*** (08:03:11):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to (08:04:21):
yay finally
bluesky69 says to (08:04:32):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to (08:04:40):
ggt183 says to (08:04:44):
bluesky69 says to (08:05:01):
hi bb(L):-*
Beachbum55 says to (08:05:26):
Hi Blusky
bluesky69 says to (08:05:54):
hi iggy(L):-*
Beachbum55 says to (08:06:06):
hi ggt and ur erudite mind!
a12iggymom says to (08:06:12):
Hi Benyamin, Beachbum, bluesky (F) ggt
ggt183 says to (08:06:23):
:D hi beachbum
bluesky69 says to (08:06:24):
also a btr celebrity
Beachbum55 says to (08:06:26):
Hi iggymom.
bluesky69 says to (08:06:31):
Beachbum55 says to (08:06:38):
GGT will be calling in Im sure...
bluesky69 says to (08:07:12):
Beachbum55 says to (08:07:12):
bluesky<<syndicated host
ggt183 says to (08:07:22):
Benyamin,,Israel must let justice prevail..give back the land to the Palestinians:@
Beachbum55 says to (08:09:32):
shame people cant get along because I see israel hires many palestinians to do their construction work and other jobs in Israel.
ggt183 says to (08:10:34):
Jews should give back the land and live peacefully under the rule of a Palestinian govt
a12iggymom says to (08:10:40):
find one map pre-1948 that has a "palistine", you can't there aren't any because there is no 'palistine'
a12iggymom says to (08:11:57):
I have looked for the last 10 years
ggt183 says to (08:12:41):
Jews need to stop murdering people who cant defend themselves
a12iggymom says to (08:12:56):
a12iggymom says to (08:13:07):
like hamas?
ggt183 says to (08:13:35):
i'm just kidding Benyamin..you know i'm pro-Israel dude..chill out:D
ggt183 says to (08:14:40):
<<< will never sell out
bluesky69 says to (08:14:51):
yes bb im a sydicated host (lol)
bluesky69 says to (08:15:04):
im back
bluesky69 says to (08:15:06):
Benyamin Solomon says (08:16:46):
ggt183 says to (08:16:50):
so you think I'm anti-semetic?
ggt183 says to (08:17:02):
whatever dude8-)
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:24):
Maybe not. But I think you very much sold out to the terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians, who are anti-Semitic.
ggt183 says to (08:17:37):
sold out?
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:37):
and who are also anti-American.
Benyamin Solomon says (08:17:46):
Sounds like it two episodes ago.
ggt183 says to (08:18:11):
what did i say..that would make me a sell out
ggt183 says to (08:18:44):
ggt183 says to (08:18:48):
Benyamin Solomon says (08:19:15):
Listen two episodes ago. You were on my case for saying terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians while you came in defense of "Cool" Mike.
bluesky69 says to (08:19:23):
oh beachbum shawn got a show on tonight
Beachbum55 says to (08:19:46):
was he mad last nite? show ended suddenly..
Beachbum55 says to (08:20:02):
I liked his music. its his show..
bluesky69 says to (08:20:04):
yes cause everyone was talking over each other
Beachbum55 says to (08:20:12):
Oh ok.
bluesky69 says to (08:20:18):
that guy mark should have never called in
Beachbum55 says to (08:20:22):
what time.. usual?
bluesky69 says to (08:20:24):
he started it all
Beachbum55 says to (08:20:36):
kick him out. mark him a Troll!
bluesky69 says to (08:20:40):
yes the usual time
Beachbum55 says to (08:20:47):
thank U.
bluesky69 says to (08:21:04):
and it's going to be under music category
ggt183 says to (08:21:17):
Benyamin..well since you think I'm a sell out..you wont be bothered with me anymore.
