MELINDA says to (22:22:16):
Hey, Benyamin. I love you.
MELINDA says to (22:22:24):
I want to protect you!!!!!
a12iggymom says to (22:23:28):
Hi Benyamin, Melinda (L)
a12iggymom says to (22:23:41):
darn chat doean't load right lately :(
a12iggymom says to (22:23:53):
you sound great Benyamin...
Holly Lynn says to (22:23:55):
Hi iggymom (})
Holly Lynn says to (22:24:01):
Hi Melinda (})
a12iggymom says to (22:24:11):
Hi Holly! (F)
Holly Lynn says to (22:24:11):
Hi Benyamin (})
MELINDA says to (22:25:03):
Hey, friends.
MELINDA says to (22:25:07):
I LOVE YOU, iggymom
MELINDA says to (22:25:12):
I LOVE YOU, Holly Lynn
MovinForward says to (22:26:10):
hey all
MELINDA says to (22:26:14):
Hey, MovinForward
MELINDA says to (22:26:16):
Holly Lynn says to (22:27:29):
I love you too Melinda (F)
Holly Lynn says to (22:27:36):
Hi Movin (})
a12iggymom says to (22:28:01):
Hi Movin
MovinForward says to (22:28:11):
nobody paid TEA Party folk to protest
MELINDA says to (22:28:32):
That's right, MOvin
MovinForward says to (22:28:46):
i may fall asleep past my bedtime....zzzz
MELINDA says to (22:28:59):
I was reading New York Post today, and they have article about a guy who has a fit, because local McDonald's wouldn't give him free food.
MELINDA says to (22:29:26):
Same article claimed that men have been raped in Zuccotti Park.
a12iggymom says to (22:29:44):
in Oakland, the man injured was injured by one of the protesters...
MELINDA says to (22:29:45):
The Occupy Wall Street Movement has men raping men and women.
a12iggymom says to (22:30:19):
the person who threw the projectile was wearing a hoodie...and not a helmat...
a12iggymom says to (22:30:47):
snip the video and blow it up...their own video shows the protester...
MELINDA says to (22:31:35):
MELINDA says to (22:32:32):
A woman was murdered at Occupy Vancouver.
a12iggymom says to (22:33:01):
this whole occupy is just a cover for Obama's failed G20 meetings...
MELINDA says to (22:33:15):
MELINDA says to (22:33:21):
didn't think of that
MELINDA says to (22:33:47):
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
a12iggymom says to (22:34:19):
he insulted the french pres, kissed the ass of the moslum leaders and congratulated the hajj with his announcement today but totally ignored the Ft Hood Shooting 2nd annivesary
MELINDA says to (22:35:46):
what an ass
MELINDA says to (22:35:51):
he's a failure
Holly Lynn says to (22:36:14):
but he has a beautiful wife Melinda (lol)
Holly Lynn says to (22:36:23):
NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
MELINDA says to (22:36:27):
a12iggymom says to (22:36:35):
yes he is...even democrats are now calling for him to be off the ticket ...
MELINDA says to (22:36:57):
Holly, his wife the Michelle Hussein is a goddamned beast.
MELINDA says to (22:39:10):
Holly, I heard there is a porno out there with someone impersonating Michelle Hussein Obama.
MELINDA says to (22:39:13):
Isn't that sick/
MELINDA says to (22:39:14):
Holly Lynn says to (22:40:01):
a12iggymom says to (22:40:44):
need brain bleach now Melinda...
Holly Lynn says to (22:40:49):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:42:16):
MovinForward says to (22:43:58):
wow that woke me up
a12iggymom says to (22:44:20):
everytime I hear that woman, I get an anurism...
bluesky69 says to (22:47:46):
hi holly, movin,melinda,iggy,benyamin (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:47:45):
Hey bluesky69.
bluesky69 says to (22:48:08):
long time no see benyamin
a12iggymom says to (22:48:51):
Hi bluesky (F)
MovinForward says to (22:48:53):
hey blue
bluesky69 says to (22:50:07):
ben , why do you have rwj in front of your name...what does it stand for??
Holly Lynn says to (22:50:17):
Hi bluesky (})(F)(L)
bluesky69 says to (22:52:30):
bluesky69 says to (22:52:31):
oh ok
bluesky69 says to (22:53:02):
oh yeah ok ,,i was'nt thinking i should have known
Holly Lynn says to (22:53:07):
Holly Lynn says to (22:53:10):
bluesky69 says to (22:53:16):
:D holly
bluesky69 says to (22:53:27):
holly how have you been
bluesky69 says to (22:53:32):
long time no talk
Holly Lynn says to (22:54:35):
I am doing good. Tired but good. I am off the next three days so I got on BTR but I still have to get up early tomorrow
Holly Lynn says to (22:54:47):
we are putting Tracys dad in a nursing home
bluesky69 says to (22:54:49):
your working now?
