Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Abc's of conspiracy pt 4 - Observations 2/29/2012

*** (22:03:04):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
*** (22:44:52):Guest111533446 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:44:53):Guest11153 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:55:22):
hi blue
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:56:21):
bluesky69 says to  (22:56:34):
hi benyamin (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (22:56:48):
(}) robert
Hi333 says to  (23:15:51):
Chef Robb says to  (23:15:57):
Is Ron Paul Really An Anti-Semite or the only one with the balls to tell us the truth!? :
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:16:29):
he's definately an anti semite
*** (23:16:33):Chef Robb is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:16:53):
he has authored many newsletters over the years with anti-semitic rhetoric
Hi333 says to  (23:17:35):
You ever think because you mute everyone is the reason why you have 7 people in the room? just wondering
bluesky69 says to  (23:17:41):
btr should change it name to TROLL LAND! (lol)
Hi333 says to  (23:18:54):
I didn't think I would start chaos by asking a question. Next time I will keep it to myself
bluesky69 says to  (23:19:04):
Hi333 says to  (23:19:25):
Why don't you tell us why you got a DUI bitch
Hi333 says to  (23:19:33):
Hi333 says to  (23:19:35):
Hi333 says to  (23:19:37):
*** (23:19:38):Hi333 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:19:52):
lol guess what I didn't
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:20:22):
maybe you can figure the difference between a charge and a conviction
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:20:34):
refusal to blow a breathilizer
*** (23:25:07):GGT owns MOF has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:25:14):GGT owns MOF is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:27:15):
the bold black font of hi333 is brotherk
bluesky69 says to  (23:29:30):
hi brother k (L):-*
brotherk says to  (23:29:52):
hello bluesky! (L)
brotherk says to  (23:30:00):
hello guys!
MELINDA says to  (23:31:42):
i love you
MELINDA says to  (23:31:48):
i love you, benyamin
MELINDA says to  (23:31:51):
you are amazing.
MELINDA says to  (23:31:54):
hello, bluesky
MELINDA says to  (23:31:57):
hello, brotherk
brotherk says to  (23:32:03):
i love you melinda !(L)
bluesky69 says to  (23:32:09):
hi melinda (L):-*
MELINDA says to  (23:32:11):
hello, cohost.
MELINDA says to  (23:32:18):
hello, brotherk.  i love you too.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:32:24):
MELINDA says to  (23:32:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:40:24):
Thanks, Melinda
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:52:05):
brb gotta pee
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) (private) (23:53:38):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:53:44):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) (private) (23:53:55):

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Occupy Marxist mob and the attempt to impose Socialism 2/28/2012

Benyamin Solomon's note: Censor means that I censor that part of the chatroom.

*** (22:05:55):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
ohno123 says to  (22:25:23):
kurtcobain says to  (22:25:40):
i invite the listeners to watch this video of a rabbi that benyamin solomon agrees with discussing Metzitzah bpeh (giving blow jobs to little boys after circumcising them" benyamin solomon wont even discuss it
kurtcobain says to  (22:25:48):
because he is ashamed of the sick practice he supports
ohno123 says to  (22:26:48):
ohno123 says to  (22:26:58):
well just talk
ohno123 says to  (22:27:05):
im interested in the topic
ohno123 says to  (22:27:06):
melcomX says to  (22:53:51):
ya exactly
melcomX says to  (22:55:27):
ben ur so smart u shoold call me
melcomX says to  (22:55:29):
on the phone
melcomX says to  (22:56:02):
is kurt cool mike 2 ben ur so smart anti black u n brother kkk
*** (22:55:59):melcomX is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Judge kurtcobain says to  (22:57:57):
benyamin solomon agrees with Metzitzah bpeh (giving blow jobs to little boys after circumcising them) why dont you admit that you are a pedophile supporter benyamin solomon? afraid you will go to jail???
*** (23:01:19):Guest13486 has been unmuted by Admin.
Guest13543 says to  (23:02:18):
why wont you distance yourself from metzizah b'peh benyamin solomon?? is it because you agree that little boys should be forced to recieve blow jobs from rabbis?
pumpkin13 says to  (23:02:47):
Hello Ben.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:02:50):
Hello, pumpkin13
pumpkin13 says to  (23:03:56):
Ben, try ignoring them...they are just flying that negative energy at you.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:04:10):
Judge kurtcobain says to  (23:05:14):
if you wanted people to like jews you should admit that metzizah b'peh is a disgusting practice that should be abolished... but we know you will not because you hope that you will get the chance to give little boys blow jobs because you are a filthy kike
Judge kurtcobain says to  (23:05:19):
gas the jews!
Judge kurtcobain says to  (23:05:22):
gas the jews!
Judge kurtcobain says to  (23:05:27):
gas benyamin solomon!
pumpkin13 says to  (23:05:39):
Judge, why are you so negative?
pumpkin13 says to  (23:06:06):
Just talk about your show Ben.
pumpkin13 says to  (23:06:11):
Ignore him.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:06:27):
Kurt Cobain, take your censor loser self some place else.
pumpkin13 says to  (23:06:54):
Ben, you are feeding him.  STOP
pumpkin13 says to  (23:07:18):
You are the host of this show and you need to do your show.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:08:02):
I'm doing this show.
pumpkin13 says to  (23:10:07):
Ben, do you support child molestation?   Someone has told me that you do so I want to bring this up so you can answer.
Guest14395 says to  (23:12:04):
you support metzizah b'peh which is the same thing benyamin solomon
pumpkin13 says to  (23:12:09):
Thank you for answering Ben.  See, he doesn't support child molestation so stop making up BS.
Guest14395 says to  (23:12:31):
its not regular child molestation its ritual child molestation at the circumcision
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:12:22):
Who told you that absurd lie, pumpkin13?
pumpkin13 says to  (23:12:48):
Guest 14395
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:12:52):
That's Kurtcobain.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:16:04):
So sad how idiot Kurtcobain has ot make up lies.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:22:42):
I played this before.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:30:18):
pumpkin13 says to  (23:52:28):
Interesting clip Ben.
pumpkin13 says to  (23:52:59):
The clip, are these people in NYC?
pumpkin13 says to  (23:57:43):
I was not aware of some of the views of the OWS people.   Not all are bad people but some from the clip, well, not so nice or not so bright.
pumpkin13 says to  (23:59:48):
Interesting show Ben.  SMILE

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, February 27, 2012

From Amalek to Haman to Ahmadinejad: The War against Jews 2/28/2012

*** (22:32:51):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
kurtcobain says to  (22:45:15):
kurtcobain says to  (22:45:17):
kurtcobain says to  (22:48:23):
kurtcobain says to  (22:48:25):
kurtcobain says to  (22:51:54):
the jews believe that a rabbi must suck the blood off of little boys penises when they are circumcized.. that is one of the disgusting beliefs of the kikes ya know..
Measure of Faith says to  (22:55:03):
kurt has mental issues
Measure of Faith says to  (22:55:39):
Kurt is a homosexual and in denial give him time when he accepts his gay nature he might calm down and not be so hateful
kurtcobain says to  (22:59:36):
curious that benyamin solomon denounce the practice of pedophile rabbis ritually sucking little boys penises... proof that he endorses it
kurtcobain says to  (23:01:26):
doesnt denoucne*
*** (23:02:05):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
*** (23:12:15):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
*** (23:54:59):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday night politics with Ben Solomon 2/27/2012

