Thursday, March 1, 2012

The conspiracy theorists and skin color obsessed blacks 3/1/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: I came in later. So the first comment looks different from the rest of the chatroom.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost):        aabbcc
*** (22:49:33):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
RealiXTee says to  (22:57:39):
who was that Devil (rev 2:9) ...Malachi 1:3 .....Romans 9:13.....wake up Romans 13:11
RealiXTee says to  (22:58:02):
if you want war i will give you war exodus 15:3
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:58:13):
whats your point reali-scared
RealiXTee says to  (22:58:51):
fear what
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:58:51):
RealiXTee: if you want war i will give you war exodus 15:3 <--- lol who are you lil keyboard lion
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:59:06):
oh look the mouse reali-scared is roaring lol
RealiXTee says to  (22:59:48):
keyboard lion ....that was funny purrring viciously my Simba working on my Roar
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:00:15):
practice you need it lil mousey Reali-scared
RealiXTee says to  (23:00:37):
read the scriptures i posted...
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:00:57):
why so I can find out you have missed the context
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:01:22):
or that you have no problem twisting scripture to suit your made up conspiracy theory
RealiXTee says to  (23:02:00):
the holocaust was a fable...i heard about two jews gettin peppered sprayed but 6 million someone is fudging the record
*** (23:02:03):RealiXTee is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:02:14):
Matthew 6:34 Therefore don't be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day's own evil is sufficient.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:02:39):
what more than that doo you need to prove the conspiracy rantings are not christian
AmericanCitizen says to  (23:03:51):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:03:59):
(}) hi ac
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:05:10):
Exodus  15:3 Yahweh is a man of war.
    Yahweh is his name.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:05:32):
Yahweh is the man of war not you Reali-scared
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:05:45):
Vengance is mine says the Lord
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:06:07):
vengence is not yours Reali-scared its the property of the Lord
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:06:21):
you misused this scripture Reali-scared
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:07:55):
Romans 9:13 Even as it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." <---- this is a reference to Israel not to Jacob ... you took this out of context
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:08:09):
If you defame Israel you defame that which God Loves
The real Judah says to  (23:23:32):
abraham was semetic (lol)
The real Judah says to  (23:24:58):
they love mute
The real Judah says to  (23:26:23):
was jesus semetic?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:26:34):
Abrahamw as semitic, the real Amalekite.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:26:44):
Abraham was*
The real Judah says to  (23:27:14):
but was jesus semetic?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:28:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:28:11):
Jewish people are Semitic.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:28:16):
Israelites were semitic.
The real Judah says to  (23:28:43):
the bible doesnt describe jesus as looking semetic
The real Judah says to  (23:30:16):
the art work does depict them that way
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:30:25):
(}) aabbcc
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:30:42):
stick around take your blinders off get some truth
aabbcc says to  (23:30:51):
The real Judah says to  (23:36:14):
so the original israelites was white like you?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:36:24):
no semetic
The real Judah says to  (23:37:02):
your not white?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:37:17):
no one is white you dolt
The real Judah says to  (23:37:37):
you know what im talking about
The real Judah says to  (23:38:55):
jesus had skin like burned brass
The real Judah says to  (23:39:07):
or not?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:39:09):
2nd coming
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:39:42):
I have skinned like burned brass from march to october
The real Judah says to  (23:40:08):
yeah right.. not even close
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:40:37):
RJ were you involved in a traumatic head injury accident?
The real Judah says to  (23:41:04):
burned brass is black like wesley snipes
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:41:12):
lol hardly
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:41:25):
show me where brass is black ?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:41:33):
brass is golden
The real Judah says to  (23:41:39):
its dark brown
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:41:39):
in color
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:41:52):
nope its a golden tan
*** (23:41:57):The real Judah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:42:01):
hardly dark like wesley snipes
*** (23:47:22):The real Judah has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:48:58):The real Judah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:54:23):The real Judah has been unmuted by Admin.
The real Judah says to  (23:54:32):
your talking about 6 million jewish people,what about 100 million blacks that were killed.. why you dont talk about that
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:54:55):
what 100 million blcks that were likked?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:55:02):
The real Judah says to  (23:55:05):
ancient jews looked like ben?
The real Judah says to  (23:55:15):
in slavery
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:55:24):
the ones that Black African rulers sold into slavery'
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:37:26):
(}) everyone.

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