Saturday, April 30, 2011

*** (08:03:11):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (08:04:21):
yay finally
bluesky69 says to  (08:04:32):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (08:04:40):
ggt183 says to  (08:04:44):
bluesky69 says to  (08:05:01):
hi bb(L):-*
Beachbum55 says to  (08:05:26):
Hi Blusky
bluesky69 says to  (08:05:54):
hi iggy(L):-*
Beachbum55 says to  (08:06:06):
hi ggt and ur erudite mind!
a12iggymom says to  (08:06:12):
Hi Benyamin, Beachbum, bluesky (F) ggt
ggt183 says to  (08:06:23):
:D hi beachbum
bluesky69 says to  (08:06:24):
also a btr celebrity
Beachbum55 says to  (08:06:26):
Hi iggymom.
bluesky69 says to  (08:06:31):
Beachbum55 says to  (08:06:38):
GGT will be calling in Im sure...
bluesky69 says to  (08:07:12):
Beachbum55 says to  (08:07:12):
bluesky<<syndicated host
ggt183 says to  (08:07:22):
Benyamin,,Israel must let justice prevail..give back the land to the Palestinians:@
Beachbum55 says to  (08:09:32):
shame people cant get along because I see israel hires many palestinians to do their construction work and other jobs in Israel.
ggt183 says to  (08:10:34):
Jews should give back the land and live peacefully under the rule of a Palestinian govt
a12iggymom says to  (08:10:40):
find one map pre-1948 that has a "palistine", you can't there aren't any because there is no 'palistine'
a12iggymom says to  (08:11:57):
I have looked for the last 10 years
ggt183 says to  (08:12:41):
Jews need to stop murdering people who cant defend themselves
a12iggymom says to  (08:12:56):
a12iggymom says to  (08:13:07):
like hamas?
ggt183 says to  (08:13:35):
i'm just kidding know i'm pro-Israel dude..chill out:D
ggt183 says to  (08:14:40):
<<< will never sell out
bluesky69 says to  (08:14:51):
yes bb im a sydicated host (lol)
bluesky69 says to  (08:15:04):
im back
bluesky69 says to  (08:15:06):
Benyamin Solomon says (08:16:46):
ggt183 says to  (08:16:50):
so you think I'm anti-semetic?
ggt183 says to  (08:17:02):
whatever dude8-)
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:24):
Maybe not. But I think you very much sold out to the terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians, who are anti-Semitic.
ggt183 says to  (08:17:37):
sold out?
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:37):
and who are also anti-American.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:46):
Sounds like it two episodes ago.
ggt183 says to  (08:18:11):
what did i say..that would make me a sell out
ggt183 says to  (08:18:44):
ggt183 says to  (08:18:48):
Benyamin Solomon says (08:19:15):
Listen two episodes ago. You were on my case for saying terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians while you came in defense of "Cool" Mike.
bluesky69 says to  (08:19:23):
oh beachbum shawn got a show on tonight
Beachbum55 says to  (08:19:46):
was he mad last nite?  show ended suddenly..
Beachbum55 says to  (08:20:02):
I liked his music.  its his show..
bluesky69 says to  (08:20:04):
yes cause everyone was talking over each other
Beachbum55 says to  (08:20:12):
Oh ok.
bluesky69 says to  (08:20:18):
that guy mark should have never called in
Beachbum55 says to  (08:20:22):
what time.. usual?
bluesky69 says to  (08:20:24):
he started it all
Beachbum55 says to  (08:20:36):
kick him out.  mark him a Troll!
bluesky69 says to  (08:20:40):
yes the usual time
Beachbum55 says to  (08:20:47):
thank U.
bluesky69 says to  (08:21:04):
and it's going to be under music category
ggt183 says to  (08:21:17):
Benyamin..well since you think I'm a sell wont be bothered with me anymore.
Beachbum55 says to  (08:21:31):
perfect cuz ben will give me my politics for tonite..
bluesky69 says to  (08:21:33):
oh jeeze guys
bluesky69 says to  (08:21:39):
come on get along
bluesky69 says to  (08:21:47):
ggt don't leave
Beachbum55 says to  (08:21:47):
I wont be here for 2 hrs tho..
bluesky69 says to  (08:22:11):
what at shawns show bb
Beachbum55 says to  (08:22:29):
no here!!
bluesky69 says to  (08:22:33):
oh ok
Beachbum55 says to  (08:22:39):
Im in with shawn for 5 hours..
a12iggymom says to  (08:22:40):
who is this cool mike guy? the name is new to me
Beachbum55 says to  (08:22:51):
mike is co host with ggt
bluesky69 says to  (08:23:01):
i dunno  iggy he is a liberal
bluesky69 says to  (08:23:08):
that's all i  know
bluesky69 says to  (08:23:18):
but ya the name is new to me too
a12iggymom says to  (08:23:25):
is he...Loki's been talking ith him
bluesky69 says to  (08:23:30):
but he sounds like an idot
a12iggymom says to  (08:23:37):
Beachbum55 says to  (08:23:43):
he is the co-host on ggts show.  I didnt know he was a Lib.  if so I want to know why?
bluesky69 says to  (08:24:13):
i don't know for sure im only going by what others are saying
a12iggymom says to  (08:24:17):
what show was he being antisemitic on? ggts?
Beachbum55 says to  (08:24:18):
the last Mike had some name like amilio or whatever
bluesky69 says to  (08:24:25):
yes ggt
bluesky69 says to  (08:24:34):
yes mike amelio\
bluesky69 says to  (08:24:53):
but i heard he got banned for some reason i don't know why
a12iggymom says to  (08:24:54):
Beachbum55 says to  (08:25:14):
well I like ggts show cuz he does allow ben and others to talk but I dont want to hear some cool mike who is a Lib.
Beachbum55 says to  (08:25:45):
thats odd.  I thought ggt had a conservative show?
a12iggymom says to  (08:25:55):
thanks, hes been talking to a host I work with
a12iggymom says to  (08:26:16):
I want to know what he said so I can see how bad he is
bluesky69 says to  (08:26:41):
i guess just listen to the show benyamin is saying
Beachbum55 says to  (08:26:43):
Oh I wondered what happened to the old Mike.  the rumor was he quit..
bluesky69 says to  (08:27:02):
i don't know bb so manny rumors
Beachbum55 says to  (08:27:04):
maybe the archives?
bluesky69 says to  (08:27:11):
i heard he got banned
Beachbum55 says to  (08:27:32):
yes im just going to listen to Bens show cuz its rude to talk about other show..
bluesky69 says to  (08:27:37):
some say he quit some say he got banned
a12iggymom says to  (08:28:05):
I found the show
Beachbum55 says to  (08:28:13):
what date?
a12iggymom says to  (08:29:01):
for that show?
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:10):
beware OAJ may be in the Chat Room...
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:25):
Yes..thr ggt show where Mike A said something..
bluesky69 says to  (08:29:26):
oh he probley is
bluesky69 says to  (08:29:31):
under guest
a12iggymom says to  (08:29:37):
the 28th
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:43):
a12iggymom says to  (08:30:14):
I'm downloading it now
a12iggymom says to  (08:30:50):
any idea when all this happened so I don't have to listen to the whole thing?
Beachbum55 says to  (08:31:07):
me too..
a12iggymom says to  (08:32:25):
Benyamin, the moslems were influencing the nazis
a12iggymom says to  (08:32:47):
the grand imam drew up the plans for aushwitz
a12iggymom says to  (08:33:22):
those plans were found in recent years...
a12iggymom says to  (08:35:00):
Hitler hated christianity, if anything he was an athiest
a12iggymom says to  (08:35:29):
his god was the state, his state
bluesky69 says to  (08:39:40):
ecco says to  (08:39:59):
hi blue, iggymom, Beach
a12iggymom says to  (08:40:55):
hi ecco
ecco says to  (08:41:04):
<<< been reasearching the Celtics, Bavaria, and such (H)
ecco says to  (08:41:20):
a12iggymom says to  (08:41:37):
ecco says to  (08:42:45):
Boheman Grove cult may be related to Bohemia
ecco says to  (08:43:12):
bluesky69 says to  (08:44:23):
what were they then ben if they are'nt radicle islmaists
bluesky69 says to  (08:44:50):
or muslims i meant
*** (08:45:29):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to  (08:45:56):
radicals need backers...who are they is the question
bluesky69 says to  (08:47:31):
the 911 hijackers were muslims
ecco says to  (08:48:05):
looks like Bavarian nut bags are responsible for the NWO mess
ecco says to  (08:50:41):
Islamic chief adised Hitler on how to exterminate the jews 8-)
*** (08:56:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (08:56:14):
Talking out of both sides of his mouth. Does that include Palestian " Nazi-like scumbag terrorist scumbag " grandmoms Ben ? Osama Ben-Solomon. And Allah promised the land to the Palestinians, so what's your point about what holy books " say. "
*** (08:56:25):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to  (08:58:02):
Ike had everyone take pictures of the holocuast  ...they are all over 8-)
ecco says to  (08:58:45):
may have been 10 million jews
bluesky69 says to  (09:01:11):
bluesky69 says to  (09:01:19):
or whatever it is
ecco says to  (09:02:04):
an abreviation blue :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:02:17):
what doess it stand for thou
bluesky69 says to  (09:02:23):
Benyamin Solomon says (09:02:50):
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Communist terror group and a faction of the terrorist PLO.
ecco says to  (09:03:00):
darn florida lazy people  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:03:19):
im not in flordia (lol)
Benyamin Solomon says (09:03:23):
A minority of the terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians are Christians in name only. So most, but not all, are Muslims.
ecco says to  (09:03:31):
bluesky69 says to  (09:04:10):
ohhh i c now ecco(lol)(lol)
ecco says to  (09:04:25):
ecco says to  (09:06:11):
whut is IGGC, blue?
bluesky69 says to  (09:06:25):
i dunno
bluesky69 says to  (09:06:28):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:06:44):
Hi ecco..(})
*** (09:07:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
ecco says to  (09:07:12):
i'm gonna go crazy  :D
*** (09:07:13):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to  (09:07:27):
hi Beach
bluesky69 says to  (09:07:28):
bluesky69 says to  (09:07:37):
your too funny ecco
a12iggymom says to  (09:08:15):
bb in a bit
bluesky69 says to  (09:09:38):
OOOooooohhhhh i got booted
bluesky69 says to  (09:09:42):
ecco says to  (09:09:55):
bluesky69 says to  (09:10:08):
hi melinda(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (09:10:12):
I love it
MELINDA says to  (09:10:18):
HELLO, Bluesky
MELINDA says to  (09:10:19):
bluesky69 says to  (09:10:23):
love what
bluesky69 says to  (09:10:30):
michelle obama
MELINDA says to  (09:10:33):
I love that the racist African Warlord X is banned
bluesky69 says to  (09:10:34):
MELINDA says to  (09:10:42):
No, I don't love that racist pig Michelle Hussein Obama
ecco says to  (09:10:45):
Canadians are booted regularly on BTR :D
MELINDA says to  (09:10:48):
bluesky69 says to  (09:10:54):
(lol) eccco
bluesky69 says to  (09:11:12):
:@ ecco
ecco says to  (09:11:25):
bluesky69 says to  (09:11:32):
ecco says to  (09:12:05):
i'm wearin my garb  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:12:40):
8-| im watching warlord x
ecco says to  (09:12:41):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:12:54):
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:02):
i got my eye on u warlord
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:05):
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:23):
im a snydicated host here on btr
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:26):
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:29):
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:38):
just ask bb he will tell u
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:42):
ecco says to  (09:13:43):
betha, beka, berma, oh forget it  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:13:54):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to  (09:14:26):
<<<< is syndicated and a good troll kicker here on btr
ecco says to  (09:14:35):
blue syndicated?
