Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Being popular on BTR? 3/20/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: Since I came into the show late, the beginning part of the chatroom that is not available in the non-web log version is available in the web log version.

Date Time From To Message
2012-03-20 09:02:28 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:02:53 PM HarryNonce
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:03:27 PM Guest12685
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:04:01 PM Guest12717
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:04:16 PM HarryNonce
Freddy Mercury was a very gay man.
2012-03-20 09:04:17 PM Judgment0
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:04:33 PM HarryNonce
I had him once in the 80's
2012-03-20 09:05:25 PM Guest12763
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:05:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
wow oaj an admission you are a funny clown
2012-03-20 09:06:27 PM HarryNonce
Freddy was part of the US Army Remote Viewing Corp.
2012-03-20 09:06:29 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(917) 889-2149
2012-03-20 09:06:57 PM Guest12763
quit the room
2012-03-20 09:07:42 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(877) 497-9065
2012-03-20 09:12:02 PM Guest12717
quit the room
2012-03-20 09:14:53 PM Guest13049
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:17:58 PM exposingdemons 1
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:18:29 PM exposingdemons 1
quit the room
2012-03-20 09:19:24 PM exposingdemons 1
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:21:56 PM Guest13183
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:22:34 PM Guest13198
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:22:36 PM Guest13202
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:23:31 PM Judgment0
I wish we could get behind Paul, but he's just nuts or pandering to the nuts when it comes to threats against us and the inculcation of values into the populace via religion.
2012-03-20 09:25:12 PM Guest13202
quit the room
2012-03-20 09:26:58 PM Judgment0
No problem, we're set for tomorrow.
2012-03-20 09:30:18 PM Guest13049
quit the room
2012-03-20 09:30:24 PM Guest13367
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:30:45 PM brotherk
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:31:13 PM brotherk
o.k. the champ is here !!
2012-03-20 09:31:43 PM AmericanCitizen
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:31:51 PM brotherk
one sided show for a good while!
2012-03-20 09:31:57 PM brotherk
thanks robert !
2012-03-20 09:32:08 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-03-20 09:32:13 PM Guest13367
quit the room

*** (21:32:06):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
AmericanCitizen says to  (21:32:38):
brotherk says to  (21:32:43):

*** (21:32:58):exposingdemons 1 has been unmuted by Admin.
exposingdemons 1 says to  (21:33:50):
Judgment0 says to  (21:35:56):
BobUSMC says to  (21:43:36):
you mena real conservatives combined.   HAHA
BobUSMC says to  (21:43:52):
abc is a control freak asshole!!!
Judgment0 says to  (21:43:58):
Howdi Bob
BobUSMC says to  (21:44:16):
but ggt always has bizarre cohosts, doesn't he.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:44:17):
(}) Bob
BobUSMC says to  (21:44:37):
BobUSMC says to  (21:44:39):
BobUSMC says to  (21:45:25):
unkoolmike always bashes Bush and repubs ALOT more than dems or Obama.   lol.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:45:53):
Exactly BobUSMC.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:46:03):
aabbcc=censorship monkey
BobUSMC says to  (21:46:33):
i'm trying to line up airtime to have a conservative political show on Mondays at 11:30 pm opposite abc's CRAP.
BobUSMC says to  (21:47:00):
it's disgusting that abc get s to control the switchboard.  he's such a total ass
brotherk says to  (21:47:11):
agree bob
Judgment0 says to  (21:47:15):
I can't even be over there anymore.  I have kids in the house and the language is to course.
Judgment0 says to  (21:47:24):
BobUSMC says to  (21:47:40):
you also have that racist bitch Antoinette who voted for Obama who comes on there.
BobUSMC says to  (21:47:46):
it's ridiculous
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:48:08):
Antoinette is a strange byrd
BobUSMC says to  (21:49:01):
she's a racist and liar, i've caught her more than once.  i KNOW what a i saw her write.
BobUSMC says to  (21:49:28):
and there's others that have seen it itoo
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:49:39):
I have copies of some of it
BobUSMC says to  (21:49:57):
she acts all sweet and nice but she's a phony, has people fooled.
BobUSMC says to  (21:50:12):
Antoinette: "U.S. troops are brainwashed"
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:50:26):
i think mostly people feel sorry for her she's obviously a lonely woman
BobUSMC says to  (21:50:41):
she and other retards actually said or wrote that
BobUSMC says to  (21:51:03):
lol, maybe ur right.  who knows.
BobUSMC says to  (21:51:07):
BobUSMC says to  (21:51:44):
but the "conservatives" will defend her against other real conservatives who don't take that crap from lefty's.
BobUSMC says to  (21:52:39):
that's a huge problem for cons these days.  when you get a breitbart type who will wage war vs libs, then some other "cons" will stab the real conservative in teh back for not being 'nice'.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:52:42):
Antoinette said on Perry Steele's show that America bombing terrorists is simply bombing "brown people".
BobUSMC says to  (21:52:57):
it's ALL bs, as the left is at war against us.
BobUSMC says to  (21:53:13):
riht ben
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:53:14):
The left is at war. The Libertarians resemble leftists far more than Conservatives.
BobUSMC says to  (21:53:18):
BobUSMC says to  (21:53:57):
right, conservatives need to get on a war footing and go for the throat.  this is for America's very existence
BobUSMC says to  (21:54:14):
the left does NOT play fair
BobUSMC says to  (21:54:28):
kala can't beat sarge on facts
Judgment0 says to  (21:54:59):
http://www.khanacademy.org/#browse  Found this site last night.  Have any of you checked it out?  They have quite a number of subjects to teach kids but some of it runs into politics.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:55:32):
nice site
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:55:38):
thanks J0
BobUSMC says to  (21:59:25):
seems that ggt really needs to just list his show as just plain 'Politics' not 'Conservative Politics'. ({)
Judgment0 says to  (21:59:41):
Check this out.  http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/911-gets-pc-rewrite-in-u-s-textbooks/
brotherk says to  (21:59:42):
there you go bob !
