Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are the "Palestinians" "peace-loving"

*** (21:46:38):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
a12iggymom says to  (22:14:55):
Hi Benyamin, I get to listen live tonight :)
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:15:48):
(}) a12iggymom.
Beachbum55 says to  (22:29:11):
Hi a12Iggymom  (})
Beachbum55 says to  (22:29:23):
Hey Ben (})
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:31:07):
(}) Beachbum.
a12iggymom says to  (22:33:30):
Hi Beachbum
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:49):
thanks Benyamin, great show
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:55):
You're wlecome, a12iggymom.
Beachbum55 says to  (23:01:23):
Good show as usual Ben, thanks.  Where in the Hell is that Kala guy go who was in GGT's Chat room who thinks its better in some other Country?  Why doesn't He Leave??
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:03:29):
I was Kalajungle. I was joking around and was making fun of Kalagenesis.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:03:43):
I wasn't serious.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:03:50):
I was in a silly mood.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:05:11):
(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Ben Solomon Truth Zone 11/29/2011

*** (22:12:25):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:12:29):
I'm back.
Minister Grok says to  (22:13:24):
God Bless you Ben!
MELINDA says to  (23:02:56):
I love you, Benyamin.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, November 28, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's Truth Zone 11/28/2011

*** (21:34:13):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Antoinette from De says to  (21:36:15):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:36:37):
(}) Antoinette.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:42:30):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:50:32):
Beachbum55 says to  (22:00:03):
Hi Antoinette..  (})
Antoinette from De says to  (22:00:12):
hello Beachbum
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:02:23):

(}) beachbum.
Beachbum55 says to  (22:02:50):
Hey Ben  :)
Antoinette from De says to  (22:17:32):
hello Truth and guest
Antoinette from De says to  (22:23:06):
is it raining at beach, beach bum
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:25:27):
Hello Antoinette , sorry was reading the Book of Amoms and lsiening to the show, was not looking in the chat>
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:25:48):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:26:30):
the Wordis good that is alright
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:26:48):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:28:42):
no need for thanks,  keep reading the Word,keeps your mind and heart in right place, need to pick nine up, to deal w/ things better than I had been doing
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:30:36):
The Book of Amos , is about the end-times is very interesting,
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:40):
How long was the dead air?
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:31:12):
i just opened a new window
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:31:23):
is working again
Antoinette from De says to  (22:31:30):
not lng Ben
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:37:48):
is this live??
Beachbum55 says to  (22:38:29):
yes its live..
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:38:59):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:40:12):
the alien through me a little
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:40:16):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:40:21):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:40:23):
nouseforaname says to  (22:40:53):
aliens want to eat us
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:42:20):
ohhh ok
TruthBeforeLies says to  (22:42:31):
lol I better eat a little
nouseforaname says to  (22:44:46):
nouseforaname says to  (22:44:53):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:45:50):
hello nouse
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:47:18):
BobUSMC says to  (22:50:52):
Obama is worse than dog crap!
BobUSMC says to  (22:51:56):
his administration is full of Marxist operatives and useless idiots who think they want to be marxists.
nouseforaname says to  (22:52:26):
we need more libertarians
BobUSMC says to  (22:53:22):
we need zero liberal hypocrites
nouseforaname says to  (22:54:30):
the corporations along with the govt are raping america, thats a fact wheather republicans or marxists are pointing it out
nouseforaname says to  (22:55:44):
the good thing is, everyone is sick of the elite
BobUSMC says to  (22:57:38):
lawyers, enviro-NAZI's, lib hypocrites in academia and media are raping America worse than anybody.
BobUSMC says to  (22:58:53):
lawyers obviously can't balance a check book from looking at guvernments.
BobUSMC says to  (22:59:35):
we need more business people, acountants, economists, lots less lawyers
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:34):
(}) everyone.
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:00:41):

TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:00:45):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:00:49):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:51):
You're welcome.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:01:13):
I'll be at Conservative Prime Time.
BobUSMC says to  (23:01:22):
lawyers have made a total disaster of America's finances

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday night politics with Ben Solomon 11/27/2011

 Benyamin Solomon's note: It may or may not have all the chatroom in there. But this is the pieces that I could recover. I had to censor some of the chatroom. The censored parts appear with the word "censor".

*** (22:09:30):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Minister Grok says to  (22:11:22):
God Bless you Ben!
Minister Grok says to  (22:12:02):
I love this clip  LOL  where can I find it? I would love to play it on my show!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:13:05):
I forgot.
Minister Grok says to  (22:13:45):
this is awesome
Minister Grok says to  (22:17:31):
Hello a12!!!
a12iggymom says to  (22:17:37):
Hi Benyamin and Grok
a12iggymom says to  (22:18:16):
Hi Antoinette
Minister Grok says to  (22:18:25):
Hey Antionette!
Antoinette from De says to  (22:18:57):
hello Ben, Iggy and Min. Grok
Antoinette from De says to  (22:19:44):
hello Roger
Minister Grok says to  (22:21:10):
Politicians have "family Values"  ?
Minister Grok says to  (22:22:07):
hello Roger
a12iggymom says to  (22:22:10):
Mr Colorado
Minister Grok says to  (22:22:19):
such language
Radical Roger says to  (22:22:28):
a12iggymom says to  (22:23:10):
no one ever booed a gay soldier...they booed the question...
a12iggymom says to  (22:23:36):
he should stop drinking the Obamaide...
Minister Grok says to  (22:23:50):
a12iggymom says to  (22:24:02):
Hi Roger
Minister Grok says to  (22:24:47):
it has nothing to do with his color
Radical Roger says to  (22:24:47):
Hi Iggy    (})
Minister Grok says to  (22:24:54):
it has to do with him being a moron
exposingdemons says to  (22:25:35):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:25:47):
hello exposing
Minister Grok says to  (22:25:57):
a12iggymom says to  (22:26:03):
Hi ed
exposingdemons says to  (22:26:25):
a12iggymom says to  (22:26:38):
I actually want Cain/West ...
exposingdemons says to  (22:26:42):
exposingdemons says to  (22:26:47):
a12iggymom says to  (22:27:25):
we do NOT want socialism Mr Colorado...DO YOU?
Minister Grok says to  (22:31:54):
is this guy serious?!
exposingdemons says to  (22:32:15):
a12iggymom says to  (22:32:18):
Mr COlorado is far far left...
Radical Roger says to  (22:32:48):
left of Lybia...:D
Radical Roger says to  (22:33:21):
it is the same ole hat
Minister Grok says to  (22:33:36):
LOL@ RObert Scott
a12iggymom says to  (22:33:47):
his arguement hasn't changed in 4 a freaking record...
Radical Roger says to  (22:33:56):
its all racism....
Radical Roger says to  (22:34:04):
Radical Roger says to  (22:35:02):
Mr Colo...where u born in a America?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:35:02):
Robert Scott  Censor
a12iggymom says to  (22:35:41):
it is Mr Colorado
Minister Grok says to  (22:36:00):
We know all about Robert Scott
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:36:08):
No you don't.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:36:11):
You will soon.
exposingdemons says to  (22:36:16):
Minister Grok says to  (22:36:40):
The Holy Spirit reveals truth
exposingdemons says to  (22:36:51):
MELINDA says to  (22:36:58):
oh god
MELINDA says to  (22:37:01):
it's one angry jew
MELINDA says to  (22:37:03):
MELINDA says to  (22:37:07):
someone boot him
Minister Grok says to  (22:37:08):
Hey Melinda
Minister Grok says to  (22:37:14):
Hi Immodus
exposingdemons says to  (22:37:14):
(})Angry One
MELINDA says to  (22:37:14):
and who is this violent guy screaming?
Radical Roger says to  (22:37:15):
people who proclaim they dont hate...DO HATE!