bluesky69 says to  (09:14:42):
yes sir i am
bluesky69 says to  (09:14:45):
bluesky69 says to  (09:14:52):
juust ask bb
bluesky69 says to  (09:14:57):
ecco says to  (09:15:06):
i'll vouch for good troll booter <:o)
bluesky69 says to  (09:15:24):
i love kicking trolls out
bluesky69 says to  (09:15:43):
if i could kick out warlord x i would he's a troll
Beachbum55 says to  (09:15:44):
but do u have the little icon that says you are a "featured host" like the BC show is which is incidently is African Warlords Favorite show!
ecco says to  (09:15:56):
blue practices bootin trolls by bootin herself (lol)
bluesky69 says to  (09:16:04):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to  (09:16:07):
bluesky69 says to  (09:16:15):
i dunno bb
bluesky69 says to  (09:16:17):
do i
bluesky69 says to  (09:16:25):
u said i was syndicated
Beachbum55 says to  (09:16:50):
its a picture of a microphone..
bluesky69 says to  (09:17:11):
i know what it is but i dunno if i have it
Beachbum55 says to  (09:17:13):
whole bunch of hosts under "popular hosts".
ecco says to  (09:17:25):
whut's an Afrikan war load?8-|
bluesky69 says to  (09:17:51):
i dunno ask him
Beachbum55 says to  (09:18:01):
BC says he is a syndicated Host!  No offense but Syndicated where?
bluesky69 says to  (09:18:03):
oh wait he's on mute he can't chat
bluesky69 says to  (09:18:06):
*** (09:18:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (09:18:11):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to  (09:18:31):
that was fast.   he didnt have time to speak.
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:18:44):
one angry jew is in your room but don't say this on air ok
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:18:50):
he is 12 angry men
ecco says to  (09:18:56):
where is da BC? ({)
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:19:02):
see i told u this is him
Beachbum55 says to  (09:19:27):
told u he would show up..
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:19:33):
don't say that on air don't tell him
Beachbum55 says to  (09:20:42):
da BC is doing what he likes to do.  thats what he last said after long abcense.
bluesky69 says to  (09:20:46):
yes bb you were right
ecco says to  (09:22:22):
i'm concerned about da u S of A SCREW Africa
bluesky69 says to  (09:23:16):
oh here we go
bluesky69 says to  (09:23:20):
bluesky69 says to  (09:23:26):
(lol) this is funny
ecco says to  (09:24:01):
i taught the host asked the questions 8-)
bluesky69 says to  (09:24:34):
but ben but ben but ben
bluesky69 says to  (09:24:38):
ecco says to  (09:25:05):
is der a but ben in da house? :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:25:14):
bluesky69 says to  (09:25:33):
ecco your a riot
bluesky69 says to  (09:26:07):
no i don't wanna screw them im married
bluesky69 says to  (09:26:10):
ecco says to  (09:26:14):
dat's debatable blue  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:26:27):
bluesky69 says to  (09:27:07):
the germans are here (lol)
Beachbum55 says to  (09:27:09):  < some music and a xanex after this, ben, ben, ben
ecco says to  (09:27:39):
who's dis but ben? ({)
Beachbum55 says to  (09:27:44):
wasn't Ben a Rat in a Movie??
bluesky69 says to  (09:27:55):
Guest2201 says to  (09:28:08):
bluesky69 says to  (09:28:30):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:28:40):
ecco says to  (09:29:01):
question question question enough dem questions (lol)
*** (09:29:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
bluesky69 says to  (09:29:12):
this is comedy hour
African Warlord X says to  (09:29:14):
Anyone who hates free speech hates America !  He's no dfferent than people who support State controlled media.
*** (09:29:20):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to  (09:30:02):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:30:09):
bluesky69 says to  (09:30:09):
see one angry jew
bluesky69 says to  (09:30:18):
that is one angry jew
ecco says to  (09:30:20):
we want answers not questions  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:30:29):
(lol) ecco
Beachbum55 says to  (09:30:41):
bluesky69 says to  (09:30:58):
hear the kid in the background  that's one angry jew's kid
bluesky69 says to  (09:31:08):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:31:13):
I know... ben is not getting it...
bluesky69 says to  (09:31:16):
this is too funny
ecco says to  (09:31:25):
"Chicun Head" song my favorite  :D
Beachbum55 says to  (09:31:28):
bluesky69 says to  (09:31:37):
bluesky69 says to  (09:31:53):
hi liberty welcome to comedy hour
bluesky69 says to  (09:32:15):
(L):-* liberty
bluesky69 says to  (09:32:22):
ecco says to  (09:32:39):
Ben, play da chicun head song :D
Beachbum55 says to  (09:32:40):
what a show..
Beachbum55 says to  (09:32:59):
I almost went to debi daly to look at the trolls..
bluesky69 says to  (09:33:07):
(lol) bb
thegermansarehere says to  (09:33:27):
JDL comitted acts of terrorismm
Beachbum55 says to  (09:33:35):
Yes its a Kosher Deli..
thegermansarehere says to  (09:33:36):
it's so ridiculously undeniable
ecco says to  (09:33:40):
:D  Beach
bluesky69 says to  (09:33:45):
(lol) bb
bluesky69 says to  (09:34:07):
i have 2 uncle toms
12AngryMen says to  (09:34:11):
Liberty Son says to  (09:34:13):
Beny give me som eParrot!!!
12AngryMen says to  (09:34:20):
We have one angry jew inside us.
12AngryMen says to  (09:34:23):
Shut up.
thegermansarehere says to  (09:34:46):
Hahahha, Ben.
bluesky69 says to  (09:34:49):
hi rose (L):-*
DesertRose says to  (09:35:00):
:S shhhh.. sneaking in
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:06):
DesertRose says to  (09:35:07):
blue... you dont know me
DesertRose says to  (09:35:11):
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:12):
ecco says to  (09:35:15):
da name of da show is, "whut's my ideology" :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:20):
DesertRose says to  (09:35:23):
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:33):
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:53):
ahhh kala give me a cracker
bluesky69 says to  (09:35:56):
DesertRose says to  (09:36:08):
lol.. tha pic was cute
DesertRose says to  (09:36:14):
ohh shhh
DesertRose says to  (09:36:20):
bluesky69 says to  (09:36:38):
be bugs bunny benyamin
12AngryMen says to  (09:36:40):
Melinda has a beautiful butt - what do you all think?
Beachbum55 says to  (09:36:47):
Ben Get On with your Show....
DesertRose says to  (09:36:57):
would you rather have droopy or a pic like BC got
DesertRose says to  (09:37:00):
be happy
bluesky69 says to  (09:37:00):
i don't know never seen it 12 angry men
DesertRose says to  (09:37:04):
bluesky69 says to  (09:37:23):
hi bob(L):-*
BobUSMC says to  (09:37:43):
bluesky69 says to  (09:37:50):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:37:57):
Hey Bob..
ecco says to  (09:38:00):
blue butt da trolls  :D
DesertRose says to  (09:38:08):
my old btr boyfriend bob fry made that
bluesky69 says to  (09:38:10):
(lol) i wish i could
Liberty Son says to  (09:38:10):
Beachbum55 says to  (09:38:15):
DesertRose says to  (09:38:15):
:'( i miss Bob
bluesky69 says to  (09:38:15):
no sound
ecco says to  (09:38:28):
good time for silence
12AngryMen says to bluesky69 (09:38:29):
I miss Ezekial.  So what.
bluesky69 says to  (09:38:29):
Holger Awakens says to  (09:38:36):
12AngryMen says to bluesky69 (09:38:37):
One of us is gay.
ecco says to  (09:38:37):
bluesky69 says to  (09:38:40):
(lol) funny 12
Liberty Son says to  (09:39:06):
Ben, dont take it just do more parrot
Beachbum55 says to  (09:39:11):
refresh didnt work.  bens show as hacked by muslims..
bluesky69 says to  (09:39:16):
still no osund
Beachbum55 says to  (09:39:18):
bluesky69 says to  (09:39:18):
bluesky69 says to  (09:39:33):
hey lee(L):-*
CFGA says to  (09:39:36):
*** (09:40:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (09:40:15):
Ben is okay with children being killed in Palestine. Guys in tanks who run over teenagers throwing rocks are cowards.
ecco says to  (09:40:28):
dis is more like it da gang is here :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:40:38):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to  (09:40:51):
this is soo funny
*** (09:40:52):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
CFGA says to  (09:41:08):
What about the children that have been killed in Isreal doc?
bluesky69 says to  (09:41:09):
i still have no sound
Liberty Son says to  (09:41:19):
No sound here either Blue
Beachbum55 says to  (09:41:37):
no sound BEN!!
DesertRose says to  (09:41:40):
its broken?
Beachbum55 says to  (09:41:52):
off to see debi...
bluesky69 says to  (09:41:53):
the hackers got benyamin i think
DesertRose says to  (09:42:10):
plug in the mic
ecco says to  (09:42:11):
sound off Ben!! (lol)
DesertRose says to  (09:42:15):
DesertRose says to  (09:42:26):
dont make me call in
bluesky69 says to  (09:42:27):
no sound still
bluesky69 says to  (09:42:33):
(lol) rose
DesertRose says to  (09:42:38):
12AngryMen says to  (09:42:58):
we don't hear you
thegermansarehere says to  (09:43:03):
12AngryMen says to  (09:43:05):
all of us
thegermansarehere says to  (09:43:08):
we're back with the crazy idiot
bluesky69 says to  (09:43:09):
theer  i have sound now
CFGA says to  (09:43:12):
12 angry Jews!!
bluesky69 says to  (09:43:19):
i oped in default window
12AngryMen says to  (09:43:23):
Infidels all of you
a12iggymom says to  (09:43:25):
I rebooted
thegermansarehere says to  (09:43:25):
No technical difficulties, other than with your brain.
