Sunday, September 4, 2011

Benyamin Solomon's real Firing Squad Steak House Bonzannza 9/4/2011

*** (22:51:06):Welcome to the Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
AmericanCitizen says to  (22:52:09):
bluesky69 says to  (22:52:43):
hey ben(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (22:52:55):
Antoinette from De says to  (22:53:00):
(}) e1
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:01):
ac (L):-*
Antoinette from De says to  (22:53:15):
how are you Blue
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:23):
im ok and u
Antoinette from De says to  (22:53:32):
I'm well ty for asking
bluesky69 says to  (22:53:42):
good to hear
a12iggymom says to  (22:58:38):
Hi Benyamin, Antoinette, bluesky, AC
Antoinette from De says to  (22:58:45):
hello Iggy
bluesky69 says to  (22:58:45):
hi iggymom(L):-*
Antoinette from De says to  (22:59:08):
am I in the right chat room,  I don't see anything that he is saying that is in the chatroom
bluesky69 says to  (23:03:14):
i can't believe summer is almost oover it went quick
Antoinette from De says to  (23:03:54):
yes it did,  I hope that this summer is not showing what the winter is going to be like a rough one
bluesky69 says to  (23:04:03):
bluesky69 says to  (23:04:23):
i hhope we don't have a bad winter
Antoinette from De says to  (23:04:37):
I am  saying that I hope that we don't have a hard winter,
bluesky69 says to  (23:04:43):
it's been really hot here
Antoinette from De says to  (23:04:44):
oh that is good
bluesky69 says to  (23:04:54):
ohh okkk
Antoinette from De says to  (23:05:10):
it has been fair here but we had heat waves in the spring which is to early
Antoinette from De says to  (23:05:37):
90* in  May I believe it was
bluesky69 says to  (23:05:44):
bluesky69 says to  (23:05:57):
that's hot for the spriing
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:10):
yes it is, and it was way to early for that
bluesky69 says to  (23:06:18):
bluesky69 says to  (23:06:26):
global warming
bluesky69 says to  (23:06:28):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:28):
and then we had that earthquake, which was unusual for us
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:36):
end of days
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:45):
hello beer
Antoinette from De says to  (23:06:55):
hello AC
beerhunter says to  (23:06:56):
hey an
a12iggymom says to  (23:07:00):
Hi beerhunter
beerhunter says to  (23:07:07):
hey iggy
bluesky69 says to  (23:07:08):
well i was reading that there are gonna be more earthquakes in areas that useally don't have earthquakes
bluesky69 says to  (23:07:20):
hey beer(L):-*
beerhunter says to  (23:07:39):
hey sky:-*
Antoinette from De says to  (23:07:41):
yes I can believe that
bluesky69 says to  (23:07:54):
everyone is gonna experience earthquakes
bluesky69 says to  (23:08:01):
god help us when that happens
Antoinette from De says to  (23:08:30):
it was a very distrubing feeling, we don't get them on the east coast, well we did't
Antoinette from De says to  (23:08:41):
but it has been a few now on this side
bluesky69 says to  (23:08:44):
ya i can imagine
beerhunter says to  (23:09:04):
any one else catch curiosity on discovry tonight
bluesky69 says to  (23:09:14):
and ur gonna feel more aftershocks now too
a12iggymom says to  (23:09:22):
no I missed it
Antoinette from De says to  (23:09:25):
no, what was it about beer
bluesky69 says to  (23:09:26):
no beerr i did\'nt
Antoinette from De says to  (23:09:35):
we have not so far blue
Antoinette from De says to  (23:09:46):
which  I am really shocked
bluesky69 says to  (23:09:47):
oh ok
beerhunter says to  (23:10:07):
was a good show about ani matter matter and black and white holes
bluesky69 says to  (23:10:09):
there has been aftershocks but u probley did'nt feel it
Antoinette from De says to  (23:10:37):
I have not seen any on the map for Delaware
Antoinette from De says to  (23:10:48):
that sounds interesting beer
bluesky69 says to  (23:10:48):
beerhunter says to  (23:10:57):
it eas
beerhunter says to  (23:11:00):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:11:09):
I check the earthquake map almost daily
Antoinette from De says to  (23:11:16):
really beer
bluesky69 says to  (23:11:16):
me 2 antoinette
bluesky69 says to  (23:11:24):
i check it all the time
a12iggymom says to  (23:11:34):
Hi Beachbum
bluesky69 says to  (23:11:39):
10 times a day
Antoinette from De says to  (23:12:04):

wow b ue
Antoinette from De says to  (23:12:09):

Antoinette from De says to  (23:12:15):
hello beachbum
bluesky69 says to  (23:12:36):
anyways i gotta run for now take care everyone goodnight all
bluesky69 says to  (23:12:46):
hi bb bye bb (lol)
a12iggymom says to  (23:12:52):
night bluesky(F)
beerhunter says to  (23:12:54):
night sky
bluesky69 says to  (23:12:56):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:13:24):
good night bl ue have a good one
Beachbum55 says to  (23:13:26):
Hi Antoinette!  (})
Antoinette from De says to  (23:13:43):
hello beach bum how are you
Beachbum55 says to  (23:14:35):
Im doing well and I hope U R too enjoying the last gasps of the summer season before school for many.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:14:59):
that is good, my son came back from the beach yesterday
Beachbum55 says to  (23:16:21):
Im looking forward to my Mother finally coming down able to enjoy her house after renters leave tomorrow night. That means good home cooked dinners!
