Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Ben Solomon 45 Minutes Zone 11/23/2011

*** (22:48:54):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
MELINDA says to  (23:13:12):
omg.  i heard what they're serving at white house for thanksgiving.
MELINDA says to  (23:13:18):
they'll be eating rumproast.
MELINDA says to  (23:13:31):
cooking some of michelle hussein obama's ass and serving it in large slices.
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:35):
HUGE slices of fatass
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:14:38):
I am a turk
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:41):
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:14:45):
I'm Turkish
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:56):
I'm anti-libs
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:14:56):
I cook with paprika
MELINDA says to  (23:14:57):
so is obama
MELINDA says to  (23:15:02):
obama is a hussein
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:15:15):
Obama is Jewish
MELINDA says to  (23:15:53):
then why did he marry that fat nasty beast wife?
MELINDA says to  (23:15:55):
that porker?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:16:06):
Semper Fi
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:16:14):
I am a Marine.
MELINDA says to  (23:16:30):
Jews don't eat pork.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:16:46):
Marines eat pork.
MELINDA says to  (23:16:52):
you are full of it, pfp
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:18):
Obama eats Michelle bacon
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:17:19):
I was did a tour aboard a nuclear submarine for my Navy stint.
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:22):
MELINDA says to  (23:18:27):
"I will report you for hate speech."
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:18:48):
Why would you want to report BobUSMC
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:19:05):
It's not my fault that he hates you.
MELINDA says to  (23:20:30):
MELINDA says to  (23:20:38):
you are a freak
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:20:48):
I am ol rooter
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:20:54):
I luv you
MELINDA says to  (23:20:56):
bob and i are friends
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:21:31):
I luv gay women.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:22:20):
I am a Marine.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:22:22):
Are you?
BobUSMC says to  (23:23:11):
liberals eat shiit
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:23:27):
What about liberal Marines?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to  (23:23:38):
Do they also eat shi t?
MELINDA says to  (23:24:42):
how pleasant
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:25:04):
MELINDA says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:26:04):
i love you
BobUSMC says to  (23:26:27):
liberal Marine = oxymoron
MELINDA says to  (23:27:43):
MELINDA says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:27:54):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to MELINDA (private) (23:28:40):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:33:00):

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