Holger Awakens says to  (09:43:26):
got sound Ben
ecco says to  (09:43:27):
dis is like de old silent movies  :D
DesertRose says to  (09:43:33):
bluesky69 says to  (09:43:36):
(lol) ecco
Holger Awakens says to  (09:43:38):
Holger Awakens says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:43:45):
hear you fine
bluesky69 says to  (09:43:50):
i hear u benyamin
a12iggymom says to  (09:43:51):
yes Benyamin
CFGA says to  (09:43:53):
i can hear ya
Guest2201 says to  (09:43:54):
thegermansarehere says to  (09:44:22):
why is he silenced?
bluesky69 says to  (09:44:31):
Holger Awakens says to  (09:45:17):
he probably didn't cry like a baby like you did Warlord 10
Holger Awakens says to  (09:45:19):
bluesky69 says to  (09:45:48):
this show is funny
bluesky69 says to  (09:45:52):
ecco says to  (09:46:01):
questions questions questions i taught da host asked da questions  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:46:12):
(lol) ecco :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:46:20):
bluesky69 says to  (09:46:32):
iim busting here in laughs
ecco says to  (09:47:18):
more questionssssssssssss8-)
bluesky69 says to  (09:47:32):
this show is a comedy hour
bluesky69 says to  (09:47:44):
:D ecco
ecco says to  (09:48:19):
anyone want answers besides me 1 for yes and 2 for no  :D
bluesky69 says to  (09:48:27):
bluesky69 says to  (09:48:30):
ecco says to  (09:48:49):
bluesky69 says to  (09:49:13):
oh my im busting in laughs
12AngryMen says to  (09:49:48):
6 of think it's funny but 5 do not and the gay guy in here is sitting in the corner doing something I cannot repeat.
bluesky69 says to  (09:49:50):
ecco says to  (09:50:25):
who's da gay guy?
12AngryMen says to  (09:50:34):
CFGA says to  (09:50:35):
Doc come on man
CFGA says to  (09:50:46):
don't spin
12AngryMen says to  (09:50:54):
Yes one of us is gay.  It's Melvin.
12AngryMen says to  (09:51:06):
We try to keep him in the back since he's short.
*** (09:51:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
bluesky69 says to  (09:51:09):
who's melvin?
a12iggymom says to  (09:51:12):
for burning paper and ink, what a jackass
African Warlord X says to  (09:51:14):
Hitler was a jew, as proved by genetic tests. And Ben and the Jews should be given land in Germany. Right ? By the way, why doesn't Ben oppose
DesertRose says to  (09:51:17):
came back
ecco says to  (09:51:20):
Ok Melvin confess  :D
DesertRose says to  (09:51:31):
:'( had no where to go
bluesky69 says to  (09:51:34):
(lol) ecco
CFGA says to  (09:51:35):
jew is not a race Doc
CFGA says to  (09:51:53):
Hebrew is a race and not all Hebrews are jews
12AngryMen says to  (09:52:40):
Let's all sing.
ecco says to  (09:52:47):
hear we go wit da butt ben  (lol)
CFGA says to  (09:52:49):
Cume ba ya
bluesky69 says to  (09:52:51):
ok ulead
bluesky69 says to  (09:52:55):
my lord
bluesky69 says to  (09:53:05):
cume ba ya
bluesky69 says to  (09:53:14):
12AngryMen says to  (09:53:15):
Friar Jaqua Friar Jacqua Doomera vu
12AngryMen says to  (09:53:17):
doomera u
12AngryMen says to  (09:53:23):
hang alang ding dong
12AngryMen says to  (09:53:28):
hangalanga ding dong
DesertRose says to  (09:53:40):
<:o) ding dong the witch is dead
bluesky69 says to  (09:53:42):
8-| (lol)(lol)(lol)
ecco says to  (09:53:48):
but ben or butt ben? :D
CFGA says to  (09:53:52):
oooh ah oooh ah ee
CFGA says to  (09:53:56):
tin tang
bluesky69 says to  (09:53:58):
(lol) ecco
CFGA says to  (09:54:06):
rattle rattle ping pang
DesertRose says to  (09:54:12):
bluesky69 says to  (09:54:15):
(lol) lee
bluesky69 says to  (09:54:19):
CFGA says to  (09:54:43):
Thats the jam right there
CFGA says to  (09:54:55):
the chip munk song
12AngryMen says to  (09:55:00):
Ben you are a coward to hang up on me.
African Warlord X says to  (09:55:01):
Hitler was a Jew. He should fight for land in Germany.
bluesky69 says to  (09:55:01):
12AngryMen says to  (09:55:05):
CFGA says to  (09:55:12):
Hitler was no Jew
DesertRose says to  (09:55:15):
***playing cow bells***
CFGA says to  (09:55:17):
he was a pagan
bluesky69 says to  (09:55:22):
(lol) rose
CFGA says to  (09:55:38):
he was a naturalist and panthiest
*** (09:55:38):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
12AngryMen says to  (09:55:53):
If you hang up again you will die of testicular cancer.
bluesky69 says to  (09:56:09):
bluesky69 says to  (09:56:15):
that;'s nasty
CFGA says to  (09:56:22):
it happens
bluesky69 says to  (09:56:27):
DesertRose says to  (09:56:29):
8-| i dont think he can.. he eats rye(F)
12AngryMen says to  (09:56:38):
What'sa matter you ?  You have something against testicles?
12AngryMen says to  (09:56:52):
Oh a song!
12AngryMen says to  (09:56:54):
bluesky69 says to  (09:56:56):
me? nope
12AngryMen says to  (09:57:01):
The show was over when it began.
CFGA says to  (09:57:03):
John Jacob ginle hymer schmidt his name is my name too
CFGA says to  (09:57:07):
sing it!!
DesertRose says to  (09:57:11):
12AngryMen says to  (09:57:26):
I can.
ecco says to  (09:57:27):
play chicun head :D
DesertRose says to  (09:57:48):
Warlord dont yoyu want to hear the song
CFGA says to  (09:57:52):
bok bok..chicken chicken bok bok chicken head
DesertRose says to  (09:57:52):
a12iggymom says to  (09:57:54):
Aftonbladet's organ harvesting allegations are ludicrous from a medical perspective, writes Andrea Meyerhoff MD, Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who also argues that Sweden missed an opportunity to "reject anti-Semitism and re
DesertRose says to  (09:57:57):
a12iggymom says to  (09:57:57):
ecco says to  (09:58:00):
but ben but ben but ben but ben but ben :D
DesertRose says to  (09:58:02):
12AngryMen says to  (09:58:04):
Look at that - he's shushing him just as I do to Sarge.
12AngryMen says to  (09:58:09):
I do not like that.
CFGA says to  (09:58:21):
butter is melting in his mouth
a12iggymom says to  (09:58:22):
bluesky69 says to  (09:58:26):
CFGA says to  (09:58:32):
bluesky69 says to  (09:58:36):
bluesky69 says to  (09:58:52):
we can hear u benyamin
DesertRose says to  (09:58:59):
8-| he did
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:00):
Take me off mute you coward!
CFGA says to  (09:59:09):
Hitler wasn't funded by the Bush family bud
ecco says to  (09:59:12):
bur ben 101:D
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:15):
Ben Shalom Bernanke
DesertRose says to  (09:59:16):
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:24):
Another Jew!
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:28):
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:30):
CFGA says to  (09:59:32):
The Bush family sold goods and services to Germany during ww2
bluesky69 says to  (09:59:36):
(lol) ecco
a12iggymom says to  (09:59:45):
so di dhte Kennedy's
12AngryMen says to  (09:59:50):
Grandpa Bush funded the Nazis
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to  (10:00:31):
Benyamin Solomon says (10:00:31):
Did I sound clear on skype?
ecco says to  (10:00:40):
thanks Ben and all great one  :D
bluesky69 says to  (10:00:43):
god bless canada benyamin
bluesky69 says to  (10:00:48):
DesertRose says to  (10:00:50):
that was a professional goodbye
a12iggymom says to  (10:00:52):
Germany wasn't the enemy before Hitler and alot of US vcompanies did business there, this historical finger pointing is stupid
Benyamin Solomon says (10:00:53):
Yes, God bless Canada as well.
bluesky69 says to  (10:00:59):
yes ben u did
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:07):
Thanks Bluesky69.
DesertRose says to  (10:01:08):
<:o) blame Canada
bluesky69 says to  (10:01:09):
sound clear on skypr
CFGA says to  (10:01:10):
ok justice4us really
DesertRose says to  (10:01:12):
lol teasing
a12iggymom says to  (10:01:16):
thanks Benyamin, good show
DesertRose says to  (10:01:17):
CFGA says to  (10:01:17):
i need to research?
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:20):
Come on Bluesky698-)
bluesky69 says to  (10:01:21):
blame us for what
CFGA says to  (10:01:24):
you need to research
ecco says to  (10:01:26):
blame blue :D
DesertRose says to  (10:01:27):
its a song
bluesky69 says to  (10:01:27):
we did'nt do anythiing
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:27):
Thanks a12iggymom.
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to  (10:01:28):
DesertRose says to  (10:01:32):
some song
DesertRose says to  (10:01:34):
on tv
CFGA says to  (10:01:41):
Where did you get your info wiki
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to  (10:01:50):
DesertRose says to  (10:01:55):
i heard once.. on a cartoon
CFGA says to  (10:01:56):
The Bush family didn't fund nazis
DesertRose says to  (10:02:00):
dont remember
CFGA says to  (10:02:05):
yea bow out coward
bluesky69 says to  (10:02:21):
c ya ecco
bluesky69 says to  (10:02:27):
bye everyone
ecco says to  (10:02:31):
ok blue
CFGA says to  (10:02:41):
You are not intelligent enough to have dialog with me so be gone troll
CFGA says to  (10:02:56):
thats right leave
CFGA says to  (10:03:04):
before I prove my point
CFGA says to  (10:03:09):
Benyamin Solomon says (10:06:57):
Contrary to what Warlord X said, Hitler was not a Jew
Benyamin Solomon says (11:17:26):
Sorry. But I'm closing up the chatroom.

Friday, April 29, 2011

1800 Roast your anti-Semite

*** (18:13:51):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:12):
hi benyamin(L):-*
Benyamin Solomon says (18:15:13):
(}) bluesky69.
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:40):
how come u opened ur chat late
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:48):
i was listening earlier
bluesky69 says to  (18:17:27):
i heard that warlord x idoit
bluesky69 says to  (18:17:50):
bluesky69 says to  (18:17:51):
bluesky69 says to  (18:18:24):
hi iggy(L):-*
a12iggymom says to  (18:18:38):
Hi Benyamin! bluesky!(F)
bluesky69 says to  (18:20:48):
i know a few others that's not happy with ggt183 right now but im not nameing no names
bluesky69 says to  (18:21:45):
ok i gotta run now  c ya all later
African Warlord X says to  (18:23:59):
*** (18:24:25):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (18:26:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (18:26:17):
Israel Shahak could moderate between the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Nasrallah,  and israel. The only people melinda has ever served were horney men in bathhouses and massage parlors
*** (18:26:30):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (18:27:13):
US Marines...
a12iggymom says to  (18:27:24):
an you suck X
*** (18:28:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (18:28:12):
Melinda hasn't served in any damn military. What a joke that is. Well, I don't take it personal,a1
*** (18:28:14):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (18:28:59):
Melinda was a Marine...
a12iggymom says to  (18:29:18):
once a Marine, always a Marine
a12iggymom says to  (18:29:28):
and you still suck X
*** (18:30:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (18:30:24):
Ben, ggt183 and Cool Mike found you guilty of using the term " Anti-Semite " to excuse inexcusable actions of jews who shoot at boys throwwing rocks
African Warlord X says to  (18:30:41):
a12  How old are you ?