bluesky69 says to (22:54:54):
oh no
bluesky69 says to (22:54:57):
Holly Lynn says to (22:54:57):
this is the first time on btr in weeks
Holly Lynn says to (22:55:20):
yeah i have a job at extended stay america hotel
bluesky69 says to (22:55:35):
well a nursing hom e would be good he be watched 24 /7
Holly Lynn says to (22:55:45):
yeah his dads alzhiemers is getting so bad we can't deal with him anymore
bluesky69 says to (22:55:47):
ok what do you do there
bluesky69 says to (22:56:03):
i know where your comming from there holly
Holly Lynn says to (22:56:03):
yeah his dr said he needs to be watched even when sleeping
bluesky69 says to (22:56:27):
my grandmother had alzhiemiers we had to put her in a home too
Holly Lynn says to (22:56:48):
housekeeping. i hate working with people so it was perfect for me but now I am going to be trained to work the front desk a few nights a week
bluesky69 says to (22:56:50):
it's sad but sat least he will be watched 24/7
Holly Lynn says to (22:56:57):
yeah he needs to be
bluesky69 says to (22:57:17):
i used to do housekeeping years ago
bluesky69 says to (22:57:26):
i did'nt like it
Holly Lynn says to (22:57:41):
i should be in bed now because we have to go talk to the nursing home early in the morn
Holly Lynn says to (22:57:55):
yeah its hard ass work
bluesky69 says to (22:57:58):
and how is his mom
Holly Lynn says to (22:58:09):
his mom passed away on oct 3
Holly Lynn says to (22:58:14):
it was very sudden
bluesky69 says to (22:58:16):
oh no
bluesky69 says to (22:58:24):
ong im soo sorry to hear that
Holly Lynn says to (22:58:26):
we expected his dad to go first but she did
bluesky69 says to (22:58:27):
bluesky69 says to (22:58:39):
how is tracy doing?
Holly Lynn says to (22:59:05):
he is doing good, stressed with his dads issues but that should be ok once he is in the home
Holly Lynn says to (22:59:10):
bluesky69 says to (22:59:12):
bluesky69 says to (22:59:29):
tell him i said my condolencess are with him
bluesky69 says to (22:59:39):
and pryaers
bluesky69 says to (22:59:43):
prayers too
Holly Lynn says to (23:00:40):
thanks blue
bluesky69 says to (23:02:59):
hi thunder (L):-*
a12iggymom says to (23:03:41):
Hi Thunder
ThunderCracker says to (23:05:11):
Well Well! long Time no see Blue!(})
ThunderCracker says to (23:05:24):
Iggy and Holly!(})
Holly Lynn says to (23:09:02):
ThunderCracker says to (23:15:34):
I sense a Troll!({)
bluesky69 says to (23:26:36):
marriage was made for women & man
bluesky69 says to (23:27:15):
he never said that caller
bluesky69 says to (23:27:19):
a12iggymom says to (23:28:27):
the most recent scientific study says homosexuality is an addiction.
bluesky69 says to (23:28:58):
that caller sounded like he was high on drugs
Holly Lynn says to (23:29:13):
probably was
a12iggymom says to (23:29:26):
({) about as accurate as his genetic lie...
bluesky69 says to (23:29:36):
i can tell by the way he talked he sounded like he is on speed
Holly Lynn says to (23:35:18):
i have to head to bed. good night everyone (})
Antoinette from De says to (23:38:54):
hello Ben, iggy, guests, Movin and Thunder
a12iggymom says to (23:39:19):
Hi Antoinette
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:39:38):
Hello Antoinette.
Antoinette from De says to (23:40:06):
how are you this evening Ben
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:42:03):
Good. How are you doing?
Antoinette from De says to (23:42:42):
I am well, very good day today, hope that yours was also
Antoinette from De says to (23:43:20):
thank you for asking
Mark Brickley says to (23:47:18):
muslims should DIE
Mark Brickley says to (23:48:10):
Hi Holly
Mark Brickley says to (23:48:22):
Hi Antoinette
Mark Brickley says to (23:48:56):
The only good muslim is a dead muslim
Antoinette from De says to (23:48:56):
Hello Mark, how areyou this evening
Antoinette from De says to (23:49:09):
Hello Psychotic, how are you this evening
Mark Brickley says to (23:49:17):
Oh doing well
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:49:20):
If they drill in Alasaka, the chinchilla fish will be severely threatened.
Antoinette from De says to (23:49:37):
that is wonderful to hear Mark
Mark Brickley says to (23:50:13):
I say we drill through the chinchilla fish, just to be sure
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:50:59):
What show is this? What does rwj stand for?
Antoinette from De says to (23:51:14):
right wing jew
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:51:30):
I am not right wing nor Jewish madam.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:51:42):
I'm just asking a question.
Antoinette from De says to (23:52:07):
I was not stating that you were you asked what does rwj stand for and I give you the answer
Mark Brickley says to (23:52:35):
I like timothy McVeigh, Saint Timothy, I call him
Mark Brickley says to (23:53:11):
Righteous Wise Jew
Mark Brickley says to (23:54:16):
Warlord X is a commie muslim rat
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:54:37):
Is this presenter joking?
Mark Brickley says to (23:55:03):
muslims are not nice, they need to die
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:55:07):
It's too much like watching a bad puppet show while blind.
Mark Brickley says to (23:55:53):
Benyamin Solomon is a good Jew
ThunderCracker says to (23:58:37):
Hi Antoinette!(})
Antoinette from De says to (23:59:05):
hello Thunder, I spoke to you earlier, you must of stepped away. How are you?
ThunderCracker says to (23:59:47):
I`m doing Good! and You?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (23:59:51):
c'mon - this guy isn't serious talking like this.
Antoinette from De says to (00:00:01):
I am well thank you for asking
Antoinette from De says to (00:00:08):
hello Urban
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (00:00:50):
That was crazy.
Antoinette from De says to (00:01:08):
gn all, have a good one
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:07):
PsychicFlypaper, if you feel that way, why didn't you leave or at least call in, you chatroom coward?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (00:01:39):
How do you call in?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:40):
The number is above. It's 917 889-2149.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:46):
The show is over. So it's too late now.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:54):
I would've taken your call had you called in.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (00:02:30):
I don't even know what you are talking about.
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (00:02:37):
What would I call about?
PsychoticFlyPaper says to (00:02:43):
You were talking to a baby.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:02:39):
You seem to have a lot of idiocy to say in the chatroom.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:03:12):
Phsychicflypaper was kicked out by me.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:03:21):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:12:32):
(}) everyone.
Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio
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