Judgment0 says to  (22:04:18):
pumpkin is a split personality
Judgment0 says to  (22:04:28):
She is one person though.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:04:49):
ya think?
Judgment0 says to  (22:04:58):
I started out on her bad side and made her think too hard.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:05:00):
she's a strange chick for sure
Judgment0 says to  (22:05:33):
I was married to someone very similar.
Judgment0 says to  (22:05:41):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:05:50):
was she a "jennifer"
Judgment0 says to  (22:06:03):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:06:07):
I dated a few Jennifers in my youth that were just like punkin
Judgment0 says to  (22:06:13):
You had one too?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:06:39):
jennifer + potentially crazy
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:06:46):
+ not +
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:06:50):
Judgment0 says to  (22:08:28):
I can't poke too much fun, at the time I wasn't very metally healthy either.
Judgment0 says to  (22:08:36):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:09:04):
I was comfortably numb back in those days
Judgment0 says to  (22:09:42):
Thank G-d for G-d working in us.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:10:01):
why do you leave the o out of god?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:10:11):
God is a title not a name
Judgment0 says to  (22:10:22):
consideration for Jewish sensiblities.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:10:59):
but its a title not a name they think christians are dumb when they do that
Judgment0 says to  (22:11:48):
({)  What do I know, I just noticed many Jews do that and so...
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:12:27):
ahh its from the messianic movement
Judgment0 says to  (22:12:29):
I follow several in Israel on Twitter and they do that.
Judgment0 says to  (22:13:38):
Ben: that's exactly right, he would much rather stop America than Israel.
Judgment0 says to  (22:14:08):
But he can reach Israel and he is willing to see half his own country destroyed to do that much.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:14:20):
sad isn't it
Judgment0 says to  (22:14:43):
appeasers get under my skin like no one else.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:15:00):
even more sad are those that want to push america neutral to make it easier for Iran to comitt suicide
Judgment0 says to  (22:15:56):
I try to hold them accountable for the Arab Spring and they simply will not respond to what their fruit is.
Judgment0 says to  (22:16:21):
Muslim Brotherhood control of the entire Mediterranean.
BobUSMC says to  (22:19:41):
true Robert, very true.
BobUSMC says to  (22:19:52):
leftist's deflect and redirect
BobUSMC says to  (22:19:53):
BobUSMC says to  (22:20:04):
and twist and distort, of course
BobUSMC says to  (22:20:09):
BobUSMC says to  (22:22:27):
yes Robert, Sarge is.
Judgment0 says to  (22:24:19):
Does anybody know if Elena Kagan represented Obama on the eligability issue?  If so, doesn't that preclude her from serving on the SCOTUS?
Judgment0 says to  (22:24:48):
At least as Obama's choice.
Judgment0 says to  (22:25:36):
Now she'll be hearing cases on the same issue she previously represented him.
Judgment0 says to  (22:32:28):
I used JudgeRight until my account got screwed up somehow.  That's the only other ID I've used here.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:36:47):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:36:56):
account still exists
Judgment0 says to  (22:37:14):
Yeah, I can't access it.  I can't even get it to come up in a search.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:37:33):
thats the link above bob
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:37:41):
Judgment0 says to  (22:37:49):
Tried changing the passcode and it just denies me.
Judgment0 says to  (22:38:27):
It sends the link to my email but when I go through the steps, it just doesn't.
Harley D 01 says to  (22:41:43):
BTR wars dont change, just the names and faces
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:41:54):
Harley D 01 says to  (22:42:24):
Bro K should know better. Hes been on BTR as long as I have
brotherk says to  (22:42:55):
you are correct harley d 01
Judgment0 says to  (22:43:12):
Howdi Harley
Harley D 01 says to  (22:43:49):
Hello Judg
Harley D 01 says to  (22:48:05):
With all the destruction that obama is causing a BTR fight is just a distraction. Makes you wonder whose side the instigators are on.
Judgment0 says to  (22:49:28):
Typical Paulites helping the liberals take down American values and personal responsibility.
Harley D 01 says to  (22:49:57):
you got it
Judgment0 says to  (22:49:59):
That ain't even fiscal conservative behavior.
BobUSMC says to  (22:55:08):
a true con would like the freedom of  speech of others
BobUSMC says to  (22:55:36):
Harley D 01 says to  (22:56:44):
 A true prog believes freedom of speech is what they tell you to say.
Harley D 01 says to  (22:59:52):
 I spend a lot of time at TAH and know its easy to look up a persons military record. They do it all the time exposing fakes
BobUSMC says to  (23:00:49):
it's not hard to expose a phony soldier/vet, for sure Harley.
Judgment0 says to  (23:00:52):
lol Harley, you got it.
Judgment0 says to  (23:01:04):
nite everyone
Harley D 01 says to  (23:01:15):
Thanks Guys. See You Laterz

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fool Mike the vicious anti-Semite 3/19/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: What's not included in the non-web log version is included in the web log version. I came late to the show.

*** (22:13:41):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Judgment0 says to  (22:17:26):
No, I get that it's hard to read someone in chat.  I'm not an angry adversary, just love debating.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:17:54):
I got ya J0
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:18:19):
I look forward to it :)
Judgment0 says to  (22:22:21):
Ron Paul himself defends Islam by refusing to recognize their threats to the U.S. and her allies.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:22:37):
thats scarey
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:22:48):
he is out of touch with reality
Judgment0 says to  (22:22:57):
Naturally his followers buy his line and that make the whole world show much more dangerous.
Judgment0 says to  (22:24:03):
Conservatism cannot just be about fiscal responsibility.
Judgment0 says to  (22:24:51):
a free people must be a moral people.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:25:23):
totally agree
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:25:41):
freedom is of little value without morality
Judgment0 says to  (22:25:47):
My beef with paulites is their opposition to the inculcation of morality and Judeo/Christian values.
Judgment0 says to  (22:26:26):
specifically in our kids.