*** (18:30:40):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (18:30:52):
old enough jackass
a12iggymom says to  (18:31:10):
thanks Benyamin, keep up the good work
a12iggymom says to  (18:31:19):
Benyamin Solomon says (18:32:01):
Thanks a12iggymom.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The nature of the "Palestinian" state 4/28/2011

*** (17:13:51):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (17:14:45):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (17:15:07):
bout time u opened the chatrooom :@
bluesky69 says to  (17:15:13):
bluesky69 says to  (17:15:40):
and warlord x supports them
bluesky69 says to  (17:15:51):
the terrorists
bluesky69 says to  (17:15:55):
he supports
bluesky69 says to  (17:16:56):
bluesky69 says to  (17:17:09):
 go with bell or telus
bluesky69 says to  (17:17:15):
they have good service
bluesky69 says to  (17:17:52):
im with telus i don't have no problems with them
bluesky69 says to  (17:18:54):
we must get rid of terrorists wipe them off the face of the earth
bluesky69 says to  (17:19:11):
destroy the muslim brotherhood
bluesky69 says to  (17:22:32):
hamas is a terrorists group we must wipe them off the face of the earth
Dr Solo says to  (17:56:29):
bradleyc79 says to  (17:57:33):
bradleyc79 says to  (17:57:47):
can i call
African Warlord X says to  (17:59:29):
African Warlord X says to  (17:59:39):
yes, he would
African Warlord X says to  (17:59:57):
he wants to kill children
African Warlord X says to  (18:01:04):
yes he did say that ! the caller was right
bradleyc79 says to  (18:01:10):
Benyamin Solomon says (18:01:12):
I don't want to kill children.
Benyamin Solomon says (18:01:24):
Bruch Goldstein was misunderstood. What happened there got distorted.
Benyamin Solomon says (18:01:28):
Let's be honest.
Benyamin Solomon says (18:01:49):
I don't believe that Baruch Goldstein said that.
bradleyc79 says to  (18:02:33):
The host did  lik if it was said
bradleyc79 says to  (18:03:05):
Benyamin Solomon says (18:05:43):
I'm a right-wing Jewish nationalist. I also believe that all human life is precious in its own way.
Benyamin Solomon says (18:11:14):

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone 4/27/2011

*** (17:10:42):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
MR LOGIN says to  (17:15:08):
Antoinette from De says to  (17:15:59):
hello ben
Guest2201 says to  (17:18:59):
bluesky69 says to  (17:21:07):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (17:21:22):
hi antionette(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to  (17:22:11):
hello blue, sorry I was tal king to my da ughter-inlaw
bluesky69 says to  (17:22:17):
that's ok
bluesky69 says to  (17:22:22):
no worries
Antoinette from De says to  (17:22:42):
how are guests able to chat in the chat room
bluesky69 says to  (17:22:51):
they sign in as guests
Antoinette from De says to  (17:23:14):
oh that is their screen name
Antoinette from De says to  (17:23:45):
bluesky69 says to  (17:23:46):
Antoinette from De says to  (17:23:49):
hear you
Antoinette from De says to  (17:23:54):
bluesky69 says to  (17:24:03):
like u can change your name if u wanted to
Antoinette from De says to  (17:24:21):
oh that seems pretty pointless to me
Antoinette from De says to  (17:24:32):
you should of stayed with the first phone
Antoinette from De says to  (17:28:37):
no I think that everyone was  upset with that case because of the organs and the money and was it not also something with children used in sexual acts
bluesky69 says to  (17:30:11):
cool mike is trying to take over ggt183 show i think
Antoinette from De says to  (17:30:52):
they also was one of the first to help Hatiti with medical supplies and food
Antoinette from De says to  (17:30:57):
Antoinette from De says to  (17:31:06):
spelled that wrong
bluesky69 says to  (17:33:17):
bluesky69 says to  (17:33:26):
im on the phone
Guest2201 says to  (17:35:15):
Antoinette from De says to  (17:35:39):
God has made provisions for your c ountry
Antoinette from De says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (17:36:09):
is that true what the guest said
Antoinette from De says to  (17:38:33):
hello bb55
Beachbum55 says to  (17:39:08):
Hi antoinette...
Beachbum55 says to  (17:42:13):
move on tho cuz talking about it over & over brings up the ol'  "who doth protest so much".
Antoinette from De says to  (17:45:53):
bb55 you know the video that I sent you, they took it down now
thegermansarehere says to  (17:49:10):
this is an absurd slander of all things right
Antoinette from De says to  (17:49:11):
do you think that we can have a show about issues and not slandering other hosts, not just you but everyone.  this is all a distraction to avoid the things that really need to be discussed
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:49:11):
Hello all.....(})
Antoinette from De says to  (17:49:21):
hello ODD
Benyamin Solomon says (17:50:42):
Hezbollah empties South Lebanon of Christians.
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:51:05):
Hey they have President Obama birth certificate !!!!!!!!
Benyamin Solomon says (17:51:07):
ggt183 says to  (17:51:17):
Beachbum55 says to  (17:51:29):
I dont know why they took video down antoinette.  and I put that to side to look at later.
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:51:42):
Hello sir ggt183
ggt183 says to  (17:52:06):
Benyamin :@
ggt183 says to  (17:52:40):
Odd Squad (})
ggt183 says to  (17:52:53):
Antoinette (})
ggt183 says to  (17:53:05):
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:53:07):
You have a good show ggt183 ,its well organized show real dialoge...great
Beachbum55 says to  (17:53:08):
hey ggt...
Antoinette from De says to  (17:53:17):
hello ggt
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:53:34):
cool mike is a good fit for the show also
ggt183 says to  (17:53:34):
thanks odd squad
Antoinette from De says to  (17:54:03):
sorry I had stepped away for a minute had food in the oven
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:54:04):
Not a lot of foolishness on ggt183 show
Beachbum55 says to  (17:54:04):
      ggt<<< a BTR celebrity and syndicated host known around the BTR Dial...
ggt183 says to  (17:54:20):
Antoinette from De says to  (17:54:28):
he does have a great s how
Antoinette from De says to  (17:54:34):
do you have one tonight ggt
Benyamin Solomon says (17:54:35):
ggt183 says to  (17:54:47):
yes...a three hour special
Antoinette from De says to  (17:55:01):
great what time
Beachbum55 says to  (17:55:05):
  Flag Icon picture is Easy to Spot for His show..
ggt183 says to  (17:55:10):
starting @ 10:30 eastern
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:55:14):
Cool mike going to co-host ggt183 ????
Beachbum55 says to  (17:55:22):
11:30pm east coast
ggt183 says to  (17:55:27):
yes..he is the permanent co-host
Beachbum55 says to  (17:55:48):
nope... oh 10:30pm?
Antoinette from De says to  (17:55:53):
good which time ggt says one time east coast and bb55 you said an other
bluesky69 says to  (17:55:56):
hey guysn im back
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:56:06):
Wow ok i still like mike to he was cool also
bluesky69 says to  (17:56:07):
hi ggt(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to  (17:56:17):
great blue, your phone loves to r ing when you are on the show
bluesky69 says to  (17:56:18):
who i spermant co host
bluesky69 says to  (17:56:30):
i know antionette
Antoinette from De says to  (17:56:31):
I have grands and k ids to distrub me
bluesky69 says to  (17:56:49):
ggt who is permant co host
ggt183 says to  (17:57:04):
Cool Mike
bluesky69 says to  (17:57:04):
hi bb(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to  (17:57:10):
my phone  hardly rings any more because I hate the phone now and usually ignore it
bluesky69 says to  (17:57:12):
i thought u wanted shawn
bluesky69 says to  (17:57:29):
hi odd squad(L):-*
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:57:40):
Benyamin you should have a debate with CoolMike
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:58:14):
Hello Bluesky69 !! how are you ??
Antoinette from De says to  (17:58:21):
that would be interesting, if they could stick with the issue that they are debati ng and not reduce it to name calling
bluesky69 says to  (17:58:21):
im good and u /
bluesky69 says to  (17:58:24):
Beachbum55 says to  (17:58:33):
     ggt's topic,  "Trump plays his Trump Card!"
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:58:43):
im fine ..just hangin on btr
bluesky69 says to  (17:58:50):
me 2
bluesky69 says to  (17:58:52):
bluesky69 says to  (17:59:08):
benyamin u can roast cool mike
Antoinette from De says to  (17:59:17):
wht does he have now to use, I have my  own views about t hat b/c
ODD SQUAD says to  (17:59:19):
Beachbum55 says to  (17:59:22):
no unfortunately with some un named callers a debate turns into 40 minutes of attacks and counter attacks making me mute show.
bluesky69 says to  (17:59:23):
benyamin can roast anyone
bluesky69 says to  (17:59:30):
he does a good job at it
bluesky69 says to  (17:59:32):
ggt183 says to  (18:00:23):
Benyamin..chill..your gonna have a stroke
Benyamin Solomon says (18:00:24):
Thanks Bluesky69.
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:00:30):
Cool MIKE is good ,i think he can take Ben he was good on Perry Steele show,Perry was dumb to let him go
bluesky69 says to  (18:00:40):
(lol) ggt
Benyamin Solomon says (18:00:50):
Perry Steele's show is dying out.
Antoinette from De says to  (18:00:57):
or give my dog one, every time he hears the gun shots he starts going cracy
Antoinette from De says to  (18:01:02):
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:01:17):
Perry Steele show is dead
bluesky69 says to  (18:01:42):
i went in there last night there was only a couple of pepople
ggt183 says to  (18:01:53):
dont underestimate Perry Steele..hes a great radio personality..he will bounce back
Benyamin Solomon says (18:02:01):
Perry Steele and Kala sound like punks. It's stupid that my prominent critics like them even have to attack Brother K for making peace with me. It goes to show how pathetic my prominent critics are.
