Measure of Faith says to (14:59:44):
its too funny to listen to grown men who live comfy spoiled lives argue about who suffered more
Measure of Faith says to (15:00:08):
the reality is neither ben noe Kalagenesis know anything at all about suffering
Measure of Faith says to (15:05:25):
ben ... what are you crying about today ??
.Mayo says to (15:05:55):
Ben, is it true that the Jews murdered Jesus?
Measure of Faith says to (15:06:55):
Ben wow you are Torah ignorant
Measure of Faith says to (15:07:13):
Ben you haven't even read the Torah
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:08:18):
The Romans, not the Jews, killed Jesus.
Measure of Faith says to (15:08:55):
The Jews killed Jesus Pilate wanted to release Jesus
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:09:05):
Robert, I'm getting to you.
Measure of Faith says to (15:09:17):
The jews insisted Jesus be killed and Barabas be released
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:09:45):
The New Testament waa finished a long time after Jesus died.
Measure of Faith says to (15:09:46):
Ben how can you comment on Bible truths when you haven't read the Book?
Measure of Faith says to (15:09:55):
.Mayo says to (15:10:20):
did you expect them to write it before he died?
Measure of Faith says to (15:10:21):
Moses wrote Genesis a long long time after the events of genesis
Measure of Faith says to (15:11:04):
Ben you cause trouble by spreading lies and propaganda
Measure of Faith says to (15:11:32):
ben when did you learn to do the little girly voice ??
Measure of Faith says to (15:11:58):
is that the voice you use when you go to 72nd street and pay men to spank your bottom??
*** (15:12:31):Measure of Faith is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
.Mayo says to (15:13:09):
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:17:16):
*** (15:18:08):Measure of Faith has been unmuted by Admin.
Measure of Faith says to (15:18:36):
Ben is wikipedia your information source for everything ?
Measure of Faith says to (15:19:07):
Ben school kids aren't even allowed to use wikipedia for book reports
Measure of Faith says to (15:19:53):
ben what about the jewish killings of early christians ?
Measure of Faith says to (15:20:43):
what about the Jewish laws and proclamations forbidding the Apostles and disciples from talking in public about Jesus
Measure of Faith says to (15:21:02):
Ben the Jews tried very hard to kill off the early christians
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:24:35):
No they didn't.
a12iggymom says to (15:25:04):
Hi Benyamin, Mayo, haven't seen you in a long time, MoF
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:25:30):
Wikipedia is not my source for everything. But it's a basic source for something like Holocaust denial.
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:25:38):
I understand that wikipedia has its problems.
Measure of Faith says to (15:26:28):
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:26:50):
Robert, I'm getting to you.
Measure of Faith says to (15:26:53):
is this a comedy show Ben
a12iggymom says to (15:27:27):
why are you such a hater MoF?
a12iggymom says to (15:27:50):
you got a really small 'measure' imo...
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:28:12):
I'll smack Robert when I get him on.
Measure of Faith says to (15:31:16):
lol giggy I'm not a hater
Measure of Faith says to (15:31:32):
listen to Ben he's the one promoting hate '
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:31:56):
Robert called non-Christians "pagans".
Measure of Faith says to (15:32:13):
Ben is a spoiled brat who never suffered in his life but wants people to think because his ancestors suffered he is special
Measure of Faith says to (15:32:31):
what race of people hasn't suffered at some point in history?
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:32:41):
Jews suffered the most.
Measure of Faith says to (15:32:49):
lol Ben
Measure of Faith says to (15:33:13):
jews suffered same as any other race has suffered in history
Measure of Faith says to (15:33:52):
tell the American indian that is still on the reservation system about suffering from your daddys manhattan penthouse
Measure of Faith says to (15:34:00):
Ben you are a bad joke
*** (15:34:16):Measure of Faith is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to (15:35:33):
MoF, I've listened to Benyamin for some time now, he speals truth, not hate. You on the other hand come in here or call in with your haterd dripping from your lips...
a12iggymom says to (15:35:43):
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:36:24):
Amen a12iggymom. Thank you.
a12iggymom says to (15:36:56):
you really ought to remove 'Faith' from your name
*** (15:40:08):Measure of Faith has been unmuted by Admin.
Measure of Faith says to (15:40:37):
you would like to see faith removed from everywhere giggy
Measure of Faith says to (15:40:54):
I get it giggy you are another christian hater I get it
a12iggymom says to (15:41:49):
no MoF, I am a christian
Measure of Faith says to (15:42:07):
act like one then giggy
a12iggymom says to (15:42:42):
but you could be classified as an anti-semite from what I have heard and seen you type...