The web log version of the chatroom includes parts that the non=-web log version excludes
*** (22:16:18):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (22:29:12):
hi benyamin (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:32):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:32:55):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:36:43):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:04:59):
I`m good and You?
ThunderCracker says to  (23:05:14):
Hey Bob!(})
bluesky69 says to  (23:05:19):
im good
bluesky69 says to  (23:05:30):
bob (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:05:32):
BobUSMC says to  (23:08:30):
BobUSMC says to  (23:08:54):
Tessler = Douchebag Of The Decade
BobUSMC says to  (23:09:01):
MELINDA says to  (23:10:14):
that's right
MELINDA says to  (23:10:16):
god damn him
MELINDA says to  (23:10:28):
Hello, ThunderCracker
MELINDA says to  (23:10:32):
Hello, Measure of Faith
MELINDA says to  (23:10:36):
Hello, Bob
MELINDA says to  (23:10:44):
Hello, bluesky69
Measure of Faith says to  (23:10:44):
MELINDA says to  (23:10:49):
Hello, Benyamin Solomon
bluesky69 says to  (23:10:49):
hi melinda (L):-*
MELINDA says to  (23:11:29):
Tessler is all about himself.  He doesn't care about the conservative movement.  He's all ego,
MELINDA says to  (23:12:04):
That's why I don't like him.  He's so full of ego that he'll call Marines who served this country names.  He's a real ass.  He's not even a patriot.  It's all about him.
MELINDA says to  (23:13:15):
He's just as low and worthless as that racist bitch Antoinette, who said all whitey raped her ancestors.  Why are these people even allowed on conservative shows?  Tessler and Antoinette are anti-American.
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:37):
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:56):
they're both total idiots
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:57):
BobUSMC says to  (23:15:21):
wut do you think, Measure?
BobUSMC says to  (23:15:56):
yea Melinda, and unkool mike is a dorky whiny bitch too
Measure of Faith says to  (23:15:57):
lol btr's dean of boredom
BobUSMC says to  (23:15:58):
BobUSMC says to  (23:16:17):
The Sultan of SNORE!
MELINDA says to  (23:16:49):
isn't that sick?  that he calls himself the dean of BTR?  who the hell does he think he is?
MELINDA says to  (23:16:56):
what  an egomaniac!!!!!
BobUSMC says to  (23:16:59):
Tessler: Sleep Induction Specialist
MELINDA says to  (23:17:11):
someone needs to bitch slap his ass into a reality check
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:14):
Tessler = Douchebag Of The Decade
MELINDA says to  (23:17:29):
racist Antoinette
MELINDA says to  (23:17:34):
go away, bitch
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:52):
tessler should go suck RacistAntoinettes dirty lying ass
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:57):
MELINDA says to  (23:18:00):
I'm glad I'm Asian, because Antoinette can't accuse me of raping her ancestors.
MELINDA says to  (23:18:27):
god, she must be one bitter whore, making those kinds of statements.
BobUSMC says to  (23:18:40):
lol, the racist idiot prolly wants reparations too.
Measure of Faith says to  (23:18:43):
easy melinda
BobUSMC says to  (23:18:47):
MELINDA says to  (23:18:49):
she's right here
MELINDA says to  (23:18:55):
she's an adult
MELINDA says to  (23:18:58):
bring it on
BobUSMC says to  (23:20:02):
she's a PHONY and a LIAR, too.   a self- proclaimed minister WHO LIES using false racist statement about others.
Measure of Faith says to  (23:20:16):
MELINDA says to  (23:20:30):
oh god, she says she's a minister?  did she get her certificate out of a goddamned cracker jack box?
BobUSMC says to  (23:20:32):
that's a real good clergy person there. 8-) jeeeeez.
MELINDA says to  (23:21:14):
she's not a minister.  oh my god, i guess anyone can walk into some storefront, overnight sleezy church and become a minister.
MELINDA says to  (23:21:15):
BobUSMC says to  (23:21:25):
my grqandmother was an ordained minister but she NEVER lied much less used a FASLE racial calim.  truly pathetic!!!
MELINDA says to  (23:21:48):
She's full of hate and lies.  She's not a minister.
BobUSMC says to  (23:22:16):
and her bozo the clown douche of a friend tesslerdork is full blown retard insane in the membrane.
BobUSMC says to  (23:22:40):
jeeeeez, I wonder why they both won't take my offer of a bet????
MELINDA says to  (23:22:45):
i find it funny that he defends her.
MELINDA says to  (23:22:55):
do you think she performs certain favors for tessler?
Antoinette from De says to  (23:23:01):
both of you are a sick confused demon that cannot decide what you are a man or a woman, who shares the same body
MELINDA says to  (23:23:14):
do you think she is tessler's woman of the night?  she's probably his whore.
BobUSMC says to  (23:23:39):
that goofball's got mental issues.  to just spout out and out lies w/o proof, wut kind of stupid person does that nutso stuff???
BobUSMC says to  (23:23:50):
if ur accusing somebody you better have proof.
MELINDA says to  (23:23:53):
she's stupid, bob.  she thinks we're the same person.
MELINDA says to  (23:23:54):
what a loser
Measure of Faith says to  (23:23:56):
melinda please stop the whore comments thats too far
BobUSMC says to  (23:23:58):
tessler has no character
MELINDA says to  (23:24:01):
she doesn't know what she's talking about.
MELINDA says to  (23:24:23):
bob, antoinette is a btr hooker.  she's sucking and blowing a lot of guys off, like that tessler.
Antoinette from De says to  (23:24:29):
you and toyboy are the whore,  upright black woman, that you appear to be jealous that you cannot be in the skin I'm in
*** (23:24:36):MELINDA is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:24:53):
melinda thats uncalled for
BobUSMC says to  (23:25:04):
now he actually tries to get RobertPHD booted out of other btr rooms all because Robert wouldn't boot me on tessie douchey's command at ROBERTS Show.
*** (23:25:06):Antoinette from De is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (23:25:10):
haha, that's insanity!!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:25:34):
lets ease up on the personal attacks
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:25:46):
especially those with no evidence to back them
BobUSMC says to  (23:25:50):
yes Melinda, she's retarded!!!!
*** (23:27:19):MELINDA has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to  (23:28:24):
i have plenty of eveidence on those two tards.  I saw wut she wrote to me, said i wore KKK sheets, she lied that I "wanted to kill all blacks", accuses me of being a fake Marine, and plenty more
MELINDA says to  (23:28:41):
That's disgusting, Bob.
Measure of Faith says to  (23:28:43):
really ?
Measure of Faith says to  (23:29:00):
did you get screen shots ?
BobUSMC says to  (23:29:32):
and tessler, just jumps in, never having known me, and tells everybody that I'm a fake Marine and never served in USMC....
MELINDA says to  (23:29:43):
that's sick, bob
MELINDA says to  (23:29:47):
he says the same crap about me
BobUSMC says to  (23:30:04):
yet neither will bet me about my USMC service and have yet to appolgoize for the false accusations.
*** (23:30:08):Guest13695 has been unmuted by Admin.
MELINDA says to  (23:30:17):
they are really appalling, bob
MELINDA says to  (23:30:24):
omg, benyamin
BobUSMC says to  (23:30:29):
being a fake soldier is a serious charge to veterans everywhere, that's just the facts.
MELINDA says to  (23:30:29):
wow.  he's saying the truth
BobUSMC says to  (23:31:06):
measure, yes, really, Lee saw some of it.   and I have chat logs saved too.
BobUSMC says to  (23:32:14):
i have a screen cap of that douchebag Tessler trying to manipulate a BTR host into booting me out, but he accidentally sent ME the PM instead.
BobUSMC says to  (23:32:19):
want to see it?
Measure of Faith says to  (23:33:53):
i saw that
BobUSMC says to  (23:33:58):
here's the screencap of Tessler trying to get me booted out of RobertJonesPhd room:
BobUSMC says to  (23:34:05):
BobUSMC says to  (23:34:46):
Lee saw wut she wrote to me about how i was KKK wore white sheets, etc etc  and more
BobUSMC says to  (23:35:25):
when I confronted her on her racism, then she started lying saying that I "wanted to kill all blacks"
BobUSMC says to  (23:35:32):
which I never said, of course.
BobUSMC says to  (23:35:36):
she's total phony.
BobUSMC says to  (23:35:58):
comes accross as real sweet but she's racist down deep.
BobUSMC says to  (23:36:57):
Ranger75 saw plenty of her racism too, he called it a year ago or more, actually and he was 100% right.
BobUSMC says to  (00:01:59):
show's over, right?
Measure of Faith says to  (00:02:28):
yes a little in archive
BobUSMC says to  (00:02:53):