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:02:40):
When Peery first came on btr he was good
ggt183 says to  (18:03:51):
hes still good..hes just in a rough patch
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:04:13):
Plus Cool MIke has a built in fan club...:D
bluesky69 says to  (18:04:23):
bluesky69 says to  (18:04:26):
ggt183 says to  (18:04:57):
there is only one celebrity on the Conservative PrimeTime show :@
bluesky69 says to  (18:05:10):
ggt183 says to  (18:05:17):
bluesky69 says to  (18:05:25):
roast them benyamin
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:05:31):
Peery use to have a full chat room ,and his old co-hosts never come back to support him
bluesky69 says to  (18:05:43):
roast them so we can eat them
bluesky69 says to  (18:05:46):
bluesky69 says to  (18:05:48):
bluesky69 says to  (18:06:12):
too much drama on btr man
bluesky69 says to  (18:06:25):
too many trouble makers
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:06:27):
Im not into roasting ,just give me the facts
ggt183 says to  (18:06:54):
Free Palestine :S
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:07:47):
Benyamin you should have invited cool mike to the show ..he doest listen to your show ,so debate him
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:08:22):
I love fire debates ...:D
ggt183 says to  (18:09:17):
Benyamin..have you ever been to Israel?
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:09:18):
Bro K  vs Perry Steele
bluesky69 says to  (18:09:42):
brother k would win
Antoinette from De says to  (18:09:49):
if he was born there he has 5 years of  militry service and has to return to do it
ODD SQUAD says to  (18:10:13):
Perry Steele is a good debater
Antoinette from De says to  (18:10:58):
I never heard Perry debate, but brother K is a great debater
ggt183 says to  (18:11:05):
I'm reallt close to banning this drama from my show..i'm losing track of whos mad at who
Antoinette from De says to  (18:11:21):
it is like a soap opera
Antoinette from De says to  (18:11:45):
it maekes you keep coming back to hear what is going on next
Antoinette from De says to  (18:11:58):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:12:07):
bluesky69 says to  (18:13:08):
well ggt don't ban me im not mad at anyone
Antoinette from De says to  (18:13:14):
it is a rabit runing around in my back yard
Antoinette from De says to  (18:13:26):
ggt183 says to  (18:13:32):
a certain host actually took a swipe at me last night..but i wont address it unless it becomes to personal
Antoinette from De says to  (18:13:33):
it is so cute
bluesky69 says to  (18:13:49):
oh ok
Antoinette from De says to  (18:14:04):
not what you j ust said ggt, the rabbit r u ning around in my backyard
ggt183 says to  (18:14:17):
i know
ggt183 says to  (18:14:20):
bluesky69 says to  (18:14:23):
yes we know antoinette
Antoinette from De says to  (18:14:41):
I did not want you to think tht I was offending anyone
bluesky69 says to  (18:14:57):
we know th\t
bluesky69 says to  (18:14:59):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:15:09):
good thank you
ggt183 says to  (18:15:14):
Antoinette you are one of the nicest people on btr
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:25):
hey what about me
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:28):
ggt183 says to  (18:15:38):
not you bluesky:@
bluesky69 says to  (18:15:43):
im not nice
ggt183 says to  (18:15:54):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:16:10):
not all the time, have you look in the dictonary in old english and seen what n ice means actually it is an insult
bluesky69 says to  (18:16:13):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:16:19):
but I know that is not what you meant
ggt183 says to  (18:16:44):
<<<<< is working on his newly aquired erudite mind:D
AmericanCitizen says to  (18:16:46):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:17:28):
nice means foolish or s t upid
Antoinette from De says to  (18:17:38):
hello AC
Antoinette from De says to  (18:18:47):
if you look into the english etymology  you will see what the real meaning of words are until Webster took over to change the mean ing of words
ggt183 says to  (18:19:24):
you loss me somewhere around etymology:D
Antoinette from De says to  (18:19:31):
brb have to get mac and chesse out of the oven
bluesky69 says to  (18:19:48):
homemade antoinette?
Antoinette from De says to  (18:20:00):
it is the Oxford English etymology
Antoinette from De says to  (18:20:21):
of course blue could not do it an y  other way
bluesky69 says to  (18:20:33):
i had that the other day
bluesky69 says to  (18:20:42):
what do u put in yours
bluesky69 says to  (18:20:55):
besides cheese and macrion
Antoinette from De says to  (18:21:10):
ggt if you go to better or amazon you can order one and you can get it used or new can be expensive though
Antoinette from De says to  (18:21:36):
that is my secret blue it some things that I will not give up
bluesky69 says to  (18:21:44):
oh ok (lol)
Beachbum55 says to  (18:21:45):
I Love Bacon on top of mac and cheese, drain the grease!
Antoinette from De says to  (18:22:06):
oh I see bb55 don't use that
ggt183 says to  (18:22:07):
<<<< loves bacon on just about anything
Antoinette from De says to  (18:22:07):
bluesky69 says to  (18:23:27):
i put onions , cheese, peppers  and tomatoes in mine with some italain spice sprinkled on top
bluesky69 says to  (18:23:55):
italian spice chopped tomatoes
bluesky69 says to  (18:24:08):
and it is sooo good
ggt183 says to  (18:24:09):
sounds yummy:)
Beachbum55 says to  (18:24:12):
I always wonder who actually eats that stuff that comes in those blue boxes that says Kraft mac and cheese?   3 for $1.00?  Im glad my mom never served that stuff. Powdered cheese?   please!   *-)
bluesky69 says to  (18:24:54):
my son loves the kraft mac and cheese in those blue boxes
bluesky69 says to  (18:25:02):
rather than  home made
bluesky69 says to  (18:25:58):
it is good ggt
bluesky69 says to  (18:26:09):
it is delish
Beachbum55 says to  (18:26:17):
people have become so lazy dependant on microwave cooking for everything. U can whip yp good mac & cheese very quickly if You have a Good sized Bowl and Pyrex pan.  not that time consuming . .
ggt183 says to  (18:26:37):
(Tp)putting bluesky on ignore for making me hungry
bluesky69 says to  (18:26:38):
ya i don't use microwave for cookking
Beachbum55 says to  (18:26:43):
Kids dont like a lot of homemade things.  I know I hated real lasagne as a kid.
bluesky69 says to  (18:26:44):
(lol) ggt
bluesky69 says to  (18:26:46):
bluesky69 says to  (18:26:57):
go get something to eat if your hungry
ggt183 says to  (18:27:07):
bluesky69 says to  (18:27:35):
if i were there i would cook u something but im not so where is your wife
bluesky69 says to  (18:27:50):
she should have something in the oven cooking
ggt183 says to  (18:27:53):
bluesky69 says to  (18:27:57):
Antoinette from De says to  (18:28:03):
you just have to be creative when it comes to kids, I use to put vegetaable in my mac and chesse to get my k ids to eat vegetables
Antoinette from De says to  (18:28:22):
my sons love vegetables now
bluesky69 says to  (18:28:25):
my son eats veggies tooo
bluesky69 says to  (18:28:29):
he loves them
Antoinette from De says to  (18:28:30):
bluesky69 says to  (18:28:43):
i feed themt o him when he was a babby
bluesky69 says to  (18:28:46):
bluesky69 says to  (18:29:19):
i used to put in fresh veggies in a blender and feed it to him
ggt183 says to  (18:29:33):
Benyamin..chill..its not that serious
bluesky69 says to  (18:29:51):
fresh potatoe carrot tunip green beans
bluesky69 says to  (18:29:55):
etc etc
Antoinette from De says to  (18:30:06):
my daughter would not eat meat when she was l ittle b ut loved vegetables and fruits so I had to cook them for her and my youngest son thought that a meal was not a meal if it did not have vegetables with it
bluesky69 says to  (18:30:38):
ya my son loved veggies bette rthan meet when he as younger
Antoinette from De says to  (18:30:39):
they are funny and now for them to be with women tht do not really cook esp. like their mom
Beachbum55 says to  (18:30:45):
there he goes....
bluesky69 says to  (18:30:57):
yes ant
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:00):
Beachbum55 says to  (18:31:02):
Time to Eat!!!
Antoinette from De says to  (18:31:02):
so they come here for mac and chesse and cakes and other thngs
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:07):
show is over i guess
Antoinette from De says to  (18:31:15):
I guess it is,
Antoinette from De says to  (18:31:23):
good show Ben
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:24):
cool c yall later
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:29):
good show benyammin
Benyamin Solomon says (18:31:31):
Thanks Antoinette.
Antoinette from De says to  (18:31:38):
well talk to yall later have a good one until we meet again
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:47):
ok antoinette
Benyamin Solomon says (18:31:46):
Thanks Bluesky69.
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:53):
enjoy oyur meal
bluesky69 says to  (18:31:56):

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ben Solomon's Massacre 4/26/2011

*** (04:43:55):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Antoinette from De says to  (04:47:44):
Hypnoresolutions1 says to  (04:48:55):
Hypnoresolutions1 says to  (04:50:53):
Ben where can I find this?
Benyamin Solomon says (04:51:48):
*** (04:51:56):Kalagenesis is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Antoinette from De says to  (04:52:05):
Hello Kala
Benyamin Solomon says (04:52:17):
I wonder how Kala felt to be on the other end of the mute stick.
Antoinette from De says to  (04:52:19):
Ben  why is Kala on mute he did not do an ything
Benyamin Solomon says (04:52:34):
Ask him the same thing when he mutes me on his show every second, Antoinette.
Antoinette from De says to  (04:53:00):
have a good show, I thought that we were ad ults here
Benyamin Solomon says (04:52:59):
Guest6289 is definitely KalaGenesis.
Benyamin Solomon says (04:53:05):
We are.
Anticolonialist says to  (05:09:59):
What's a a massacre ons tupidity?
Anticolonialist says to  (05:11:21):
If you're going to talk about stupidity iot might be a good idea to proof read what you've written. Just sayin
Perry Steele says to  (05:16:34):
ha i made it in Ben's chatroom
Perry Steele says to  (05:17:26):
Ben is a sicko,and not to be trusted,he's a mental ward ecapee
*** (05:17:47):Perry Steele is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Benyamin Solomon says (05:20:37):
Guest2201 says to  (05:30:14):
Harry P Ness says to  (05:35:34):
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:38:24):
hello benyamin :D
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:38:43):
hello beachbum:D
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:38:52):
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:39:47):
who is harry ..({)
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:41:25):
did the fbi say jdl is a hate group ????
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:41:52):
when did fbi say that ???
Benyamin Solomon says (05:42:49):
It was stated by the leftist and anti-Semitic elements of the FBI.
Benyamin Solomon says (05:43:09):
Any form of Jewish self defense is smeared as terroristic and/or hatred. I'm sick and tired of that.
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:43:29):
ok i understand benyamin
Benyamin Solomon says (05:43:28):
God bless the heroic JDL [Jewish Defense League].