Minister Grok says to  (22:37:18):
Hey Psychotic
MELINDA says to  (22:37:20):
MELINDA says to  (22:37:24):
what the hell is that?
MELINDA says to  (22:37:35):
cut?  ben, why do you have this violent man on the show?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:37:37):
exposingdemons says to  (22:37:48):
Minister Grok says to  (22:37:51):
that says invalid page
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:38:07):
Is that mugshot real?
MELINDA says to  (22:38:18):
it's invalid page
Minister Grok says to  (22:38:20):
says invalid page.
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:38:29):
came up for me
MELINDA says to  (22:38:30):
MELINDA says to  (22:38:34):
this is reverend wright
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:38:35):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:38:39):
can't be
MELINDA says to  (22:38:43):
This guy sounds like reverend wright
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:38:54):
Worked for me.
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:38:59):
not any overly attractive guy either
Antoinette from De says to  (22:39:03):
hello Immodus,  how are yu
MELINDA says to  (22:39:09):
720 is a reverend wright
Minister Grok says to  (22:39:14):
doesnt work for me
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:39:15):
very well antionette and yourself?
MELINDA says to  (22:39:18):
Who, Measure of Faith?
Minister Grok says to  (22:39:24):
Measure of Fake
MELINDA says to  (22:39:30):
Measure of Faith is a loser.
Antoinette from De says to  (22:39:35):
I am well ty for asking
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:39:36):
MELINDA says to  (22:39:36):
He says negative things about me.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:39:38):
Try that
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:39:43):
Does that work?
Minister Grok says to  (22:39:46):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:39:50):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:39:51):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:39:53):
happy to hear you are also
MELINDA says to  (22:39:54):
Measure of Faith is a trash and a loser.  He says negative things about me.
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:39:54):
seems maybe from what is being posted about him, he should change his name to Measure of Fate.
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:40:09):
seems fate has come a knockin' for him
MELINDA says to  (22:40:15):
People who say negative things about me tend to be losers and trash.
Minister Grok says to  (22:40:48):
humiliating and berating people isn't a very nice thing to do. especially for proclaiming to be a Christian
MELINDA says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:40:37):
omg.  you have Reverend Wright on your show.  Tell this guy he sounds like the Reverend GOD DAMN AMERICA Wright.
Minister Grok says to  (22:40:50):
Minister Grok says to  (22:41:00):
I just pray for him
Minister Grok says to  (22:41:04):
none of us are perfect
MELINDA says to  (22:41:22):
He's not a Christian, Minister.
Minister Grok says to  (22:41:33):
even so, I pray for him
MELINDA says to  (22:41:41):
Just as some in here aren't conservatives.
Minister Grok says to  (22:41:44):
ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
MELINDA says to  (22:41:47):
Benyamin.  I LOVE IT
Antoinette from De says to  (22:41:58):
I agree Min, but there are times when you hv to call demonss out
Minister Grok says to  (22:42:04):
Minister Grok says to  (22:42:14):
You shall know them by their fruits
Antoinette from De says to  (22:42:31):
true AMEN
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:42:40):
a12iggymom says to  (22:42:42):
Libya is old news but Iraq isn't?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:42:44):
Look at the cache.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:42:54):
Looks like Bobby got them to take down the page.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:42:57):
But the cache is there.
Minister Grok says to  (22:43:25):
Minister Grok says to  (22:43:34):
MELINDA says to  (22:43:50):
Who is this person screaming?
MELINDA says to  (22:44:04):
omg.  this guy is violent.
MELINDA says to  (22:44:11):
this guy sounds like the reverend wright.
MELINDA says to  (22:44:20):
He's for peace?  He's screaming and violent.
a12iggymom says to  (22:44:24):
at least he isn't hitting his kids tonight
MELINDA says to  (22:44:29):
Someone needs to give this guy a valium.
aabbcc says to  (22:44:33):
mr colorado!
Minister Grok says to  (22:44:37):
yeah he is a bit high strung
MELINDA says to  (22:44:38):
Right, a12iggy.  this guy is violent.
oscara says to  (22:44:40):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:44:46):
MELINDA says to  (22:44:47):
at least he isn't beating his kid.
Minister Grok says to  (22:44:56):
someone get him a life!
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:44:59):
Is that really Robert Scott censor Measure of Faith?
Minister Grok says to  (22:45:00):
Hey Oscara
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:01):
Minister Grok says to  (22:45:03):
Hi abc!
aabbcc says to  (22:45:09):
hi grok
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:13):
Hey abc - click the link
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:14):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:45:17):
he jusst appears to be passionate about hispoint as Sarge is
Minister Grok says to  (22:45:19):
Psychotic, we all know he is a nasty person
aabbcc says to  (22:45:20):
mr colorado is smart
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:25):
Not all of you know.
Minister Grok says to  (22:45:31):
sad is that People fall for Robert's silver tongue
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:32):
He's fooled many.
MELINDA says to  (22:45:34):
shut up, antoinette.
MELINDA says to  (22:45:41):
i'm not addressing you
Minister Grok says to  (22:45:43):
<--hasthe Holy Spirit, and discernment lol
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:45:43):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:45:46):
that does not mean he beats his kids
a12iggymom says to  (22:46:04):
he was on a call about 3 months ago...
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:06):
Well now Ms Poindexter - would you trust him with your kids?
Antoinette from De says to  (22:46:07):
MELINDA says to  (22:46:15):
How do you know that is Measure of Faith?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:24):
Look at his picture.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:31):
Look at the picture on his profile.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:33):
Same guy
Minister Grok says to  (22:46:33):
and his name is robert scott
MELINDA says to  (22:46:35):
Antoinette, please try to be civil.
Antoinette from De says to  (22:46:36):
no, don't know him, but my kids are grown
exposingdemons says to  (22:46:37):
Hey Melinda ,u got an update on Michelles ASS?8-)
oscara says to  (22:46:37):
Listening to this caller is a waste of electricity
MELINDA says to  (22:46:38):
Stop the name calling.
exposingdemons says to  (22:46:40):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:45):
His name is Robert Scott Censor
Minister Grok says to  (22:46:46):
LOL oscara
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:49):
His middle name is Scott
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:46:52):
MELINDA says to  (22:46:54):
Antoinette, please try to behave in this chat.  Stop the name calling.
oscara says to  (22:47:16):
He's the type who steals from his best friend.  No morals.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:47:24):
I'd keep him away from your grown kids too.
MELINDA says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:47:13):
Antoinette is calling me names in the chatroom.  Tell her to STOP.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:47:26):
He does drugs.
a12iggymom says to  (22:47:33):
Hi Oscara
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:47:34):
Read the page.
oscara says to  (22:47:39):
Hey Iggymom
Antoinette from De says to  (22:47:40):
TRICKK no one called yu a name you just answered to what you are
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to MELINDA (private) (22:47:37):
I can't always focus on libya.
oscara says to  (22:48:08):
Melinda, WHY is this host listening to this moron?
MELINDA says to  (22:48:13):
See, antoinette.  You're immature.
MELINDA says to  (22:48:25):
I don't know, oscara.  The host has someone whose calling names in the chatroom too.
brotherk says to  (22:48:30):
hello to all and who is this guy on the phone?
oscara says to  (22:48:35):
I see
Antoinette from De says to  (22:48:44):
MELINDA says to  (22:48:46):
I know, oscara, it's too bad.
MELINDA says to  (22:48:57):
Look at the rage, oscara.  What is wrong with this woman?
Minister Grok says to  (22:48:58):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:49:01):
Helloo Bro. K
Minister Grok says to  (22:49:05):
This calle ris foul
oscara says to  (22:49:10):
Blacks will never get ahead until they live upright and stop herding together automatically just because of skin color.
brotherk says to  (22:49:10):
hello antoinette
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:49:20):
brotherk says to  (22:49:23):
true oscara
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:49:25):
That's for you Bro K
oscara says to  (22:49:38):
HEYYYY! Bro K!!!!!
