Friday, February 24, 2012

The Ben Solomon show 2/24/2012

*** (16:32:39):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (16:48:24):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:18):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:21):
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:40):
Farmer Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:54:45):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:54:50):
off topic
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:02):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:05):
take it to one of your conspiracy theory shows
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:19):
its illegal to sell unpasturized milk in the US
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:23):
no need to be negative..
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:32):
you are being negative
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:55:39):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:48):
save your rhetoric for elsewhere
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:55:59):
it has nothing to do with the show topic here
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:56:06):
wow.........that is very christan like..
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:26):
actually it is christian like where what you are doing is anti-christian
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:39):
as christians we are commanded to obey the law of the land
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:56:58):
you foment a rebellious attitude
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:57:13):
misquoting and presenting out of context
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:57:45):
not when the leaders are corrupt
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:57:57):
I follow GODS LAW
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:58:02):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:07):
no you don't
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:58:22):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:24):
you violated God's law at least twice here today
*** (16:58:17):ThereaLJudah is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:58:49):
obey the law of the land _ 1st peter
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:59:14):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:59:19):
bring no railing accusation against leaders be obedient to the good leader as well as the wicked leader
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (16:59:50):
lost lol you are lost
lostXnoXmore says to  (16:59:52):
YOU must forget where its says to hate evil
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:00:10):
get on the path actually read the scriptures before commenting on them
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:00:15):
:D I rather be lost in GODS LAW
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:00:41):
you are cut off from God's law Lost as you are violating it here and you don't know it
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:01:27):
you must be Robert......I heard so much  about you..
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:01:32):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:01:47):
Lost save your off topic propaganda for somewhere else
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:01:57):
stay on topic or don't post
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:13):
this isn't your forum to spread conspiracy theory
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:15):
so you can mute me now...since you cant pay for your own show, you riding on aother peoples backs
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:20):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:24):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:29):
I was invited
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:41):
I do plenty of my own shows
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:45):
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:46):
lol but you to cheap to do your own show..
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:02:53):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:02:54):
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:03:04):
bye Mr Robert...
lostXnoXmore says to  (17:03:08):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:03:10):
bye lost
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (17:03:15):
don't get lost
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (17:04:39):

(}) everyone.

Listen to internet radio with Benyamin Solomon on Blog Talk Radio

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