the room
2012-02-26 10:28:24 PM Guest12116
quit the room
2012-02-26 10:28:53 PM bluesky69
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:29:12 PM bluesky69
hi benyamin (L):-*
2012-02-26 10:30:35 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
hi bluesky69(L):-*
2012-02-26 10:30:52 PM Guest12205
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:31:47 PM Guest12247
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:32:58 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
2012-02-26 10:34:14 PM Guest12205
quit the room
2012-02-26 10:35:38 PM Measure of Faith
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:36:46 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
2012-02-26 10:39:32 PM Guest12247
quit the room
2012-02-26 10:52:32 PM Guest11867
quit the room
2012-02-26 10:57:22 PM ThunderCracker
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:57:43 PM ThunderCracker
Hi Bluesky!(L):-*
2012-02-26 10:57:53 PM ThunderCracker
Hey Ben!(})
2012-02-26 10:58:20 PM Guest13051
enter the room
2012-02-26 10:58:40 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2012-02-26 10:58:52 PM bluesky69
thunder (L):-*
2012-02-26 10:58:58 PM bluesky69
how are you ?
2012-02-26 10:59:32 PM Soap Worms
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:00:24 PM Soap Worms
quit the room
2012-02-26 11:00:24 PM Soap Worms
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:00:47 PM Guest13154
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:02:03 PM Measure of Faith
quit the room
2012-02-26 11:03:02 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:03:02 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
quit the room
2012-02-26 11:03:02 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:03:15 PM Measure of Faith
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:03:23 PM Iran Spy
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:03:30 PM Guest13154
quit the room
2012-02-26 11:03:49 PM BobUSMC
enter the room
2012-02-26 11:03:59 PM Guest13239
enter the room

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Ben Solomon show 2/25/2012

*** (23:03:36):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
African Warlord X says to  (23:11:47):
No, I hate ignorance
African Warlord X says to  (23:12:01):
this is a white racist nation ben
African Warlord X says to  (23:12:10):
that''s just a fact, my friend
African Warlord X says to  (23:13:12):
we don't like sharia morons. surprised by that ben ?
African Warlord X says to  (23:13:25):
i hate that teabaggers too
African Warlord X says to  (23:13:55):
and some zionists, but not all jews are zionists
African Warlord X says to  (23:14:26):
ben, you don't like any black people
African Warlord X says to  (23:14:46):
that's why you were so fond of the black conservative
African Warlord X says to  (23:15:17):
Kala has never praised islam
African Warlord X says to  (23:16:45):
but if you hate Kala, and the Muslims, even though they were debating each other, what do these two have in common that you hate ? melanin, that's what
*** (23:16:59):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:17:07):
no mute yet wow
*** (23:17:12):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:22:05):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (23:22:11):
stop lying, you ignorant slut ! the muslim brotherhood is demonized by demons. so they can't be as bad as the conservative media claims. choke to death ben. i'd loved to listen to  you like black coons, and you're obsessed with skin color !
*** (23:22:09):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:23:05):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:23:19):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:28:06):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:28:09):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:29:05):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:29:13):
the truth hurts.. thats why you keep your hand on the mute button
*** (23:29:30):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:34:05):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (23:34:11):
damn you, you lying teabagger. why hasn't obama spoken out against the muslim brotherhood, you liar ! you are an embarrassment to the jews. liberal jews love me and hate you, fool !  you mute people out of cowardice.
*** (23:34:09):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:40:06):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (23:40:12):
i hate evil. you are a very evil individual. all joking aside. you are the son of the father of lies ! why do you guys call your friend brother k a " nigga " ? Israel Shahak wasn't a holocaust deniar, but he is a hero !!!!!!
African Warlord X says to  (23:40:26):
i dont' hat anyone !
African Warlord X says to  (23:40:52):
the jews that bulldoze muslim grandmoms homes are haters
*** (23:41:04):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:45:25):
*** (00:07:59):RealiXTee is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BusterAmericana says to  (00:09:21):
so you dispespect someone that tunes in so that they will want to stick around? ***ing moron
*** (00:13:06):RealiXTee has been unmuted by Admin.
RealiXTee says to  (00:21:40):
america was destroyed before obama
RealiXTee says to  (00:22:59):
the only jewish artifacts that are being destroyed are the TRUE JEWS
RealiXTee says to  (00:23:16):
*** (00:23:35):RealiXTee is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:26:14):
Reali-tee, call in.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:26:43):
*** (00:29:05):RealiXTee has been unmuted by Admin.
RealiXTee says to  (00:30:19):
RealiXTee says to  (00:30:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:31:31):
Can you hear me?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:31:36):
Or am I in archive?
Alexandrea Merrell says to  (00:31:55):
I can see you but not hear you
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:32:29):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:33:33):
I tried to extend it. The episode says I extended it; but the studio is int he format as if I didn't.
Alexandrea Merrell says to  (00:35:04):
no problem sometimes BTR isnt great
Alexandrea Merrell says to  (00:35:07):

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Ben Solomon show 2/24/2012

*** (16:32:39):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (16:48:24):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:18):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:21):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:40):
Farmer Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:45):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:54:50):
off topic
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:02):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:05):
take it to one of your conspiracy theory shows
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:19):
its illegal to sell unpasturized milk in the US
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:23):
no need to be negative..
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:32):
you are being negative
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:39):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:48):
save your rhetoric for elsewhere
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:59):
it has nothing to do with the show topic here
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:56:06):
wow.........that is very christan like..
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:26):
actually it is christian like where what you are doing is anti-christian
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:39):
as christians we are commanded to obey the law of the land
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:58):
you foment a rebellious attitude
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:57:13):
misquoting and presenting out of context
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:57:45):
not when the leaders are corrupt
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:57:57):
I follow GODS LAW
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:58:02):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:07):
no you don't
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:58:22):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:24):
you violated God's law at least twice here today
*** (16:58:17):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:49):
obey the law of the land _ 1st peter
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:59:14):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:59:19):
bring no railing accusation against leaders be obedient to the good leader as well as the wicked leader
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:59:50):
lost lol you are lost
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:59:52):
YOU must forget where its says to hate evil
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:00:10):
get on the path actually read the scriptures before commenting on them
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:00:15):
:D I rather be lost in GODS LAW
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:00:41):
you are cut off from God's law Lost as you are violating it here and you don't know it
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:01:27):
you must be Robert......I heard so much  about you..
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:01:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:01:47):
Lost save your off topic propaganda for somewhere else
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:01:57):
stay on topic or don't post
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:13):
this isn't your forum to spread conspiracy theory
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:15):
so you can mute me now...since you cant pay for your own show, you riding on aother peoples backs
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:20):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:24):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:29):
I was invited
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:41):
I do plenty of my own shows
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:45):
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:46):
lol but you to cheap to do your own show..
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:53):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:54):
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:03:04):
bye Mr Robert...
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:03:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:03:10):
bye lost
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:03:15):
don't get lost
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (17:04:39):