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:44:15):
im a american i dont like to go aginst our goverment
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:45:45):
good show benyamin ...see you later ,when is bc comin back i hear his pissed
ODD SQUAD says to  (05:46:03):
bluesky69 says to  (05:57:07):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (05:57:21):
hi bb(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (05:59:47):
jeeze no one is here
bluesky69 says to  (05:59:53):
just me and bb
bluesky69 says to  (06:00:10):
where is ggt183 ?
bluesky69 says to  (06:01:07):
no sound now
bluesky69 says to  (06:01:17):
oh got sound now
bluesky69 says to  (06:01:42):
benyamin u were to silent to long
bluesky69 says to  (06:01:51):
i thought i lost sound
bluesky69 says to  (06:01:57):
bluesky69 says to  (06:07:05):
whitepunkondope says to  (06:10:51):
nice job on ggt183 last nite ben
bluesky69 says to  (06:10:57):
hi iggy(L):-*
a12iggymom says to  (06:12:27):
Hi Benyamin, bluesky and Beachbum
Benyamin Solomon says (06:12:52):
Hi a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to  (06:12:54):
couldn't post when I first got in... :(
a12iggymom says to  (06:13:46):
punk is a troll, seen him around other shows, he usually calls in with racist remarks and cursing...
bluesky69 says to  (06:14:32):
we know iggy he just got kicked out
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (06:14:51):
i dont have a cell fone so hoiw is it i called in
a12iggymom says to  (06:14:54):
lol I missed it but recognize the name
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (06:15:01):
thats false i want a retraction
a12iggymom says to  (06:15:22):
we don't take skype calls at Spin This any more unless the id themselves
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (06:15:38):
i have never called in any show so thats faluse
bluesky69 says to  (06:15:54):
no one said u did ghetto
bluesky69 says to  (06:17:02):
well done
bluesky69 says to  (06:17:04):
a12iggymom says to  (06:17:12):
lol yep bluesky
bluesky69 says to  (06:17:19):
roast them well done (lol)
a12iggymom says to  (06:17:51):
unless that is dope under another name
Benyamin Solomon says (06:17:52):
Alright, bluesky69
bluesky69 says to  (06:18:03):
that's what im thinkin iggy
a12iggymom says to  (06:18:46):
SexySammy37 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (06:20:37):
i want an apoligy
Benyamin Solomon says to SexySammy37 (private) (06:21:12):
Why? You apologize for accusing me of being a bigot, who hates Christians.
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (06:21:31):
well i guess i dont fit in the country club of whites
bluesky69 says to  (06:21:52):
ghetto hoow do u know im not black
bluesky69 says to  (06:22:01):
i could be black or white
bluesky69 says to  (06:22:06):
bluesky69 says to  (06:23:42):
u just played that benyamin
bluesky69 says to  (06:23:45):
a12iggymom says to  (06:26:19):
Benyamin was at a christian show I was at last night, he diesn't hate christians...
a12iggymom says to  (06:26:25):
a12iggymom says to  (06:26:43):
that is just a stupid statement...
bluesky69 says to  (06:30:21):
good show benyamin god bless america god bless canada
a12iggymom says to  (06:30:25):
come to do the right thing tonight, its current events
Beachbum55 says to  (06:30:28):
a12iggymom says to  (06:30:45):
thanks Benyamin, I really like your show
a12iggymom says to  (06:30:55):
Benyamin Solomon says (06:30:57):
Thanks Bluesky69. Thanks a12iggymom.
bluesky69 says to  (06:32:49):
bye benyamin
Beachbum55 says to  (06:32:59):
Bye Ben
Benyamin Solomon says (06:44:19):

Monday, April 25, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone 4/25/2011

*** (07:40:57):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Beachbum55 says to  (07:47:20):
jimmy carter betrayed Israel..
Beachbum55 says to  (07:48:40):
jimmy carter is a muslim lover and sold Israel Out.  Dont be fooled by him..
Beachbum55 says to  (07:49:09):
Joe Wilson was right
Guest2201 says to  (07:49:59):
*** (07:50:17):Guest2201 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to  (07:50:19):
it might have been rude what Joe Wilson said out loud but was he wrong in what he said?   NO!
Beachbum55 says to  (07:52:29):
guest flew away...
*** (07:55:29):Top Gun American has been unmuted by Admin.
Top Gun American says to  (07:55:41):
Hello Benyamin
MELINDA says to  (08:12:30):
MELINDA says to  (08:12:35):
Hey, everybody
MELINDA says to  (08:12:49):
God Bless Benyamin Solomon
MELINDA says to  (08:12:49):
God Bless America
MELINDA says to  (08:12:54):
God Damn Michelle Hussein Obama
MELINDA says to  (08:14:58):
the left drops race cards left and right
MELINDA says to  (08:19:29):
MELINDA says to  (08:20:59):
Benyamin, you are AMAZING!
Beachbum55 says to  (08:21:34):
MELINDA says to  (08:21:37):
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beachbum55 says to  (08:22:17):
dont forget Uncle Toms!!
African Warlord X says to  (08:23:01):
Melinda ! Hey babydoll
Beachbum55 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (08:23:08):
african warlord is here
African Warlord X says to  (08:23:21):
The are coons
MELINDA says to  (08:23:25):
MELINDA says to  (08:23:28):
you are a racist
*** (08:23:27):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MELINDA says to  (08:23:35):
he is a racist and real mean
MELINDA says to  (08:23:55):
he's sexist
Top Gun American says to  (08:24:22):
MELINDA says to  (08:24:23):
did you see how he called me a baby doll?  that's racist and sexist.  he's a rapist.  he wants to rape me as if I was some little dumb girl
Benyamin Solomon says (08:25:32):
Warlord X looks like a dufus.
MELINDA says to  (08:25:37):
What is the Top Gun American talking about?
Beachbum55 says to  (08:26:12):
JDL does what they need to do to defend themselves. Im sure there are extremists in every group, even the Knights of Columbus!
MELINDA says to  (08:27:01):
wow, this guy denied the holocaust?
MELINDA says to  (08:27:10):
he said the numbers were inflated for political purposes?
brotherk says to  (08:27:12):
unmute warlordx! lets hear what he has to say!
MELINDA says to  (08:27:13):
that's disgusting.
brotherk says to  (08:27:23):
the champ is here!!
brotherk says to  (08:27:35):
hello ben!! hello to all!
Beachbum55 says to  (08:27:37):
oh there is a whole bunch of people who deny the holocaust even happened!
MELINDA says to  (08:27:43):
i can't believe there are Holocaust deniers on BTR.
MELINDA says to  (08:27:47):
That's just disgusting.
MELINDA says to  (08:27:55):
That's simply unAmerican.
brotherk says to  (08:28:06):
unmute warlordx
MELINDA says to  (08:28:11):
Warlord X should be censured for life and put in jail for denying the Holocaust.
MELINDA says to  (08:28:19):
That's so out of touch he's not even on the map.
brotherk says to  (08:28:46):
give warlordx a fair hearing
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:09):
(})   off to ggt show...
*** (08:29:09):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (08:29:17):
Melinda, YOU are the hateful one !!!!!!!!!!!!! So STFU  I don't need to rape anyone.  I lived with two Japanese girls at different times during college. By the way, Melinda, what's up with the bumble bee eye wear on your profile pic ?
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:21):
Oh Ill wait for this...
*** (08:29:26):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:34):
Beachbum55 says to  (08:29:50):
Melinda is beautiful..
MELINDA says to  (08:29:53):
see, Benyamin, he thinks all the Asians are the same.
MELINDA says to  (08:29:55):
That's racist
MELINDA says to  (08:30:08):
Wat a piece of garbage
MELINDA says to  (08:30:14):
god damn him
MELINDA says to  (08:30:23):
damn him to hell
MELINDA says to  (08:30:27):
god damn warlord x
Beachbum55 says to  (08:30:28):
dont lose sleep over him..
Benyamin Solomon says (08:30:55):
This chatroom shall be published on my blog.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:31:30):
don't thinbk that everything Warlord X said in that audio file is true cause I didn't ge tto refuting it.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:31:38):
I'll check out my switchboard.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:31:47):
Sorry for typo two comments above.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:33:50):

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Truth about Conservatism and American Patriotism 4/24/2011

*** (22:06:50):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (22:07:37):
hi benyamin(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (22:07:40):
MELINDA says to  (22:07:44):
bluesky69 says to  (22:07:47):
hi bb(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (22:07:51):
benyamin, i'm here
Benyamin Solomon says (22:07:52):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (22:07:57):
hi melinda(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (22:07:58):
MELINDA says to  (22:08:04):
Beachbum55 says to  (22:08:07):
Ho Bluesky
bluesky69 says to  (22:08:08):
MELINDA says to  (22:08:22):
MELINDA says to  (22:08:40):
Did you see that Obama's crazy Muslim cousin the Prime Minister of Kenya Odinga is on Blog Talk Radio today?
bluesky69 says to  (22:08:57):
hi antoinette(L):-*
Beachbum55 says to  (22:09:00):
Hi Antoinette and everyone else!!  (})
ggt183 says to  (22:09:01):
Blueasky :-*
ggt183 says to  (22:09:10):
Antoinette :-*
bluesky69 says to  (22:09:10):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:09:16):
MELINDA says to  (22:09:21):
Obama's cousin Odinga is slaughtering Christians in Kenya.  Odinga and Obama hate Christians.  They are cousins.  Seed of Islam.
Antoinette from De says to  (22:09:23):
hello ben bb55 blue ggt,guest holger and melina
Holger Awakens says to  (22:09:33):
hi Antoinette
MELINDA says to  (22:09:43):
bluesky69 says to  (22:09:52):
MELINDA says to  (22:10:05):
bluesky69 says to  (22:10:22):
MELINDA says to  (22:10:29):
MELINDA says to  (22:10:48):
ggt183 says to  (22:10:55):
(Tp)putting holger on ignore for not speaking
MELINDA says to  (22:11:06):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:11:08):
MELINDA says to  (22:11:23):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:11:30):
(Tp)  putting ggt on ignore cause it just feels good
ggt183 says to  (22:11:37):
MELINDA says to  (22:11:43):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:11:43):
MELINDA says to  (22:12:00):
MELINDA says to  (22:12:24):
bluesky69 says to  (22:12:27):
ggt183 says to  (22:12:31):
Ron Paul 8-)
bluesky69 says to  (22:12:38):
hi iggy(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (22:12:39):
a12iggymom says to  (22:12:50):
Hi Benyamin, Antoinette, Beachbum, bluesky, ggt, Holger and Melinda!
Holger Awakens says to  (22:12:55):
MELINDA says to  (22:12:55):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:13:09):
MELINDA says to  (22:13:10):
OMG.  But what about Odinga, the Prime Minister of Kenya who is Obama's Muslim cousin.
MELINDA says to  (22:13:15):
He is killing Christians in Kenya,.
bluesky69 says to  (22:13:21):
oh here we go
MELINDA says to  (22:13:22):
Obama has said NOTHING.