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:49:38):
Read about your good friend Robert Scott censor Measure of Faith
a12iggymom says to  (22:49:41):
 111 soldiers had been killed in Libya
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:49:45):
Minister Grok says to  (22:49:48):
wow this caller is a moron
MELINDA says to  (22:49:52):
he is
Antoinette from De says to  (22:49:53):
oscara you should not judge by groups
Radical Roger says to  (22:49:54):
"da Player" and "hommie" are racist delirum  and used in an ignorgant smoke craking society!
MELINDA says to  (22:49:55):
he's violent
MELINDA says to  (22:50:06):
Minister Grok says to  (22:50:09):
oscara says to  (22:50:36):
I just see you defending someone who should be admonished, Antionette.
Radical Roger says to  (22:50:47):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:51:02):
it is his view, e1 has one
oscara says to  (22:51:11):
whatever that means, Radical
Radical Roger says to  (22:51:35):
u tell me?
oscara says to  (22:51:39):
Maybe boy just means somebody younger than the speaker. wow.
ImmodusOperandi says to  (22:51:40):
Americans at their best....
exposingdemons says to  (22:51:42):
sound black/white8-)8-|
Radical Roger says to  (22:51:48):
Minister Grok says to  (22:51:48):
MELINDA says to  (22:51:52):
Oscara, did you come here for a lesson in political correctness.
MELINDA says to  (22:52:05):
oscara says to  (22:52:18):
Melinda, I have the thing muted right now LOL
MELINDA says to  (22:52:30):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:52:31):
Radical Roger says to  (22:52:40):
who would marry a sista?
Antoinette from De says to  (22:52:40):
hello ABC
aabbcc says to  (22:52:50):
hey ant
MELINDA says to  (22:53:03):
I should put that mean, violent woman on mute too.  She's really striking out tonight, pissing off a lot of people.
Radical Roger says to  (22:53:22):
exposingdemons says to  (22:53:57): fine upstanding military with honor8-)
exposingdemons says to  (22:54:02):
a12iggymom says to  (22:54:04):
oh Mr Colorado does that too, calls the N word...
oscara says to  (22:54:12):
Makes me sad the way some black ppl speak to others.  Actually, whites historically have helped blacks a lot more than blacks have helped each other.
Minister Grok says to  (22:54:15):
a12iggymom says to  (22:54:42):
very nive Bro K...
oscara says to  (22:54:43):
Don't be fooled by their "loyalty".  No honor among theives
a12iggymom says to  (22:54:47):
nice too
MELINDA says to  (22:55:37):
"own business goin' on."
MELINDA says to  (22:55:39):
oscara says to  (22:55:42):
Blacks do most of the "patting", in my observation.  Can we send this guy to Syria?
aabbcc says to  (22:55:43):
that was measure of faith that said he was black, right?
brotherk says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (22:55:33):
am i muted?
MELINDA says to  (22:56:01):
that's one angry jew, aabbcc.
MELINDA says to  (22:56:07):
measure of faith isn't here
Antoinette from De says to  (22:56:09):
don't know ABC
aabbcc says to  (22:56:19):
i'm pretty sure that was robert
MELINDA says to  (22:56:23):
oscara says to  (22:56:25):
Could they possibly hold out when ambulances are outfitted with machine guns? (Syria)
Radical Roger says to  (22:56:29):
MELINDA says to  (22:56:30):
kool aid is not healthy
brotherk says to  (22:56:31):
am i muted?
aabbcc says to  (22:56:43):
i've talked with him enough to know that voice
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to brotherk (private) (22:56:36):
MELINDA says to  (22:56:50):
oscara says to  (22:56:50):
Oh, nutritionally deprived!  Got it.
aabbcc says to  (22:56:53):
i called it the gay voice
MELINDA says to  (22:56:55):
oscara says to  (22:56:59):
MELINDA says to  (22:57:01):
Radical Roger says to  (22:57:01):
prove he went to college??
MELINDA says to  (22:57:06):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:57:13):
MELINDA says to  (22:57:14):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:57:17):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (22:57:21):
That link works.
oscara says to  (22:57:30):
What the hell more do blacks want?
Radical Roger says to  (22:57:35):
white boys???
MELINDA says to  (22:57:36):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:57:40):
that is not him on phone ABC
MELINDA says to  (22:57:45):
aabbcc says to  (22:57:52):
MELINDA says to  (22:57:54):
oscara says to  (22:58:06):
I think it's all hot air
aabbcc says to  (22:58:16):
mr colorado got some sense... he just don't take no mess
MELINDA says to  (22:58:22):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:58:47):
That is foolish,  my family had, still has money does not change hue of ny skin
aabbcc says to  (22:58:49):
good job keeping everyubody on line ben
Radical Roger says to  (22:58:54):
O'Blowhole dont eat fried chicken ***...just LOBSTER better than U!
oscara says to  (22:59:03):
hue? please!
MELINDA says to  (22:59:23):
Mooochelle Hussein won't let the kids eat friend chicken.  But you know she's shoving down her throat by the goddamned bucketload.
oscara says to  (22:59:33):
oscara says to  (22:59:52):
Rush: "I like Big Butt"
oscara says to  (23:00:14):
Why don't they talk right for starters?
Radical Roger says to  (23:00:28):
how do we know he is dead?
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:28):
 111 soldiers had been killed in Libya...
Minister Grok says to  (23:00:35):
Ugh: This guy is annoying
oscara says to  (23:01:00):
Breaking news: The plantations are gone now.
a12iggymom says to  (23:01:00):
U.S Soldiers...
Antoinette from De says to  (23:01:03):
ABC I was lking 4 u tnight
aabbcc says to  (23:01:19):
on another show?
MELINDA says to  (23:01:37):
Oscara, I still can't believe someone tried to give you a political corectness lesson tonight.  Don't they know you don't go for that BS?
Antoinette from De says to  (23:01:38):
on yur station
Minister Grok says to  (23:01:42):
Minister Grok says to  (23:01:45):
just sayin
Minister Grok says to  (23:01:47):
aabbcc says to  (23:01:51):
yeah.. i stopped doing sunday shows
Antoinette from De says to  (23:01:59):
aabbcc says to  (23:02:00):
only wed and friday on freedomizer
oscara says to  (23:02:03):
Melinda, what did she say?  I think I missed it.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:02:11):
oh okay
aabbcc says to  (23:02:11):
saturdays on resistance radio
Antoinette from De says to  (23:02:18):
Radical Roger says to  (23:02:26):
white boys???
aabbcc says to  (23:02:28):
btw... i looked at the vid
Minister Grok says to  (23:02:32):
I wish i could choke this caller. his voice is irritating
aabbcc says to  (23:02:37):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:02:44):
MELINDA says to  (23:02:45):
this guy is out of touch
oscara says to  (23:02:47):
Minister, ya think?
Minister Grok says to  (23:02:54):
The Mac and Mike Show says to  (23:02:54):
one angry guy
Antoinette from De says to  (23:02:56):
it was interesting
Radical Roger says to  (23:02:56):
Colin Powell was wrong?
MELINDA says to  (23:02:58):
you know what?   this guy sounds like antoinette.
MELINDA says to  (23:03:00):
Minister Grok says to  (23:03:47):
he sure likes to cuss
MELINDA says to  (23:03:53):
and call names
Antoinette from De says to  (23:03:54):
all women, expose what demon your under tonight to see what you are
oscara says to  (23:03:56):
Melinda, I try to piss off at least one person everyday by asking them what a natural born citizen is.  It's so easy, gets them mad and they call me a racist. LOL
Antoinette from De says to  (23:04:27):
still see an it that is aTRICK w/ several demons in you
MELINDA says to  (23:04:35):
stop calling names
MELINDA says to  (23:04:43):
antoinette, stop calling me nasty names.