Beachbum55 says to (08:21:31):
perfect cuz ben will give me my politics for tonite..
bluesky69 says to (08:21:33):
oh jeeze guys
bluesky69 says to (08:21:39):
come on get along
bluesky69 says to (08:21:47):
ggt don't leave
Beachbum55 says to (08:21:47):
I wont be here for 2 hrs tho..
bluesky69 says to (08:22:11):
what at shawns show bb
Beachbum55 says to (08:22:29):
no here!!
bluesky69 says to (08:22:33):
oh ok
Beachbum55 says to (08:22:39):
Im in with shawn for 5 hours..
a12iggymom says to (08:22:40):
who is this cool mike guy? the name is new to me
Beachbum55 says to (08:22:51):
mike is co host with ggt
bluesky69 says to (08:23:01):
i dunno iggy he is a liberal
bluesky69 says to (08:23:08):
that's all i know
bluesky69 says to (08:23:18):
but ya the name is new to me too
a12iggymom says to (08:23:25):
is he...Loki's been talking ith him
bluesky69 says to (08:23:30):
but he sounds like an idot
a12iggymom says to (08:23:37):
Beachbum55 says to (08:23:43):
he is the co-host on ggts show. I didnt know he was a Lib. if so I want to know why?
bluesky69 says to (08:24:13):
i don't know for sure im only going by what others are saying
a12iggymom says to (08:24:17):
what show was he being antisemitic on? ggts?
Beachbum55 says to (08:24:18):
the last Mike had some name like amilio or whatever
bluesky69 says to (08:24:25):
yes ggt
bluesky69 says to (08:24:34):
yes mike amelio\
bluesky69 says to (08:24:53):
but i heard he got banned for some reason i don't know why
a12iggymom says to (08:24:54):
Beachbum55 says to (08:25:14):
well I like ggts show cuz he does allow ben and others to talk but I dont want to hear some cool mike who is a Lib.
Beachbum55 says to (08:25:45):
thats odd. I thought ggt had a conservative show?
a12iggymom says to (08:25:55):
thanks, hes been talking to a host I work with
a12iggymom says to (08:26:16):
I want to know what he said so I can see how bad he is
bluesky69 says to (08:26:41):
i guess just listen to the show benyamin is saying
Beachbum55 says to (08:26:43):
Oh I wondered what happened to the old Mike. the rumor was he quit..
bluesky69 says to (08:27:02):
i don't know bb so manny rumors
Beachbum55 says to (08:27:04):
maybe the archives?
bluesky69 says to (08:27:11):
i heard he got banned
Beachbum55 says to (08:27:32):
yes im just going to listen to Bens show cuz its rude to talk about other show..
bluesky69 says to (08:27:37):
some say he quit some say he got banned
a12iggymom says to (08:28:05):
I found the show
Beachbum55 says to (08:28:13):
what date?
a12iggymom says to (08:29:01):
for that show?
Beachbum55 says to (08:29:10):
beware OAJ may be in the Chat Room...
Beachbum55 says to (08:29:25):
Yes..thr ggt show where Mike A said something..
bluesky69 says to (08:29:26):
oh he probley is
bluesky69 says to (08:29:31):
under guest
a12iggymom says to (08:29:37):
the 28th http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ggt183/2011/04/29/free-palastine
Beachbum55 says to (08:29:43):
a12iggymom says to (08:30:14):
I'm downloading it now
a12iggymom says to (08:30:50):
any idea when all this happened so I don't have to listen to the whole thing?
Beachbum55 says to (08:31:07):
me too..
a12iggymom says to (08:32:25):
Benyamin, the moslems were influencing the nazis
a12iggymom says to (08:32:47):
the grand imam drew up the plans for aushwitz
a12iggymom says to (08:33:22):
those plans were found in recent years...