Judgment0 says to  (22:29:18):
it is totally a social issue, but I don't want to legislate their morality.  I want our kids trained in right and wrong as it has been done since the beginning.  Through the Bible.
Judgment0 says to  (22:30:04):
I believe trying to legislate their behavior away has accomplished nothing except rewarding the criminal class with enormous profits.
Judgment0 says to  (22:30:42):
Oh, it's over.
Judgment0 says to  (22:30:46):
Judgment0 says to  (22:31:35):
It was fun guys.  I look forward to Wednesday.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:33:31):
(}) everyone.
Date Time From To Message
2012-03-19 01:59:08 AM Guest127075937
quit the room

Date Time From To Message
2012-03-19 08:29:03 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
enter the room
2012-03-19 08:32:10 PM Guest9534
enter the room
2012-03-19 08:53:40 PM Just Peepin
enter the room
2012-03-19 08:56:17 PM Guest10125
enter the room
2012-03-19 08:56:22 PM Just Peepin
I think acting like a God fearing man and talking like on is two different things. Anyone can talk, acting like it is kind of different
2012-03-19 08:56:29 PM Just Peepin
2012-03-19 08:57:29 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
quit the room
2012-03-19 08:57:37 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
enter the room
2012-03-19 08:57:52 PM Just Peepin
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:03:25 PM Guest10534
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:07:32 PM Guest10125
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:11:47 PM Guest10534
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:13:27 PM Judgment0
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:14:44 PM Guest11066
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:15:04 PM Judgment0
When you use judgment, you must do so in the Spirit of love. Other centeredness.
2012-03-19 09:17:33 PM Judgment0
How is it loving to allow or defend a double standard as is done with Islam in America and the press today?
2012-03-19 09:19:31 PM Guest11066
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:20:20 PM Judgment0
Part of our role is to speak truth in the face of immorality. I was speaking to the half of this country who willingly covers for the sins of Islam.
2012-03-19 09:21:29 PM Guest11290
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:21:46 PM Judgment0
Even half of the church engages in this.
2012-03-19 09:23:43 PM Judgment0
I get my news from the internet and usually through talk show hosts' producers who hand the hosts their talking points.
2012-03-19 09:24:22 PM Judgment0
I'm Andrew Breitbart. I fight the misinformation from the msm and state run schools
2012-03-19 09:26:01 PM Judgment0
http://judgeright.blogspot.com I'm Andrew Breitbart in spirit. Angered many years ago over their misinformation.
2012-03-19 09:30:36 PM Guest11557
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:31:05 PM Guest11290
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:31:41 PM Guest11557
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:31:55 PM Judgment0
I have faith, and I want Him to return, but the world denies the truth staring them in the face. How are they going to accept truth they can't perceive? Of course we're testifying of Him. But the Christian has for years shrank from the occupation of
2012-03-19 09:32:01 PM Judgment0
power positions.
2012-03-19 09:33:05 PM Judgment0
Unwilling to compete for them.
2012-03-19 09:33:32 PM Judgment0
And I believe unwilling to compete for the souls of the lost far too often.
2012-03-19 09:34:27 PM Guest11686
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:35:03 PM Guest11702
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:35:25 PM Guest11686
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:35:29 PM Guest11711
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:35:36 PM Guest11702
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:38:17 PM CBMedia Network
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:38:54 PM Guest11770
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:39:28 PM Judgment0
only terrorism and getting our heads sawn off. Not much really.
2012-03-19 09:39:53 PM Guest11785
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:41:50 PM Judgment0
Does the Bible not say be aware of the times.
2012-03-19 09:42:12 PM Judgment0
Aren't we to be using the knowledge of the times to warn the unbelievers?
2012-03-19 09:42:30 PM Judgment0
That's our testimony when He pulls us out of here.
2012-03-19 09:43:42 PM Judgment0
Seats of power were established by God but those same seats were corrupted and eventually evil seats himself on that throne.
2012-03-19 09:44:16 PM Guest11770
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:44:31 PM Guest11785
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:46:15 PM Judgment0
Eventually Nero was posting and tarring and torching those Christians.
2012-03-19 09:46:29 PM Judgment0
Be aware of the times.
2012-03-19 09:47:46 PM CBMedia Network
Thought you were talking about Fool Mike tonight?
2012-03-19 09:48:57 PM Judgment0
So you would sit still while Hitler rounded up the Jews?
2012-03-19 09:49:45 PM Judgment0
Was Hitler not the ruler and are telling me Romans 13 suggests Hitler was God's work?
2012-03-19 09:51:20 PM Judgment0
Don't get angry, consider my point and my identity can be found at http://judgeright.blogspot.com
2012-03-19 09:52:05 PM Judgment0
I am formerly known as JudgeRight on BTR but my account is messed up. Real name is Bob Branham
2012-03-19 09:53:46 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be in subjection to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those who exist are ordained by God.
2012-03-19 09:54:29 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(917) 889-2149
2012-03-19 09:56:14 PM CBMedia Network
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:56:19 PM Guest12119
enter the room
2012-03-19 09:57:08 PM Guest9534
quit the room
2012-03-19 09:58:23 PM Guest12174
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:00:51 PM Guest12227
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:03:18 PM Judgment0
I'm dialing the cohost number
2012-03-19 10:04:01 PM Guest12332
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:04:03 PM Judgment0
2012-03-19 10:04:39 PM Guest12332
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:04:58 PM Guest11711
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:05:02 PM Guest12227
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:05:10 PM Guest12361
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:05:17 PM Guest12364
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:05:31 PM Guest12361
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:05:52 PM Guest12376
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:06:13 PM The Mac and Mike Show
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:06:22 PM Guest12386
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:07:29 PM The Mac and Mike Show
lmao on the photo
2012-03-19 10:08:31 PM Guest12376
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:08:39 PM The Mac and Mike Show
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:11:13 PM MELINDA
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:11:23 PM MELINDA
2012-03-19 10:13:43 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:15:37 PM Guest12386
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:16:09 PM Judgment0
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:16:25 PM Judgment0
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:17:26 PM Judgment0
No, I get that it's hard to read someone in chat. I'm not an angry adversary, just love debating.
