*** (17:10:42):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
MR LOGIN says to (17:15:08):
Antoinette from De says to (17:15:59):
hello ben
Guest2201 says to (17:18:59):
bluesky69 says to (17:21:07):
hi benyamin(L):-*
bluesky69 says to (17:21:22):
hi antionette(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to (17:22:11):
hello blue, sorry I was tal king to my da ughter-inlaw
bluesky69 says to (17:22:17):
that's ok
bluesky69 says to (17:22:22):
no worries
Antoinette from De says to (17:22:42):
how are guests able to chat in the chat room
bluesky69 says to (17:22:51):
they sign in as guests
Antoinette from De says to (17:23:14):
oh that is their screen name
Antoinette from De says to (17:23:45):
bluesky69 says to (17:23:46):
Antoinette from De says to (17:23:49):
hear you
Antoinette from De says to (17:23:54):
bluesky69 says to (17:24:03):
like u can change your name if u wanted to
Antoinette from De says to (17:24:21):
oh that seems pretty pointless to me
Antoinette from De says to (17:24:32):
you should of stayed with the first phone
Antoinette from De says to (17:28:37):
no I think that everyone was upset with that case because of the organs and the money and was it not also something with children used in sexual acts
bluesky69 says to (17:30:11):
cool mike is trying to take over ggt183 show i think
Antoinette from De says to (17:30:52):
they also was one of the first to help Hatiti with medical supplies and food
Antoinette from De says to (17:30:57):
Antoinette from De says to (17:31:06):
spelled that wrong
bluesky69 says to (17:33:17):
bluesky69 says to (17:33:26):
im on the phone
Guest2201 says to (17:35:15):
Antoinette from De says to (17:35:39):
God has made provisions for your c ountry
Antoinette from De says to Benyamin Solomon (private) (17:36:09):
is that true what the guest said
Antoinette from De says to (17:38:33):
hello bb55
Beachbum55 says to (17:39:08):
Hi antoinette...
Beachbum55 says to (17:42:13):
move on tho cuz talking about it over & over brings up the ol' "who doth protest so much".
Antoinette from De says to (17:45:53):
bb55 you know the video that I sent you, they took it down now
thegermansarehere says to (17:49:10):
this is an absurd slander of all things right
Antoinette from De says to (17:49:11):
do you think that we can have a show about issues and not slandering other hosts, not just you but everyone. this is all a distraction to avoid the things that really need to be discussed
ODD SQUAD says to (17:49:11):
Hello all.....(})
Antoinette from De says to (17:49:21):
hello ODD
Benyamin Solomon says (17:50:42):
Hezbollah empties South Lebanon of Christians.
ODD SQUAD says to (17:51:05):
Hey they have President Obama birth certificate !!!!!!!!
Benyamin Solomon says (17:51:07):
ggt183 says to (17:51:17):
Beachbum55 says to (17:51:29):
I dont know why they took video down antoinette. and I put that to side to look at later.
ODD SQUAD says to (17:51:42):
Hello sir ggt183
ggt183 says to (17:52:06):
Benyamin :@
ggt183 says to (17:52:40):
Odd Squad (})
ggt183 says to (17:52:53):
Antoinette (})
ggt183 says to (17:53:05):
ODD SQUAD says to (17:53:07):
You have a good show ggt183 ,its well organized show real dialoge...great
Beachbum55 says to (17:53:08):
hey ggt...
Antoinette from De says to (17:53:17):
hello ggt
ODD SQUAD says to (17:53:34):
cool mike is a good fit for the show also
ggt183 says to (17:53:34):
thanks odd squad
Antoinette from De says to (17:54:03):
sorry I had stepped away for a minute had food in the oven
ODD SQUAD says to (17:54:04):
Not a lot of foolishness on ggt183 show
Beachbum55 says to (17:54:04):
ggt<<< a BTR celebrity and syndicated host known around the BTR Dial...
ggt183 says to (17:54:20):
Antoinette from De says to (17:54:28):
he does have a great s how
Antoinette from De says to (17:54:34):
do you have one tonight ggt
Benyamin Solomon says (17:54:35):
ggt183 says to (17:54:47):
yes...a three hour special
Antoinette from De says to (17:55:01):
great what time
Beachbum55 says to (17:55:05):
Flag Icon picture is Easy to Spot for His show..
ggt183 says to (17:55:10):
starting @ 10:30 eastern
ODD SQUAD says to (17:55:14):
Cool mike going to co-host ggt183 ????
