*** (22:05:38):Welcome to the The Angry Right wing Jew Chat Room.
The Angry Right wing Jew says (22:10:08):
Hey, Lee(})
RapidFire says to (22:10:18):
RapidFire says to (22:11:42):
Hey Antoinette
Antoinette from De says to (22:12:08):
hello ben and lee
The Angry Right wing Jew says (22:16:06):
Hey Antoinette.
Antoinette from De says to (22:19:05):
hello tc,brb
RapidFire says to (22:19:49):
(}) thunda
ThunderCracker says to (22:20:40):
Hello Lee and Antoinette!(})
ThunderCracker says to (22:20:50):
Antoinette from De says to (22:26:23):
hello iggy
a12iggymom says to (22:26:42):
Hi Benyamin, Antoinette, Thunder RapidFire
The Angry Right wing Jew says (22:27:26):
Hi a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to (22:27:48):
“You Don’t want Billionaires to pay the same tax rate as JEW… I mean Janitors” Really Obama, http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CTveeRIg2wo
a12iggymom says to (22:28:07):
^^^statement made today...
Antoinette from De says to (22:28:53):
he has made some crazy ones lately, really out there
a12iggymom says to (22:29:56):
yes he has...
Antoinette from De says to (22:31:29):
the things coming out of his mouth he acts like he does not want a 2nd term which is fine w/ me
a12iggymom says to (22:32:34):
me too...he keeps showing his real colors but the media is 'on there side' according to michelle on CNN
a12iggymom says to (22:32:57):
Antoinette from De says to (22:34:02):
what he said to the black cacus w/ and one caring about self, would leave him alone
ThunderCracker says to (22:34:29):
Hi Iggy!(})
a12iggymom says to (22:35:46):
Hi Thunder!(})
MELINDA says to (22:36:52):
I love you, Benyamin.
MELINDA says to (22:37:06):
God Bless Benyamin Solomon!
MELINDA says to (22:37:12):
God Damn Michelle Hussein Obama!
MELINDA says to (22:37:46):
God Damn that Muslim bitch! God Damn that fat slob Farrakhan lover! God Damn Michelle Hussein Obama!!!!!!
MELINDA says to (22:37:53):
But God Bless Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MELINDA says to (22:38:08):
God Bless the Constitution!!!!!!!
a12iggymom says to (22:39:09):
Hi Melinda(L)
MELINDA says to (22:39:22):
i love you, a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to (22:39:26):
Hi IC(F)
ThunderCracker says to (22:39:45):
Hi Melinda!(})
ThunderCracker says to (22:40:03):
Hey Thomas!(})
The Invisible Conservative says to (22:40:07):
Hey everyone where is the LOVE for me :D
Antoinette from De says to (22:40:13):
hello tic
The Invisible Conservative says to (22:40:26):
a12iggymom says to (22:40:27):
(L) I sent you a flower :)
The Invisible Conservative says to (22:40:39):
yes you did :)
Antoinette from De says to (22:41:03):
(L) thomas
MELINDA says to (22:41:27):
Hey, friends!!!!!!!!
MELINDA says to (22:41:31):
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Angry Right wing Jew says (22:42:36):
Thanks, Melinda.
a12iggymom says to (22:42:38):
Agenda 21, which has picked up speed recently, wants to reduce the world population to no more than 1 billion people...
Antoinette from De says to (22:43:13):
yes it has iggy
Antoinette from De says to (22:43:28):
hello fly
a12iggymom says to (22:45:03):
Hi Flyover
a12iggymom says to (22:48:46):
Soros must agree with the facists because he helped the nazi's during WWII
*** (22:49:56):patriotgreg is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MELINDA says to (22:50:04):
But God Damn Michelle Hussein Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antoinette from De says to (22:50:23):
hello Greg
MELINDA says to (22:50:55):
I voted McCain in 2008
MELINDA says to (22:51:06):
Who did all you vote for in 2008?
The Invisible Conservative says to (22:51:20):
I did.
MELINDA says to (22:51:35):
cool, thanks invisible
MELINDA says to (22:51:40):
what about you, iggymom?
RapidFire says to (22:51:48):
why is greg muted?
MELINDA says to (22:52:23):
i don't know
MELINDA says to (22:52:30):
did greg make fun of ben?
RapidFire says to (22:52:49):
Greg didn't even make a comment in the chat room
RapidFire says to (22:52:57):
hes on mute
MELINDA says to (22:52:58):
i don't know
MELINDA says to (22:53:03):
i'm not up on the drama these days
RapidFire says to (22:53:21):
a12iggymom says to (22:53:35):
Palin, unfortunaely McCain was on the same ticket LOL
MELINDA says to (22:53:36):
i'm not. i don't know whose fighting who
MELINDA says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (22:54:20):
greg asked me to be his personal porn star.