MELINDA says to  (23:04:53):
i'm sick of you trying to turn me into a sex object
Minister Grok says to  (23:05:04):
brotherk says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:04:56):
i will call back when this guy is finished
oscara says to  (23:05:10):
Demoniacs are in everybody.  Start with yourself.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:05:11):
you only answer to what applies t you TRICK
oscara says to  (23:05:13):
LOL Minister
MELINDA says to  (23:05:24):
you are a sick woman, antoinette
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to brotherk (private) (23:05:14):
MELINDA says to  (23:05:31):
MELINDA says to  (23:05:34):
you are sick
MELINDA says to  (23:05:36):
you are sexist
brotherk says to  (23:05:38):
antoinette? wow!! i did not know
oscara says to  (23:05:54):
Antoinette, Melinda just WISHES she had time for that! LOL
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:01):
brotherk says to  (23:06:11):
anyway! hello 12iggymom and melinda
MELINDA says to  (23:06:14):
Antoinette, are you a lezbun?  Is that why you call me a trick?  You're trying to put that in my mind so that you can get me?
The Mac and Mike Show says to  (23:06:15):
oscara says to  (23:06:16):
Here! Here!  No projections!
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:31):
the trick should of never started w/me
MELINDA says to  (23:06:32):
Just stop it, Antoinette.  People here are real sick of your BS.
a12iggymom says to  (23:06:32):
Hi Bro K
oscara says to  (23:06:41):
You guys are a riot.  I was sleepy, now wide awake.
exposingdemons says to  (23:06:47):

exposingdemons says to  (23:06:50):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:06:53):
exposingdemons says to  (23:06:54):
MELINDA says to  (23:06:55):
She's a goddmaned lezbun
brotherk says to  (23:06:59):
ignorance on the phone and in the chatroom! wow
oscara says to  (23:07:04):
Minister Grok says to  (23:07:04):
MELINDA says to  (23:07:08):
Antoinette, you are ignorant
The Mac and Mike Show says to  (23:07:15):
ted levine on last podcast
oscara says to  (23:07:30):
brother k, it's funny.  Ppl taking themselves 2 seriously.
Radical Roger says to  (23:07:36):
This guy cannot speak without profanity... being a Christian... I am offeneded and disgusted... and deserve better debate... GN2ALL! (lol)
MELINDA says to  (23:07:37):
At least I earn my money.  At least I'm not on the welfare
exposingdemons says to  (23:07:48):
So much love in this room and show(L)
exposingdemons says to  (23:07:51):
exposingdemons says to  (23:07:57):
exposingdemons says to  (23:08:00):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:08:01):
Tricks do
oscara says to  (23:08:07):
brotherk says to  (23:08:10):
i cannot believe  that ben is still letting this jerk go on
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:08:05):
He's gone.
MELINDA says to  (23:08:45):
get rid of antoinette
MELINDA says to  (23:08:57):
she's offending people in the chat
oscara says to  (23:09:00):
Jerk?  You mean unnecessary eater.  He has the same right to success as Herman Cain and without the language problem.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:09:01):
get rid of TRICKS
Minister Grok says to  (23:09:12):

Date Time From To Message
2011-11-27 10:09:41 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:11:15 PM Minister Grok
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:11:22 PM Minister Grok
God Bless you Ben!
2011-11-27 10:11:25 PM Minister Grok
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:11:38 PM Minister Grok
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:12:02 PM Minister Grok
I love this clip LOL where can I find it? I would love to play it on my show!
2011-11-27 10:13:18 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
I forgot.
2011-11-27 10:13:45 PM Minister Grok
this is awesome
2011-11-27 10:17:15 PM a12iggymom
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:17:31 PM Minister Grok
Hello a12!!!
2011-11-27 10:17:37 PM a12iggymom
Hi Benyamin and Grok
2011-11-27 10:17:59 PM Antoinette from De
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:18:16 PM a12iggymom
Hi Antoinette
2011-11-27 10:18:25 PM Minister Grok
Hey Antionette!
2011-11-27 10:18:57 PM Antoinette from De
hello Ben, Iggy and Min. Grok
2011-11-27 10:19:12 PM Radical Roger
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:19:37 PM Radical Roger
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:19:44 PM Antoinette from De
hello Roger
2011-11-27 10:21:10 PM Minister Grok
Politicians have "family Values" ?
2011-11-27 10:21:30 PM Radical Roger
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:22:01 PM Radical Roger
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:22:01 PM Radical Roger
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:22:07 PM Minister Grok
hello Roger
2011-11-27 10:22:10 PM a12iggymom
Mr Colorado
2011-11-27 10:22:19 PM Minister Grok
such language
2011-11-27 10:22:28 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:23:10 PM a12iggymom
no one ever booed a gay soldier...they booed the question...
2011-11-27 10:23:36 PM a12iggymom
he should stop drinking the Obamaide...
2011-11-27 10:23:42 PM Guest41187
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:23:50 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:24:02 PM a12iggymom
Hi Roger
2011-11-27 10:24:47 PM Minister Grok
it has nothing to do with his color
2011-11-27 10:24:47 PM Radical Roger
Hi Iggy (})
2011-11-27 10:24:54 PM Minister Grok
it has to do with him being a moron
2011-11-27 10:25:02 PM Guest41187
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:25:28 PM exposingdemons
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:25:35 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:25:47 PM Antoinette from De
hello exposing
2011-11-27 10:25:57 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:26:03 PM a12iggymom
Hi ed
2011-11-27 10:26:25 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:26:38 PM a12iggymom
I actually want Cain/West ...
2011-11-27 10:26:42 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:26:47 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:27:25 PM a12iggymom
we do NOT want socialism Mr Colorado...DO YOU?
2011-11-27 10:29:12 PM Guest41655
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:30:52 PM Guest41781
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:31:04 PM Guest41799
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:31:54 PM Minister Grok
is this guy serious?!
2011-11-27 10:32:03 PM Robert scott censor
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:32:07 PM Robert scott censor
2011-11-27 10:32:13 PM Robert scott

quit the room
2011-11-27 10:32:15 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:32:18 PM a12iggymom
Mr COlorado is far far left...
2011-11-27 10:32:33 PM Guest41655
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:32:48 PM Radical Roger
left of Lybia...:D
2011-11-27 10:33:21 PM Radical Roger
it is the same ole hat
2011-11-27 10:33:25 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:33:36 PM Minister Grok
LOL@ RObert Scott
2011-11-27 10:33:47 PM a12iggymom
his arguement hasn't changed in 4 a freaking record...
2011-11-27 10:33:56 PM Radical Roger
its all racism....
2011-11-27 10:34:04 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:35:02 PM Radical Roger
Mr Colo...where u born in a America?
2011-11-27 10:35:02 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Robert Scott censor
2011-11-27 10:35:41 PM a12iggymom
it is Mr Colorado
2011-11-27 10:36:00 PM Minister Grok
We know all about Robert Scott
2011-11-27 10:36:07 PM Guest42118
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:36:08 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
No you don't.
2011-11-27 10:36:11 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
You will soon.
2011-11-27 10:36:16 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:36:28 PM MELINDA
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:36:28 PM Guest41781
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:36:31 PM MELINDA
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:36:40 PM Minister Grok
The Holy Spirit reveals truth
2011-11-27 10:36:43 PM MELINDA
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:36:49 PM ImmodusOperandi
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:36:51 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:36:58 PM MELINDA
oh god
2011-11-27 10:37:01 PM MELINDA
it's one angry jew
2011-11-27 10:37:03 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:37:07 PM MELINDA
someone boot him
2011-11-27 10:37:08 PM Minister Grok
Hey Melinda
2011-11-27 10:37:14 PM Minister Grok
Hi Immodus
2011-11-27 10:37:14 PM exposingdemons
(})Angry One
2011-11-27 10:37:14 PM MELINDA
and who is this violent guy screaming?
