23:41:46):
(Tp) k brought his meat grinder
BobUSMC says to  (23:41:48):
chillin' like a villain
BobUSMC says to  (23:41:50):
brotherk says to  (23:42:07):
the meat grinder is in full effect
DesertRose says to  (23:42:08):
(Tp) looking for key
brotherk says to  (23:42:13):
*** (23:42:13):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to  (23:42:21):
Obama: "...I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!...."
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:42:25):
Desert Rose !  BTW...Hitler was a self-hating Jew. I don't wish bad on anyone that doesn't cause trouble. But Hitler was a Jewish Uncle Tom. BTW, when is the brother k show starting ?
DesertRose says to  (23:42:25):
see its magic
DesertRose says to  (23:42:27):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:42:30):
beerhunter says to  (23:42:31):
warlord X says i once touched prez down grade he felt like sik panties hey what?
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:42:49):
whoooooooooo the uncle toms are in the house tonight ! i love it
*** (23:42:51):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
brotherk says to  (23:42:59):
the brother k show has already started
DesertRose says to  (23:43:03):
BobUSMC says to  (23:43:29):
damn warlord, i didn't know you were such a faggot.  u liked Obama silk panties, didn't you.   8-|
beerhunter says to  (23:43:31):
my uncle tom  hunter is here were
Antoinette from De says to  (23:43:32):
you hv a show Bro K
brotherk says to  (23:44:14):
yes! this is not really benyamin solomon talking!! it's really me !!:D
Antoinette from De says to  (23:44:28):
lol.  ok
aabbcc says to  (23:44:32):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:44:42):
hello abc
aabbcc says to  (23:44:50):
hey ant
GGT183 says to  (23:44:52): strikes again :D
aabbcc says to  (23:44:57):
DesertRose says to  (23:45:10):
:S sit by ggt
brotherk says to  (23:45:14):
i see that btr shut warlordx down again on his show
aabbcc says to  (23:45:26):
ecco says to  (23:45:42):
k/ecco  in 2012
GGT183 says to  (23:45:43):
brotherk says to  (23:45:55):
good point ben! why do africans dislike kala and warlordx?
aabbcc says to  (23:46:08):
BobUSMC says to  (23:46:23):
warlord got the axe because his rifle pose is pathetic!  haha, even my grandma can shoot better than that.
brotherk says to  (23:47:00):
unmute warlord x! we have an african listening in your chatroom as a guest!
aabbcc says to  (23:47:05):
did somebody accuse ben of molesting little boys?
beerhunter says to  (23:47:11):
bab he was no marks man or was he holding a gun like it might bite him
brotherk says to  (23:47:18):
i want him to see warlord x represent himself
Measure of Faith says to  (23:47:24):
lol abc the telegraph the british version of the national enquirer
beerhunter says to  (23:47:25):
GGT183 says to  (23:47:26):
({) i guess @ abc
aabbcc says to  (23:47:31):
*** (23:47:27):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Measure of Faith says to  (23:47:37):
lol abc got crayons to go with that link
Antoinette from De says to  (23:47:42):
I never heard that b4 abc
Beachbum55 says to  (23:47:44):
GGT183 says to  (23:47:51):
Beachbum55 says to  (23:47:53):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:47:54):
the brother k show. what a joke that would  And that clown, Robert Scott.  brother k, you are a black muppet
BobUSMC says to  (23:47:57):
let warlord speak, he'll remove ALL doubt about how much of a brainwashed lemming he is.
aabbcc says to  (23:47:57):
yeah... its been out for a while
BobUSMC says to  (23:48:00):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:48:05):
abc loves to quote the british rags as real sources
ecco says to  (23:48:05):
(Tp) seeking the dogs on warloard
aabbcc says to  (23:48:13):
that article is dated october 2009
aabbcc says to  (23:48:22):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:48:24):
abc is too big a coward to call in
DesertRose says to  (23:48:30):
this chat is live tonight
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:48:40):
yes Rose !
beerhunter says to  (23:48:41):
warlord X still getting barry money
DesertRose says to  (23:48:44):
aabbcc says to  (23:48:45):
the telegraph says he does
Measure of Faith says to  (23:48:53):
abc quotes a british sensational rag as a source
brotherk says to  (23:48:55):
come on warlord x. i have a special guest from africa logged into the chatroom
Measure of Faith says to  (23:48:58):
lol abc is a fool
aabbcc says to  (23:49:03):
show the prof that he does not have this past ben
Measure of Faith says to  (23:49:20):
lol abc get a creditable source
ThunderCracker says to  (23:49:23):
BobUSMC says to  (23:49:24):
who here gets Obama food stamps?  warlord?   aabbcc?
BobUSMC says to  (23:49:27):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:49:32):
wow. the tea party is having it's convention here. i guess they couldn't get jesse lee peterson, so brother k is taking his place
brotherk says to  (23:49:42):
oh yes, and he is a business man that does trade and imports
Measure of Faith says to  (23:49:48):
the telegraph is slightly less true that the david icke crap you parrot
BobUSMC says to  (23:49:54):
jesse lee peterson ROCKS!!!
brotherk says to  (23:50:10):
thunder !!!! (})
aabbcc says to  (23:50:19):
kurtcobain says to  (23:50:46):
gas the jews!
BobUSMC says to  (23:50:53):
liberal "males" have man-gina's
aabbcc says to  (23:50:55):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:50:58):
brother k. when you show anyone that you're more into them than they are into you, the balance of respect falls against you
beerhunter says to  (23:50:59):
wow  faliure telepromter cant dig a pip line ditch but high speed ral is a winner
BobUSMC says to  (23:51:16):
*** (23:51:12):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
DesertRose says to  (23:51:27):
aabbcc says to  (23:51:30):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:51:34):
Cobain has gas!