Antoinette from De says to  (23:16:46):
I hope you are cooking for her
Antoinette from De says to  (23:17:01):
I cooked today for Sunday dinner
Beachbum55 says to  (23:17:05):
Yes I do most of it.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:17:12):
I think tomorrow we are bbq
Beachbum55 says to  (23:17:32):
I love BBQ
Antoinette from De says to  (23:17:33):
not sure I believe we are having rain for the next seven days
Antoinette from De says to  (23:17:37):
I do also
beerhunter says to  (23:17:38):
sweet i vote ribs and steak
Antoinette from De says to  (23:17:47):
esp. since it means I don't have to cook
Beachbum55 says to  (23:18:13):
Yes Rain after tomorrow.  Im hoping we get Monday in before rain.  We could get 4-5 inches by Friday.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:18:19):
I like chicken and potatoes on the grill
Antoinette from De says to  (23:18:44):
yes it killed my mint all the rain
beerhunter says to  (23:18:49):
potatoes sliced with onion and butter on the grill rosk
beerhunter says to  (23:18:54):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:19:21):
yes but that is the one time beer I do not add butter, I use olive oil
Beachbum55 says to  (23:19:32):
I like wrapping red potatos up in foil cut in half on grille after I coat them with x virg olive oil & sea salt..
beerhunter says to  (23:19:39):
what seasoning?
beerhunter says to  (23:19:57):
just salt?
Antoinette from De says to  (23:20:08):
rosemary, pepper, salt, onion and garlic
Beachbum55 says to  (23:20:10):
the onion and butter sounds good, beer..
Antoinette from De says to  (23:20:14):
and of course olive oil
beerhunter says to  (23:20:31):
ans ssounds good
Antoinette from De says to  (23:20:36):
sprinkle with parmisan chesse
Beachbum55 says to  (23:20:54):
I love onions on almost anything.  Vadalia if I can find them.
beerhunter says to  (23:20:59):
rosemary might make it
Antoinette from De says to  (23:21:14):
I do also beachbum that and garlic
beerhunter says to  (23:21:19):
right on BB
Antoinette from De says to  (23:21:26):
it does beer and the garlic
Beachbum55 says to  (23:21:31):
have rosemary but its the dried stuff in a bottle.
Beachbum55 says to  (23:21:47):
oh,,, Love garlic!!
beerhunter says to  (23:21:53):
likegarlic in all life might try it
Antoinette from De says to  (23:22:07):
it will work, just also grow s ome yourself and other herbs and use them as needed
Antoinette from De says to  (23:22:26):
beer I use it on almost everything
beerhunter says to  (23:22:45):
i have a withered thumb gotta buy my herbs
Beachbum55 says to  (23:22:53):
I do buy the fresh mint at supermarket for my iced tea.  they charge a fortune for it and I inly need a small amount.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:23:08):
just sit in on the window sill it will be fine
Antoinette from De says to  (23:23:32):
now you can just buy the seeds or the kits so it is easy
Antoinette from De says to  (23:24:35):
it smells so good, I have some cinnamon basil, that is just wonderful and smells so good
Beachbum55 says to  (23:28:23):
I suddenly became addicted to these things I saw at a gourmet Pizza/Deli near me called Garlic Knots with side of their homemade marinara.  Oh they are so good.  maybe not so "good" for me!