2011-11-27 10:37:15 PM Radical Roger
people who proclaim they dont hate...DO HATE!
2011-11-27 10:37:18 PM Minister Grok
Hey Psychotic
2011-11-27 10:37:20 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:37:24 PM MELINDA
what the hell is that?
2011-11-27 10:37:35 PM MELINDA
cut? ben, why do you have this violent man on the show?
2011-11-27 10:37:37 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:37:48 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:37:51 PM Minister Grok
that says invalid page
2011-11-27 10:38:07 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Is that mugshot real?
2011-11-27 10:38:18 PM MELINDA
it's invalid page
2011-11-27 10:38:20 PM Minister Grok
says invalid page.
2011-11-27 10:38:29 PM ImmodusOperandi
came up for me
2011-11-27 10:38:30 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:38:34 PM MELINDA
this is reverend wright
2011-11-27 10:38:35 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:38:39 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
can't be
2011-11-27 10:38:43 PM MELINDA
This guy sounds like reverend wright
2011-11-27 10:38:54 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Worked for me.
2011-11-27 10:38:59 PM ImmodusOperandi
not any overly attractive guy either
2011-11-27 10:39:03 PM Antoinette from De
hello Immodus, how are yu
2011-11-27 10:39:09 PM MELINDA
720 is a reverend wright
2011-11-27 10:39:14 PM Minister Grok
doesnt work for me
2011-11-27 10:39:15 PM ImmodusOperandi
very well antionette and yourself?
2011-11-27 10:39:18 PM MELINDA
Who, Measure of Faith?
2011-11-27 10:39:24 PM Minister Grok
Measure of Fake
2011-11-27 10:39:30 PM MELINDA
Measure of Faith is a loser.
2011-11-27 10:39:35 PM Antoinette from De
I am well ty for asking
2011-11-27 10:39:36 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:39:36 PM MELINDA
He says negative things about me.
2011-11-27 10:39:38 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Try that
2011-11-27 10:39:43 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Does that work?
2011-11-27 10:39:46 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:39:50 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:39:51 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:39:53 PM Antoinette from De
happy to hear you are also
2011-11-27 10:39:54 PM MELINDA
Measure of Faith is a trash and a loser. He says negative things about me.
2011-11-27 10:39:54 PM ImmodusOperandi
seems maybe from what is being posted about him, he should change his name to Measure of Fate.
2011-11-27 10:40:09 PM ImmodusOperandi
seems fate has come a knockin' for him
2011-11-27 10:40:15 PM MELINDA
People who say negative things about me tend to be losers and trash.
2011-11-27 10:40:48 PM Minister Grok
humiliating and berating people isn't a very nice thing to do. especially for proclaiming to be a Christian
2011-11-27 10:40:50 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:41:00 PM Minister Grok
I just pray for him
2011-11-27 10:41:04 PM Minister Grok
none of us are perfect
2011-11-27 10:41:22 PM MELINDA
He's not a Christian, Minister.
2011-11-27 10:41:33 PM Minister Grok
even so, I pray for him
2011-11-27 10:41:41 PM MELINDA
Just as some in here aren't conservatives.
2011-11-27 10:41:44 PM Minister Grok
ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
2011-11-27 10:41:44 PM Guest42450
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:41:47 PM MELINDA
Benyamin. I LOVE IT
2011-11-27 10:41:58 PM Antoinette from De
I agree Min, but there are times when you hv to call demonss out
2011-11-27 10:42:04 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:42:14 PM Minister Grok
You shall know them by their fruits
2011-11-27 10:42:31 PM Antoinette from De
true AMEN
2011-11-27 10:42:40 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:42:42 PM a12iggymom
Libya is old news but Iraq isn't?
2011-11-27 10:42:42 PM Guest42518
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:42:44 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Look at the cache.
2011-11-27 10:42:54 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Looks like Bobby got them to take down the page.
2011-11-27 10:42:57 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
But the cache is there.
2011-11-27 10:43:08 PM Guest42450
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:43:25 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:43:34 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:43:50 PM MELINDA
Who is this person screaming?
2011-11-27 10:44:04 PM MELINDA
omg. this guy is violent.
2011-11-27 10:44:11 PM MELINDA
this guy sounds like the reverend wright.
2011-11-27 10:44:12 PM Guest42518
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:44:20 PM MELINDA
He's for peace? He's screaming and violent.
2011-11-27 10:44:22 PM oscara
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:44:24 PM a12iggymom
at least he isn't hitting his kids tonight
2011-11-27 10:44:26 PM aabbcc
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:44:29 PM MELINDA
Someone needs to give this guy a valium.
2011-11-27 10:44:33 PM aabbcc
mr colorado!
2011-11-27 10:44:37 PM Minister Grok
yeah he is a bit high strung
2011-11-27 10:44:38 PM MELINDA
Right, a12iggy. this guy is violent.
2011-11-27 10:44:40 PM oscara
2011-11-27 10:44:46 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:44:47 PM MELINDA
at least he isn't beating his kid.
2011-11-27 10:44:56 PM Minister Grok
someone get him a life!
2011-11-27 10:44:59 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Is that really Robert Scott censor Measure of Faith?
2011-11-27 10:45:00 PM Minister Grok
Hey Oscara
2011-11-27 10:45:01 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:45:01 PM Guest42671
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:45:03 PM Minister Grok
Hi abc!
2011-11-27 10:45:09 PM aabbcc
hi grok
2011-11-27 10:45:13 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Hey abc - click the link
2011-11-27 10:45:14 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:45:17 PM Antoinette from De
he jusst appears to be passionate about hispoint as Sarge is
2011-11-27 10:45:19 PM Minister Grok
Psychotic, we all know he is a nasty person
2011-11-27 10:45:20 PM aabbcc
mr colorado is smart
2011-11-27 10:45:25 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Not all of you know.
2011-11-27 10:45:31 PM Minister Grok
sad is that People fall for Robert's silver tongue
2011-11-27 10:45:32 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
He's fooled many.
2011-11-27 10:45:34 PM MELINDA
shut up, antoinette.
2011-11-27 10:45:41 PM MELINDA
i'm not addressing you
2011-11-27 10:45:43 PM Minister Grok
<--hasthe Holy Spirit, and discernment lol
2011-11-27 10:45:43 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:45:46 PM Antoinette from De
that does not mean he beats his kids
2011-11-27 10:45:50 PM Guest42713
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:46:04 PM a12iggymom
he was on a call about 3 months ago...
2011-11-27 10:46:06 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Well now Ms Poindexter - would you trust him with your kids?
2011-11-27 10:46:06 PM Guest42721
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:46:07 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 10:46:15 PM MELINDA
How do you know that is Measure of Faith?
2011-11-27 10:46:24 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Look at his picture.
2011-11-27 10:46:31 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Look at the picture on his profile.
2011-11-27 10:46:33 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Same guy
2011-11-27 10:46:33 PM Minister Grok
and his name is robert scott
2011-11-27 10:46:35 PM MELINDA
Antoinette, please try to be civil.
2011-11-27 10:46:36 PM Antoinette from De
no, don't know him, but my kids are grown
2011-11-27 10:46:37 PM exposingdemons
Hey Melinda ,u got an update on Michelles ASS?8-)
2011-11-27 10:46:37 PM oscara
Listening to this caller is a waste of electricity
2011-11-27 10:46:38 PM MELINDA
Stop the name calling.
2011-11-27 10:46:40 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:46:42 PM Guest42118
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:46:45 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
His name is Robert Scott censor
2011-11-27 10:46:46 PM Minister Grok
LOL oscara
2011-11-27 10:46:49 PM Guest42671
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:46:49 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
His middle name is Scott
2011-11-27 10:46:51 PM Guest42721
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:46:52 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:46:54 PM MELINDA
Antoinette, please try to behave in this chat. Stop the name calling.