a12iggymom says to (08:35:00):
Hitler hated christianity, if anything he was an athiest
a12iggymom says to (08:35:29):
his god was the state, his state
bluesky69 says to (08:39:40):
ecco says to (08:39:59):
hi blue, iggymom, Beach
a12iggymom says to (08:40:55):
hi ecco
ecco says to (08:41:04):
<<< been reasearching the Celtics, Bavaria, and such (H)
ecco says to (08:41:20):
a12iggymom says to (08:41:37):
ecco says to (08:42:45):
Boheman Grove cult may be related to Bohemia
ecco says to (08:43:12):
bluesky69 says to (08:44:23):
what were they then ben if they are'nt radicle islmaists
bluesky69 says to (08:44:50):
or muslims i meant
*** (08:45:29):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to (08:45:56):
radicals need backers...who are they is the question
bluesky69 says to (08:47:31):
the 911 hijackers were muslims
ecco says to (08:48:05):
looks like Bavarian nut bags are responsible for the NWO mess
ecco says to (08:50:41):
Islamic chief adised Hitler on how to exterminate the jews 8-)
*** (08:56:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to (08:56:14):
Talking out of both sides of his mouth. Does that include Palestian " Nazi-like scumbag terrorist scumbag " grandmoms Ben ? Osama Ben-Solomon. And Allah promised the land to the Palestinians, so what's your point about what holy books " say. "
*** (08:56:25):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to (08:58:02):
Ike had everyone take pictures of the holocuast ...they are all over 8-)
ecco says to (08:58:45):
may have been 10 million jews
bluesky69 says to (09:01:11):
bluesky69 says to (09:01:19):
or whatever it is
ecco says to (09:02:04):
an abreviation blue :D
bluesky69 says to (09:02:17):
what doess it stand for thou
bluesky69 says to (09:02:23):
Benyamin Solomon says (09:02:50):
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a Communist terror group and a faction of the terrorist PLO.
ecco says to (09:03:00):
darn florida lazy people :D
bluesky69 says to (09:03:19):
im not in flordia (lol)
Benyamin Solomon says (09:03:23):
A minority of the terrorist Nazi-like scumbag so-called Palestinians are Christians in name only. So most, but not all, are Muslims.
ecco says to (09:03:31):
bluesky69 says to (09:04:10):
ohhh i c now ecco(lol)(lol)
ecco says to (09:04:25):
ecco says to (09:06:11):
whut is IGGC, blue?
bluesky69 says to (09:06:25):
i dunno
bluesky69 says to (09:06:28):
Beachbum55 says to (09:06:44):
Hi ecco..(})
*** (09:07:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
ecco says to (09:07:12):
i'm gonna go crazy :D
*** (09:07:13):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ecco says to (09:07:27):
hi Beach
bluesky69 says to (09:07:28):
bluesky69 says to (09:07:37):
your too funny ecco
a12iggymom says to (09:08:15):
bb in a bit
bluesky69 says to (09:09:38):
OOOooooohhhhh i got booted
bluesky69 says to (09:09:42):
ecco says to (09:09:55):
bluesky69 says to (09:10:08):
hi melinda(L):-*
MELINDA says to (09:10:12):
I love it
MELINDA says to (09:10:18):
HELLO, Bluesky
MELINDA says to (09:10:19):
bluesky69 says to (09:10:23):
love what
bluesky69 says to (09:10:30):
michelle obama
MELINDA says to (09:10:33):
I love that the racist African Warlord X is banned
bluesky69 says to (09:10:34):
MELINDA says to (09:10:42):
No, I don't love that racist pig Michelle Hussein Obama
ecco says to (09:10:45):
Canadians are booted regularly on BTR :D
MELINDA says to (09:10:48):
bluesky69 says to (09:10:54):
(lol) eccco
bluesky69 says to (09:11:12):
:@ ecco
ecco says to (09:11:25):
bluesky69 says to (09:11:32):
ecco says to (09:12:05):
i'm wearin my garb :D
bluesky69 says to (09:12:40):
8-| im watching warlord x
ecco says to (09:12:41):
Beachbum55 says to (09:12:54):
bluesky69 says to (09:13:02):
i got my eye on u warlord
bluesky69 says to (09:13:05):
bluesky69 says to (09:13:23):
im a snydicated host here on btr
bluesky69 says to (09:13:26):
bluesky69 says to (09:13:29):
bluesky69 says to (09:13:38):
just ask bb he will tell u
bluesky69 says to (09:13:42):
ecco says to (09:13:43):
betha, beka, berma, oh forget it :D
bluesky69 says to (09:13:54):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to (09:14:26):
<<<< is syndicated and a good troll kicker here on btr
ecco says to (09:14:35):
blue syndicated?