(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Ben Solomon show 2/23/2012 [technically 2/24/2012]

*** (00:32:16):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to  (00:36:01):
ben , lee (L):-*
RapidFire says to  (00:36:09):
RapidFire says to  (00:36:19):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:16):
(}) everyone.
ksulady44 says to  (00:43:07):
hi all
bluesky69 says to  (00:44:05):
hi ksulady (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (00:45:20):
bluesky69 says to  (00:45:29):
puppy power (lol)
ksulady44 says to  (00:45:34):
he didnt deny it he said like 6300 were killed but like y does this guy have so much anger on ben?
ksulady44 says to  (00:45:49):
ben didnt do nothing 2 him
bluesky69 says to  (00:46:00):
ksulady44 says to  (00:46:01):
hi powder puff
Puppy Power says to  (00:46:11):
bluesky69 says to  (00:46:17):
puppy power
ksulady44 says to  (00:47:15):
seems like he question the correct number more then deny anything
Puppy Power says to  (00:47:22):
We all need more puppies in our lives to make us less mad. I think Congress needs to institute the "CLunkers for Puppies" program. Give a car, get a puppy
ksulady44 says to  (00:47:48):
yes negros get away with things because we learn to accept it
Kala Fan says to  (00:53:08):
bluesky69 says to  (00:54:18):
ben play donald duck
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:54:18):
bluesky69 says to  (00:54:20):
bluesky69 says to  (00:55:08):
(lol)(lol) roflmao
Measure of Faith says to  (00:55:31):
lol I love Kala-Duck
bluesky69 says to  (00:55:41):
bluesky69 says to  (00:55:47):
bluesky69 says to  (00:57:39):
muslims are devils
bluesky69 says to  (00:58:07):
they are possessed
Measure of Faith says to  (01:03:16):
(}) greg
bluesky69 says to  (01:04:00):
greg , robert (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (01:04:44):
hi vorp (L):-*
Measure of Faith says to  (01:05:11):
(}) Blue
bluesky69 says to  (01:05:15):
:-*hi miyagi (L)
Vorpalbite says to  (01:05:52):
The UN is a muslim infested organization
Vorpalbite says to  (01:06:08):
It is our ENEMY
Measure of Faith says to  (01:09:32):
lol vorp
Vorpalbite says to  (01:09:37):
Torture, Rendition, Indefinate Detention and now Assassination, our government has gone ROGUE
Measure of Faith says to  (01:09:49):
lol vorp
Vorpalbite says to  (01:09:55):
its our government , its our duty to stop them
Measure of Faith says to  (01:10:17):
really vorp i thought you Paulites were isolationists?
Vorpalbite says to  (01:10:24):
these criminals will never surrender their power, we will have to take it from them
Measure of Faith says to  (01:10:36):
you elected them Vorp
Vorpalbite says to  (01:10:42):
Ron Paul is a piece of ***
Measure of Faith says to  (01:10:57):
take their power by voting them out stop acting like a keyboard commando
Vorpalbite says to  (01:11:22):
Measure of Faith says to  (01:11:34):
Vorp you little devi with your rebellion yer a funny clown
Measure of Faith says to  (01:11:43):
Measure of Faith says to  (01:11:58):
Deny that with your deep denial Vorp
Vorpalbite says to  (01:13:10):
MUSLIMS attack ppl because they are FANATICS
Measure of Faith says to  (01:13:29):
so do you Vorp are you a muslim ?
Measure of Faith says to  (01:13:51):
or just a Alex Jones idolizing fanatic ?
Guest16205 says to  (01:14:58):
i cant wait until iran nukes israel that is gonna be a laugh watching all those kikes die
*** (01:15:04):Epic Fail MOF is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Vorpalbite says to  (01:16:52):
I support Isreal 100%
Vorpalbite says to  (01:17:21):
I mean got to believe in somebody and our own government isnt worthy
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:18:44):
The whole gov't isnt bad vorp
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:18:57):
lool bud the US is 90% good
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:19:18):
turn off the TV Vorp read a book
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:19:29):
Vorpalbite says to  (01:19:44):
Every aspect of american government is ate up with the cancer of corruption
Vorpalbite says to  (01:20:06):
Whitehouse, Congress, Supreme Court
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:20:10):
ok Vorp I guess you have a bad view from the armchair in your trailor
miyagi says to  (01:20:38):
AIPAC always helps the U.S.
BobUSMC says to  (01:22:01):
btw, Tessler's a dorkette!  :D(lol)
Measure of Faith says to  (01:22:21):
Tessler BTR's Dean of Boredom !!
BobUSMC says to  (01:22:43):
Obama: "...I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!...."
Measure of Faith says to  (01:22:44):
Tessler the Dean of Dumb
BobUSMC says to  (01:23:03):
i knew that would get you started up MOF.  hehehe (6)
Vorpalbite says to  (01:23:05):
Torture and now assassination - Thats not what america is about
Measure of Faith says to  (01:23:14):
Measure of Faith says to  (01:23:26):
just acknowleding your efforts
BobUSMC says to  (01:23:42):
get thsi one, he tried to get robert jones to boot me out of his chat but Robert's a Marine too.  so tessler now hates robert as much as he hates me. HAHAHA!!!
BobUSMC says to  (01:23:52):
wut fookin' kook that moron is.
Measure of Faith says to  (01:23:52):
Vorpp what assasination ?
miyagi says to  (01:23:57):
what is tessler?
Vorpalbite says to  (01:24:19):
NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)
Measure of Faith says to  (01:24:28):
miyagi Tessler is a disease that causes brains to freeze up and people to fall asleep
Vorpalbite says to  (01:24:33):
the Assassination act
Measure of Faith says to  (01:24:54):
lol Vorp are you in a mental institution ?
BobUSMC says to  (01:25:12):
tessler's this guy who is delusional.  he hurls accusations w/o any factual evidence at all.
Measure of Faith says to  (01:25:13):
Vorp maybe you should request your happy medication doseage be upped
Measure of Faith says to  (01:25:58):
Bob Tessler is a person ? Lol I thought Tessler was a disease
BobUSMC says to  (01:26:03):
told other btr hosts to boot me out of their rooms. and most of those other btr hosts don't even know me at all. ({)
BobUSMC says to  (01:27:44):
he's got mental issues now. somebody said he had a stroke, so i told him to go have another one.  yes, he brought out my inner meannie. hahaha
BobUSMC says to  (01:28:23):
Measure of Faith says to  (01:28:26):
I didn't know strokes caused delusions of grandure and meglamania
BobUSMC says to  (01:28:44):
yea, you'd think they'd humble a man, huh??
Measure of Faith says to  (01:29:33):
common scense would lean that way but not every delusional Btr Dean has common scense
BobUSMC says to  (01:30:11):
make him realize he isn't king of the universe, you'd think.  but not him.  lol.
Measure of Faith says to  (01:31:18):
well at least he has an excuse now for being abnoxious
BobUSMC says to  (01:31:38):
also mof, he accidentally sent me a PM that was meant for Robert JonesPHd.  hahaha
BobUSMC says to  (01:31:47):
 he tells hiim to bot me.
Measure of Faith says to  (01:31:50):
lol he does that
Vorpalbite says to  (01:31:52):
Islam is the enemy of all civilization
BobUSMC says to  (01:31:57):
i got a screen cap of it
Measure of Faith says to  (01:32:09):
Vorp settle down stop with the hate stuff
Measure of Faith says to  (01:32:38):
Tessler has to boot everyone that disagrees with him
Measure of Faith says to  (01:32:55):
you can't be disagreeing with BTR's Dean of Dumb
Vorpalbite says to  (01:34:40):
Saudi Arabia, the Head Quarters of all muslim terrorism - -  We need to NUKE them
*** (01:34:39):Guest15394 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (01:34:46):Guest15394 has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (01:34:49):Vorpalbite is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (01:35:01):
yea, i don't even really know him just that he started in on me, lying that I never served in USMC.  he never knew me before that
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:35:07):
vorp stop posting general hate messages
BobUSMC says to  (01:35:10):
here's the screencap, check it out
BobUSMC says to  (01:35:12):
BobUSMC says to  (01:35:16):
miyagi says to  (01:35:25):
eustace mullins has alot of knowledge, look him up on youtube
BobUSMC says to  (01:35:52):
Why aren't American liberals protesting in muslim nations??   Answer: they're HYPOCRITES.
BobUSMC says to  (01:36:08):
about the treatment of gays and women??
Measure of Faith says to  (01:36:20):
sad Bob that Tessler acts like that
Measure of Faith says to  (01:36:41):
he's all lip service to freedom but censors behind the scenes
Measure of Faith says to  (01:36:47):
hypocrite Tessler
BobUSMC says to  (01:36:48):
he's got some issues, i guess.  lol.
miyagi says to  (01:38:56):
texe marrs has knowledge. look it up
Vorpalbite says to  (01:40:41):
Vorpalbite says to  (01:40:50):
*** (01:41:04):Vorpalbite is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
miyagi says to  (01:41:09):
they demonize muslims in order to invade their countries
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:41:31):
Vorp i asked you several times not to make general hate statements
kurtcobain says to  (01:43:01):
gas the jews!
*** (01:44:06):Vorpalbite has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:44:28):
no one is afraid of you or your opinions Vorp
Vorpalbite says to  (01:44:40):
I wasnt making HATE SPEECH, I was directly attacking your integrity
Vorpalbite says to  (01:44:49):
or lack there of
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:44:50):
Vorp when you are asked to refrain from posting hateful messages please stop
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:45:29):
Vorpalbite: Saudi Arabia, the Head Quarters of all muslim terrorism - -  We need to NUKE
them <----- Really Vorp
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:45:48):
lol Vorp you are calling for nuking a country
Vorpalbite says to  (01:45:48):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:46:00):
cut the crap Vorp or I'll kick you
Vorpalbite says to  (01:46:09):
*** (01:46:12):Vorpalbite is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (01:46:15):
i just wanted him and that Antoinette, who started saying that I was fake Marine and tessler joined in unknowingly, to bet me about it ,
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:46:56):
Vorp stop your nonsense or you will sit silently in the corner
miyagi says to  (01:47:15):
daryl bradford smith, look him up to learn the truth
BobUSMC says to  (01:48:08):
miyagi says to  (01:48:43):
hitler was a useful idiot of the rothschilds
*** (01:49:08):miyagi is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (01:50:13):Guest156536566 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (01:51:21):
MUJAHEED says to  (01:53:16):
The jews in israel are white trash
MUJAHEED says to  (01:53:27):
The real jews are the semitic arabs
MUJAHEED says to  (01:54:15):
The jews in israel aerent even semitic.
MUJAHEED says to  (01:54:29):
We arabs are the true semites. not white trash
Vorpalbite says to  (02:05:50):
My work is done here, your reputation is ruined
kurtcobain says to  (02:05:55):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (02:05:57):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (02:10:48):
i got kurt the 2nd time
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (02:10:53):
he got the boot
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) (private) (02:11:00):
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:18:10):
white jews are from the khazar empire of east europe
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:18:37):
mostly south russia
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:19:21):
the original arabs are black
*** (02:19:33):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (02:25:04):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:25:58):
The original jews are black
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:26:42):
white jews converted to judaism
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:26:54):
in the 8th century
ThereaLJudah says to  (02:27:41):
the white jews were the first ones to bring slaves to america
*** (02:27:43):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (02:34:20):
ThereaLJudah is an idiot.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (02:39:42):