Antoinette from De says to  (23:29:01):
sounds good but I  pass on the sauce
beerhunter says to  (23:30:48):
beach that sounds awesome
beerhunter says to  (23:31:42):
maven't had a good red gravey in years
beerhunter says to  (23:31:49):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:32:08):
the garlic is good for you, and garlic is a nature insect repellient
beerhunter says to  (23:32:39):
and chick repellent an
beerhunter says to  (23:32:58):
badah bing
Antoinette from De says to  (23:33:08):
hey, hopefully a man repellent to the ones that can't take no for an answer
Beachbum55 says to  (23:33:29):
their red sauce or gravy as my Italian friends call it is so good.  It has little pieces of garlic in it and these garlic knots are dripping with Olive Oil & fresh garlic.
beerhunter says to  (23:33:59):
yikes and yikes
Beachbum55 says to  (23:34:27):
had some bad acid reflux after eating 6 of these things with extra garlic 2 weeks ago!  was almost worth it!
beerhunter says to  (23:34:51):
sounds awesome man jealous
Antoinette from De says to  (23:34:53):
no can't mess with the tomatoes the acid gets to me also Beachbum
Benyamin Solomon says (23:35:28):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:36:02):
I try to avoid the food that is going to cause me pain, and red meat does it to me also
beerhunter says to  (23:36:07):
swear the people around here have never heard of fennel seed or galic
a12iggymom says to  (23:36:36):
blasphamy beerhunter!
Antoinette from De says to  (23:36:42):
really where are you what state beer
beerhunter says to  (23:36:44):
they know sweet basil though
beerhunter says to  (23:36:53):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:37:28):
oh okay, I love basil, it has a lot of natural healing factors also
beerhunter says to  (23:37:59):
you can kill a sauce with it
beerhunter says to  (23:38:22):
ive learned from eating out
Antoinette from De says to  (23:38:27):
it is great for meats and potatoes
beerhunter says to  (23:39:03):
yep an
a12iggymom says to  (23:39:29):
did you ever grow fennel? smells heavenly, a little like anise
Antoinette from De says to  (23:39:29):
it is one of those staples in my kitchen along with my garlic and b uter and honey
beerhunter says to  (23:39:38):
love sweet basil on garlic tatters
Antoinette from De says to  (23:40:09):
I never grew it but I had used it it is good for reg. sugar levels
a12iggymom says to  (23:40:26):
just be careful where you plant it, a container is goes everywhere
Antoinette from De says to  (23:40:56):
really I will have to give it a try
beerhunter says to  (23:41:04):
not mine iggy killed it in two weeks
Antoinette from De says to  (23:41:15):
lol beer
a12iggymom says to  (23:41:17):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:41:28):
are you watering it with beer
Antoinette from De says to  (23:41:33):
beerhunter says to  (23:41:58):
no water plants with vodka i read the directions
Antoinette from De says to  (23:42:16):
oh okay, never read that one before
beerhunter says to  (23:42:31):
martinni trees rock
Antoinette from De says to  (23:42:39):
coffee grinds are good and onion water
Antoinette from De says to  (23:43:15):
spray the plant with the onion water to repel the little critters that like to eat them
beerhunter says to  (23:43:17):
beer gardening fails
Antoinette from De says to  (23:43:31):
I do not doubt that beer
Antoinette from De says to  (23:44:01):
of course I am sure that you can find other things to do with your beer
Beachbum55 says to  (23:44:02):
Antoinette from De says to  (23:44:31):
can't help you with that one, I don't drink it, not even root beer
beerhunter says to  (23:44:44):
my aspargus toook of this year tamatoes others were casulties i guess
Antoinette from De says to  (23:45:34):
that is great, with all the rain that we have gotten my veggies are not doing to good, but basil is thriving
a12iggymom says to  (23:45:39):
our peppers and tomatos are really late this year
beerhunter says to  (23:46:02):
what state iggy
a12iggymom says to  (23:46:26):
best year ever had for cukes though...NY, western near Rochester
beerhunter says to  (23:47:01):
same around here friends are asking is i still can
Antoinette from De says to  (23:47:01):
my tomatoes are also iggy
beerhunter says to  (23:47:47):
sweet corn was super late
Antoinette from De says to  (23:47:51):
string beans were doing good until all of this rain,  I hope that they wll come back up
Antoinette from De says to  (23:48:03):
I wish that I had the room for corn
a12iggymom says to  (23:48:21):
blah, our beans were a bust this year...  :(
Antoinette from De says to  (23:48:41):
my son is trying to do some melons we will see how that goes
a12iggymom says to  (23:48:45):
so are the beets...
