homelesspoet says to (23:27:05):
conspiracy theorists, libertarians(H)
homelesspoet says to (23:30:50):
its called conspiracy facts
homelesspoet says to (23:30:59):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:38:43):
lol conspiracy mumbo jumbo is more like it
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:39:14):
what you call fact is David Icke saying 12 foot lizard men run the world lol
homelesspoet says to (23:39:26):
david icke is a moron
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:39:33):
thats the facts conspiracy clowns work from lol
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:40:38):
David Icke is a top conspiracy theory clown I agree he is a moron as is Alex Jones and the rest of the conspiracy theory show men
homelesspoet says to (23:41:17):
alex is ok,he gets too extreme at times
homelesspoet says to (23:41:34):
i like stan monteith, he only deals in whats been documented
homelesspoet says to (23:44:30):
todays conspiracy theories will be future declassified facts
lostXnoXmore says to (23:45:43):
The United States wishes to help the Holocaust survivors, but the Zionists, for the most part, are not Holocaust survivors. During the Holocaust, most of the Zionist leaders lived in Switzerland, England, the United States and Palestine.
lostXnoXmore says to (23:46:15):
The true Jews, who opposed Zionism, formed the majority of the Holocaust's victims. Most of these true Jews were killed, and after the tragedy was over, the Zionists appointed themselves as the leaders of the Jewish people, claiming to speak in the name of
lostXnoXmore says to (23:46:31):
of all Jews, while the few remaining true Jews were still reeling from their pain and suffering
lostXnoXmore says to (23:46:47):
these are the facts
*** (23:48:12):lostXnoXmore is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:48:29):
lostXnomore, Neturai Karta are neither real Jews nor do they represent Holocaust survivors.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:48:48):
Neutria Karta kisses up to ahmadinejad, a Holocaust denier, you moron.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:49:08):
Neturai Karta*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:49:43):
These small amount of "true" Jews kiss up to anti-Semites and to Nazis and to people like Ahmadinejad. They're a small group of traitors.
Beer is my Friend says to (23:52:12):
why did you mute lost?
*** (23:53:12):lostXnoXmore has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:53:13):
lost was posting stupidity.
*** (23:53:18):lostXnoXmore is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Beer is my Friend says to (23:57:38):
You should mute MOF, I never heard that dude say anything intelligent
Beer is my Friend says to (23:58:44):
MOF, you think u can troll me and I wont ddo it back??
Beer is my Friend says to (23:58:48):
lol loser
*** (23:59:12):lostXnoXmore has been unmuted by Admin.
lostXnoXmore says to (23:59:32):
because I am Jewish :D the truth hurts ......My Grandfather died for my freedom ........ and I have to listen to an American telling lies.......8-)
*** (23:59:28):lostXnoXmore is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:01:13):
Can you hear me clearly?
Beer is my Friend says to (00:01:50):
I hear a lot of complaining
Beer is my Friend says to (00:02:37):
MOF= Epic Fail.
*** (00:02:35):Beer is my Friend is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Guest14481 says to (00:04:49):
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/26/nyregion/26circumcise.html?_r=2 where is fellatio in the Bible Ben?8-)
Guest14481 says to (00:04:56):
*** (00:05:13):lostXnoXmore has been unmuted by Admin.
lostXnoXmore says to (00:05:37):
And let it be known that the tens of thousands of Jews in Iran live in complete tranquility, with all the same rights as the other Iranian citizens. They even enjoy some special privileges. Any rumors to the contrary are nothing but Zionist propaganda.
lostXnoXmore says to (00:06:47):
"What the Zionists did when they built their state on the land of the Palestinian people and expelled them from their land - which is the root of the entire conflict there - is considered outright theft and murder both according to the Jewish Torah
lostXnoXmore says to (00:06:53):
and according to international law.
lostXnoXmore says to (00:07:23):
"To this day, the Zionists' cruelty toward the Palestinians continues, and from time to time it reaches the point that the entire world cries out in protest,"
*** (00:08:13):Beer is my Friend has been unmuted by Admin.
MOF 4 Pooptickler says to (00:09:40):
Ground n Pound says to (00:10:33):
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/26/nyregion/26circumcise.html?_r=2 why didnt u answer me about FELLATIO in the Bible you must condone sucking infant boys penis
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:12:25):
These idiot trolls clearly have no life.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:23):
(}) everyone.
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