(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Ben Solomon Whatever Hour cohosted by Robert Scott 2/22/2012

my note: The word censor replaces anything I censored.

*** (22:31:02):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:34:31):
*** (22:36:38):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.
BobUSMC says to  (23:14:59):
BobUSMC says to  (23:15:29):
BobUSMC says to  (23:15:34):
BobUSMC says to  (23:17:49):
$23,333... per pound
BobUSMC says to  (23:21:13):
BobUSMC says to  (23:21:46):
I make some world class pork chops.  on sale!   lol.
*** (23:26:28):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:26:49):
(917) 889-2149
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:27:01):
Call in judah
BobUSMC says to  (23:27:50):
yo, bro k, wut it b, baby! (H)
brotherk says to  (23:28:02):
hey bob
brotherk says to  (23:29:14):
am i supposed to call in now
BobUSMC says to  (23:30:01):
you guys want to hear a tune i recorded for this chick singer?   I engineered it, it's USA National Anthem.
BobUSMC says to  (23:30:05):
 A Cappella
BobUSMC says to  (23:31:04):
i'd love the feedback on the mix job i put on it
*** (23:32:06):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:32:08):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (23:37:48):
distorted sond on your mic Bro K.
BobUSMC says to  (23:38:03):
maybe battery getting weak
*** (23:38:06):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to  (23:38:09):
BobUSMC says to  (23:38:56):
BTW, i'm totally neutral in this, i get along with all youz guyz.  hope u work it all out.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:39:01):
Make up your mind.. you want to mute me or what
BobUSMC says to  (23:39:23):
my beef is with libs!!!  (6)
*** (23:39:26):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (23:39:33):
I come to bury liberalism, not to praise it.
BobUSMC says to  (23:39:42):
Liberals hate America!!!
BobUSMC says to  (23:39:45):
Liberals hate the military
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:00):
Liberalism Is A Cancer On America!!
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:08):
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:20):
Obama has a mangina
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:30):
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:34):
Obama: "...I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!  I'M NUMBER 4!!!...."
BobUSMC says to  (23:40:52):
BobUSMC says to  (23:41:31):
I'm BobUSMC and I approve this message.
BobUSMC says to  (23:41:39):
BobUSMC says to  (23:42:12):
Obama = (@)
BobUSMC says to  (23:43:29):
Peace out!(})
*** (23:45:06):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:45:53):
Why do ya'll fear my debate so much
BobUSMC says to  (23:46:17):
Thank you that I'm not the only one who sees her racism!!
BobUSMC says to  (23:46:48):
distorted still Bro K
*** (23:47:53):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to  (23:47:56):
Antoinette has said racist stuff to me on more than one occasion.  Also accused me of being a phony Marine.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:48:14):
I encourage you toc all in ThereaLJudah. You post stupidity in the chatroom. That's why I mute you.
*** (23:53:06):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:53:35):
Minister Grokk says to  (00:02:54):
Hey Ben , bless u brother Jew , come and F U C K the boys in my ministry with Robert Scott Censor
armygirls4Christ says to  (00:11:36):
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:20:39):
God bless Israel and the courage she shows.  America can learn a lot from her.
brotherk says to  (00:22:43):
amen pv
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:23:15):
Hey Brother K!  Good to see you
brotherk says to  (00:23:26):
you too !!
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:23:47):
Who are you supporting in the prez race?
brotherk says to  (00:24:56):
good question pv
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:25:53):
BTR knows Bro K is a warrior
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:26:00):
takes a lot of shyte
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:26:32):
PV Radio has had the honor of having him on as well
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:29:20):
honor is worth fighting for friends
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:30:34):
oops - lost you
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:30:49):
you guys need to continue the conversation - work it out
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:31:07):
Bro K is a man we need fighting the right fight
brotherk says to  (00:31:09):
thanks pv
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:31:19):
good to hear you
brotherk says to  (00:31:28):
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:31:29):
thanks Robert
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:31:29):
thanks PV God Bless
PoliticalVindication says to  (00:31:34):
*** (01:29:37):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:30:00):
Sorry BK time ran out
brotherk says to  (01:30:13):
thanks guys!!!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (01:30:19):