MELINDA says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (22:54:22):
he makes me sick
MELINDA says to (22:54:37):
well, there's your answer, rapidfire lee.
The Angry Right wing Jew says to MELINDA (private) (22:54:40):
Greg is hypocritical.
MELINDA says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (22:54:46):
i know.
*** (22:55:07):patriotgreg has been unmuted by Admin.
RapidFire says to (22:55:25):
hey Ben paste and copy your pics in the chat
RapidFire says to (22:55:30):
we want to see you
MELINDA says to (22:55:36):
i love, benyamin.
The Angry Right wing Jew says to MELINDA (private) (22:55:39):
He pretends to be Christian and acts like he's doing God's work.
MELINDA says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (22:55:44):
i know
MELINDA says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (22:55:46):
he's crazy
RapidFire says to (22:55:50):
Melinda tell Ben we want to see him
MELINDA says to (22:56:03):
you tell him, lee. he likes you.
a12iggymom says to (22:56:19):
this sounds like Christian Prince..
MELINDA says to (22:56:19):
i'm just a fan. i'm not one of ben's friends.
RapidFire says to (22:56:30):
Hey where has BOBUSMC been
MELINDA says to (22:56:37):
he left
RapidFire says to (22:56:44):
left to where?
MELINDA says to (22:56:53):
he's gone off of btr
RapidFire says to (22:56:58):
RapidFire says to (22:57:00):
MELINDA says to (22:57:13):
can't say, because the person who pissed him off is in this chat.
MELINDA says to (22:57:58):
antoinette told him that the troops are brainwashed, and bobusmc got mad. she then told ggt and others to ban him from shows, and he decided he was done. he's real pissed about the lies antoinette spread.
aabbcc says to (22:58:23):
how old is bobusmc?
MELINDA says to (22:58:24):
and it was antoinette who said the troops are stupid and brainwashed, but people who say they are conservative took her side over bobUSMC. so there you have it.
MELINDA says to (22:58:56):
I'm just telling you what I know.
MELINDA says to (22:59:02):
I don't want to get into it with anyone here.
aabbcc says to (22:59:03):
alot of people piss off people, if he left, it must have hit a nerve
aabbcc says to (22:59:21):
maybe he rethinking his belief system
Antoinette from De says to (22:59:25):
I hv not spread any lies and you and your alter ego one of your demons attackme on sight
aabbcc says to (22:59:25):
that'd be good
Antoinette from De says to (22:59:39):
hello abc
MELINDA says to (22:59:41):
as i said, i don't want to get into it with anyone here
RapidFire says to (22:59:43):
AABBCC I don't care who doesn't like me
aabbcc says to (22:59:45):
Ant, melinda is famous for trolling
MELINDA says to (22:59:55):
kiss my clit, aabbcc
aabbcc says to (22:59:58):
good rapid
a12iggymom says to (23:00:01):
pot to kettle??
aabbcc says to (23:00:06):
lol melinda
MELINDA says to (23:00:07):
i know, right?
aabbcc says to (23:00:13):
can u post it for me?
Antoinette from De says to (23:00:17):
then keep my clean name out of your dirty mouth
MELINDA says to (23:00:22):
oh no, you want me to be porno.
aabbcc says to (23:00:32):
u brought it up melinda
aabbcc says to (23:00:42):
i cant kiss what i cant see
MELINDA says to (23:00:47):
you're trash, antoinette. you're a project whore. you're name is not good. you're anti=american trash.
MELINDA says to (23:00:56):
time for the block function.
aabbcc says to (23:01:16):
Ant.. really, she's not worth getting upset over
Antoinette from De says to (23:01:27):
you do that on your own, when you pm me and told me what you do to your vaginal as if I would be inteerested
aabbcc says to (23:01:36):
ok.... had enough of the propaganda
MELINDA says to (23:01:40):
you're a liar, antoinette
RapidFire says to (23:01:42):
Antoinette from De says to (23:01:45):
not a gaY FEMALE
RapidFire says to (23:01:47):
MELINDA says to (23:01:54):
i said i didn't want to get into it with anyone here, and you are calling names
MELINDA says to (23:01:57):
so you need to stop
Antoinette from De says to (23:01:57):
MELINDA says to (23:02:05):
time to grow up, antoinette
MELINDA says to (23:02:13):
time for you to grow up and apologize.
MELINDA says to (23:02:22):
i said i didn't want to get into it with you.
The Invisible Conservative says to (23:02:27):
folks what the hell is going on in this ROOM!!!!!!
MELINDA says to (23:02:35):
so don't try to drag me down into your trashy mud slum.
RapidFire says to (23:02:43):
Antoinette from De says to (23:02:45):
ThunderCracker says to (23:02:52):
RapidFire says to (23:03:00):
2011-09-25 | 11:03:12 PM | ThunderCracker | 8-) |
hey can you bring me back on after this clip I would like to address the chatroom.