bluesky69 says to (09:14:42):
yes sir i am
bluesky69 says to (09:14:45):
bluesky69 says to (09:14:52):
juust ask bb
bluesky69 says to (09:14:57):
ecco says to (09:15:06):
i'll vouch for good troll booter <:o)
bluesky69 says to (09:15:24):
i love kicking trolls out
bluesky69 says to (09:15:43):
if i could kick out warlord x i would he's a troll
Beachbum55 says to (09:15:44):
but do u have the little icon that says you are a "featured host" like the BC show is which is incidently is African Warlords Favorite show!
ecco says to (09:15:56):
blue practices bootin trolls by bootin herself (lol)
bluesky69 says to (09:16:04):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to (09:16:07):
bluesky69 says to (09:16:15):
i dunno bb
bluesky69 says to (09:16:17):
do i
bluesky69 says to (09:16:25):
u said i was syndicated
Beachbum55 says to (09:16:50):
its a picture of a microphone..
bluesky69 says to (09:17:11):
i know what it is but i dunno if i have it
Beachbum55 says to (09:17:13):
whole bunch of hosts under "popular hosts".
ecco says to (09:17:25):
whut's an Afrikan war load?8-|
bluesky69 says to (09:17:51):
i dunno ask him
Beachbum55 says to (09:18:01):
BC says he is a syndicated Host! No offense but Syndicated where?
bluesky69 says to (09:18:03):
oh wait he's on mute he can't chat
bluesky69 says to (09:18:06):
*** (09:18:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (09:18:11):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to (09:18:31):
that was fast. he didnt have time to speak.
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:18:44):
one angry jew is in your room but don't say this on air ok
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:18:50):
he is 12 angry men
ecco says to (09:18:56):
where is da BC? ({)
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:19:02):
see i told u this is him
Beachbum55 says to (09:19:27):
told u he would show up..
bluesky69 says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:19:33):
don't say that on air don't tell him
Beachbum55 says to (09:20:42):
da BC is doing what he likes to do. thats what he last said after long abcense.
bluesky69 says to (09:20:46):
yes bb you were right
ecco says to (09:22:22):
i'm concerned about da u S of A SCREW Africa
bluesky69 says to (09:23:16):
oh here we go
bluesky69 says to (09:23:20):
bluesky69 says to (09:23:26):
(lol) this is funny
ecco says to (09:24:01):
i taught the host asked the questions 8-)
bluesky69 says to (09:24:34):
but ben but ben but ben
bluesky69 says to (09:24:38):
ecco says to (09:25:05):
is der a but ben in da house? :D
bluesky69 says to (09:25:14):
bluesky69 says to (09:25:33):
ecco your a riot
bluesky69 says to (09:26:07):
no i don't wanna screw them im married
bluesky69 says to (09:26:10):
ecco says to (09:26:14):
dat's debatable blue :D
bluesky69 says to (09:26:27):
bluesky69 says to (09:27:07):
the germans are here (lol)
Beachbum55 says to (09:27:09):
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/conservativett/2011/05/01/conservative-t-t < some music and a xanex after this, ben, ben, ben
ecco says to (09:27:39):
who's dis but ben? ({)
Beachbum55 says to (09:27:44):
wasn't Ben a Rat in a Movie??
bluesky69 says to (09:27:55):
Guest2201 says to (09:28:08):
bluesky69 says to (09:28:30):
Beachbum55 says to (09:28:40):
ecco says to (09:29:01):
question question question enough dem questions (lol)
*** (09:29:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
bluesky69 says to (09:29:12):
this is comedy hour
African Warlord X says to (09:29:14):
Anyone who hates free speech hates America ! He's no dfferent than people who support State controlled media.