2011-11-27 10:47:06 PM brotherk
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:47:16 PM oscara
He's the type who steals from his best friend. No morals.
2011-11-27 10:47:24 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
I'd keep him away from your grown kids too.
2011-11-27 10:47:26 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
He does drugs.
2011-11-27 10:47:33 PM a12iggymom
Hi Oscara
2011-11-27 10:47:34 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Read the page.
2011-11-27 10:47:35 PM brotherk
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:47:39 PM oscara
Hey Iggymom
2011-11-27 10:47:40 PM Antoinette from De
TRICKK no one called yu a name you just answered to what you are
2011-11-27 10:47:56 PM brotherk
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:48:08 PM oscara
Melinda, WHY is this host listening to this moron?
2011-11-27 10:48:13 PM MELINDA
See, antoinette. You're immature.
2011-11-27 10:48:16 PM Guest43014
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:48:25 PM MELINDA
I don't know, oscara. The host has someone whose calling names in the chatroom too.
2011-11-27 10:48:30 PM brotherk
hello to all and who is this guy on the phone?
2011-11-27 10:48:35 PM oscara
I see
2011-11-27 10:48:38 PM Guest43014
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:48:44 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 10:48:46 PM MELINDA
I know, oscara, it's too bad.
2011-11-27 10:48:57 PM MELINDA
Look at the rage, oscara. What is wrong with this woman?
2011-11-27 10:48:58 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:49:01 PM Antoinette from De
Helloo Bro. K
2011-11-27 10:49:05 PM Minister Grok
This calle ris foul
2011-11-27 10:49:10 PM oscara
Blacks will never get ahead until they live upright and stop herding together automatically just because of skin color.
2011-11-27 10:49:10 PM brotherk
hello antoinette
2011-11-27 10:49:20 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:49:23 PM brotherk
true oscara
2011-11-27 10:49:25 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
That's for you Bro K
2011-11-27 10:49:35 PM Guest42713
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:49:38 PM oscara
HEYYYY! Bro K!!!!!
2011-11-27 10:49:38 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
Read about your good friend Robert Scott censor Measure of Faith
2011-11-27 10:49:41 PM a12iggymom
111 soldiers had been killed in Libya
2011-11-27 10:49:45 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:49:48 PM Minister Grok
wow this caller is a moron
2011-11-27 10:49:52 PM MELINDA
he is
2011-11-27 10:49:53 PM Antoinette from De
oscara you should not judge by groups
2011-11-27 10:49:54 PM Radical Roger
"da Player" and "hommie" are racist delirum and used in an ignorgant smoke craking society!
2011-11-27 10:49:55 PM MELINDA
he's violent
2011-11-27 10:50:06 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:50:09 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:50:12 PM Guest43130
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:50:36 PM oscara
I just see you defending someone who should be admonished, Antionette.
2011-11-27 10:50:47 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:51:02 PM Antoinette from De
it is his view, e1 has one
2011-11-27 10:51:11 PM oscara
whatever that means, Radical
2011-11-27 10:51:29 PM Guest43130
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:51:35 PM Radical Roger
u tell me?
2011-11-27 10:51:39 PM oscara
Maybe boy just means somebody younger than the speaker. wow.
2011-11-27 10:51:40 PM ImmodusOperandi
Americans at their best....
2011-11-27 10:51:42 PM exposingdemons
sound black/white8-)8-|
2011-11-27 10:51:48 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:51:48 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:51:52 PM MELINDA
Oscara, did you come here for a lesson in political correctness.
2011-11-27 10:52:05 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:52:16 PM Guest43207
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:52:18 PM oscara
Melinda, I have the thing muted right now LOL
2011-11-27 10:52:30 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:52:31 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:52:40 PM Radical Roger
who would marry a sista?
2011-11-27 10:52:40 PM Antoinette from De
hello ABC
2011-11-27 10:52:50 PM aabbcc
hey ant
2011-11-27 10:53:03 PM MELINDA
I should put that mean, violent woman on mute too. She's really striking out tonight, pissing off a lot of people.
2011-11-27 10:53:04 PM Guest43266
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:53:22 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:53:43 PM Guest43266
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:53:57 PM exposingdemons fine upstanding military with honor8-)
2011-11-27 10:53:57 PM Guest43207
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:54:02 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 10:54:04 PM a12iggymom
oh Mr Colorado does that too, calls the N word...
2011-11-27 10:54:12 PM oscara
Makes me sad the way some black ppl speak to others. Actually, whites historically have helped blacks a lot more than blacks have helped each other.
2011-11-27 10:54:15 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 10:54:42 PM a12iggymom
very nive Bro K...
2011-11-27 10:54:43 PM oscara
Don't be fooled by their "loyalty". No honor among theives
2011-11-27 10:54:47 PM a12iggymom
nice too
2011-11-27 10:55:37 PM MELINDA
"own business goin' on."
2011-11-27 10:55:39 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:55:42 PM oscara
Blacks do most of the "patting", in my observation. Can we send this guy to Syria?
2011-11-27 10:55:43 PM aabbcc
that was measure of faith that said he was black, right?
2011-11-27 10:55:59 PM Guest43438
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:56:01 PM MELINDA
that's one angry jew, aabbcc.
2011-11-27 10:56:07 PM MELINDA
measure of faith isn't here
2011-11-27 10:56:09 PM Antoinette from De
don't know ABC
2011-11-27 10:56:19 PM aabbcc
i'm pretty sure that was robert
2011-11-27 10:56:23 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:56:25 PM oscara
Could they possibly hold out when ambulances are outfitted with machine guns? (Syria)
2011-11-27 10:56:29 PM Radical Roger
2011-11-27 10:56:30 PM MELINDA
kool aid is not healthy
2011-11-27 10:56:31 PM brotherk
am i muted?
2011-11-27 10:56:43 PM aabbcc
i've talked with him enough to know that voice
2011-11-27 10:56:50 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:56:50 PM oscara
Oh, nutritionally deprived! Got it.
2011-11-27 10:56:53 PM aabbcc
i called it the gay voice
2011-11-27 10:56:55 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:56:59 PM oscara
2011-11-27 10:57:01 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:01 PM Radical Roger
prove he went to college??
2011-11-27 10:57:06 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:09 PM Guest43438
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:57:10 PM Guest43530
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:57:13 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:57:14 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:17 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 10:57:21 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
That link works.
2011-11-27 10:57:30 PM oscara
What the hell more do blacks want?
2011-11-27 10:57:34 PM Guest43579
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:57:35 PM Radical Roger
white boys???
2011-11-27 10:57:36 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:40 PM Antoinette from De
that is not him on phone ABC
2011-11-27 10:57:45 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:52 PM aabbcc
2011-11-27 10:57:52 PM Guest43579
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:57:54 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:57:56 PM Stabby McHugs
enter the room
2011-11-27 10:58:06 PM oscara
I think it's all hot air
2011-11-27 10:58:12 PM Guest43530
quit the room
2011-11-27 10:58:16 PM aabbcc
mr colorado got some sense... he just don't take no mess
2011-11-27 10:58:22 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 10:58:47 PM Antoinette from De
That is foolish, my family had, still has money does not change hue of ny skin
2011-11-27 10:58:49 PM aabbcc
good job keeping everyubody on line ben
2011-11-27 10:58:54 PM Radical Roger
O'Blowhole dont eat fried chicken ***...just LOBSTER better than U!
2011-11-27 10:59:03 PM oscara
hue? please!
2011-11-27 10:59:23 PM MELINDA
Mooochelle Hussein won't let the kids eat friend chicken. But you know she's shoving down her throat by the goddamned bucketload.
2011-11-27 10:59:33 PM oscara
2011-11-27 10:59:52 PM oscara
Rush: "I like Big Butt"
2011-11-27 11:00:14 PM oscara
Why don't they talk right for starters?