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time for many Black people to Put up and Shut up 2/21/2012

 Due to my Adobe Flash plugin crashing, the last comment shall be in another format. I had to reload to get in the chatroom.
*** (22:02:17):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
kurtcobain says to  (22:08:28):
gas the jews!
*** (22:13:38):VesperTheSnake is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:13:43):VesperTheSnake has been unmuted by Admin.
VesperTheSnake says to  (22:14:33):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:29:55):
kurtcobain says to  (22:59:52):
gas the jews!
ThunderCracker says to  (23:32:02):
Gas The Trolls!({):@
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:35:42):
amen thunder
ThunderCracker says to  (23:37:18):
Who is The Caller?
Measure of Faith says to  (23:38:03):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:38:15):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:38:20):
ThunderCracker says to  (23:38:42):
I was just wondering that`s all!
Measure of Faith says to  (23:38:50):
*** (23:42:04):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
bluesky69 says to  (23:43:34):
thunder (L):-*
ThunderCracker says to  (23:43:42):
Hi Bluesky!(L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (23:43:45):
ben (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:44:21):
(L):-* bluesky69
bluesky69 says to  (23:47:03):
skin color don't mean anything to me, i like everyone  no matter what color u are
*** (23:47:06):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:48:46):
I notice everytime you are confronted with real facts or somebody is exsposing the truth, you hide behind the mute button
Measure of Faith says to  (23:48:59):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:49:07):
what fact did you bring
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:50:26):
When you say you are a conservative, my first question is what are you trying to conserve? money from the poor maybe? ha
*** (23:50:36):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ThunderCracker says to  (23:51:47):
Hey Sarge!(})
bluesky69 says to  (23:52:10):
sarge (L):-*
*** (23:56:05):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:57:03):
First of all let me say I am not tribal or whoever you keep calling me. I just started coming in here yesterday
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:57:37):
You started spewing stupidity yesterday, therealLJudah.
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:59:27):
anything not rascist or conservative is nonsense to you
ThereaLJudah says to  (23:59:38):
I get it
*** (23:59:38):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:35:47):
Look at that idiot THEREA
Measure of Faith says to  (00:36:21):
look at what ?
Measure of Faith says to  (00:36:29):
btr profile ?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:34):
Look at that idiot TheReaLJudah being an idiot.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:43):
That guy falsely claims that we're racist.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:36:54):
BTR told me to take a break and not type so fast.
Measure of Faith says to  (00:36:57):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:37:01):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:37:22):
oho i see
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:38:02):
TheReaLJudah is a dope. He falsely accuses us of racism. He's an idiot, who should stay on mute when he comes into the chatroom.
Measure of Faith says to  (00:38:44):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost): time ran out
*** (01:08:33):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (01:09:51):
(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, February 20, 2012

Iran the terrorist rogue state 2/21/2012

 Benyamin Solomon's note The part of the chatroom with the word "censor" has been censored by me.