*** (09:29:20):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beachbum55 says to (09:30:02):
Beachbum55 says to (09:30:09):
bluesky69 says to (09:30:09):
see one angry jew
bluesky69 says to (09:30:18):
that is one angry jew
ecco says to (09:30:20):
we want answers not questions :D
bluesky69 says to (09:30:29):
(lol) ecco
Beachbum55 says to (09:30:41):
bluesky69 says to (09:30:58):
hear the kid in the background that's one angry jew's kid
bluesky69 says to (09:31:08):
Beachbum55 says to (09:31:13):
I know... ben is not getting it...
bluesky69 says to (09:31:16):
this is too funny
ecco says to (09:31:25):
"Chicun Head" song my favorite :D
Beachbum55 says to (09:31:28):
bluesky69 says to (09:31:37):
bluesky69 says to (09:31:53):
hi liberty welcome to comedy hour
bluesky69 says to (09:32:15):
(L):-* liberty
bluesky69 says to (09:32:22):
ecco says to (09:32:39):
Ben, play da chicun head song :D
Beachbum55 says to (09:32:40):
what a show..
Beachbum55 says to (09:32:59):
I almost went to debi daly to look at the trolls..
bluesky69 says to (09:33:07):
(lol) bb
thegermansarehere says to (09:33:27):
JDL comitted acts of terrorismm
Beachbum55 says to (09:33:35):
Yes its a Kosher Deli..
thegermansarehere says to (09:33:36):
it's so ridiculously undeniable
ecco says to (09:33:40):
:D Beach
bluesky69 says to (09:33:45):
(lol) bb
bluesky69 says to (09:34:07):
i have 2 uncle toms
12AngryMen says to (09:34:11):
Liberty Son says to (09:34:13):
Beny give me som eParrot!!!
12AngryMen says to (09:34:20):
We have one angry jew inside us.
12AngryMen says to (09:34:23):
Shut up.
thegermansarehere says to (09:34:46):
Hahahha, Ben.
bluesky69 says to (09:34:49):
hi rose (L):-*
DesertRose says to (09:35:00):
:S shhhh.. sneaking in
bluesky69 says to (09:35:06):
DesertRose says to (09:35:07):
blue... you dont know me
DesertRose says to (09:35:11):
bluesky69 says to (09:35:12):
ecco says to (09:35:15):
da name of da show is, "whut's my ideology" :D
bluesky69 says to (09:35:20):
DesertRose says to (09:35:23):
bluesky69 says to (09:35:33):
bluesky69 says to (09:35:53):
ahhh kala give me a cracker
bluesky69 says to (09:35:56):
DesertRose says to (09:36:08):
lol.. tha pic was cute
DesertRose says to (09:36:14):
ohh shhh
DesertRose says to (09:36:20):
bluesky69 says to (09:36:38):
be bugs bunny benyamin
12AngryMen says to (09:36:40):
Melinda has a beautiful butt - what do you all think?
Beachbum55 says to (09:36:47):
Ben Get On with your Show....
DesertRose says to (09:36:57):
would you rather have droopy or a pic like BC got
DesertRose says to (09:37:00):
be happy
bluesky69 says to (09:37:00):
i don't know never seen it 12 angry men
DesertRose says to (09:37:04):
bluesky69 says to (09:37:23):
hi bob(L):-*
BobUSMC says to (09:37:43):
bluesky69 says to (09:37:50):
Beachbum55 says to (09:37:57):
Hey Bob..
ecco says to (09:38:00):
blue butt da trolls :D
DesertRose says to (09:38:08):
my old btr boyfriend bob fry made that
bluesky69 says to (09:38:10):
(lol) i wish i could
Liberty Son says to (09:38:10):
Beachbum55 says to (09:38:15):
DesertRose says to (09:38:15):
:'( i miss Bob
bluesky69 says to (09:38:15):
no sound
ecco says to (09:38:28):
good time for silence
12AngryMen says to bluesky69 (09:38:29):
I miss Ezekial. So what.
bluesky69 says to (09:38:29):
Holger Awakens says to (09:38:36):
12AngryMen says to bluesky69 (09:38:37):
One of us is gay.
ecco says to (09:38:37):
bluesky69 says to (09:38:40):
(lol) funny 12
Liberty Son says to (09:39:06):
Ben, dont take it just do more parrot
Beachbum55 says to (09:39:11):
refresh didnt work. bens show as hacked by muslims..