2012-03-19 10:17:54 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
I got ya J0
2012-03-19 10:18:19 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
I look forward to it :)
2012-03-19 10:18:36 PM MELINDA
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:21:24 PM Guest12174
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:21:52 PM BobUSMC
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:22:21 PM Judgment0
Ron Paul himself defends Islam by refusing to recognize their threats to the U.S. and her allies.
2012-03-19 10:22:37 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
thats scarey
2012-03-19 10:22:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
he is out of touch with reality
2012-03-19 10:22:57 PM Judgment0
Naturally his followers buy his line and that make the whole world show much more dangerous.
2012-03-19 10:24:03 PM Judgment0
Conservatism cannot just be about fiscal responsibility.
2012-03-19 10:24:51 PM Judgment0
a free people must be a moral people.
2012-03-19 10:25:23 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
totally agree
2012-03-19 10:25:41 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
freedom is of little value without morality
2012-03-19 10:25:47 PM Judgment0
My beef with paulites is their opposition to the inculcation of morality and Judeo/Christian values.
2012-03-19 10:26:26 PM Judgment0
specifically in our kids.
2012-03-19 10:29:18 PM Judgment0
it is totally a social issue, but I don't want to legislate their morality. I want our kids trained in right and wrong as it has been done since the beginning. Through the Bible.
2012-03-19 10:29:59 PM Guest13069
enter the room
2012-03-19 10:30:04 PM Judgment0
I believe trying to legislate their behavior away has accomplished nothing except rewarding the criminal class with enormous profits.
2012-03-19 10:30:39 PM Guest13069
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:30:42 PM Judgment0
Oh, it's over.
2012-03-19 10:30:43 PM Guest12364
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:30:46 PM Judgment0
2012-03-19 10:31:35 PM Judgment0
It was fun guys. I look forward to Wednesday.
2012-03-19 10:31:58 PM Judgment0
quit the room
2012-03-19 10:33:34 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday night politics 3/18/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: The first bit of the chatroom, which is not saved on the non-web log version appears in web log verison form.

2012-03-18 09:04:17 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(917) 889-2149
*** (21:05:01):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Camera Mom says to  (21:07:24):
Paul Supporters get out of MO we do not want you!!
Camera Mom says to  (21:07:39):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:15:00):
call in and wish Ben a happy Birthday
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:15:09):
(917) 889-2149
Camera Mom says to  (21:15:29):
Happy Birthday Ben!
Camera Mom says to  (21:15:35):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:21:43):
Thanks, Camera Mom
Ground n Pound says to  (21:23:15):
Ground n Pound says to  (21:24:54):
Ground n Pound says to  (21:24:58):
Camera Mom says to  (21:27:01):
Tiger roll.....mmmm
Camera Mom says to  (21:28:49):
I have some questions about the legitimacy of mohamad, after all he is a prophet but he never made a single prophacy
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:29:29):
good point cm
Camera Mom says to  (21:32:44):
mohamad was also a psycopath, a pedofile, a racist, a narcissist, had sex with his dead aunt, owned slaves, beat his wives and promoted lies, theft and beastiality
Camera Mom says to  (21:33:12):
I would say mohamad was NOT legitimate
nouseforaname says to  (21:36:54):
nouseforaname says to  (21:37:51):
ugh its robert^o)
Camera Mom says to  (21:38:15):
Robert is right
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:40:14):
lol rino and one of his many aliases is here
*** (21:40:12):nouseforaname is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:40:33):
lol come back with one of your other aliases
Ground n Pound says to  (21:41:30):
Im Rino, Im here to listen Robert
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:41:42):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:42:05):
Keep it nice in the chatroom.
Ground n Pound says to  (21:42:24):
I am Ben
Ground n Pound says to  (21:42:28):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:42:34):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (21:42:43):
Just putting a general statement out there.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:43:00):
we don't want to have to play your drunkan apologizing foul languaged call
Ground n Pound says to  (21:44:10):
You mean Drunken dont u({)
Ground n Pound says to  (21:44:13):
Camera Mom says to  (21:44:58):
That's a good caller, who is that?
*** (21:46:00):nouseforaname has been unmuted by Admin.
nouseforaname says to  (21:46:31):
Granny Smiths Lip Balm says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (21:46:40):
A gentleman named Rino asked me to ask you why your cohost kicked him from the room.
Camera Mom says to  (21:46:51):
is that Obama ??
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:48:56):
A person who is habitually drunk.
nouseforaname says to  (21:49:52):
thankx for educating us
nouseforaname says to  (21:50:00):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to Granny Smiths Lip Balm (private) (21:50:02):
Talk to my cohost about it.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:50:34):
you are welcome rino
Granny Smiths Lip Balm says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (21:50:27):
Control your cohost sir.
Granny Smiths Lip Balm says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (21:50:33):
The buck stops with you.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:51:01):
now you can get your screen shots and do your backstabbing routine
*** (21:51:00):nouseforaname is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Camera Mom says to  (21:51:27):
This is a spiritual battle
Camera Mom says to  (21:52:32):
It was mohamad
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to Granny Smiths Lip Balm (private) (21:53:24):
I'll talk to him.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (21:54:20):
apologies to the chatroom for Rino's bad behavior
Camera Mom says to  (21:56:57):
The problem is.... is you ain't got no education Lee you just want to bully and be right but you don't have the facts
Camera Mom says to  (21:58:34):
Ishaq:250     "The bestial transformation occurred when Allah turned Jews into apes, despised."
Camera Mom says to  (22:00:13):
Islamic propaganda infecting Lee
Camera Mom says to  (22:01:04):
Iranian ISLAMIC regime
Camera Mom says to  (22:01:23):
a12iggymom says to  (22:01:34):
Happy Birthday Benyamin! (F)
a12iggymom says to  (22:02:01):
Hi CameraMom, Granny, Sarge!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:02:03):
Thanks a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to  (22:02:16):
Hi Thunder!