MELINDA says to  (22:13:36):
MELINDA says to  (22:13:46):
bluesky69 says to  (22:13:57):
hi bb(L):-*
MELINDA says to  (22:14:02):
MELINDA says to  (22:14:16):
Beachbum55 says to  (22:14:20):
hi a12iggymom...  (})
MELINDA says to  (22:14:24):
MELINDA says to  (22:14:45):
AmericanCitizen says to  (22:14:55):
MELINDA says to  (22:15:07):
bluesky69 says to  (22:15:10):
hamas is a terrorist group
Antoinette from De says to  (22:15:20):
Hello Ac
bluesky69 says to  (22:15:36):
so is Al-Queda
bluesky69 says to  (22:15:50):
ggt183 says to  (22:16:01):
Shawn :@
bluesky69 says to  (22:16:09):
(lol) ggt
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:16:28):
ggt, why you starting trouble. I didn't say a word. Your a trouble maker
ggt183 says to  (22:16:34):
bluesky69 says to  (22:16:37):
bluesky69 says to  (22:16:48):
he has erudite mind
bluesky69 says to  (22:16:59):
and he is a btr celebrity
bluesky69 says to  (22:17:04):
ggt183 says to  (22:17:11):
<<<<BTR Celebrity
bluesky69 says to  (22:17:18):
that's what i just said
bluesky69 says to  (22:17:29):
ggt183 says to  (22:17:32):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:17:33):
yeah, ggt is having his 15 minutes of fame
a12iggymom says to  (22:17:36):
al jajihad
bluesky69 says to  (22:17:41):
(lol) shawn
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:17:54):
in my case 30 minutes :D
ggt183 says to  (22:17:56):
15 minutes?
Holger Awakens says to  (22:18:00):
<---has #1 half hour show on BTR....oh wait, it's the ONLY half hour show on BTR  :nevermind:
ggt183 says to  (22:18:03):
bluesky69 says to  (22:18:06):
(lol) shawn
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:18:20):
No holger, mine is now 30 minutes too so you got some competition
bluesky69 says to  (22:18:20):
(lol)(lol) holger
Beachbum55 says to  (22:18:21):
big post Easter show at 1:30am for those of us who dont want to go to sleep and be entertained!!   >>
Holger Awakens says to  (22:18:29):
hahaha Shawn
Holger Awakens says to  (22:18:32):
Bring it!
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:18:37):
you cant handle this
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:18:41):
ggt183 says to  (22:18:43):
Holger is not a BTR celebrity
Holger Awakens says to  (22:18:44):
can't touch this!
bluesky69 says to  (22:18:47):
thank you bb
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:18:48):
bluesky69 says to  (22:18:56):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:19:07):
got that right ggt....i'm a BTR ICON
bluesky69 says to  (22:19:16):
(lol):D holger
MELINDA says to  (22:19:18):
obama's cousin odinga is a muslim in kenya who is killing christians.
MELINDA says to  (22:19:20):
he's a terrorist.
bluesky69 says to  (22:19:28):
holger has been on  btr longer than ggt183
Holger Awakens says to  (22:19:28):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:19:34):
Holger might be an icon, but I am a LEGEND!
ggt183 says to  (22:19:34):
Let it go Holger......your run is over
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:19:37):
bluesky69 says to  (22:19:39):
oh melinda who cares
Holger Awakens says to  (22:19:40):
MELINDA says to  (22:19:40):
I'm also convinced michelle hussein obama is a terrorist who loves the muslim brotherhood and other frindge out of touch
Beachbum55 says to  (22:20:04):
Holger not a Big Time syndicated host yet like Shawn...
bluesky69 says to  (22:20:12):
MELINDA says to  (22:20:18):
I care, Bluesky.  Obama went to Kenya and campaigned for his cousin, who is a Muslim Prime Minister of Kenya who is killing Christians.
Holger Awakens says to  (22:20:23):
yeah, i'm the only BTR host without a network
bluesky69 says to  (22:20:23):
with an erudite mind
MELINDA says to  (22:20:27):
I care, because I believe in freedom.
bluesky69 says to  (22:20:27):
ggt183 says to  (22:20:38):
Holger= Wrong
bluesky69 says to  (22:20:50):
melinda no one cares for now jeeze we are here to have fun
Holger Awakens says to  (22:20:55):
ggt, aren't you part of the BC Network?
Holger Awakens says to  (22:21:06):
:cymbal crash:
MELINDA says to  (22:21:12):
well, how can we have fun when the country is going to hell and people are dying?
ggt183 says to  (22:21:13):
<<<< could not get a damn network if my life depended on it:D
bluesky69 says to  (22:21:30):
can u stop it melinda
bluesky69 says to  (22:21:35):
no so let it go
bluesky69 says to  (22:21:47):
(lol) ggt
ggt183 says to  (22:22:08):
Past= Holger
MELINDA says to  (22:22:11):
Odinga is being interviewed on blog talk radio today.  that's why i bring it up
bluesky69 says to  (22:22:17):
our country is going to hell to but u don't' see me on here talking about my country
ggt183 says to  (22:22:20):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:22:20):
yer a dinosaur, ggt
bluesky69 says to  (22:22:29):
there is nothing we can do to stop it
ggt183 says to  (22:22:31):
Future= GGT183
bluesky69 says to  (22:22:42):
not everyone wants to get involved
MELINDA says to  (22:22:58):
well, your canada.  we have real problems here.
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:22:59):
lol ggt!
ggt183 says to  (22:23:01):
MELINDA says to  (22:23:03):
people here are scared
bluesky69 says to  (22:23:05):
and we don't
MELINDA says to  (22:23:06):
and want help NOW
bluesky69 says to  (22:23:14):
come here for 6 months
bluesky69 says to  (22:23:19):
and then say canada
MELINDA says to  (22:23:25):
how would i learn money?
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:23:38):
that is one angry  jew
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:23:42):
hang up on him
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:23:45):
ggt183 says to  (22:23:48):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:23:52):
who is the peon on the phone?
MELINDA says to  (22:23:52):
who the hell is this on the phone?
bluesky69 says to  (22:24:02):
oh god one angry jew is back
bluesky69 says to  (22:24:09):
one angry jew melinda
MELINDA says to  (22:24:17):
one angry jew is a rapist
MELINDA says to  (22:24:21):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:24:25):
isn't One Angry in jail for pedophilia?
ggt183 says to  (22:24:36):
Holger..if your nice to me..I might let you participate in my chatroom:D
Holger Awakens says to  (22:24:36):
bluesky69 says to  (22:24:37):
i thought he was holger
bluesky69 says to  (22:24:43):
bluesky69 says to  (22:24:51):
i hear that tooo
bluesky69 says to  (22:25:27):
bluesky69 says to  (22:25:36):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:25:43):
i don't see One Angry in the chat room
bluesky69 says to  (22:25:43):
bout time thank u benyamin
bluesky69 says to  (22:25:52):
he is probley guest
Holger Awakens says to  (22:25:56):
is he hiding behind someone's dress?
bluesky69 says to  (22:26:01):
ggt183 says to  (22:26:07):
<<< is a black person too....everyone stand and clap
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:26:12):
I have tried hding behind a dress before...dont have the legs for it
bluesky69 says to  (22:26:18):
<<<<<< clapping
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:26:28):
horray for ggt and his blackness
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:26:29):
I guess
Holger Awakens says to  (22:26:33):
Shawn, we BOTH could hide behind Mooschelle's dress
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:26:34):
bluesky69 says to  (22:26:43):
(lol) holger
Antoinette from De says to  (22:26:43):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:26:48):
lol holger
ggt183 says to  (22:26:54):
thank you..thank you
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:03):
yw yw
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:06):
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:08):
ggt183 says to  (22:27:09):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:27:20):
Ben, ask One Angry if he has all the answers what time I can catch his BTR show
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:27:30):
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:35):
he's not on anymore he hhung up on him
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:48):
i told benyamin to hang up on him and hbe did
bluesky69 says to  (22:27:52):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:27:56):
bluesky69 says to  (22:28:03):
bluesky69 says to  (22:28:56):
benyamin u get a house full on sunday nights
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:08):
this room is packed
ggt183 says to  (22:29:09):
shhhhh bluesky
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:19):
don't shhhhhhh me ggt
MELINDA says to  (22:29:20):
thanks, bluesky
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:21):
MELINDA says to  (22:29:25):
i can't stand that guy
MELINDA says to  (22:29:28):
the OAJ
MELINDA says to  (22:29:33):
he's a freak and a loser
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:38):
i argee
MELINDA says to  (22:29:39):
and a rapist
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:29:52):
your making ggt feel bad blue. I think you hurt his feelings
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:29:55):
he needs a hug
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:59):
MELINDA says to  (22:30:08):
bluesky69 says to  (22:30:10):
MELINDA says to  (22:30:12):
ggt183 says to  (22:30:15):
<<<< has a brilliant political mind
bluesky69 says to  (22:30:17):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:30:30):
ggt is the voice of a new generation.
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:30:37):
or an old one..either way
bluesky69 says to  (22:30:41):
MELINDA says to  (22:30:43):
ggt183 says to  (22:30:43):
MELINDA says to  (22:30:46):
thank you, bluesky
ggt183 says to  (22:30:50):
MELINDA says to  (22:30:53):
where is shawn?
bluesky69 says to  (22:30:56):
yw melinda
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:31:00):
I'm shawn
MELINDA says to  (22:31:02):
i love shawn
MELINDA says to  (22:31:07):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:31:07):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:31:12):
MELINDA says to  (22:31:12):
MELINDA says to  (22:31:21):
bluesky69 says to  (22:31:25):
he got a show tonight melinda
MELINDA says to  (22:31:29):
MELINDA says to  (22:31:32):
I'm there.
Holger Awakens says to  (22:31:34):
see ggt?  we have no groupies
bluesky69 says to  (22:31:35):
some come to the show
MELINDA says to  (22:31:48):
I'm a total Shawn cheerleader/groupie
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (22:31:52):
whats wrong with a seperate state the jews have a state loaded with wepons to KILL
bluesky69 says to  (22:32:01):
(lol) melinda
ggt183 says to  (22:32:05):
<<< loves his groupies
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:32:06):
I will be a holger groupie. Just get a tshirt with your face on it and I will wear it around
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:32:09):
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (22:32:11):
cant anybody be allowed to defend itself from you FILLED WITH HATE JEWISH people
Holger Awakens says to  (22:32:17):
lol Shawn
bluesky69 says to  (22:32:23):
(lol) shawn
*** (22:32:27):ghettoRiffRaff is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:32:27):misswendi7 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MELINDA says to  (22:32:31):
I'll just wear a bikini and carry pom poms for Shawn.