bluesky69 says to (09:39:16):
still no osund
Beachbum55 says to (09:39:18):
bluesky69 says to (09:39:18):
bluesky69 says to (09:39:33):
hey lee(L):-*
CFGA says to (09:39:36):
*** (09:40:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to (09:40:15):
Ben is okay with children being killed in Palestine. Guys in tanks who run over teenagers throwing rocks are cowards.
ecco says to (09:40:28):
dis is more like it da gang is here :D
bluesky69 says to (09:40:38):
(lol) ecco
bluesky69 says to (09:40:51):
this is soo funny
*** (09:40:52):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
CFGA says to (09:41:08):
What about the children that have been killed in Isreal doc?
bluesky69 says to (09:41:09):
i still have no sound
Liberty Son says to (09:41:19):
No sound here either Blue
Beachbum55 says to (09:41:37):
no sound BEN!!
DesertRose says to (09:41:40):
its broken?
Beachbum55 says to (09:41:52):
off to see debi...
bluesky69 says to (09:41:53):
the hackers got benyamin i think
DesertRose says to (09:42:10):
plug in the mic
ecco says to (09:42:11):
sound off Ben!! (lol)
DesertRose says to (09:42:15):
DesertRose says to (09:42:26):
dont make me call in
bluesky69 says to (09:42:27):
no sound still
bluesky69 says to (09:42:33):
(lol) rose
DesertRose says to (09:42:38):
12AngryMen says to (09:42:58):
we don't hear you
thegermansarehere says to (09:43:03):
12AngryMen says to (09:43:05):
all of us
thegermansarehere says to (09:43:08):
we're back with the crazy idiot
bluesky69 says to (09:43:09):
theer i have sound now
CFGA says to (09:43:12):
12 angry Jews!!
bluesky69 says to (09:43:19):
i oped in default window
12AngryMen says to (09:43:23):
Infidels all of you
a12iggymom says to (09:43:25):
I rebooted
thegermansarehere says to (09:43:25):
No technical difficulties, other than with your brain.
Holger Awakens says to (09:43:26):
got sound Ben
ecco says to (09:43:27):
dis is like de old silent movies :D
DesertRose says to (09:43:33):
bluesky69 says to (09:43:36):
(lol) ecco
Holger Awakens says to (09:43:38):
Holger Awakens says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (09:43:45):
hear you fine
bluesky69 says to (09:43:50):
i hear u benyamin
a12iggymom says to (09:43:51):
yes Benyamin
CFGA says to (09:43:53):
i can hear ya
Guest2201 says to (09:43:54):
thegermansarehere says to (09:44:22):
why is he silenced?
bluesky69 says to (09:44:31):
Holger Awakens says to (09:45:17):
he probably didn't cry like a baby like you did Warlord 10
Holger Awakens says to (09:45:19):
bluesky69 says to (09:45:48):
this show is funny
bluesky69 says to (09:45:52):
ecco says to (09:46:01):
questions questions questions i taught da host asked da questions :D
bluesky69 says to (09:46:12):
(lol) ecco :D
bluesky69 says to (09:46:20):
bluesky69 says to (09:46:32):
iim busting here in laughs
ecco says to (09:47:18):
more questionssssssssssss8-)
bluesky69 says to (09:47:32):
this show is a comedy hour
bluesky69 says to (09:47:44):
:D ecco
ecco says to (09:48:19):
anyone want answers besides me 1 for yes and 2 for no :D
bluesky69 says to (09:48:27):
bluesky69 says to (09:48:30):
ecco says to (09:48:49):
bluesky69 says to (09:49:13):
oh my im busting in laughs
12AngryMen says to (09:49:48):
6 of think it's funny but 5 do not and the gay guy in here is sitting in the corner doing something I cannot repeat.
bluesky69 says to (09:49:50):
ecco says to (09:50:25):
who's da gay guy?
12AngryMen says to (09:50:34):
CFGA says to (09:50:35):
Doc come on man
CFGA says to (09:50:46):
don't spin
12AngryMen says to (09:50:54):
Yes one of us is gay. It's Melvin.