beerhunter says to  (23:48:47):
beans were on time here an woody now
Antoinette from De says to  (23:48:50):
beerhunter says to  (23:49:02):
goofy year
a12iggymom says to  (23:49:21):
yep, too cold early, didn't germinate right
a12iggymom says to  (23:49:49):
I might try green house gardening next year...
beerhunter says to  (23:49:56):
iggy we i just put old beets in for greens two weeks ago
Antoinette from De says to  (23:50:14):
that is what my son told me that he was buying me a green house
a12iggymom says to  (23:50:18):
we got lots of greens, no fruit
beerhunter says to  (23:50:42):
we just plant a few
Antoinette from De says to  (23:50:50):
I don't have any fruit e ither well not unless my son's melons come up
Antoinette from De says to  (23:51:27):
I have so many plants out back tht are going tohave to come in that I don't know where I am going to put them
beerhunter says to  (23:51:44):
an i wish you lived near my pycho pear tree
a12iggymom says to  (23:51:56):
a12iggymom says to  (23:52:25):
why is it pycho?
Antoinette from De says to  (23:52:28):
do you have any solutions for slugs, my flowers and veggies are getting eaten by them
beerhunter says to  (23:52:29):
not kidding that thing is nuts
a12iggymom says to  (23:52:40):
beerhunter says to  (23:52:57):
it dropps so much fuit its crazy
a12iggymom says to  (23:53:01):
no joke, beer kills slugs
Antoinette from De says to  (23:53:20):
I miss pear trees, when i was a kid i use to climb them to get pears and the apple trees for apples and lovedd the cherry trees, was so upset that my dad cut it down
beerhunter says to  (23:53:24):
no i eat them on salads
Antoinette from De says to  (23:53:45):
really iggy,  I keep a container of salt out back for when I see them
Antoinette from De says to  (23:54:09):
and pour it on them and that kills them, I want it so they don't come up from the ground
a12iggymom says to  (23:54:21):
with a saucer of beer, you don;t have to hunt them, they go to the beer
Benyamin Solomon says (23:54:22):
beerhunter says to  (23:54:39):
they do
Antoinette from De says to  (23:54:44):
my granddaughter was so upset with me, said I killed the family along with the babies
Antoinette from De says to  (23:55:05):
oh okay, guess I have to go and buy some
Antoinette from De says to  (23:55:55):
can it be the non alcholic one that you can buy at the market or do I have to go to the liquor store
0GhostBusters says to  (23:57:36):
a12iggymom says to  (23:57:54):
I don't see why not, it's the fizz that kills them
Antoinette from De says to  (23:58:18):
okay good, so you can almost use a soda then
Antoinette from De says to  (23:58:36):
i don't know I don't drink either one of them
a12iggymom says to  (23:58:37):
it has to be the hops I think...
Antoinette from De says to  (23:58:49):
hops what is that
a12iggymom says to  (23:59:12):
what beer is made out of
a12iggymom says to  (23:59:15):
a grain
Antoinette from De says to  (23:59:32):
oh okay, well I will buy some
a12iggymom says to  (23:59:36):
something about the fermenting
Antoinette from De says to  (23:59:51):
oh okay, almost like moonshine
a12iggymom says to  (00:00:05):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:00:53):
okay, don't drink that either, but I do rem seeing it years ago, tried it once that stuff burns
a12iggymom says to  (00:01:12):
like turpintine lol
a12iggymom says to  (00:01:32):
tasts about the same too lol
Antoinette from De says to  (00:01:34):
it was over 20 yrs ago and I still remember that
Antoinette from De says to  (00:02:08):
that was a lesson that I learned that made me so no to it forever
infodude3 says to  (00:02:30):
   BEN needs to STFU and stop stuttering. BEN needs to be deported back to ISRAEL. STFU, no one listening to u JEW. JEWS = CURSE OF THE WORLD!!!
infodude3 says to  (00:02:31):
BEN needs to STFU and stop stuttering. BEN needs to be deported back to ISRAEL. STFU, no one listening to u JEW. JEWS = CURSE OF THE WORLD!!!