Camera Mom says to  (22:02:57):
ThunderCracker says to  (22:03:26):
Hi Iggy and Sarge!(})
kurtcobain says to  (22:04:09):
oh look, its benyamin solomon! the man that endorses the practice of metzitza b'peh! have fun with your meztitzah b'peh parties while you still can benyamin! the police will be coming for you soon!
*** (22:04:24):kurtcobain is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:04:50):
Kurtcobain is not welcome here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:05:04):
hi kurt
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:05:12):
I kicked Kurt out.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:05:15):
He's banned.
ThunderCracker says to  (22:05:17):
Happy Birthday Ben!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:05:24):
call in so we can get you # and call your mommy and tell her you need a hug
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:05:50):
Just mute him to see what other account he has in the chatroom and then kick him out and any other account this idiot has.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:05:58):
Thanks, ThunderCracker.
Camera Mom says to  (22:06:06):
But You tube is the biggest place for Islamists to practice Taqiyya and da'wa
Camera Mom says to  (22:08:31):
Yeah but Lee your tactic is older, it's called bullying
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:14:03):
ThunderCracker says to  (22:14:24):
Tell Bro K Hi for Me!
ThunderCracker says to  (22:14:53):
Camera Mom says to  (22:15:35):
Muslims think the whole planet belongs to them, I bet 50 cent Lee is a muslim
ThunderCracker says to  (22:16:13):
Islam will never rule The World!
Camera Mom says to  (22:16:25):
They are trying
a12iggymom says to  (22:16:31):
the arab don't want to share, they want it all
ThunderCracker says to  (22:16:37):
They will Fail!
Camera Mom says to  (22:16:50):
Look what they did to Lebanon
Camera Mom says to  (22:16:59):
And Europe
ThunderCracker says to  (22:17:17):
Lebanon is a pile of Wreckage!
Camera Mom says to  (22:17:38):
yup used to be a thriving Christian country
ThunderCracker says to  (22:17:39):
Iggy any Info on how Beachbum died?
Camera Mom says to  (22:18:33):
Was Beachbum a blog listener?
ThunderCracker says to  (22:19:21):
Camera Mom says to  (22:19:30):
what happened?
a12iggymom says to  (22:19:36):
cancer, he beat it twice but couldn't the third tome :'(
a12iggymom says to  (22:19:50):
ThunderCracker says to  (22:19:55):
awwww Bummer!:'(
Camera Mom says to  (22:19:58):
ThunderCracker says to  (22:20:20):
Well it happens!:'(
Camera Mom says to  (22:20:33):
mohamad would not accept the truth either
a12iggymom says to  (22:20:37):
biblical Israel...
a12iggymom says to  (22:20:41):
Camera Mom says to  (22:21:27):
he is a demon from the cave mohamad went into
Camera Mom says to  (22:25:29):
Qur'an 9:3     "Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations."
Judgment0 says to  (22:27:04):
Judgment0 says to  (22:27:31):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:27:31):
I'm back.
ThunderCracker says to  (22:27:46):
Hey Judgement!(})
Judgment0 says to  (22:28:07):
Hey Thunder.  Judge is good enoug
a12iggymom says to  (22:28:11):
Hi Judge
Judgment0 says to  (22:28:35):
Whas happening?
a12iggymom says to  (22:28:45):
General Boynkin says Iran HAS a warhead just not a delivery system
Judgment0 says to  (22:29:06):
They have both but may be having trouble marrying them.
Camera Mom says to  (22:29:09):
Boykin is an absolute rock solid expert in my book
Camera Mom says to  (22:29:54):
besides, the koran is clear they will always try to build it, they want complete chaos ro bring in the madi
a12iggymom says to  (22:30:07):
he also said the Iranian missle tests were NOT failures but EMP tests
Judgment0 says to  (22:30:22):
Straight on that Camera Mom
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:17):
Iran is a global threat.
Camera Mom says to  (22:30:26):
I saw him say that on GBTV
HappyHugs says to  (22:30:44):
Scenes from 'Evil' Iran ," Shocking" Please watch with care some picture are to disturbing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y_AqbcGFGg&feature=player_embedded
a12iggymom says to  (22:31:04):
he said it on the MEM too which is why they refuse to have him on anymore
Judgment0 says to  (22:31:12):
I knew that too iggymom.  I've been ringing that bell since 2002
a12iggymom says to  (22:31:25):
a12iggymom says to  (22:32:52):
the IAEA said in 2010 that Iran has enough enriched uranium for 3 nukes
Judgment0 says to  (22:32:53):
According to the Liberal left Iraq never had wmd's either.  But their own papers reported 80 or more times on wmd's known and captured.
Judgment0 says to  (22:33:45):
Israel isn't threatening other nations with nuclear attacks as soon as they got them.
a12iggymom says to  (22:34:09):
I sure wish they would...
ThunderCracker says to  (22:34:11):
Caller is obviously a Jew hater:|
Judgment0 says to  (22:34:29):
World is full o' 'em.
Camera Mom says to  (22:34:39):
Judgment0 says to  (22:34:59):
It's just sad, and very soon will prove dangerous to the world again.
Camera Mom says to  (22:35:05):
who is the rich brat from the Iranian elite bragging about being a mama's boy?
a12iggymom says to  (22:35:15):
I am surprised at the people I am finding as 'conservatives' on BTR who are coming out as anti-semites
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:35:33):
exactly Iggy
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:35:36):
its sad
Camera Mom says to  (22:35:44):
Blog radio is highly infiltrated
Judgment0 says to  (22:35:50):
I think most of those are coming from the Libertarian fiscal conservative camp.
a12iggymom says to  (22:36:18):
some I've known on here for years. all of a sudden they hate Israel...
Judgment0 says to  (22:36:31):
There are some dixiecrat types who are anti-Semite as well.