12AngryMen says to (09:51:06):
We try to keep him in the back since he's short.
*** (09:51:07):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
bluesky69 says to (09:51:09):
who's melvin?
a12iggymom says to (09:51:12):
for burning paper and ink, what a jackass
African Warlord X says to (09:51:14):
Hitler was a jew, as proved by genetic tests. And Ben and the Jews should be given land in Germany. Right ? By the way, why doesn't Ben oppose
DesertRose says to (09:51:17):
came back
ecco says to (09:51:20):
Ok Melvin confess :D
DesertRose says to (09:51:31):
:'( had no where to go
bluesky69 says to (09:51:34):
(lol) ecco
CFGA says to (09:51:35):
jew is not a race Doc
CFGA says to (09:51:53):
Hebrew is a race and not all Hebrews are jews
12AngryMen says to (09:52:40):
Let's all sing.
ecco says to (09:52:47):
hear we go wit da butt ben (lol)
CFGA says to (09:52:49):
Cume ba ya
bluesky69 says to (09:52:51):
ok ulead
bluesky69 says to (09:52:55):
my lord
bluesky69 says to (09:53:05):
cume ba ya
bluesky69 says to (09:53:14):
12AngryMen says to (09:53:15):
Friar Jaqua Friar Jacqua Doomera vu
12AngryMen says to (09:53:17):
doomera u
12AngryMen says to (09:53:23):
hang alang ding dong
12AngryMen says to (09:53:28):
hangalanga ding dong
DesertRose says to (09:53:40):
<:o) ding dong the witch is dead
bluesky69 says to (09:53:42):
8-| (lol)(lol)(lol)
ecco says to (09:53:48):
but ben or butt ben? :D
CFGA says to (09:53:52):
oooh ah oooh ah ee
CFGA says to (09:53:56):
tin tang
bluesky69 says to (09:53:58):
(lol) ecco
CFGA says to (09:54:06):
rattle rattle ping pang
DesertRose says to (09:54:12):
bluesky69 says to (09:54:15):
(lol) lee
bluesky69 says to (09:54:19):
CFGA says to (09:54:43):
Thats the jam right there
CFGA says to (09:54:55):
the chip munk song
12AngryMen says to (09:55:00):
Ben you are a coward to hang up on me.
African Warlord X says to (09:55:01):
Hitler was a Jew. He should fight for land in Germany.
bluesky69 says to (09:55:01):
12AngryMen says to (09:55:05):
CFGA says to (09:55:12):
Hitler was no Jew
DesertRose says to (09:55:15):
***playing cow bells***
CFGA says to (09:55:17):
he was a pagan
bluesky69 says to (09:55:22):
(lol) rose
CFGA says to (09:55:38):
he was a naturalist and panthiest
*** (09:55:38):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
12AngryMen says to (09:55:53):
If you hang up again you will die of testicular cancer.
bluesky69 says to (09:56:09):
bluesky69 says to (09:56:15):
that;'s nasty
CFGA says to (09:56:22):
it happens
bluesky69 says to (09:56:27):
DesertRose says to (09:56:29):
8-| i dont think he can.. he eats rye(F)
12AngryMen says to (09:56:38):
What'sa matter you ? You have something against testicles?
12AngryMen says to (09:56:52):
Oh a song!
12AngryMen says to (09:56:54):
bluesky69 says to (09:56:56):
me? nope
12AngryMen says to (09:57:01):
The show was over when it began.
CFGA says to (09:57:03):
John Jacob ginle hymer schmidt his name is my name too
CFGA says to (09:57:07):
sing it!!
DesertRose says to (09:57:11):
12AngryMen says to (09:57:26):
I can.
ecco says to (09:57:27):
play chicun head :D
DesertRose says to (09:57:48):
Warlord dont yoyu want to hear the song
CFGA says to (09:57:52):
bok bok..chicken chicken bok bok chicken head
DesertRose says to (09:57:52):
a12iggymom says to (09:57:54):
Aftonbladet's organ harvesting allegations are ludicrous from a medical perspective, writes Andrea Meyerhoff MD, Associate Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who also argues that Sweden missed an opportunity to "reject anti-Semitism and re
DesertRose says to (09:57:57):
a12iggymom says to (09:57:57):
ecco says to (09:58:00):
but ben but ben but ben but ben but ben :D
DesertRose says to (09:58:02):
12AngryMen says to (09:58:04):
Look at that - he's shushing him just as I do to Sarge.