MELINDA says to (23:03:31):
you're the little girl. i'll make you work for me for free. at least i own a business. i'll buy you and put you to work.
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:03:30):
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:03:37):
I'm about to reload the page.
The Invisible Conservative says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (23:03:38):
*** (23:03:41):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
*** (23:03:42):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.
*** (23:03:44):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
RapidFire says to (23:04:09):
Antoinette from De says to (23:04:10):
RapidFire says to (23:04:12):
that was kinda rough Melinda
*** (23:04:14):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.
MELINDA says to (23:04:28):
I'm sick of her.
MELINDA says to (23:04:41):
I said I didin't want to fight, and she's starting it by calling me names.
The Invisible Conservative says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (23:04:41):
am I still in the que?
MELINDA says to (23:04:52):
she wants to start it, then i'll finish it.
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:04:55):
Yes, though you're on mute.
Antoinette from De says to (23:05:14):
MELINDA says to (23:05:16):
i'm here to have fun, not have some troop hating bitch say stuff about me in the chat. I'm not about that.
2011-09-25 | 11:05:45 PM | Antoinette from De | THEN KEEP MY NAME OUT OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS |
can I address this situation in the chatroom after the clip?
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:05:30):
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:05:56):
You're welcome.
RapidFire says to (23:06:02):
Wow Antoinette!!
RapidFire says to (23:06:12):
you guys are getting really rough
2011-09-25 | 11:06:34 PM | Antoinette from De | NO I HAVEN'T STARTED CURSING |
MELINDA says to (23:06:42):
whatever, antoinette. at least my cooch can hold a tampon. you're a slut, busted out by so many men you're too loose to hold a tampon.
The Invisible Conservative says to The Angry Right wing Jew (private) (23:06:47):
am I off mute yet?
RapidFire says to (23:06:52):
think I will tip on out for a while
a12iggymom says to (23:06:55):
I love Christian Prince, Sataurday nights on BTR RadioJihad Network - Revealing the Truth about Islam
The Angry Right wing Jew says to The Invisible Conservative (private) (23:06:57):
1 sec.
ThunderCracker says to (23:07:06):
Antoinette from De says to (23:08:03):
Flyover Territory says to (23:09:13):
Thomas is VERY right; not just via audio clips that are edited, but also the chat cut & pasted into blogs & whatnot
Flyover Territory says to (23:09:29):
so i think y'all might wanna cool out for a bit
The Angry Right wing Jew says (23:10:05):
Good. I can type now.
MELINDA says to (23:10:17):
is she speaking english?
MELINDA says to (23:10:25):
tell her to get an education.
The Angry Right wing Jew says (23:10:32):
Melinda, you can call in.
MELINDA says to (23:10:36):
any beast can give birth.
ThunderCracker says to (23:11:06):
It`s getting Ugly in Here!:|
MELINDA says to (23:11:08):
antoinette, you need a psychiatrist.
pumpkin13 says to (23:11:35):
Hello Folks!
MELINDA says to (23:11:38):
wow, you're angry, antoinette. you sound angry and violent.
pumpkin13 says to (23:12:22):
What just happened here?
MELINDA says to (23:12:27):
don't know
MELINDA says to (23:12:49):
pumpkin13 says to (23:13:35):
Who is Ben's guest?
pumpkin13 says to (23:15:00):
Thomas is right, if we are going to make the USA a better place we need to be able to stand together.
The Angry Right wing Jew says (23:16:40):
MELINDA says to (23:20:13):
pumpkin13 says to (23:36:52):
a12iggymom says to (23:37:02):
it's back
DarkestHour says to (23:37:47):
DarkestHour says to (23:38:39):
u dont feel free?
DarkestHour says to (23:39:20):
who is jewish here?
DarkestHour says to (23:39:42):
DarkestHour says to (23:39:45):
DarkestHour says to (23:40:03):
u guys no fun
Flyover Territory says to (23:57:31):
3 mins left, Ben
a12iggymom says to (23:59:03):
thanks Benyamin, it was a great show
Flyover Territory says to (23:59:09):
2 mins now, Ben
pumpkin13 says to (23:59:11):
Have a good night folks.
Flyover Territory says to (23:59:28):
good show, Ben
Flyover Territory says to (23:59:30):
pumpkin13 says to (00:00:06):
Nest show will run better Ben. SMILE!
pumpkin13 says to (00:00:18):
Next show is what I meant to type. LOL
The Angry Right wing Jew says (00:00:38):
Thanks for the comment, pumpkin13.
a12iggymom says to (00:00:41):
night everyone
pumpkin13 says to (00:00:45):
The Angry Right wing Jew says (00:18:07):
(}) everybody.
Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio
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