2011-11-27 11:00:28 PM Radical Roger
how do we know he is dead?
2011-11-27 11:00:28 PM a12iggymom
111 soldiers had been killed in Libya...
2011-11-27 11:00:35 PM Minister Grok
Ugh: This guy is annoying
2011-11-27 11:01:00 PM oscara
Breaking news: The plantations are gone now.
2011-11-27 11:01:00 PM a12iggymom
U.S Soldiers...
2011-11-27 11:01:03 PM Antoinette from De
ABC I was lking 4 u tnight
2011-11-27 11:01:19 PM aabbcc
on another show?
2011-11-27 11:01:37 PM MELINDA
Oscara, I still can't believe someone tried to give you a political corectness lesson tonight. Don't they know you don't go for that BS?
2011-11-27 11:01:38 PM Antoinette from De
on yur station
2011-11-27 11:01:42 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:01:45 PM Minister Grok
just sayin
2011-11-27 11:01:47 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:01:51 PM aabbcc
yeah.. i stopped doing sunday shows
2011-11-27 11:01:59 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:02:00 PM aabbcc
only wed and friday on freedomizer
2011-11-27 11:02:03 PM oscara
Melinda, what did she say? I think I missed it.
2011-11-27 11:02:11 PM Antoinette from De
oh okay
2011-11-27 11:02:11 PM aabbcc
saturdays on resistance radio
2011-11-27 11:02:18 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:02:23 PM The Mac and Mike Show
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:02:26 PM Radical Roger
white boys???
2011-11-27 11:02:28 PM aabbcc
btw... i looked at the vid
2011-11-27 11:02:32 PM Minister Grok
I wish i could choke this caller. his voice is irritating
2011-11-27 11:02:37 PM aabbcc
2011-11-27 11:02:44 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:02:45 PM MELINDA
this guy is out of touch
2011-11-27 11:02:47 PM oscara
Minister, ya think?
2011-11-27 11:02:54 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:02:54 PM The Mac and Mike Show
one angry guy
2011-11-27 11:02:55 PM Guest43808
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:02:56 PM Antoinette from De
it was interesting
2011-11-27 11:02:56 PM Radical Roger
Colin Powell was wrong?
2011-11-27 11:02:58 PM MELINDA
you know what? this guy sounds like antoinette.
2011-11-27 11:03:00 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:03:47 PM Minister Grok
he sure likes to cuss
2011-11-27 11:03:53 PM MELINDA
and call names
2011-11-27 11:03:54 PM Antoinette from De
all women, expose what demon your under tonight to see what you are
2011-11-27 11:03:56 PM oscara
Melinda, I try to piss off at least one person everyday by asking them what a natural born citizen is. It's so easy, gets them mad and they call me a racist. LOL
2011-11-27 11:03:59 PM Guest43808
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:04:27 PM Antoinette from De
still see an it that is aTRICK w/ several demons in you
2011-11-27 11:04:35 PM MELINDA
stop calling names
2011-11-27 11:04:43 PM MELINDA
antoinette, stop calling me nasty names.
2011-11-27 11:04:53 PM MELINDA
i'm sick of you trying to turn me into a sex object
2011-11-27 11:05:04 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:05:10 PM oscara
Demoniacs are in everybody. Start with yourself.
2011-11-27 11:05:11 PM Antoinette from De
you only answer to what applies t you TRICK
2011-11-27 11:05:13 PM oscara
LOL Minister
2011-11-27 11:05:24 PM MELINDA
you are a sick woman, antoinette
2011-11-27 11:05:31 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:05:34 PM MELINDA
you are sick
2011-11-27 11:05:36 PM MELINDA
you are sexist
2011-11-27 11:05:38 PM brotherk
antoinette? wow!! i did not know
2011-11-27 11:05:54 PM oscara
Antoinette, Melinda just WISHES she had time for that! LOL
2011-11-27 11:06:01 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:06:11 PM brotherk
anyway! hello 12iggymom and melinda
2011-11-27 11:06:14 PM MELINDA
Antoinette, are you a lezbun? Is that why you call me a trick? You're trying to put that in my mind so that you can get me?
2011-11-27 11:06:15 PM The Mac and Mike Show
2011-11-27 11:06:16 PM oscara
Here! Here! No projections!
2011-11-27 11:06:30 PM Guest41799
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:06:31 PM Antoinette from De
the trick should of never started w/me
2011-11-27 11:06:32 PM MELINDA
Just stop it, Antoinette. People here are real sick of your BS.
2011-11-27 11:06:32 PM a12iggymom
Hi Bro K
2011-11-27 11:06:41 PM oscara
You guys are a riot. I was sleepy, now wide awake.
2011-11-27 11:06:47 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:06:50 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:06:53 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
2011-11-27 11:06:54 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:06:55 PM MELINDA
She's a goddmaned lezbun
2011-11-27 11:06:59 PM brotherk
ignorance on the phone and in the chatroom! wow
2011-11-27 11:07:04 PM oscara
2011-11-27 11:07:04 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:07:08 PM MELINDA
Antoinette, you are ignorant
2011-11-27 11:07:15 PM The Mac and Mike Show
ted levine on last podcast
2011-11-27 11:07:30 PM oscara
brother k, it's funny. Ppl taking themselves 2 seriously.
2011-11-27 11:07:36 PM Radical Roger
This guy cannot speak without profanity... being a Christian... I am offeneded and disgusted... and deserve better debate... GN2ALL! (lol)
2011-11-27 11:07:37 PM MELINDA
At least I earn my money. At least I'm not on the welfare
2011-11-27 11:07:48 PM exposingdemons
So much love in this room and show(L)
2011-11-27 11:07:49 PM Radical Roger
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:07:51 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:07:57 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:08:00 PM exposingdemons
2011-11-27 11:08:01 PM Antoinette from De
Tricks do
2011-11-27 11:08:07 PM oscara
2011-11-27 11:08:10 PM brotherk
i cannot believe that ben is still letting this jerk go on
2011-11-27 11:08:18 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
He's gone.
2011-11-27 11:08:45 PM MELINDA
get rid of antoinette
2011-11-27 11:08:57 PM MELINDA
she's offending people in the chat
2011-11-27 11:09:00 PM oscara
Jerk? You mean unnecessary eater. He has the same right to success as Herman Cain and without the language problem.
2011-11-27 11:09:01 PM Antoinette from De
get rid of TRICKS
2011-11-27 11:09:12 PM Minister Grok
2011-11-27 11:09:12 PM Guest44168
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:09:28 PM MELINDA
see, ben, she's calling names.
2011-11-27 11:09:48 PM oscara
Herman Cain would probably rather eat maggots than talk like that guy.