MELINDA says to  (22:32:37):
*** (22:32:39):misswendi7 has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (22:32:39):ghettoRiffRaff has been unmuted by Admin.
bluesky69 says to  (22:32:41):
*** (22:32:53):ghettoRiffRaff is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:32:53):misswendi7 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Holger Awakens says to  (22:33:10):
muting incoming!
ggt183 says to  (22:33:31): many times do you change your diaper during your thirty minute show?:D
MELINDA says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:33:33):
Guest 223436 is sending viruses to people.  Ban him/her.
bluesky69 says to  (22:33:36):
why is misswedi muted she did'nt do anything
Holger Awakens says to  (22:33:42):
is misswendi a dominatrix?
bluesky69 says to  (22:33:45):
(lol) ggt
MELINDA says to  (22:33:49):
bluesky69 says to  (22:34:05):
hi bryan(L):-*
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:34:15):
hey blue
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:34:23):
MELINDA says to  (22:34:28):
thank you
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:34:43):
I change mine once during my 30 minute show, but that is just because I dont feel like walking to the bathroom. GGT, all high and mighty with his indoor plumbing and underwear
Beachbum55 says to  (22:34:47):
a erudite mind  <<<
bluesky69 says to  (22:34:59):
(lol) shawn
MELINDA says to  (22:35:02):
i love it.  what time are you on, shawn?
bluesky69 says to  (22:35:03):
oh my
Beachbum55 says to  (22:35:13):
1:30qm est
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:35:16):
130 Eastern time
MELINDA says to  (22:35:17):
Beachbum55 says to  (22:35:18):
MELINDA says to  (22:35:20):
i can't wait
MELINDA says to  (22:35:23):
i love shawn's voice
MELINDA says to  (22:35:25):
i love him
MELINDA says to  (22:35:31):
he's my cuddle bear
bluesky69 says to  (22:35:38):
last night there was no one there it was just me and shawn
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:35:45):
dam melinda get a room....jeez
MELINDA says to  (22:35:49):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:35:53):
bluesky69 says to  (22:35:54):
(lol) bryan
MELINDA says to  (22:36:00):
actually, bryan, he's my wrestle bear.
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:36:01):
ya, and I am going to pay you blue? What are you, a union worker???
MELINDA says to  (22:36:09):
bluesky69 says to  (22:36:37):
wow we acutally have witnesses to say that shawn said he would pay me
MELINDA says to  (22:36:46):
omg, bluesky
bluesky69 says to  (22:36:47):
u see that everyone
MELINDA says to  (22:36:48):
bluesky69 says to  (22:36:51):
MELINDA says to  (22:36:53):
make your money, then
bluesky69 says to  (22:37:00):
ggt your my witness
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:37:00):
nothing like a good "rasslin" match.....get all hot and I need a room
MELINDA says to  (22:37:17):
ask shawn to put a twenty in your g string, bluesky.
bluesky69 says to  (22:37:18):
(lol) bryan
MELINDA says to  (22:37:19):
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (22:37:23):
ben your a little bitchhhh u stop anybody from giveing their opinion. what a typical HATE MONGERT JEW U call perry steel the N word claim kool mik needs to die and on and on kala is a racist
bluesky69 says to  (22:37:33):
(lol) melinda
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:37:34):
lol Melinda
ggt183 says to  (22:37:36):
(Tp)reportng shawn to a local collection agency
ghettoRiffRaff says to  (22:37:37):
ggt183 how do u allow him to mute everybody but he goes on 2 hours ur show
bluesky69 says to  (22:37:41):
mor elike 100 dollar bill
MELINDA says to  (22:37:45):
bluesky69 says to  (22:37:51):
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:37:52):
ggt, will you get off the ten dollars. I dont have it, Obama took it
ggt183 says to  (22:37:53):
MELINDA says to  (22:38:03):
better check if it's authentic.  you have a gold pen?
ggt183 says to  (22:38:04):
I dont host this show
bluesky69 says to  (22:38:16):
no i do
MELINDA says to  (22:38:17):
i have a gold marker at my store if you needo ne.
bluesky69 says to  (22:38:20):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:38:28):
how many elections have been held in Gaza since Hamas gained power?
MELINDA says to  (22:38:33):
people get so pissed when i mark their bills
ggt183 says to  (22:38:36):
<<<< is not affililiated with BS productions:D
MELINDA says to  (22:38:36):
i love it
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:38:39):
<<<did a "chipendale" thing drawers kept falling off cause the nickels were thoo heavy
MELINDA says to  (22:38:47):
bluesky69 says to  (22:38:57):
(lol) ohhh bryan:$
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:39:06):
Holger Awakens says to  (22:39:29):
Palestinians are Jordanians who got kicked out for giving STDs to goats
bluesky69 says to  (22:39:59):
MELINDA says to  (22:40:00):
Gaza is a crazy place.
ggt183 says to  (22:40:25): goats  are offended at your last comment
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:40:35):
and ggt knows about goats!
Holger Awakens says to  (22:40:37):
keep them close, ggt
MELINDA says to  (22:40:40):
bluesky69 says to  (22:40:44):
MELINDA says to  (22:40:49):
didn't realize he got into kink and raunch.
ggt183 says to  (22:40:52):
MELINDA says to  (22:40:53):
bluesky69 says to  (22:41:00):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:41:05):
Palestine needs a free, independent state. They have never had it, without "settelers" in it, get rid of the Isralies, let Palestine rule themselves
MELINDA says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:41:34):
okay, i'm not gonna chat, because i need to shave.  hope you don't mind.
Holger Awakens says to  (22:41:49):
i agree Bryan, let's give them a mile square of land in Chechnya
MELINDA says to  (22:41:51):
okay, not gonna chat, because i have a few things i need to do
Benyamin Solomon says to MELINDA (private) (22:41:53):
ggt183 says to  (22:42:11):
There is no Palestine...Benyamin hit the music :D
bluesky69 says to  (22:42:22):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:43:30):
WE....America and her allies....created WE allow this created government to get away with ANYTHING....
bluesky69 says to  (22:43:46):
drama queen =american citizen
bluesky69 says to  (22:43:54):
whitepunkondope says to  (22:44:06):
isreili does not have the right to exist god didnt give them ***tttttt they been kicked out of more countries then a drunk from a bar
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:44:48):
Piss on anything "God" created.....we don't stone aduterers either, we don't kill you for eating pork......Israel is there because WE put them there
Holger Awakens says to  (22:45:10):
G_d put them there Bryan
ggt183 says to  (22:45:17):
BryanSmith..may God have mercy on your soul
Holger Awakens says to  (22:45:28):
it's right in Genesis
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:45:31):
God put the Palestinians there too
bluesky69 says to  (22:45:53):
god created this earth for us
bluesky69 says to  (22:46:05):
<<<<< loves god
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:46:28):
<<<has a "God of my understanding"
Holger Awakens says to  (22:46:45):
Bryan, let's just say your neighbors on both sides of you move out.  You want those houses filled with Isrealis or Palis?
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:47:02):
Either one is ok by me
Holger Awakens says to  (22:47:06):
yeah right
Holger Awakens says to  (22:47:19):
you'd be crying like  alittle baby if the Palis moved in
Holger Awakens says to  (22:47:33):
you'd be down at city hall
Holger Awakens says to  (22:47:45):
"protect me!  Protect me!"
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:47:46):
NOPE...not me....
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:48:00):
I protect myself(H)
MELINDA says to  (22:48:16):
whatever, bryan, you're a pussy
MELINDA says to  (22:48:19):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:48:29):
oh baby....
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:48:42):
how did you come up with that comment???
bluesky69 says to  (22:48:42):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:49:10):
What because I am not terrified of "terroists"?
bluesky69 says to  (22:49:27):
im not afraid of terrorists
Holger Awakens says to  (22:49:35):
i should get that Italian on the line here , the one that went to Palestine to help them out....oh wait, what's that?   they killed him?
bluesky69 says to  (22:49:38):
they are a bunch of ragheads
ggt183 says to  (22:49:43):
<<<< is afraid of terrorist
Beachbum55 says to  (22:49:55):
       ggt <<< needs to use his erudite mind to find a steady co-host.... too many pre- emptions!
bluesky69 says to  (22:49:58):
not me ggt
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:50:00):
<------ afraid of ggt and his colection agency
bluesky69 says to  (22:50:13):
(lol) shawn
ggt183 says to  (22:50:19):
Beachbum..what do you mean
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:50:32):
My own government is terroist enough....why should I worry about ppl half way around the world????
Beachbum55 says to  (22:50:39):
show cancelled a lot..
ggt183 says to  (22:51:03):
show is mon-fri @ 11:30 eastern
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:51:08):
Of course I have thought about taking a plane ride....I haven't been GROPED in a while
Beachbum55 says to  (22:51:25):
u had a sat nite 9pm show schudeuled..
ggt183 says to  (22:52:08):
sorry..i'll try to do a better job scheduling
ggt183 says to  (22:52:27):
i'm new at this..please bare with me
Beachbum55 says to  (22:52:28):
thats ok,  u have a good show..
bluesky69 says to  (22:52:54):
and  im starting my show hopefully next fri sat sun
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:03):
on ggt show
ggt183 says to  (22:53:18):
whats the name gonna be bluesky
Beachbum55 says to  (22:53:22):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:53:23):
a blue show???
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:34):
i duno can i change the name?
ggt183 says to  (22:53:41):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:53:47):
Blue Skies
ggt183 says to  (22:53:49):
i dont know
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:53):
well im asking u its your account
bluesky69 says to  (22:54:11):
i have'nt really thought of a name yet
ggt183 says to  (22:54:22):
just cahnge the description for now
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:54:26):
You can put a name in the show title, but ggt's name would have to stay the same. Like I do when I have music shows, it is a different name but still under the same show name as all the other political shows
bluesky69 says to  (22:54:26):
bluesky69 says to  (22:54:42):
oh ok shawn
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:54:53):
Hell Blue Skies would be good .... if not taken yet
ggt183 says to  (22:54:54):
<<< is a btr celebrity
ggt183 says to  (22:55:04):
will bring you good ratings:D
bluesky69 says to  (22:55:21):
i don't want to use the name hell bryan
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:55:43):
no...just the Blue Skies part(6)
Political Insanity Radio says to  (22:55:47):
got to have ggt on my 30 minute show one night to pull in some people. probably chrage me another 10 bucks
bluesky69 says to  (22:55:58):
ohh ok
bluesky69 says to  (22:56:01):
bluesky69 says to  (22:56:04):
well see
ggt183 says to  (22:56:09):
yes Shawn...i will
bluesky69 says to  (22:56:21):
(lol) shawn
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:57:23):
Blue I would suggest initials too....but you got the same problem I do.....B....S....
bluesky69 says to  (22:57:41):
bluesky69 says to  (22:57:46):
yes i see that
bluesky69 says to  (22:57:56):
bs bull ***
bluesky69 says to  (22:58:01):
BryanSmith0 says to  (22:58:05):
Try getting towels with a just don't look real good
bluesky69 says to  (22:58:48):
brb still listening but afk
bluesky69 says to  (22:59:07):
gotta get some dishes done
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:32):
thanks Benyanim, great show
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:51):
night everyone
Antoinette from De says to  (23:01:03):
good night  everyone
Beachbum55 says to  (23:01:22):
bluesky69 says to  (23:02:27):
is the show ver
bluesky69 says to  (23:02:29):
bluesky69 says to  (23:02:37):
bluesky69 says to  (23:02:52):
c u all at shawns show
Benyamin Solomon says (23:10:54):
Benyamin Solomon says (23:13:03):
I didn't call Perry Steele the n word, contrary to what that stupid idiot Getto Riff Raff says.
Benyamin Solomon says (23:14:04):