Camera Mom says to  (22:36:31):
Libertarian = paul = OWS = code pink commies = islamist buddies
Camera Mom says to  (22:37:41):
I knew that was Obama
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:37:34):
Exactly, Camera Mom
Camera Mom says to  (22:38:10):
what a turd, Lee is a big turd
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:38:26):
Exactly, Camera Mom.
pumpkin13 says to  (22:39:13):
What exactly is a "house @*!ger"?  I have never heard that term before.
Judgment0 says to  (22:39:15):
classic racism
Judgment0 says to  (22:39:51):
it fact it is black's version of racism on their conservative counterparts
Camera Mom says to  (22:40:46):
It's raw envy, tne house comment, raw envy, he was obviously not as smart and got insecure
Camera Mom says to  (22:40:56):
pumpkin13 says to  (22:42:02):
a12iggymom says to  (22:42:40):
any black person who doesn't bow to the leftist, liberal agenda...who havae a brain and are conservative
Camera Mom says to  (22:43:13):
Allen West for President and Pork Chops for everyone!!
Judgment0 says to  (22:43:28):
They equate the conservatives as house slaves by comparing them to someone who sold their principles to gain the favor of white corporate masters.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:43:29):
lol CM
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:43:43):
nice campaign slogan
pumpkin13 says to  (22:43:56):
This name calling would be what one black person would call another black person, to insult them.
Camera Mom says to  (22:44:06):
LOL!! Bacon for all !!!
Judgment0 says to  (22:44:15):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:44:16):
yes pumpkin
pumpkin13 says to  (22:44:22):
I got it.
pumpkin13 says to  (22:44:34):
Thank you for educating me on this.
Camera Mom says to  (22:44:49):
Oh yes he was a bully!
Judgment0 says to  (22:46:21):
Camera Mom says to  (22:47:00):
Ok in a small defense of Lee, we have a crap education system and no media worth a darn so he doesn't have an easy way to understand what's really going on in the world, this makes people emotional wrecks
a12iggymom says to  (22:47:32):
no excuse, the net is world wide and the truth is out there
Camera Mom says to  (22:48:01):
yeah but people want it to be easy..it's not...there is alot of propaganda
a12iggymom says to  (22:48:09):
I have spent 15 years learning on the net...
Camera Mom says to  (22:48:29):
I still read alot of books
MELINDA says to  (22:48:35):
MELINDA says to  (22:48:38):
It's true.
MELINDA says to  (22:48:48):
Liberals want to kill babies but protect Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers.
MELINDA says to  (22:48:54):
Such a goddamned freakshow.
a12iggymom says to  (22:48:55):
and I am angry at what the indoctrination centers (schools) have not taugh or purposely taught wrong
Camera Mom says to  (22:48:59):
and death row inmates
MELINDA says to  (22:49:07):
And porn stars
Camera Mom says to  (22:49:17):
yup we let the commies have it in the 60's
MELINDA says to  (22:49:45):
And trashy sluts who need to spend $3,000 on goddamned condoms and birth control pills so they can have sex with everything that moves.
a12iggymom says to  (22:49:48):
I blame Nixon and the NEA
Camera Mom says to  (22:49:57):
Camera Mom says to  (22:50:09):
Nixon pandered to the left
a12iggymom says to  (22:50:20):
the feds need to get out of schools and give them back to the neighborhoods
Camera Mom says to  (22:50:34):
I agree
Camera Mom says to  (22:51:20):
Camera Mom says to  (22:52:10):
Lex Vortex says to  (22:53:37):
zionism is the destruction of all non jewish people and world domination
a12iggymom says to  (22:53:40):
did you see how large Israel should be by biblical standards...I think they are being more than fair.
*** (22:53:41):Lex Vortex is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (22:53:53):
I'd give them back the whole darn thing
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:53:57):
wrong lex
Camera Mom says to  (22:54:21):
Honestly I am so tired of Islam, they need to move to Mars
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:54:25):
zionism is simply the desire for the people of Israel to have their homeland and be self determinate
Camera Mom says to  (22:54:33):
They are the true source of all the hate
Camera Mom says to  (22:54:37):
Camera Mom says to  (22:55:39):
Who is doing dishes?
pumpkin13 says to  (22:57:57):
Have a good night folks.
Camera Mom says to  (22:58:44):
You all need to face the facts, rich middle eastern ISLAMIC countries are a main source of the propaganda
*** (22:59:01):Lex Vortex has been unmuted by Admin.
Lex Vortex says to  (23:00:13):
the bankers are the problem and mostly ran by jews
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:29):
Happy Birthday Benyamin, great show
*** (23:00:31):Lex Vortex is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to  (23:00:42):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:39):
Thanks, a12iggymom
Camera Mom says to  (23:00:43):
Shariah Banking rules the world
Judgment0 says to  (23:00:49):
good night everyone.  OH happy bday Benyamin.
Camera Mom says to  (23:00:56):
you muslm brotherhood freak
MELINDA says to  (23:01:02):
what about antoinette?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:41:52):
(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The fall of Conservatives on BTR/Coop boycott 3/17/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: All parts of the chatroom that I censored say "censor" on them.

*** (22:16:21):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:13:20):
HarryNonce says to  (23:31:51):
America funded Nazi's.  Look closely at the Bush Family.
HarryNonce says to  (23:32:15):
I wonder, did Censor mute this guy?
HarryNonce says to  (23:32:22):
No we aren't.
HarryNonce says to  (23:32:35):
Make Censor prove that Bin Laden said that.
HarryNonce says to  (23:33:03):
How many sirs is that?
HarryNonce says to  (23:33:04):
HarryNonce says to  (23:33:05):
HarryNonce says to  (23:33:09):
sir sir sir sir sir
HarryNonce says to  (23:33:15):
oy veh
*** (23:33:10):HarryNonce is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
RealiXTee says to  (23:35:47):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to HarryNonce (private) (23:38:44):
Say my name again and you'll get hung up and/or kicked out.