Beachbum55 says to (17:55:22):
11:30pm east coast
ggt183 says to (17:55:27):
yes..he is the permanent co-host
Beachbum55 says to (17:55:48):
nope... oh 10:30pm?
Antoinette from De says to (17:55:53):
good which time ggt says one time east coast and bb55 you said an other
bluesky69 says to (17:55:56):
hey guysn im back
ODD SQUAD says to (17:56:06):
Wow ok i still like mike to he was cool also
bluesky69 says to (17:56:07):
hi ggt(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to (17:56:17):
great blue, your phone loves to r ing when you are on the show
bluesky69 says to (17:56:18):
who i spermant co host
bluesky69 says to (17:56:30):
i know antionette
Antoinette from De says to (17:56:31):
I have grands and k ids to distrub me
bluesky69 says to (17:56:49):
ggt who is permant co host
ggt183 says to (17:57:04):
Cool Mike
bluesky69 says to (17:57:04):
hi bb(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to (17:57:10):
my phone hardly rings any more because I hate the phone now and usually ignore it
bluesky69 says to (17:57:12):
i thought u wanted shawn
bluesky69 says to (17:57:29):
hi odd squad(L):-*
ODD SQUAD says to (17:57:40):
Benyamin you should have a debate with CoolMike
ODD SQUAD says to (17:58:14):
Hello Bluesky69 !! how are you ??
Antoinette from De says to (17:58:21):
that would be interesting, if they could stick with the issue that they are debati ng and not reduce it to name calling
bluesky69 says to (17:58:21):
im good and u /
bluesky69 says to (17:58:24):
Beachbum55 says to (17:58:33):
ggt's topic, "Trump plays his Trump Card!"
ODD SQUAD says to (17:58:43):
im fine ..just hangin on btr
bluesky69 says to (17:58:50):
me 2
bluesky69 says to (17:58:52):
bluesky69 says to (17:59:08):
benyamin u can roast cool mike
Antoinette from De says to (17:59:17):
wht does he have now to use, I have my own views about t hat b/c
ODD SQUAD says to (17:59:19):
Beachbum55 says to (17:59:22):
no unfortunately with some un named callers a debate turns into 40 minutes of attacks and counter attacks making me mute show.
bluesky69 says to (17:59:23):
benyamin can roast anyone
bluesky69 says to (17:59:30):
he does a good job at it
bluesky69 says to (17:59:32):
ggt183 says to (18:00:23):
Benyamin..chill..your gonna have a stroke
Benyamin Solomon says (18:00:24):
Thanks Bluesky69.
ODD SQUAD says to (18:00:30):
Cool MIKE is good ,i think he can take Ben he was good on Perry Steele show,Perry was dumb to let him go
bluesky69 says to (18:00:40):
(lol) ggt
Benyamin Solomon says (18:00:50):
Perry Steele's show is dying out.
Antoinette from De says to (18:00:57):
or give my dog one, every time he hears the gun shots he starts going cracy
Antoinette from De says to (18:01:02):
ODD SQUAD says to (18:01:17):
Perry Steele show is dead
bluesky69 says to (18:01:42):
i went in there last night there was only a couple of pepople
ggt183 says to (18:01:53):
dont underestimate Perry Steele..hes a great radio personality..he will bounce back
Benyamin Solomon says (18:02:01):
Perry Steele and Kala sound like punks. It's stupid that my prominent critics like them even have to attack Brother K for making peace with me. It goes to show how pathetic my prominent critics are.