Measure of Faith says to (15:46:15):
Measure of Faith says to (15:46:37):
i guess you and ben are anti-christian from wht I have experienced from you
Measure of Faith says to (15:46:54):
Ben says the New testement scriptures are not true
Measure of Faith says to (15:47:41):
ben denies Jesus .... if you want to support a jesus denier and support his hate speach giggy thats your business
a12iggymom says to (15:47:44):
then he will answer to God on Judgement day, but so will you for your hatered
Measure of Faith says to (15:47:59):
i don't hate giggy
a12iggymom says to (15:48:21):
you certainly act as though you hate jews...
a12iggymom says to (15:48:36):
which means you hate Jesus Christ
a12iggymom says to (15:48:44):
as he WAS a jew
Measure of Faith says to (15:49:13):
no I don't giggy
a12iggymom says to (15:49:16):
so I guess that would make You a christian hater...
Measure of Faith says to (15:49:19):
give it a rest giggy
a12iggymom says to (15:50:12):
then quite trying to re-write Biblical history in some warped anti-jewish rant
Measure of Faith says to (15:52:08):
lol giggy
bluesky69 says to (15:52:21):
hi iggy (L):-*
Measure of Faith says to (15:52:28):
giggy after you actually read the bible I will talk to you about it
bluesky69 says to (15:52:34):
hi measure(L):-*
Measure of Faith says to (15:52:40):
hello blue
bluesky69 says to (15:52:45):
hi ben (L):-*
a12iggymom says to (15:53:32):
The Twelve Tribes, Asher, Benjamin, Dan. Gad, Issachar, Joseph*, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon,
a12iggymom says to (15:53:40):
Hi bluesky!!
a12iggymom says to (15:54:02):
The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Menasseh, were also given the status of independent tribes.
The Angry Right wing Jew says (15:54:28):
True. They were a12iggymom.
a12iggymom says to (15:54:38):
Jacob fathered 12 sons. They are the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, and the ones for whom the tribes are named. Each occupied a separate territory (except the tribe of Levi, which was set apart to serve in the Holy Temple).
a12iggymom says to (16:00:34):
all 12 tribes were jews, all were bestowed with the torah
Reptilainsteve says to (16:01:05):
What about the New World Order?
Reptilainsteve says to (16:01:33):
aren't you one of these lizard overlords that David Icke's talking about?
a12iggymom says to (16:02:29):
why on eaeth would anyone let you continue with a re-write of the jewish history...
Reptilainsteve says to (16:02:53):
pics or it didn't happen
Reptilainsteve says to (16:03:53):
two kikes argueing....
a12iggymom says to (16:03:55):
because what you are saying is historically inaccurate
a12iggymom says to (16:05:06):
there is NO palistine, they turned it down in 1948
a12iggymom says to (16:05:36):
the land was named by the organizations trying to set up the 2 states in 19487
a12iggymom says to (16:07:15):
so American indians are no longer indians becuase they can't practice ancient customs...I'll go for that
a12iggymom says to (16:07:58):
all 12 tribes were jews...Judea is just a name
a12iggymom says to (16:08:26):
Asher, Benjamin,
Dan. Gad, Issachar, Joseph*, Judah, Levi,
Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon,
Zebulun, ALL JEWS
a12iggymom says to (16:09:57):
How can christians be christians if they ALL practice different forms of faith!
a12iggymom says to (16:10:23):
your arguement is redicualous, just to spew hatered of jew
Measure of Faith says to (16:11:43):
no hatred here
Measure of Faith says to (16:12:08):
just telling ben who has never read the scripture about his history
a12iggymom says to (16:12:45):
you are just hating that the 12 tribes were all jews.
a12iggymom says to (16:12:51):
that is history
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:14:13):
Amen a12iggymom.