*** (23:38:59):HarryNonce has been unmuted by Admin.
HarryNonce says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:39:52):
You're a coward Censor.  You used my name first.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to HarryNonce (private) (23:40:02):
HarryNonce says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:40:06):
I never used your realname
HarryNonce says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:40:13):
used mine.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to HarryNonce (private) (23:40:15):
I was not the first to say it.
HarryNonce says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:40:18):
you were

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Black Supremacy and its distortion of the Bible 3/15/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: Anything not covered in the web log version is covered in the non-web log version and vice versa.

Date Time From To Message
2012-03-15 09:26:47 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:27:51 PM AmericanCitizen
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:28:43 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
2012-03-15 09:30:59 PM Guest11251
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:37:23 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(917) 889-2149
2012-03-15 09:37:38 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
(877) 497-9065
2012-03-15 09:39:04 PM Guest11463
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:47:13 PM 24DRED
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:54:52 PM Guest11829
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:55:27 PM 24DRED
quit the room
2012-03-15 09:57:41 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-03-15 09:58:00 PM Guest11829
quit the room
2012-03-15 09:59:02 PM BobUSMC
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:00:23 PM BobUSMC
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:00:43 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Arabs came ffrom Ishmael.
2012-03-15 10:00:50 PM Guest11973
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:01:11 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Abraham was a reisdent of Mesopotamia. God told him to go to Israel [Canaan].
2012-03-15 10:01:51 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
2012-03-15 10:03:49 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Abraham started being living a "Bedouin" lifestyle after God called out to him to go to Israel.
2012-03-15 10:04:28 PM BobUSMC
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:05:29 PM BobUSMC
Gaaaaaaawwwddd, liberals are some real pieces of manure!
2012-03-15 10:05:48 PM BobUSMC
Liberalism: Kill it! (6)
2012-03-15 10:06:34 PM BobUSMC
Michelle Obama was a racialist Occupier at Harvard.
2012-03-15 10:06:47 PM BobUSMC
wut a stinking pig she is.
2012-03-15 10:07:53 PM Guest12144
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:09:04 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
2012-03-15 10:09:10 PM BobUSMC
But wut did Leonardo DiCaprio say about it!!
2012-03-15 10:09:12 PM BobUSMC
2012-03-15 10:09:49 PM BobUSMC
there's footage of Michelle occupying the Harvard law dean's office with about 40-50 others.
2012-03-15 10:10:05 PM BobUSMC
when her and barracka were there. i'll find the link. it's definitely here
2012-03-15 10:10:12 PM BobUSMC
definitely her
2012-03-15 10:13:07 PM BobUSMC
Here it is, look at around 8-10 seconds into the video clip from the WGBH TV station archives.
2012-03-15 10:13:10 PM BobUSMC
2012-03-15 10:13:23 PM BobUSMC
it's definitely Michelle Obama
2012-03-15 10:13:44 PM BobUSMC
she's in the lower right wearing white Keds sneakers
2012-03-15 10:13:54 PM Guest12266
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:14:11 PM BobUSMC
Liberals are a fallacy !!!
2012-03-15 10:15:50 PM KJK
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:16:36 PM KJK
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:17:21 PM BobUSMC
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:18:10 PM Guest11251
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:19:02 PM Guest12339
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:19:08 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
11:27 Now this is the history of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Haran became the father of Lot. 11:28 Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees.
2012-03-15 10:19:21 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
11:29 Abram and Nahor took wives. The name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran who was also the father of Iscah.
2012-03-15 10:19:25 PM Judgment0
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:19:39 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
11:30 Sarai was barren. She had no child. 11:31 Terah took Abram his son, Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife. They went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan. They came to Haran a
2012-03-15 10:20:28 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
They went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan. <---- John give a source for a divergent record
2012-03-15 10:20:53 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
12:1 Now Yahweh said to Abram, "Get out of your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you. 12:2 I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great. You will be a blessing.
2012-03-15 10:24:29 PM Guest12144
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:26:42 PM Guest12455
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:27:08 PM Guest12455
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:28:26 PM Guest12484
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:30:14 PM Guest12266
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:30:50 PM Guest12339
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:31:07 PM Guest12524
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:32:39 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:32:40 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:32:49 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:33:24 PM 24DRED
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:33:35 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:33:42 PM Guest12560
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:33:48 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:33:57 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:34:01 PM Guest12560
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:34:35 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:34:53 PM 24DRED
4 TO 5000 YEARS
2012-03-15 10:35:09 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:35:24 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:35:55 PM Guest12595
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:36:15 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:36:31 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:36:44 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:37:03 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:37:51 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:38:04 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:38:20 PM Guest12484
quit the room
2012-03-15 10:38:27 PM KaalimahAmin
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:38:30 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:39:01 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:39:56 PM KaalimahAmin
So what trait is yiddish
2012-03-15 10:40:09 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
lol yiddish is a language
2012-03-15 10:40:14 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:40:15 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
a modern language
2012-03-15 10:40:20 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
whats your point?
2012-03-15 10:40:23 PM KaalimahAmin
is it semeticlol
2012-03-15 10:40:32 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:40:46 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
ok you speak english so according to your logic you aren't black
2012-03-15 10:40:51 PM KaalimahAmin
is it semetic
2012-03-15 10:41:07 PM Judgment0
Long enough to walk with the dinos
2012-03-15 10:41:22 PM KaalimahAmin
is yiddish a semetic language?
2012-03-15 10:41:27 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:41:51 PM KaalimahAmin
is yiddish a semetic language?????????????lol
2012-03-15 10:42:04 PM KaalimahAmin
2012-03-15 10:42:04 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world. It developed as a fusion of German dialects with Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages
2012-03-15 10:42:32 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Yiddish is a modern language, which came from German Jews.
2012-03-15 10:42:32 PM KaalimahAmin
are there j's in hebrew
2012-03-15 10:42:34 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
yiddish is not an ancient language its a fushion of several languages
2012-03-15 10:42:44 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:42:56 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Yiddish was not around during ancient times.