ODD SQUAD says to (18:02:40):
When Peery first came on btr he was good
ggt183 says to (18:03:51):
hes still good..hes just in a rough patch
ODD SQUAD says to (18:04:13):
Plus Cool MIke has a built in fan club...:D
bluesky69 says to (18:04:23):
bluesky69 says to (18:04:26):
ggt183 says to (18:04:57):
there is only one celebrity on the Conservative PrimeTime show :@
bluesky69 says to (18:05:10):
ggt183 says to (18:05:17):
bluesky69 says to (18:05:25):
roast them benyamin
ODD SQUAD says to (18:05:31):
Peery use to have a full chat room ,and his old co-hosts never come back to support him
bluesky69 says to (18:05:43):
roast them so we can eat them
bluesky69 says to (18:05:46):
bluesky69 says to (18:05:48):
bluesky69 says to (18:06:12):
too much drama on btr man
bluesky69 says to (18:06:25):
too many trouble makers
ODD SQUAD says to (18:06:27):
Im not into roasting ,just give me the facts
ggt183 says to (18:06:54):
Free Palestine :S
ODD SQUAD says to (18:07:47):
Benyamin you should have invited cool mike to the show ..he doest listen to your show ,so debate him
ODD SQUAD says to (18:08:22):
I love fire debates ...:D
ggt183 says to (18:09:17):
Benyamin..have you ever been to Israel?
ODD SQUAD says to (18:09:18):
Bro K vs Perry Steele
bluesky69 says to (18:09:42):
brother k would win
Antoinette from De says to (18:09:49):
if he was born there he has 5 years of militry service and has to return to do it
ODD SQUAD says to (18:10:13):
Perry Steele is a good debater
Antoinette from De says to (18:10:58):
I never heard Perry debate, but brother K is a great debater
ggt183 says to (18:11:05):
I'm reallt close to banning this drama from my show..i'm losing track of whos mad at who
Antoinette from De says to (18:11:21):
it is like a soap opera
Antoinette from De says to (18:11:45):
it maekes you keep coming back to hear what is going on next
Antoinette from De says to (18:11:58):
Antoinette from De says to (18:12:07):
bluesky69 says to (18:13:08):
well ggt don't ban me im not mad at anyone
Antoinette from De says to (18:13:14):
it is a rabit runing around in my back yard
Antoinette from De says to (18:13:26):
ggt183 says to (18:13:32):
a certain host actually took a swipe at me last night..but i wont address it unless it becomes to personal
Antoinette from De says to (18:13:33):
it is so cute
bluesky69 says to (18:13:49):
oh ok
Antoinette from De says to (18:14:04):
not what you j ust said ggt, the rabbit r u ning around in my backyard
ggt183 says to (18:14:17):
i know
ggt183 says to (18:14:20):
bluesky69 says to (18:14:23):
yes we know antoinette
Antoinette from De says to (18:14:41):
I did not want you to think tht I was offending anyone
bluesky69 says to (18:14:57):
we know th\t
bluesky69 says to (18:14:59):
Antoinette from De says to (18:15:09):
good thank you
ggt183 says to (18:15:14):
Antoinette you are one of the nicest people on btr
bluesky69 says to (18:15:25):
hey what about me
bluesky69 says to (18:15:28):
ggt183 says to (18:15:38):
not you bluesky:@
bluesky69 says to (18:15:43):
im not nice
ggt183 says to (18:15:54):
Antoinette from De says to (18:16:10):
not all the time, have you look in the dictonary in old english and seen what n ice means actually it is an insult
bluesky69 says to (18:16:13):
Antoinette from De says to (18:16:19):
but I know that is not what you meant
ggt183 says to (18:16:44):
<<<<< is working on his newly aquired erudite mind:D
AmericanCitizen says to (18:16:46):
Antoinette from De says to (18:17:28):
nice means foolish or s t upid
Antoinette from De says to (18:17:38):
hello AC
Antoinette from De says to (18:18:47):
if you look into the english etymology you will see what the real meaning of words are until Webster took over to change the mean ing of words
ggt183 says to (18:19:24):
you loss me somewhere around etymology:D
Antoinette from De says to (18:19:31):
brb have to get mac and chesse out of the oven
bluesky69 says to (18:19:48):
homemade antoinette?
Antoinette from De says to (18:20:00):
it is the Oxford English etymology
Antoinette from De says to (18:20:21):
of course blue could not do it an y other way
bluesky69 says to (18:20:33):
i had that the other day
bluesky69 says to (18:20:42):
what do u put in yours
bluesky69 says to (18:20:55):
besides cheese and macrion
Antoinette from De says to (18:21:10):
ggt if you go to better world.com or amazon you can order one and you can get it used or new can be expensive though
Antoinette from De says to (18:21:36):
that is my secret blue it some things that I will not give up
bluesky69 says to (18:21:44):
oh ok (lol)
Beachbum55 says to (18:21:45):
I Love Bacon on top of mac and cheese, drain the grease!
