Monday, July 11, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone 7/10/2011

*** (00:10:57):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (00:17:29):
bluesky69 says to  (00:18:05):
i can only stay for a few min shawn got a show on in 15 minà
Beachbum55 says to  (00:19:43):
thats Cuz IF UR Not a Typical Liberal NY Jew UR a Traitor to these Crazy Brainwashed Liberal fools who are helping Kill their Own People and ancestors..
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:12):
ben do the parrot talk
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:15):
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:31):
warlord x is a looseer
Beachbum55 says to  (00:20:33):
Love the Parrot Talk too...
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:34):
bluesky69 says to  (00:20:39):
me too
Beachbum55 says to  (00:20:54):
He Hasnt a Clue... < warlord zero.
bluesky69 says to  (00:21:05):
benyamin should have been a comedian
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:22:29):
hey beachbum
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:22:31):
hey ben
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:22:36):
bluesky69 says to  (00:22:46):
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:22:49):
what's the truth of the matter ben?
Beachbum55 says to  (00:23:01):
Hey Vince.  Hope U enjoy some time off even if its taking Care of work business..
bluesky69 says to  (00:23:22):
ben do the parrot talk before i go
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:24:17):
yes, thanks beach, i'm doing a show 2nite
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:24:29):
but for the rest of the week, it will be on and off
Beachbum55 says to  (00:24:40):
Vince in the Bay says to  (00:24:54):
hey mac
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:08):
ok gotta run now i gotta go help shawn set up
Beachbum55 says to  (00:25:10):
see ya round 3am east.
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:14):
good show ben (L)(L)
Beachbum55 says to  (00:25:16):
see u soon Blue
bluesky69 says to  (00:25:22):
ok bb
Beachbum55 says to  (00:25:36):
will listen to Ben on my ipod later...
Beachbum55 says to  (00:26:11):
Blue Ur Missing Bens Parrot Talk!!!
Beachbum55 says to  (00:26:40):
I dont Like Muters... Thats Why Vince will always Rule...
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:27:22):
whats up  vince, sorry. my girlfriend had a total meltdown
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:27:47):
i have been out of country
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:28:52):
i love me some benamin. glad to be back. wow.
BryanSmith0 says to  (00:29:23):
Do you believe that the continued occupation of Palestinian Land is "normal"
a12iggymom says to  (00:30:23):
Hi Benyamin
BryanSmith0 says to  (00:30:43):
There is a difference between "calling for war" and ACTING on the impulse
BryanSmith0 says to  (00:32:39):
I do give israel credit for recognition of same sex marriage of other countries
Antoinette from De says to  (00:32:47):
hello ben,  iggy, bryan, mac and guest
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:32:58):
i am going to buy benyamin skype. or the new head sets, i llove this show, but i cant hear hear him sometimes.(H)
a12iggymom says to  (00:33:27):
Hi Antoinette
Antoinette from De says to  (00:33:52):
hello iggy,  i look forward to reading your blog can you post it again pls
*** (00:34:25):BryanSmith0 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (00:35:24):
Mark Brickley says to  (00:35:34):
Benyamin Solomon  Whow
Mark Brickley says to  (00:35:39):
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:35:58):
Blessings Benny(})
a12iggymom says to  (00:36:10):
Hi Steve
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:36:12):
tonight,was stuffed durbin nite. we have good equipment.
Mark Brickley says to  (00:36:20):
no such thing as palestine
Antoinette from De says to  (00:36:34):
ty iggy,  I will read it and become a follower and give you the link to mine
Mark Brickley says to  (00:36:35):
Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:47):
Blessings to you to Chaplain Steve.
Antoinette from De says to  (00:37:24):
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:37:27):
that came in awesome. loud
a12iggymom says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (00:37:27):
have you read this yet?
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:37:41):
What' the latest with the Flotilla??
Antoinette from De says to  (00:37:44):
Iggymom,  there is mine
Antoinette from De says to  (00:38:07):
I have not done one in months but I am going to do one tonight or tomorrow
a12iggymom says to  (00:38:10):
thank you Antoinette
Antoinette from De says to  (00:38:24):
ty,  I look forward to reading yours
a12iggymom says to  (00:38:30):
same here
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:38:39):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:38:39):
ty again
a12iggymom says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (00:39:52):
U.S, Soros' Fundation providing financial and military aid to the KLA on Kosovo war
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:40:19):
Muslim Brotherhood = 30% of government
MacMikeStiny says to  (00:40:26):
we want ben on our show this coming saturday. we assume,he has some good sports opinions. we cant wait. its a clean show.(H)
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:40:39):

Antoinette from De says to  (00:40:47):
iggymom, I becme a follower of your blog
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:40:51):
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:41:11):
iggymom has a good blog
Antoinette from De says to  (00:41:36):
yes I was just looking at it, I cannot wait to really get into it
Antoinette from De says to  (00:42:01):
I like to support fellow bloggers
a12iggymom says to  (00:42:35):
same here Antoinette, always follow the new medias
Antoinette from De says to  (00:43:02):
yes that is where you get the real truth from it is sad to say
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:45:25):

Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:48:40):
Liar in Chief
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:49:29):
Mark Brickley says to  (00:50:04):
Mark Brickley says to  (00:50:23):
Their music sucks
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:51:40):
ha ha music:D
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:52:36):
:S :S :S :S :S:S:S
Benyamin Solomon says (00:53:15):
Thank God America is not based on Islamic principles(H)
ecco says to  (00:53:43):
my Obummer blocker comes in handy :D
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:53:45):
Chaplainsteve1 says to  (00:53:59):
Benyamin Solomon says (00:55:31):
Imagine if it was a Conservative or Tea party activist calling Obama the n word. Imagine the reaction from the left.
ecco says to  (00:55:43):
Qaddafi is black? 8-|
ecco says to  (00:59:24):
i eat i a racist? :D
a12iggymom says to  (00:59:36):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:03:22):
negro  ?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:03:35):
Khaddafi is a semite
Mark Brickley says to  (01:03:39):
  not a black
Mark Brickley says to  (01:04:00):
he is the same race as I am
Mark Brickley says to  (01:05:15):
chaplainsteve1 I never heard of nigro,  do you mean nigra ?
African Warlord X says to  (01:16:06):
I want some tuna on rye
*** (01:16:15):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (01:22:06):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (01:22:11):
with Kosher pickles. I'll eat them while I'm checking on my tenants. By the way, if anyone wants to by a yamukah emblazoned with the star of david, i'll hook you up. A free Torah comes with the packet. We're getting a doc fired 4 performing circumcisions !
African Warlord X says to  (01:22:23):
Serbs = Turds
*** (01:22:30):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
pumpkin13 says to  (01:25:23):
Ben, what about the Serbs killing and raping and burning the homes of Albanian Muslims 98-99.
pumpkin13 says to  (01:26:29):
It is not a lie Ben.....again, you make up history and deny history.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:26:45):
takiyya    that is the muslim word that means lying is right with their dog-god
*** (01:26:47):pumpkin13 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Mark Brickley says to  (01:27:22):
pumpkin  13 I didn't know you hated Jews
*** (01:28:06):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (01:28:11):
Terrorists like Slovadan Milosovik. He was worse than Hitler. The Serbs need to acknowledge that Kosovo is a Muslim State. The deserve to have what the Jews in Palestine want. And clean up your language. Right ! @ 13 Why not launch the gunship sound ?
MacMikeStiny says to  (01:28:17):
African Warlord X says to  (01:28:29):
Praise the Muslim Brotherhood !!!!!!!
African Warlord X says to  (01:28:38):
and Palestinians
*** (01:28:43):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MacMikeStiny says to  (01:29:07):
hitler was into incest,and scat
MacMikeStiny says to  (01:29:32):
he also did meth
Benyamin Solomon says (01:30:06):
I kicked that libtard Warlord X out.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:30:20):
The muslim brotherhood is a pack of dogs,  they should be put away where they cannot mix with humans.  muslims are a blight upon mankind
MacMikeStiny says to  (01:30:56):
private pile, what is your major malfunction?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:31:10):
it ia your ahow,  you can kick satan or muslim X out when you want to ...
Benyamin Solomon says (01:31:22):
I had to announce that.
miyagi says to  (01:31:47):
david cole? look it up
Mark Brickley says to  (01:32:19):
MacMikeStiny says to  (01:32:27):
this is my riffle, this is my gun.
Mark Brickley says to  (01:36:57):
WHO is the caller ?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:37:04):
warlord X  ?
Mark Brickley says to  (01:38:31):
DO NOT APOLOGIZE OR DEFEND YOURSELF BENYAMIN SOLOMON,  if you did not doctor it up,  just say that,  you maake warlord X sound right ,  even though he is wrong  SPEAK YOUR PIECE ,
Mark Brickley says to  (01:39:14):
Let it go already,  we want to get away from Antony Weiner appearances
bluesky69 says to  (01:39:25):
hi iggy(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (01:39:37):
hi mark(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (01:39:52):
hi benyamin(L):-*
Benyamin Solomon says (01:41:03):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
Mark Brickley says to  (01:46:56):
Exterminate the muslims,  they will not stop killing others
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:07):
They are unfit to live on the earth
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:30):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:47:58):
there is nothing good in the muslim brotherhood
Mark Brickley says to  (01:48:22):
offending someone is good argument
Mark Brickley says to  (01:49:01):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:49:17):
that is enough to destroy the world
Mark Brickley says to  (01:50:40):
NOT EVERY MUSLIM IS EVIL  but enough of them are
Mark Brickley says to  (01:51:07):
so do not bother showing me a moderate muslim
Mark Brickley says to  (01:51:15):
  does not interest me
Mark Brickley says to  (01:51:57):
I imagine there are nice rattlesnakes too
Mark Brickley says to  (01:53:20):
the muslim brotherhood needs to be exterminated
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:00):
it should be exterminated by moderate muslims
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:18):
to show they are worthy
Mark Brickley says to  (01:54:56):
wipe out a village of Imams  ?  sounds like a plan,  sounds like a start
Mark Brickley says to  (01:56:19):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:56:36):
Mark Brickley says to  (01:56:54):
there is a time when the enemy be anhillated
Mark Brickley says to  (01:57:08):
  you can not win a war with surgical strikes
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:06):
we have a problem WITH YASSAR ARAFAT  !
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:16):
He was a man of evil
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:33):
Obama won the peace prize too
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:38):
  Jimmy Carter
Mark Brickley says to  (01:58:57):
  the peace prize identifies PHONYS  look at al gore
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:19):
peace prize usually means a scumbag
Mark Brickley says to  (01:59:59):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:08):
the only good one is a dead one
a12iggymom says to  (02:00:35):
thanks Benyamin
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:40):
a12iggymom says to  (02:00:41):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:00:59):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:06):
Mark Brickley says to  (02:01:54):
give them Haiti....
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:06):
if they are good,  that is
Mark Brickley says to  (02:02:32):
Go to Haiti or die,  that is our offer to the muslim
Mark Brickley says to  (02:03:17):
they deserve nothing more,  the way they behave,  nothing more
Benyamin Solomon says (02:18:47):

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