12AngryMen says to (09:58:09):
I do not like that.
CFGA says to (09:58:21):
butter is melting in his mouth
a12iggymom says to (09:58:22):
bluesky69 says to (09:58:26):
CFGA says to (09:58:32):
bluesky69 says to (09:58:36):
bluesky69 says to (09:58:52):
we can hear u benyamin
DesertRose says to (09:58:59):
8-| he did
12AngryMen says to (09:59:00):
Take me off mute you coward!
CFGA says to (09:59:09):
Hitler wasn't funded by the Bush family bud
ecco says to (09:59:12):
bur ben 101:D
12AngryMen says to (09:59:15):
Ben Shalom Bernanke
DesertRose says to (09:59:16):
12AngryMen says to (09:59:24):
Another Jew!
12AngryMen says to (09:59:28):
12AngryMen says to (09:59:30):
CFGA says to (09:59:32):
The Bush family sold goods and services to Germany during ww2
bluesky69 says to (09:59:36):
(lol) ecco
a12iggymom says to (09:59:45):
so di dhte Kennedy's
12AngryMen says to (09:59:50):
Grandpa Bush funded the Nazis
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to (10:00:31):
Benyamin Solomon says (10:00:31):
Did I sound clear on skype?
ecco says to (10:00:40):
thanks Ben and all great one :D
bluesky69 says to (10:00:43):
god bless canada benyamin
bluesky69 says to (10:00:48):
DesertRose says to (10:00:50):
that was a professional goodbye
a12iggymom says to (10:00:52):
Germany wasn't the enemy before Hitler and alot of US vcompanies did business there, this historical finger pointing is stupid
Benyamin Solomon says (10:00:53):
Yes, God bless Canada as well.
bluesky69 says to (10:00:59):
yes ben u did
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:07):
Thanks Bluesky69.
DesertRose says to (10:01:08):
<:o) blame Canada
bluesky69 says to (10:01:09):
sound clear on skypr
CFGA says to (10:01:10):
ok justice4us really
DesertRose says to (10:01:12):
lol teasing
a12iggymom says to (10:01:16):
thanks Benyamin, good show
DesertRose says to (10:01:17):
CFGA says to (10:01:17):
i need to research?
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:20):
Come on Bluesky698-)
bluesky69 says to (10:01:21):
blame us for what
CFGA says to (10:01:24):
you need to research
ecco says to (10:01:26):
blame blue :D
DesertRose says to (10:01:27):
its a song
bluesky69 says to (10:01:27):
we did'nt do anythiing
Benyamin Solomon says (10:01:27):
Thanks a12iggymom.
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to (10:01:28):
DesertRose says to (10:01:32):
some song
DesertRose says to (10:01:34):
on tv
CFGA says to (10:01:41):
Where did you get your info wiki
JUSTICE4ALLOFUS says to (10:01:50):
DesertRose says to (10:01:55):
i heard once.. on a cartoon
CFGA says to (10:01:56):
The Bush family didn't fund nazis
DesertRose says to (10:02:00):
dont remember
CFGA says to (10:02:05):
yea bow out coward
bluesky69 says to (10:02:21):
c ya ecco
bluesky69 says to (10:02:27):
bye everyone
ecco says to (10:02:31):
ok blue
CFGA says to (10:02:41):
You are not intelligent enough to have dialog with me so be gone troll
CFGA says to (10:02:56):
thats right leave
CFGA says to (10:03:04):
before I prove my point
CFGA says to (10:03:09):
Benyamin Solomon says (10:06:57):
Contrary to what Warlord X said, Hitler was not a Jew
Benyamin Solomon says (11:17:26):
Sorry. But I'm closing up the chatroom.
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