Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Abc's of conspiracy - Debunking the bunk pt 3 - 3 Blind Mice 2/15/2012

*** (22:16:02):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
African Warlord X says to  (22:31:39):
hell ben
African Warlord X says to  (22:32:03):
you need to fire that temp co-host
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:32:11):
behave yourself AWX or its punt time
African Warlord X says to  (22:32:12):
he's a contro freak
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:32:30):
lol African spank master
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:33:10):
your just mad because Robert cuts through your lies like you were butter
African Warlord X says to  (22:33:28):
robert, no disrespect, but you could debate people more tactfully
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:33:45):
lol AAWX you were pretty effeminate and docile when he shut you down the other day
African Warlord X says to  (22:34:07):
when who shut me down ?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:34:13):
thanks AWX you could try telling the truth ince an awhile also
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:34:19):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:34:48):
AWX we are all noticing how you have quieted down here since I came in
African Warlord X says to  (22:34:48):
i NEVER lie or express opinions that are not well researched
African Warlord X says to  (22:35:15):
quieted down ? are you kidding
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:35:31):
lol please AWX like your claim that the poverty rate is higher in Israel than in Mexico
African Warlord X says to  (22:35:36):
i converse in accordance to what type of mood i'm in
African Warlord X says to  (22:35:48):
that's true
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:35:49):
lol AWX you are not capable of telling the truth
African Warlord X says to  (22:36:10):
the povety rate is higher in israel than mexico
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:36:23):
lol AWX your lie about the poverty rate in israel v mexico is a blatant lie
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:36:36):
you are a sluggard and a lazy bum
African Warlord X says to  (22:37:01):
nope. i heard you destroy mathmatics the other night. totally bogus math you used
*** (22:37:00):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:37:11):
lol you dope
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:37:35):
you can't do basic math AWX
*** (22:42:02):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (22:42:15):
what is the value of pie ? 5 seconds for a response. no wiki stuff. germaine spits the truth ! i used to not like him, but he's a good guy...very well educated. ben, you are smarter than this guy, and he's bringing your show down to a jerry springer level.
*** (22:42:36):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:43:27):
lol AWX jerry springer is the deal you got going on with your rump rider pal kala you 2 keep it cool on the dl ya circle jerkers
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:44:41):
AWX here is a math question how much have you 2 con men been able to skim off the top of your bogus nation building scheme?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:44:55):
AWX what is 0% of 0 ?? lol
*** (22:48:02):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (22:48:13):
even though cool mike doesn't like me, he's a stand up guy. i always get the sense that these guys don't repeat talking points like most conservatives. the rest of you worship sarge. i will tell them what you said tonight, but they are probably here now.
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*** (22:54:02):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (22:54:13):
i'm a card carrying memeber of the ADL. they solicited me, not vice versa, in 2008, when my blog began to be read worldwide. i wouldn't give money to people i hate !!!!!!!!!!! by the way, a black neurosurgeon in the u.s. does the world's most complicated c
*** (22:54:09):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:00:02):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (23:00:12):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
RapidFire says to  (23:01:43):
Dang Ben say what ya feel
bluesky69 says to  (23:01:47):
hi ben,lee (L):-*
RapidFire says to  (23:01:56):
Hey Paula
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:01:55):
hi bluesky69
RapidFire says to  (23:02:31):
Mike works at a strip club
RapidFire says to  (23:02:45):
he says hes a Christian and works with hoes
RapidFire says to  (23:05:03):
organ grinder Monkey?
RapidFire says to  (23:05:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:05:21):
its a circus
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:05:32):
its all for peanuts nothing more
*** (23:06:03):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (23:06:14):
ben carson, M.D. the ADL has international law representatives. so if i were arrested in south africa off of the bogus hate speech charges made by farmitracker, the jews would send lawyers on my behalf. good deal for $ 100 per year. i dont hate any race
African Warlord X says to  (23:06:45):
all people have bad apples
African Warlord X says to  (23:07:09):
and this robert scott seems bad, but i may be wrong
African Warlord X says to  (23:07:48):
why call aabbcc a monkey, racist ?
*** (23:07:45):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:08:02):
If the JEws will rush to your defense, why deny the Holocaust?
RapidFire says to  (23:08:09):
No fema cotton candy?  8-|
*** (23:08:06):African Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
African Warlord X says to  (23:08:23):
Travinyle1 says to  (23:08:27):
no proof huh
*** (23:08:31):African Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Travinyle1 says to  (23:09:25):
It has direct links
RapidFire says to  (23:10:17):
Alex Jones cannot be trusted hes wackier than Ron Paul
Travinyle1 says to  (23:10:26):
the report is fake?
RapidFire says to  (23:10:28):
He is a fear mongering goof ball
Travinyle1 says to  (23:10:50):
RapidFire says to  (23:11:09):
Stop with the conspiracey non sense
Travinyle1 says to  (23:11:52):
Travinyle1 says to  (23:11:55):
thats fake too?
Travinyle1 says to  (23:11:58):
Travinyle1 says to  (23:12:01):
Travinyle1 says to  (23:12:14):
you guys say thats fake//
Travinyle1 says to  (23:12:37):
is the actual document fake?
*** (23:12:52):Travinyle1 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MELINDA says to  (23:22:57):
Hey, RapidFire.
MELINDA says to  (23:23:01):
Wish you were here last night.
MELINDA says to  (23:23:14):
Found out that Antoinette said that Robert E. Lee raped her ancestors.
MELINDA says to  (23:24:54):
Antoinette said all whites in the South were rapists of black women.
MELINDA says to  (23:25:27):
Antoinette is a straight up racist.
MELINDA says to  (23:26:03):
Just listen to what she says.  Why do people deal with her?  She's a sick woman.  She's also a racist.
bluesky69 says to  (23:31:03):
hi mel (L):-*
bluesky69 says to  (23:32:22):
Ben, kala eats to much K.F.C. (lol)
bluesky69 says to  (23:32:28):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:32:30):
bluesky69 says to  (23:33:21):
Ben, play Donald Duck(aka) kala
bluesky69 says to  (23:33:31):
bluesky69 says to  (23:37:14):
(lol)(lol)(lol) ROFLMAO
bluesky69 says to  (23:37:27):
bluesky69 says to  (23:37:36):
too funny
bluesky69 says to  (23:37:51):
that gets funnier everyday
Travinyle1 says to  (23:38:06):
guys....the names and numbers on the MIAC document are real if you want to call them LOL
Travinyle1 says to  (23:39:31):
if you call the numbers on the last page like most news outlets did they confirm the document
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:39:45):
of coure the phone numbers are real
Travinyle1 says to  (23:39:48):
night night
Travinyle1 says to  (23:39:50):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:40:17):
so if i make a web page and put your phone number on it does that mean you made the statements on that page?
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:42:42):
lol Trav you need to get a clue on how to verify a document and identify its source properly
Rained Out says to  (23:48:57):
can't you read?  NEWS outlets DID call those numbers and it was confirmed..
Rained Out says to  (23:49:06):
call trav and ask him if he did it
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:49:17):
I called Miac
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:49:53):
I spoke with MIAC and had a friend who is FBI verify independently
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:50:11):
its all bs emminating from Alex Jones the commercial salesman
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:51:05):
lol Rained out get a clue ad an alternate source of info beside Trav the Alex Jones/David Icke parrot
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:51:21):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:12:22):
(}) everyone.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (00:12:37):
I'll pop in at Conservative Prime Time and see what they have to say about my little rant on them.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

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