Measure of Faith says to (16:15:26):
not hating at all
Measure of Faith says to (16:16:24):
please identify specifically what I said that was hateful
Measure of Faith says to (16:16:36):
funny how telling the truth = hatred
Measure of Faith says to (16:17:19):
come on giggy tell me what I said that was hateful???'
a12iggymom says to (16:17:20):
because your"truth" is wrong and revissionist anti-semetic teaching
Measure of Faith says to (16:17:34):
same old same tell the truth and get accused of hatred
Measure of Faith says to (16:17:52):
lol giggy try actually reading the scripture
a12iggymom says to (16:18:05):
but you refuse to learn the truth, just like a liberal, tell the lies often enough does NOT change the history
Measure of Faith says to (16:18:20):
lol giggy now you are name calling
Measure of Faith says to (16:18:29):
giggy please stop practicing hate
a12iggymom says to (16:18:30):
from you hate tomb, no thank you, I will stick with the truth
Measure of Faith says to (16:18:54):
lol giggy you have to actually read the scripture to know the truth
a12iggymom says to (16:19:01):
all 12 tribes were given the torah, all were jews...
Measure of Faith says to (16:19:06):
Measure of Faith says to (16:19:21):
all 12 tribes are Israel
a12iggymom says to (16:19:40):
YES they were, learn the truth, throw out your hate-book and read a real Bible
Measure of Faith says to (16:20:38):
the only book I have is the bible giggy
Measure of Faith says to (16:20:50):
I actually read it you should try reading it
a12iggymom says to (16:21:13):
jews can not be condemned for being kept from their Holy Spot, you are such a hipocrite...
a12iggymom says to (16:21:32):
invador moslems occupy their Holy Temple
Measure of Faith says to (16:21:57):
Jews are condemned for denying Jesus
a12iggymom says to (16:22:07):
Measure of Faith says to (16:22:21):
deny the Son and you deny the father
a12iggymom says to (16:22:26):
You sanction the molsem slaughter of Jews...
Measure of Faith says to (16:22:34):
no i do not
a12iggymom says to (16:22:44):
I say only GOD will judge the jews...
a12iggymom says to (16:23:06):
NOT YOU anti-christ with your false teachings
Measure of Faith says to (16:23:12):
GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss says to (16:23:20):
GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss says to (16:23:30):
GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss says to (16:23:49):
***************** mother of
GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss says to (16:24:25):
GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss says to (16:24:34):
*** (16:24:43):GoofyBoneTakesItUpTheAss is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
a12iggymom says to (16:26:15):
jews have been persicuted by everyone, not just the christians
a12iggymom says to (16:27:44):
oh I know you know Benyamin, just making a history point
Measure of Faith says to (16:30:36):
lol ben you had to hang up'
Measure of Faith says to (16:30:51):
ben hates Christians t was clearly exposed today'
Measure of Faith says to (16:31:00):
bye ben you hater
a12iggymom says to (16:31:09):
darn show ended, thanks Ben
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:31:13):
Robert, you are a Fundamntalist nut with an agenda to rob the Jewish people of their spirituality.
bluesky69 says to (16:31:30):
is the show over
a12iggymom says to (16:31:36):
yes :(
Measure of Faith says to (16:31:49):
ben when the jewish peoples denied Jesus they robbed themselves of any true spirituality
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:32:07):
Robert is a Fundamentalist crybaby. He whined that I "reject" Jesus. Yet he calls all non-Christians "Pagans".
Measure of Faith says to (16:32:21):
the counterfeit jews existing today have no more spirituality than the moon worshiping muslims
a12iggymom says to (16:32:24):
he is correct on the Crusaders and the jews
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:32:57):
The Crusaders had a noble goal ot liberate Christians form Muslim persecution. But many of them were brainwashed with anti-Semitic venom that they attacked Jews.
a12iggymom says to (16:32:59):
they went to protect the christian pilgrims and did kill jews and moslems...
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:33:14):
ot means to. Sorry for typo.
a12iggymom says to (16:33:23):
he can't take the truth ({)
The Angry Right wing Jew says (16:33:42):
Robert is a Fundamentalist snobbish nutcase.
a12iggymom says to (16:34:02):
but good show, Benyamin, though I really am disliking MoF...
a12iggymom says to (16:34:38):
Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio
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