*** (23:06:18):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:08:17):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:08:27):
hi blue hi guest
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:08:30):
hi robert
bluesky69 says to  (23:08:35):
hey ben (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (23:08:48):
hi robert (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (23:10:41):
brb gotta get some smokes
bluesky69 says to  (23:11:49):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:11:59):
Libertarian thought control and word police
Measure of Faith says to  (23:12:16):
Ron Paul supportesr are dopey hypocrites
Measure of Faith says to  (23:12:25):
Measure of Faith says to  (23:14:01):
lol babyK is trying to save the 440 for a show Ben it will take babyk a few months before he has the $ to debate
bluesky69 says to  (23:15:50):
ben, im dying to see a pic of you (lol)
Measure of Faith says to  (23:18:09):
right now baby k is debating his shadow as practice
RealiXTee says to  (23:22:39):
RealiXTee says to  (23:22:58):
RealiXTee says to  (23:23:13):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:23:38):
they are aggressive godless men
RealiXTee says to  (23:30:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:30:30):
good for you
RealiXTee says to  (23:30:32):
RealiXTee says to  (23:30:40):
RealiXTee says to  (23:30:53):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:30:53):
you can say 1+1 = 4 all day long you are still wrong
RealiXTee says to  (23:31:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:31:17):
RealiXTee says to  (23:31:21):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:31:26):
show some proof
RealiXTee says to  (23:32:03):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:32:05):
la vena brown how is  the clothing market these days?
*** (23:33:34):RealiXTee is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:34:30):
hic niger est
bluesky69 says to  (23:39:49):
brb  gotta check the fire
Welfare is Free says to  (23:48:08):
Ron Paul 2012!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:48:16):
Ron Paul sucks.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:48:30):
Ron paul is  washington insider
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:48:38):
a career politician
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:48:53):
telling the fringe voters what they want to hear
Welfare is Free says to  (23:49:43):
Ron Paul is the only one that will actually cut the debt though. we are in debt that we cannot control, you think Romeny can control it?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:49:56):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:50:13):
nor do I think Ron Paul will
Welfare is Free says to  (23:50:19):
I hate his foriegn policy but his economic poicy is better than any other 3]
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:50:38):
his economic policy is fairy tale nonsense
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:50:50):
ya can't put the us on a gold standard
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:51:05):
simple reason not enough gold to back the currency
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:51:21):
simple math
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:51:30):
Ron paul is a fable spinner
Welfare is Free says to  (23:52:03):
You cant now because these jerks ran up a 15 trillion dollar debt. Now these people want to elect another person who will raise it even more. We are a nation of 330 some odd million, we cant pay back that amount
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:52:17):
Ron Paul Washington insider the establishments anti-establishment nomination
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:52:57):
lol wif the gold standard was a farce before Nixon lifted it
Welfare is Free says to  (23:53:10):
RNC better hope there is not a brokered convention....Paul may have a chance. Not sure anyone else will in the feild right niw
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:53:18):
(}) lee
RapidFire says to  (23:53:20):
RapidFire says to  (23:53:32):
RapidFire says to  (23:53:51):
Ron Paul wouldn't have a chance in a brokered convention
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:54:06):
lol the brokered convention myth more RP fables to cover the fact that he can't win a single primary state
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:54:22):
Ron Paul is actually doing worse than he did in 08
Welfare is Free says to  (23:54:22):
and Romeny or Santorum, or even Gingrich would? If they had a chance they would be blowing out the competition now
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:54:45):
watch Santorum wif
RapidFire says to  (23:54:51):
Romney would benefit from a brokered convention
Welfare is Free says to  (23:54:59):
ya ok
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:55:07):
Santorum is more than likely the Repub nominee
RapidFire says to  (23:55:14):
Santorum would be hurt by it
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:55:28):
Agreed lee
Welfare is Free says to  (23:55:38):
RNC cannot control the convention once it goes brokered...look at the historical brokered conventions...the party was poerless
Welfare is Free says to  (23:55:41):
RapidFire says to  (23:55:43):
Santorum is doing well but He needs to focus more on the economy
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:55:49):
but Santorum might run it out and get the delegates straight up
RapidFire says to  (23:55:57):
i hope he does
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:56:02):
super tuesday will clear things up a bit
RapidFire says to  (23:56:04):
I'm all for Santorum
RapidFire says to  (23:56:50):
Santorum can beat Obama because Obama will beat himself
Welfare is Free says to  (23:56:54):
Host, should we round up all the Muslims??
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:57:01):
RapidFire says to  (23:57:35):
@ welfare is Free...what is your real screen name?
RapidFire says to  (23:57:46):
your here under false pretenses
Welfare is Free says to  (23:57:47):
Welfare is free
Welfare is Free says to  (23:57:52):
Then boot me
RapidFire says to  (23:57:57):
i can't
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:58:03):
nah yer harmless wif
Welfare is Free says to  (23:58:05):
Then  get your boy to do it
RapidFire says to  (23:58:11):
my boy/
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:58:12):
RapidFire says to  (23:58:17):
ah we do know you
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:58:21):
lol maybe its babyk
RapidFire says to  (23:58:23):
who is this?
RapidFire says to  (23:58:28):
don't hide
Welfare is Free says to  (23:58:29):
You dont know ***
RapidFire says to  (23:58:33):
don't be a coward
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:58:41):
wif smells like cheese
RapidFire says to  (23:58:45):
who are you
RapidFire says to  (23:58:52):
little girl
RapidFire says to  (23:59:20):
co host you is my boy!!
Welfare is Free says to  (23:59:20):
Dont start your *** little man, no one takes you seriously anymore anyway
RapidFire says to  (23:59:26):
RapidFire says to  (23:59:30):
so and I care
RapidFire says to  (23:59:35):
this is BTR
bluesky69 says to  (23:59:39):
hi leen (L):-*
RapidFire says to  (23:59:40):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:59:45):
RapidFire says to  (23:59:57):
RapidFire says to  (00:00:01):
RapidFire says to  (00:00:09):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:00:11):
RapidFire says to  (00:00:16):
Welfare is Free says to  (00:00:25):
*** you
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:00:30):
RapidFire says to  (00:00:34):
Welfare is Free says to  (00:00:39):
Bitch got nuttin
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:00:46):
RapidFire says to  (00:00:57):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:01:10):
RapidFire says to  (00:01:13):
RapidFire says to  (00:01:18):
Welfare is Free says to  (00:01:19):
Yopur nothing dude. You aint ***. You think your all that but you aint nuttin
RapidFire says to  (00:01:22):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:01:38):
RapidFire says to  (00:01:45):
Welfare is Free says to  (00:02:03):
very christian like
RapidFire says to  (00:02:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:02:10):
brotherdownunder <---- account deleted by bt for harassment of legit btr hosts
RapidFire says to  (00:02:28):
who is he?
Welfare is Free says to  (00:02:36):
Cya bitches
RapidFire says to  (00:02:49):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:02:50):
exposingdemons <----- account deleted by btr for misconduct and solicitations unbecoming even an aussie
RapidFire says to  (00:03:03):
an assie
RapidFire says to  (00:03:06):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:03:22):
wow runaway rino
bluesky69 says to  (00:05:12):
bb (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (00:05:25):
Measure of Faith says to  (00:05:38):
hi BB
rossp says to  (00:05:41):
Kissy Kissy
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:06:16):
bluesky69 says to  (00:07:26):
hi oscara(L):-*
oscara says to  (00:07:55):
(}) paula
Measure of Faith says to  (00:07:56):
(}) oscara
oscara says to  (00:08:42):
It's probably the CIA committing those Indian, Thai, Georgia and Azerbajan crimes to blame Iran.
oscara says to  (00:08:48):
hi mf
Measure of Faith says to  (00:08:52):
why cia
Measure of Faith says to  (00:08:58):
why not kgb
Measure of Faith says to  (00:09:04):
why not the chinese
Measure of Faith says to  (00:09:08):
why not iran
Measure of Faith says to  (00:09:14):
why blame the us
oscara says to  (00:09:29):
because Iran just wants to develop their country w/ nuclear energy.  (why not?)
Measure of Faith says to  (00:10:04):
iran signed a non prolifiration treaty to get the tech for neuclear power
oscara says to  (00:10:26):
nuclear power isn't nuke power
Measure of Faith says to  (00:10:46):
so if they develop a nuke then they break the treaty they signed action will be taken at that point on principal if for no other reason
oscara says to  (00:11:18):
Ron Paul
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:11:25):
is a loon
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:11:31):
oscara says to  (00:11:37):
Ron Paul
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:11:48):
has syphillus from hookers
oscara says to  (00:11:50):
No Santorum
rossp says to  (00:11:50):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:12:05):
rossp says to  (00:18:01):
October Suprise!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:18:16):
whats the surprise early snow?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:18:34):
i hope its early snow we need a good ski season
rossp says to  (00:21:28):
Obamas re-election Ace card.War.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:21:39):
lol herd it
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:21:56):
they said the same with Bush regarding iran never happened
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:22:29):
y'all need to get new conspiracy stories ya can't just keep recycling the same tired fables its getting boring
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:22:55):
its more boring that a Tessler show
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:23:11):
lol Tessler BTR's Dean of boredom
rossp says to  (00:25:07):
Off topic i'm frying a leftover calzone in bacon juice
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:25:23):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:25:45):
have an asprin with it so you thin your blood and don't keelover from the heart attack
rossp says to  (00:26:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:26:08):
oh that reminds me Tessler take your Medication
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:26:36):
if anyone is talking with Tessler remind him to take his medication he needs constant reminders
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:26:50):
he can barely remember what he had for breakfast
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:27:10):
just the other day he forgot his name and where he lived
RapidFire says to  (00:30:59):
Measure of Faith says to  (00:34:54):
I think Tessler forgets that David Gharam is his friend because some times he says really horrible things about him
Measure of Faith says to  (00:35:19):
Tessler even calls Stay Mad radio Btr's biggest borefest
Measure of Faith says to  (00:35:32):
that Tessler he is the Dean of Dumbness
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:35:56):
lol Tessler the Dean of Dumb
bluesky69 says to  (00:41:39):
good show ben i gotta run now have a good ngiht
Measure of Faith says to  (00:41:49):
(}) blue
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:41:49):
okay, bluesky69
MELINDA says to  (00:43:47):
MELINDA says to  (00:43:54):
MELINDA says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (00:44:08):
i love you benyamin.  i want to feel you inside of me.
MELINDA says to  (00:44:44):
Tessler called me a "stupid bitch" today
MELINDA says to  (00:45:01):
Tessler also asked C. Robert, PhD, to ban Bob USMC.
MELINDA says to  (00:45:29):
I don't know who the hell Tessler thinks he is, but he is NOT helping the conservative movement.
MELINDA says to  (00:45:34):
And god damn Antoinette.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:46:36):
Tessler is kissing up to Germaine and Toilet ["Cool" Mike].
MELINDA says to  (00:47:39):
Tessler is a loser
MELINDA says to  (00:47:42):
god damn him
MELINDA says to  (00:48:00):
he called me a "stupid bitch," because I showed him the screen shot of the message he sent to BOB USMC.
MELINDA says to  (00:48:39):
he is a piece of shyt
MELINDA says to  (00:48:43):
he can kiss it
MELINDA says to  (00:48:59):
if i were a man, i'd say he could suck it
ThereaLJudah says to  (00:50:25):
Lets just be real, Benyamin will slander any democrat no matter what.. especially if there black
*** (00:50:33):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (00:56:04):ThereaLJudah has been unmuted by Admin.
MELINDA says to  (00:56:13):
omg, there is a racist in the chat
MELINDA says to  (00:56:19):
that's racist, the realjudgah
MELINDA says to  (00:56:24):
that's totally racist
MELINDA says to  (00:56:27):
you are a total racist
MELINDA says to  (00:56:29):
MELINDA says to  (00:56:39):
i can't believe i'm in a chat with a racist
ThereaLJudah says to  (00:56:48):
First of all be a man, If your going to talk about me dont mute me
MELINDA says to  (00:56:56):
you are a racist, therealjudah
MELINDA says to  (00:56:59):
you are a total racist
MELINDA says to  (00:57:09):
i can't believe you come in here and drop the race card
MELINDA says to  (00:57:13):
that's real trashy
*** (00:57:15):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (00:57:40):
be a man and come in under your real name ya loser
MELINDA says to  (00:57:50):
why are you so full of hate, therealJudah
MELINDA says to  (00:57:52):
MELINDA says to  (00:57:59):
i can feel all your hostility
MELINDA says to  (00:58:21):
your rage is palpable.  you are seething with anger.  maybe you deserve a time out in jail.
MELINDA says to  (00:58:41):
do you have a criminal record, the real Judah?
MELINDA says to  (01:00:27):
i bet you are a rapist.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday night politics with Ben Solomon 2/20/2012