infodude3 says to  (00:02:33):
   BEN needs to STFU and stop stuttering. BEN needs to be deported back to ISRAEL. STFU, no one listening to u JEW. JEWS = CURSE OF THE WORLD!!!
a12iggymom says to  (00:03:14):
a tad anti-semetic eh
Antoinette from De says to  (00:03:40):
iggy, can't explain that one at all
Antoinette from De says to  (00:03:53):
would not even know where to begin
a12iggymom says to  (00:04:23):
I know whi infodude is, he is just a hater, hates everyone
a12iggymom says to  (00:04:34):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:05:04):
oh, i have seen him around but do not know him
Benyamin Solomon says (00:08:53):
beerhunter says to  (00:13:22):
Benyamin Solomon says (00:14:12):
Palestinianism shall be banned.
beerhunter says to  (00:14:39):
beerhunter says to  (00:15:59):
i look great in a burka or bulap sack
a12iggymom says to  (00:16:03):
Bill Ayers and Steve Lerner
a12iggymom says to  (00:16:57):
Steve Lerner is behind the Day of Rage for Sept 17th and Oct 3rd...
beerhunter says to  (00:17:17):
rage on what
Antoinette from De says to  (00:17:27):
ty beer that was my question
a12iggymom says to  (00:17:43):
wall street, DC other financial districts...
Antoinette from De says to  (00:18:08):
oh okay, so what are they planning a march or something
beerhunter says to  (00:18:15):
well that sounds bright
Antoinette from De says to  (00:18:23):
or a boycott
a12iggymom says to  (00:18:29):
like egypt, occupation
Antoinette from De says to  (00:18:30):
hello Holly
Holly Lynn says to  (00:18:37):
Hi Benyamin (})
Holly Lynn says to  (00:18:44):
Hi Antoinette (F)
a12iggymom says to  (00:18:46):
Hi Holly
Holly Lynn says to  (00:18:53):
Hi iggymom (F)
Antoinette from De says to  (00:18:54):
oh, well let them have f un
Holly Lynn says to  (00:19:02):
Hi Beachbum (L)
Holly Lynn says to  (00:19:11):
Hi beerhunter (})
beerhunter says to  (00:19:15):
free country till sharia hits
beerhunter says to  (00:19:26):
hey holly
a12iggymom says to  (00:19:52):
it'll give Obama a reason to call martial law...the lefts tactic using the useful idiots...
Antoinette from De says to  (00:20:23):
beerhunter says to  (00:21:01):
Barry new what he was doing walking in the tea party turn changed the plan
Antoinette from De says to  (00:21:16):
I'm sure it will also give them a jail cell
beerhunter says to  (00:22:39):
i hope holders is being kept warm
beerhunter says to  (00:22:52):
by bubba
Antoinette from De says to  (00:23:23):
who and what is a bubba
beerhunter says to  (00:25:27):
a bubba likes blue dresses with stains and voting for john edwards and weiner photos that aren't his
Antoinette from De says to  (00:25:52):
beerhunter says to  (00:26:06):
just summing up
Antoinette from De says to  (00:26:24):
adult matters I understand
beerhunter says to  (00:27:15):
what chat is he reading
a12iggymom says to  (00:27:26):
from another show
beerhunter says to  (00:27:34):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:27:41):
I have been trying to firgue that out through the whole show
Antoinette from De says to  (00:27:55):
he is making it sound like it is from this show
Benyamin Solomon says (00:28:42):
beerhunter says to  (00:28:51):
an  it was a nice place to talk about gardening let it go
a12iggymom says to  (00:29:23):
yep, thanks :)
Antoinette from De says to  (00:29:32):
yes it was beer, and I e njoyed discussing it with you and iggy
beerhunter says to  (00:29:39):
fun talking with you guys
a12iggymom says to  (00:29:57):
thanks Benyamin, great show
beerhunter says to  (00:30:21):
you guys rock see ya around
a12iggymom says to  (00:30:31):
have a good night everyone
Antoinette from De says to  (00:30:34):
hv good one beer
a12iggymom says to  (00:30:37):
Antoinette from De says to  (00:30:50):
good night everyone have a good one
Holly Lynn says to  (00:30:55):
nite everyone
Holly Lynn says to  (00:30:59):
Beachbum55 says to  (00:37:26):

Benyamin Solomon says (00:47:49):

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