2012-03-15 10:43:05 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:43:17 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Not according to geography, 24Dred
2012-03-15 10:43:28 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
24dred you speak english so according to your logic you aren't black or african
2012-03-15 10:43:38 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Exactly, Robert.
2012-03-15 10:43:41 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
lol 24dred is an anglo-saxon
2012-03-15 10:43:47 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
24Dred, what African language do you speak?
2012-03-15 10:43:53 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:44:10 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:44:29 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:44:51 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:45:01 PM Guest12701
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:45:12 PM KaalimahAmin
stick to yiddish
2012-03-15 10:45:23 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:45:29 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
lol you crazy black anglo-saxons
2012-03-15 10:45:49 PM KaalimahAmin
lol!!!!!! you guys are funny?
2012-03-15 10:45:56 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:46:14 PM Judgment0
Can I recommend everyone read Thomas Sowell's Cultures and Migrations?
2012-03-15 10:46:17 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
you brought up yiddish to say yiddish speaking jews aren't jews
2012-03-15 10:46:23 PM 24DRED
2012-03-15 10:46:26 PM KaalimahAmin
2012-03-15 10:46:43 PM Guest12718
enter the room
2012-03-15 10:46:45 PM KaalimahAmin
ask me instead of assuming i am not 24dred
2012-03-15 10:46:46 PM Judgment0
That's laughable and ignorant

*** (22:33:46):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
24DRED says to  (22:33:57):
24DRED says to  (22:34:35):
24DRED says to  (22:34:53):
4 TO 5000 YEARS
24DRED says to  (22:35:09):
24DRED says to  (22:35:24):
24DRED says to  (22:36:15):
24DRED says to  (22:36:31):
24DRED says to  (22:36:44):
24DRED says to  (22:37:03):
24DRED says to  (22:37:51):
24DRED says to  (22:38:04):
24DRED says to  (22:38:30):
24DRED says to  (22:39:01):
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:39:56):
So what trait is yiddish
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:40:09):
lol yiddish is a language
24DRED says to  (22:40:14):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:40:15):
a modern language
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:40:20):
whats your point?
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:40:23):
is it semeticlol
24DRED says to  (22:40:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:40:46):
ok you speak english so according to your logic you aren't black
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:40:51):
is it semetic
Judgment0 says to  (22:41:07):
Long enough to walk with the dinos
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:41:22):
is yiddish a semetic language?
24DRED says to  (22:41:27):
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:41:51):
is yiddish a semetic language?????????????lol
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:42:04):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:42:04):
Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world. It developed as a fusion of German dialects with Hebrew, Aramaic, Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:42:30):
Yiddish is a modern language, which came from German Jews.
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:42:32):
are there j's in hebrew
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:42:34):
yiddish is not an ancient language its a fushion of several languages
24DRED says to  (22:42:44):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:42:53):
Yiddish was not around during ancient times.
24DRED says to  (22:43:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:43:14):
Not according to geography, 24Dred
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:43:28):
24dred you speak english so according to your logic you aren't black or african
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:43:34):
Exactly,  Robert.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:43:41):
lol 24dred is an anglo-saxon
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:43:44):
24Dred, what African language do you speak?
24DRED says to  (22:43:53):
24DRED says to  (22:44:10):
24DRED says to  (22:44:29):
24DRED says to  (22:44:51):
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:45:12):
stick to yiddish
24DRED says to  (22:45:23):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:45:29):
lol you crazy black anglo-saxons
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:45:49):
lol!!!!!! you guys are funny?
24DRED says to  (22:45:56):
Judgment0 says to  (22:46:14):
Can I recommend everyone read Thomas Sowell's Cultures and Migrations?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:46:17):
you brought up yiddish to say yiddish speaking jews aren't jews
24DRED says to  (22:46:23):
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:46:26):
KaalimahAmin says to  (22:46:45):
ask me instead of assuming i am not 24dred
Judgment0 says to  (22:46:46):
That's laughable and ignorant
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:46:54):
non of y'all speak any african languages so you according to your logic are not of african descent
24DRED says to  (22:47:11):
24DRED says to  (22:47:49):
24DRED says to  (22:48:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:48:10):
lol y'all are anglo-saxons according to your logic
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:48:14):
funny fools
Judgment0 says to  (22:48:22):
Color isn't my issue, you brought it up.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:48:47):
we brought color up?
24DRED says to  (22:49:04):
Judgment0 says to  (22:49:05):
dred and kaalimahamin
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:49:06):
no we are responding to some idiotic claims regarding skin color
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:49:21):
ok judgement sorry
24DRED says to  (22:49:22):
24DRED says to  (22:49:30):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:50:07):
24Dred you need a spelling lesson
Judgment0 says to  (22:50:17):
Just been regurgitating new law news acrros facebook.
Judgment0 says to  (22:50:31):
Judgment0 says to  (22:54:18):
Now they're deciding if and when a kid can work on his family's farm and/or ranch.  Not bad enough they've told us not to hire kids at very low wages for training.
Judgment0 says to  (22:56:53):
Libertarian reps especially Paul votes left of Barack Obama.
Judgment0 says to  (22:57:32):
The only thing gluing that movement together is their love of recreational drug use.
Judgment0 says to  (22:58:15):
I happen to want legislated moral imperatives eliminated but I want them done away with for fiscal reasons.
Judgment0 says to  (22:58:25):
and life reasons.
Judgment0 says to  (22:58:33):
and liberty reasons.
Judgment0 says to  (23:00:35):
ususal anti-semite bile.
Judgment0 says to  (23:03:57):
I guess the show's over.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:04:03):

rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:04:20):
thanks for coming by Judgment0
Judgment0 says to  (23:05:49):
It's only my second time to hear you but I always appreciate your input on other's shows.
Judgment0 says to  (23:06:42):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:06:43):
Thanks, judgement0.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:06:50):
Gonna go to CPT and roast Fool Mike.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:06:55):
(}) everyone.

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