2011-11-27 11:10:35 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:11:26 PM The Mac and Mike Show
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:12:21 PM Antoinette from De
ABC, do you think it is ant truth in video, Ido
2011-11-27 11:12:31 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:12:39 PM aabbcc
2011-11-27 11:12:48 PM Minister Grok
...and they hate gays lol
2011-11-27 11:12:52 PM aabbcc
but i think that's basically what we've been talking about
2011-11-27 11:12:54 PM Minister Grok
this clips cracks me up
2011-11-27 11:12:55 PM Antoinette from De
that is concern
2011-11-27 11:13:07 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:13:12 PM aabbcc
i was surprised to hear the info about chavez
2011-11-27 11:13:14 PM Antoinette from De
yes you are right about that
2011-11-27 11:13:19 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:13:23 PM Antoinette from De
me to
2011-11-27 11:13:27 PM aabbcc
i need to check it out myself
2011-11-27 11:13:29 PM MELINDA
lots of liberal Democrats in this chatroo
2011-11-27 11:13:31 PM ImmodusOperandi
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:13:43 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:13:49 PM brotherk
i am not a liberal democrat melinda
2011-11-27 11:13:51 PM aabbcc
but i absolutely agree about the "co-suckers"
2011-11-27 11:13:53 PM Antoinette from De
the same pattern
2011-11-27 11:14:01 PM MELINDA
not talking about you, brother k
2011-11-27 11:14:07 PM brotherk
2011-11-27 11:14:10 PM Antoinette from De
yes liked that
2011-11-27 11:14:33 PM Antoinette from De
watched 3xs
2011-11-27 11:14:55 PM MELINDA
2011-11-27 11:15:01 PM Guest44445
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:15:07 PM MELINDA
I love this
2011-11-27 11:15:18 PM Guest44445
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:16:35 PM aabbcc
some of these guys can not have a discussion without going into the left right crap
2011-11-27 11:17:04 PM aabbcc
they only see things in left/right
2011-11-27 11:17:25 PM aabbcc
bring him back up ben
2011-11-27 11:18:29 PM aabbcc
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:18:53 PM Minister Grok
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:20:16 PM oscara
He ate a lot of hot dogs
2011-11-27 11:21:14 PM Stabby McHugs
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:21:49 PM Guest44777
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:22:17 PM Guest44777
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2011-11-27 11:22:28 PM Stabby McHugs
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:23:28 PM oscara's the "angryrightwingjewishmilitant" that gets them going?
2011-11-27 11:23:41 PM Guest44884
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:24:17 PM a12iggymom
if he is a christian, why does he just say bible but used 'holy koran' every time?
2011-11-27 11:24:18 PM Guest44921
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:24:38 PM a12iggymom
isn't is also the holy bible?
2011-11-27 11:24:54 PM Guest44921
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:25:12 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:25:24 PM brotherk
amen 12iggymom
2011-11-27 11:25:39 PM Antoinette from De
the Koran and the bible are different, never read the Koran
2011-11-27 11:26:09 PM Antoinette from De
muslims do quote the scriptures
2011-11-27 11:26:48 PM a12iggymom
they quote then incorrectly for the most part, that I have heard anyway.
2011-11-27 11:27:16 PM Antoinette from De
2011-11-27 11:27:32 PM Guest45098
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:27:59 PM Antoinette from De
bro k, that is why not a part of any party
2011-11-27 11:28:29 PM Antoinette from De
same agenda just different face
2011-11-27 11:29:21 PM Guest45098
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:29:43 PM RapidFire
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:29:54 PM Antoinette from De
Biden is not running again
2011-11-27 11:30:29 PM Antoinette from De
he said that from begining, retiring
2011-11-27 11:30:31 PM RapidFire
Bro K please explain that to me
2011-11-27 11:30:38 PM brotherk
vice presidents do not run. they are selected by the presidential nominee
2011-11-27 11:30:43 PM RapidFire
Gods gonna ask us what we did with Isreal?
2011-11-27 11:30:54 PM RapidFire
where is that in scripture?
2011-11-27 11:31:10 PM brotherk
not in laymans term
2011-11-27 11:31:20 PM RapidFire
explain it
2011-11-27 11:31:23 PM Antoinette from De
he is not going to be on the ticket again
2011-11-27 11:31:24 PM Guest45283
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:31:48 PM RapidFire
God gonna probably ask ya about how you lived for him
2011-11-27 11:32:08 PM RapidFire
Isreal is not the main theme in scripture
2011-11-27 11:32:12 PM Guest45322
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:32:17 PM RapidFire
Jesus is
2011-11-27 11:32:40 PM RapidFire
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:32:42 PM needlenose
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:32:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:32:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:32:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:32:48 PM needlenose
2011-11-27 11:33:14 PM needlenose
We hear the skeletons in your closet rattling away Frederick Lee Jenkins
2011-11-27 11:33:29 PM needlenose
You can try but you cannot kep them quiet.
2011-11-27 11:33:47 PM needlenose
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:34:02 PM Guest45389
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:34:28 PM Guest45283
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2011-11-27 11:35:56 PM Guest44884
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2011-11-27 11:36:04 PM Guest45482
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2011-11-27 11:36:39 PM Guest45482
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2011-11-27 11:36:44 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:36:44 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:36:46 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
enter the room
2011-11-27 11:36:48 PM Stabby McHugs
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:36:54 PM PsychoticFlyPaper
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:37:07 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2011-11-27 11:37:07 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room

*** (23:39:55):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:40:15):
hello anamie
nouseforaname says to  (23:40:34):
exposingdemons says to  (23:41:16):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:41:52):
True Bro K
brotherk says to  (23:42:50):
thanks antoinette
Antoinette from De says to  (23:43:29):
it was the truth
oscara says to  (23:45:13):
Why would anybody fight when they can hide in the anonymity of blogtalkradio?
Antoinette from De says to  (23:45:47):
so many do you would be shocked
exposingdemons says to  (23:54:09):
4 yr old ,you are an abomination robert
brotherk says to  (23:54:25):
you mean oaj
exposingdemons says to  (23:54:30):
power of Satan u mean
exposingdemons says to  (23:54:58):
u are another moron brother
exposingdemons says to  (23:55:14):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:55:29):
wow this is all very christian
exposingdemons says to  (23:55:35):
robert is a gutless spawn of Satan
Antoinette from De says to  (23:55:42):
hello double and truth
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:55:45):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:56:16):
yes you are right about that ruth
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:56:19):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:56:20):
brotherk says to  (23:56:32):
amen truth
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:57:30):
to call someone a child molester you better have a good Lawyer..
Antoinette from De says to  (23:58:10):
terrible thing to be accussed of
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:58:20):
brotherk says to  (23:58:43):
well if oaj said this on btr, than it is not a good thing for him
Antoinette from De says to  (23:59:06):
true Bro K
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:59:25):
Iwell if Robert and Lee were in a private skyoe call it should not been spread around BTR
Antoinette from De says to  (23:59:28):
something that can be traced
Stabby McHugs says to  (23:59:28):
<OAJ fanclub
brotherk says to  (23:59:38):
btr has all records on everyone including where you are
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:59:50):
TruthBeforeLies says to  (23:59:59):
i have got nothing to hide
Antoinette from De says to  (00:00:01):
yes they do also wh
Antoinette from De says to  (00:00:12):
me either
TruthBeforeLies says to  (00:00:16):
I am not embarrased  of my life
Antoinette from De says to  (00:00:31):
nor am I
brotherk says to  (00:00:53):
i am not perfect! just forgiven!!
TruthBeforeLies says to  (00:00:56):
this is very sad
Stabby McHugs says to  (00:00:58):
a12iggymom says to  (00:01:05):
thanks Benyamin, it certainly was different tonight...
a12iggymom says to  (00:01:19):
night everyone
oscara says to  (00:01:32):
Stabby McHugs says to  (00:01:33):
just when it was starting to be  worth listenening to you idoits
brotherk says to  (00:01:38):
oscara says to  (00:01:52):
Id oits????
Antoinette from De says to  (00:01:52):
Amen to that Bro K. and God above is the only one that I aim to pls
TruthBeforeLies says to  (00:02:04):
I will say this.. do not give any personal information out unless you deal with the right people on skype
TruthBeforeLies says to  (00:02:19):
or people will use the trust you shown against you
Antoinette from De says to  (00:02:27):
brotherk says to  (00:02:29):

oscara says to  (00:02:42):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:03:17):
(L)  Bro K more than words can express
brotherk says to  (00:03:24):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:03:36):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:04:38):
Bro K,  I'm speaking in DC in Feb,  you hv to come and gv me support
Antoinette from De says to  (00:05:39):
at a private functin in honor of my cousin Nannie Burroughs
Antoinette from De says to  (00:06:26):
you would love her history
Antoinette from De says to  (00:07:16):
brotherk says to  (00:07:58):
send me the info i will check it out antoinette
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:24:29):
lol Ben
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:24:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:28:19):
(}) everyone.

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