*** (22:01:09):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:23:46):
oscara says to  (23:39:59):
This caller is curious.  If you are so blessed, you must be more compassionate.  Why don't you let him finish?
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:42:49):
He make sabsurd comments.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:42:53):
I have ot correct him.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:43:15):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:48:58):
ThunderCracker says to  (00:01:05):
*** (00:25:32):Measure of Faith is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (00:25:35):Measure of Faith has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:25:43):
Sorry, Robert.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:25:51):
I accidently pressed the mute button.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:25:57):
That was unintentional.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, February 17, 2012

Junk Prime Time 2/17/2012

The web log and the non-web log versions of the chatroom ar both published. I published any part of the chatroom that is included in the form it's published.

2012-02-1703:03:01 PMrwj Benyamin Solomonenter the room
2012-02-1703:10:36 PMGuest1890enter the room
2012-02-1703:10:36 PMRichardSantomauroenter the room
2012-02-1703:11:06 PMGuest1890quit the room
2012-02-1703:18:28 PMRichardSantomauroWhy is this argument even relevant??
2012-02-1703:18:58 PMRichardSantomauroThe middle east conflct has nothing to do with who killed Jesus.
2012-02-1703:19:08 PMrwj Benyamin SolomonExactly.
2012-02-1703:19:18 PMrwj Benyamin SolomonThe Romans, not the Jews, killed Jesus.
2012-02-1703:19:28 PMrwj Benyamin Solomon"Cool" Mike brought it up to whip up more hatred.
2012-02-1703:20:04 PMGuest1930enter the room
2012-02-1703:20:13 PMRichardSantomauroThe middle east conflict is about whether or not the U.N. was justified in carving out a homeland for Israel after WWIII or not. The conflict is about power, money, control, and land.
2012-02-1703:21:27 PMGuest1930quit the room
2012-02-1703:21:41 PMRichardSantomauroSo, do you want to know what my solution is for resolving the conflict in the middle east?
2012-02-1703:22:55 PMRichardSantomauroWW II
2012-02-1703:23:38 PMRichardSantomauroYou can find nut jobs to quote on both sides of this issue..... Who is "Cool Mike"?
2012-02-1703:24:38 PMMeasure of Faithenter the room
2012-02-1703:24:42 PMRichardSantomauroWhy would you even give air time to guy like that?
2012-02-1703:25:12 PMMeasure of Faithwhy do you come here daily with fake names ?
2012-02-1703:25:27 PMMeasure of Faithquit the room
2012-02-1703:26:42 PMrwj Benyamin Solomonquit the room
2012-02-1703:26:42 PMrwj Benyamin Solomonenter the room
2012-02-1703:26:47 PMrwj Benyamin Solomonquit the room
2012-02-1703:27:32 PMrwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)enter the room
2012-02-1703:28:00 PMrwj Benyamin Solomonenter the room

*** (15:27:58):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
RichardSantomauro says to  (15:29:33):
MOF: What are you talking about?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:29:46):
not to you
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:30:57):
<---- MOF / message should have been a PM wasn't directed at you RS
RichardSantomauro says to  (15:31:43):
I came in late.  What's the topic?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:32:12):
Read the show description top of page
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:33:04):
lol Ben potty mouth Mike hates when people prove him wrong
RichardSantomauro says to  (15:33:05):
Oh, I haven't listened to Conservative Prime Time.  I will have to check it out.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:33:11):
he's getting worse than aabbcc
RichardSantomauro says to  (15:33:18):
When is that show on?
RichardSantomauro says to  (15:33:41):
So, Cool Mike is the moderator of Conservative Prime Time?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:33:52):
one of them
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:34:19):
not quite a moderator more like an organ Grinders monkey
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (15:35:42):
hello Mayo
Mayonnaize says to  (15:37:25):
Hey Ben
Mayonnaize says to  (15:37:36):
Measure of Faith says to  (15:37:45):
Mayo what up mate ?
Mayonnaize says to  (15:39:06):
Time for a show called "The Real Conservative Primetime" to run at 11:30
Mayonnaize says to  (15:39:12):
Measure of Faith says to  (15:39:31):
Measure of Faith says to  (15:39:50):
Cool mike is a dirty lebaneese "Sheet Head"
Measure of Faith says to  (15:40:01):
Mayonnaize says to  (15:41:12):
Capitalist Primetime
Measure of Faith says to  (15:41:26):
Measure of Faith says to  (15:41:32):
Mayonnaize says to  (15:41:42):
I see that
Mayonnaize says to  (15:41:47):
I'll tune in on ride home
Mayonnaize says to  (15:42:00):
been doing a ton of family tree stuff lately
Mayonnaize says to  (15:42:07):
quite the history lesson
Measure of Faith says to  (15:43:05):
really cool
Measure of Faith says to  (15:43:14):
any good criminals on the tree ??
Mayonnaize says to  (15:44:08):
hahaha... acually yes
Mayonnaize says to  (15:44:55):
and unfortunately I found out I'm 1/16th French
Mayonnaize says to  (15:44:58):
Mayonnaize: Ben stop cursing.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (16:15:32):
(}) everyone.

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