Antoinette from De says to (18:22:06):
oh I see bb55 don't use that
ggt183 says to (18:22:07):
<<<< loves bacon on just about anything
Antoinette from De says to (18:22:07):
bluesky69 says to (18:23:27):
i put onions , cheese, peppers and tomatoes in mine with some italain spice sprinkled on top
bluesky69 says to (18:23:55):
italian spice chopped tomatoes
bluesky69 says to (18:24:08):
and it is sooo good
ggt183 says to (18:24:09):
sounds yummy:)
Beachbum55 says to (18:24:12):
I always wonder who actually eats that stuff that comes in those blue boxes that says Kraft mac and cheese? 3 for $1.00? Im glad my mom never served that stuff. Powdered cheese? please! *-)
bluesky69 says to (18:24:54):
my son loves the kraft mac and cheese in those blue boxes
bluesky69 says to (18:25:02):
rather than home made
bluesky69 says to (18:25:58):
it is good ggt
bluesky69 says to (18:26:09):
it is delish
Beachbum55 says to (18:26:17):
people have become so lazy dependant on microwave cooking for everything. U can whip yp good mac & cheese very quickly if You have a Good sized Bowl and Pyrex pan. not that time consuming . .
ggt183 says to (18:26:37):
(Tp)putting bluesky on ignore for making me hungry
bluesky69 says to (18:26:38):
ya i don't use microwave for cookking
Beachbum55 says to (18:26:43):
Kids dont like a lot of homemade things. I know I hated real lasagne as a kid.
bluesky69 says to (18:26:44):
(lol) ggt
bluesky69 says to (18:26:46):
bluesky69 says to (18:26:57):
go get something to eat if your hungry
ggt183 says to (18:27:07):
bluesky69 says to (18:27:35):
if i were there i would cook u something but im not so where is your wife
bluesky69 says to (18:27:50):
she should have something in the oven cooking
ggt183 says to (18:27:53):
bluesky69 says to (18:27:57):
Antoinette from De says to (18:28:03):
you just have to be creative when it comes to kids, I use to put vegetaable in my mac and chesse to get my k ids to eat vegetables
Antoinette from De says to (18:28:22):
my sons love vegetables now
bluesky69 says to (18:28:25):
my son eats veggies tooo
bluesky69 says to (18:28:29):
he loves them
Antoinette from De says to (18:28:30):
bluesky69 says to (18:28:43):
i feed themt o him when he was a babby
bluesky69 says to (18:28:46):
bluesky69 says to (18:29:19):
i used to put in fresh veggies in a blender and feed it to him
ggt183 says to (18:29:33):
Benyamin..chill..its not that serious
bluesky69 says to (18:29:51):
fresh potatoe carrot tunip green beans
bluesky69 says to (18:29:55):
etc etc
Antoinette from De says to (18:30:06):
my daughter would not eat meat when she was l ittle b ut loved vegetables and fruits so I had to cook them for her and my youngest son thought that a meal was not a meal if it did not have vegetables with it
bluesky69 says to (18:30:38):
ya my son loved veggies bette rthan meet when he as younger
Antoinette from De says to (18:30:39):
they are funny and now for them to be with women tht do not really cook esp. like their mom
Beachbum55 says to (18:30:45):
there he goes....
bluesky69 says to (18:30:57):
yes ant
bluesky69 says to (18:31:00):
Beachbum55 says to (18:31:02):
Time to Eat!!!
Antoinette from De says to (18:31:02):
so they come here for mac and chesse and cakes and other thngs
bluesky69 says to (18:31:07):
show is over i guess
Antoinette from De says to (18:31:15):
I guess it is,
Antoinette from De says to (18:31:23):
good show Ben
bluesky69 says to (18:31:24):
cool c yall later
bluesky69 says to (18:31:29):
good show benyammin
Benyamin Solomon says (18:31:31):
Thanks Antoinette.
Antoinette from De says to (18:31:38):
well talk to yall later have a good one until we meet again
bluesky69 says to (18:31:47):
ok antoinette
Benyamin Solomon says (18:31:46):
Thanks Bluesky69.
bluesky69 says to (18:31:53):
enjoy oyur meal
bluesky69 says to (18:31:56):
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