*** (23:51:30):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Beachbum55 says to  (23:51:42):
Kurt???   banned....
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:51:44):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:51:50):
stop looking for love in all the wrong places brother k
beerhunter says to  (23:51:54):
good grunge sucked
BobUSMC says to  (23:52:08):
i thought kurt cobain killed himself???
BobUSMC says to  (23:52:19):
Beachbum55 says to  (23:52:20):
me too...
aabbcc says to  (23:52:28):
BobUSMC says to  (23:52:31):
fookin' idiot
beerhunter says to  (23:52:34):
is this a paranormal show for dumb libs
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:52:34):
great for him. but he's not alone, and you're making our point
ecco says to  (23:52:39):
warloard sucks
aabbcc says to  (23:52:51):
protocols of zion
aabbcc says to  (23:52:53):
BobUSMC says to  (23:53:07):
aabbcc is a racial hypocrite.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:53:10):
i hope the african gentleman heard ben talk about him living in mud huts
BobUSMC says to  (23:53:11):
plain and simple
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:53:18):
did you hear that guest
beerhunter says to  (23:53:22):
what points do they live in fairy land X i want the unicorn
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:53:35):
brother k lets people who hate him use him
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:53:59):
that's why he's not insulted by the insult hurled at you
beerhunter says to  (23:54:07):
no i think we just hate your views
beerhunter says to  (23:54:16):
wven the unicorn
aabbcc says to  (23:54:17):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:54:21):
he knew you are here when he said that africans live in mud huts
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:54:38):
ha ! backfired on you brother k
BobUSMC says to  (23:54:45):
I don't hate bro K, he's a great American.
ecco says to  (23:55:00):
all the fkin African waroads
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:55:06):
see how embarrassing the brother k show would be ?
BobUSMC says to  (23:55:21):
warlord X has been SO brainwashed it's hilarious.
brotherk says to  (23:55:29):
thanks bob!! you are a great american as well !!!
beerhunter says to  (23:55:40):
to who race card thrower then it might be great
BobUSMC says to  (23:55:48):
(6)  yea, i know.  hehehe
aabbcc says to  (23:55:49):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:55:53):
but there are double standards as to what Ben can say vs. others
beerhunter says to  (23:56:15):
tribal how
brotherk says to  (23:56:15):
i do more for africa than warlordx ever will. my proof is logged into the chatroom
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:56:13):
Warlord X, you call ISrael a "welfare state", yet you want to say that Africa is "rising". I find that odd, Warlord X.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:56:29):
No one in Africa cares about what Warlord X or Kala says.
beerhunter says to  (23:56:35):
its bens show moron
BobUSMC says to  (23:56:35):
bro K, I'm still waiting for jackass Tessler, and jackass Antoinette to taake my bet and prove that I never served inUSMC.  hahaha.  the idiots.
BobUSMC says to  (23:57:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:57:09):
I got audio files of Warlord X's hate speech.
BobUSMC says to  (23:57:23):
stupid people - you just gotta send them to Cuba
beerhunter says to  (23:57:28):
been could say he is going on a skittles rainbow chasing mission its his show
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:57:42):
why would brother k think that this one guy represents all of africa ? see, he's trying to use you brother. and he knows how, because it happens to him regularly
ecco says to  (23:57:43):
warlords still use containers for pilliging water..they never saw a pump :D
brotherk says to  (23:57:46):
wow bob!! let's see what pans out
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:58:09):
when are you starting your show brother k ?
BobUSMC says to  (23:58:18):
they hurl pure lies and won't back it up.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:58:20):
???????????? lol........!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
beerhunter says to  (23:58:23):
sweet lord do liberals get were my first amendment starts and yours stops wow
brotherk says to  (23:58:25):
it is not just one guy! this man employs over 300 people
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:58:32):
enjoy the show !
BobUSMC says to  (23:58:33):
i just love idiots like that.
BobUSMC says to  (23:58:36):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:58:54):
so do many other people on the continent
BobUSMC says to  (23:59:21):
warlord you got NOTHING, as usual.  hahaha
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:59:27):
300 people. a lot of people work as hospital administrators
beerhunter says to  (23:59:44):
warped lord its bens chat room go yell on a corner
Tribal Warlord X says to  (00:00:02):
i'll give you money if you need it bro k
Tribal Warlord X says to  (00:00:09):
i have plenty to give away
ThunderCracker says to  (00:00:15):
Beachbum55 says to  (00:00:19):
a12iggymom says to  (00:00:30):
thanks Benyamin, great show
brotherk says to  (00:00:30):
he does free trade and he has already started the inferstructure program!
BobUSMC says to  (00:00:36):
that's good warlord, pay for my monthly music show.  $40 a month
GGT183 says to  (00:00:39):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (00:00:39):
i don't hate anyone. i live a great life
BobUSMC says to  (00:00:39):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:00:49):
Warlord X has praised Bin Ladin.
a12iggymom says to  (00:00:55):
night everyone
ecco says to  (00:00:59):
Isarel is not the BS you tink... it's about Jacob and his son Joseph's two sons and not about land mass
BobUSMC says to  (00:01:08):
you hate yourself war, and America.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:03):
Beachbum55 says to  (00:01:19):
pay ur child support 1st...
brotherk says to  (00:01:36):
lol @beachbum
brotherk says to  (00:01:41):
beerhunter says to  (00:02:05):
godd show and chat
beerhunter says to  (00:02:10):

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