*** (22:16:18):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
bluesky69 says to (22:29:12):
hi benyamin (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:32):
hi bluesky69(L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:32:55):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:36:43):
ThunderCracker says to (23:04:59):
I`m good and You?
ThunderCracker says to (23:05:14):
Hey Bob!(})
bluesky69 says to (23:05:19):
im good
bluesky69 says to (23:05:30):
bob (L):-*
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:05:32):
BobUSMC says to (23:08:30):
BobUSMC says to (23:08:54):
Tessler = Douchebag Of The Decade
BobUSMC says to (23:09:01):
MELINDA says to (23:10:14):
that's right
MELINDA says to (23:10:16):
god damn him
MELINDA says to (23:10:28):
Hello, ThunderCracker
MELINDA says to (23:10:32):
Hello, Measure of Faith
MELINDA says to (23:10:36):
Hello, Bob
MELINDA says to (23:10:44):
Hello, bluesky69
Measure of Faith says to (23:10:44):
MELINDA says to (23:10:49):
Hello, Benyamin Solomon
bluesky69 says to (23:10:49):
hi melinda (L):-*
MELINDA says to (23:11:29):
Tessler is all about himself. He doesn't care about the conservative movement. He's all ego,
MELINDA says to (23:12:04):
That's why I don't like him. He's so full of ego that he'll call Marines who served this country names. He's a real ass. He's not even a patriot. It's all about him.
MELINDA says to (23:13:15):
He's just as low and worthless as that racist bitch Antoinette, who said all whitey raped her ancestors. Why are these people even allowed on conservative shows? Tessler and Antoinette are anti-American.
BobUSMC says to (23:14:37):
BobUSMC says to (23:14:56):
they're both total idiots
BobUSMC says to (23:14:57):
BobUSMC says to (23:15:21):
wut do you think, Measure?
BobUSMC says to (23:15:56):
yea Melinda, and unkool mike is a dorky whiny bitch too
Measure of Faith says to (23:15:57):
lol btr's dean of boredom
BobUSMC says to (23:15:58):
BobUSMC says to (23:16:17):
The Sultan of SNORE!
MELINDA says to (23:16:49):
isn't that sick? that he calls himself the dean of BTR? who the hell does he think he is?
MELINDA says to (23:16:56):
what an egomaniac!!!!!
BobUSMC says to (23:16:59):
Tessler: Sleep Induction Specialist
MELINDA says to (23:17:11):
someone needs to bitch slap his ass into a reality check
BobUSMC says to (23:17:14):
Tessler = Douchebag Of The Decade
MELINDA says to (23:17:29):
racist Antoinette
MELINDA says to (23:17:34):
go away, bitch
BobUSMC says to (23:17:52):
tessler should go suck RacistAntoinettes dirty lying ass
BobUSMC says to (23:17:57):
MELINDA says to (23:18:00):
I'm glad I'm Asian, because Antoinette can't accuse me of raping her ancestors.
MELINDA says to (23:18:27):
god, she must be one bitter whore, making those kinds of statements.
BobUSMC says to (23:18:40):
lol, the racist idiot prolly wants reparations too.
Measure of Faith says to (23:18:43):
easy melinda
BobUSMC says to (23:18:47):
MELINDA says to (23:18:49):
she's right here
MELINDA says to (23:18:55):
she's an adult
MELINDA says to (23:18:58):
bring it on
BobUSMC says to (23:20:02):
she's a PHONY and a LIAR, too. a self- proclaimed minister WHO LIES using false racist statement about others.
Measure of Faith says to (23:20:16):
MELINDA says to (23:20:30):
oh god, she says she's a minister? did she get her certificate out of a goddamned cracker jack box?
BobUSMC says to (23:20:32):
that's a real good clergy person there. 8-) jeeeeez.
MELINDA says to (23:21:14):
she's not a minister. oh my god, i guess anyone can walk into some storefront, overnight sleezy church and become a minister.
MELINDA says to (23:21:15):
BobUSMC says to (23:21:25):
my grqandmother was an ordained minister but she NEVER lied much less used a FASLE racial calim. truly pathetic!!!
MELINDA says to (23:21:48):
She's full of hate and lies. She's not a minister.
BobUSMC says to (23:22:16):
and her bozo the clown douche of a friend tesslerdork is full blown retard insane in the membrane.
BobUSMC says to (23:22:40):
jeeeeez, I wonder why they both won't take my offer of a bet????
MELINDA says to (23:22:45):
i find it funny that he defends her.
MELINDA says to (23:22:55):
do you think she performs certain favors for tessler?
Antoinette from De says to (23:23:01):
both of you are a sick confused demon that cannot decide what you are a man or a woman, who shares the same body
MELINDA says to (23:23:14):
do you think she is tessler's woman of the night? she's probably his whore.
BobUSMC says to (23:23:39):
that goofball's got mental issues. to just spout out and out lies w/o proof, wut kind of stupid person does that nutso stuff???
BobUSMC says to (23:23:50):
if ur accusing somebody you better have proof.
MELINDA says to (23:23:53):
she's stupid, bob. she thinks we're the same person.
MELINDA says to (23:23:54):
what a loser
Measure of Faith says to (23:23:56):
melinda please stop the whore comments thats too far
BobUSMC says to (23:23:58):
tessler has no character
MELINDA says to (23:24:01):
she doesn't know what she's talking about.
MELINDA says to (23:24:23):
bob, antoinette is a btr hooker. she's sucking and blowing a lot of guys off, like that tessler.
Antoinette from De says to (23:24:29):
you and toyboy are the whore, upright black woman, that you appear to be jealous that you cannot be in the skin I'm in
*** (23:24:36):MELINDA is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:24:53):
melinda thats uncalled for
BobUSMC says to (23:25:04):
now he actually tries to get RobertPHD booted out of other btr rooms all because Robert wouldn't boot me on tessie douchey's command at ROBERTS Show.
*** (23:25:06):Antoinette from De is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to (23:25:10):
haha, that's insanity!!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:25:34):
lets ease up on the personal attacks
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to (23:25:46):
especially those with no evidence to back them
BobUSMC says to (23:25:50):
yes Melinda, she's retarded!!!!
*** (23:27:19):MELINDA has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to (23:28:24):
i have plenty of eveidence on those two tards. I saw wut she wrote to me, said i wore KKK sheets, she lied that I "wanted to kill all blacks", accuses me of being a fake Marine, and plenty more
MELINDA says to (23:28:41):
That's disgusting, Bob.
Measure of Faith says to (23:28:43):
really ?
Measure of Faith says to (23:29:00):
did you get screen shots ?
BobUSMC says to (23:29:32):
and tessler, just jumps in, never having known me, and tells everybody that I'm a fake Marine and never served in USMC....
MELINDA says to (23:29:43):
that's sick, bob
MELINDA says to (23:29:47):
he says the same crap about me
BobUSMC says to (23:30:04):
yet neither will bet me about my USMC service and have yet to appolgoize for the false accusations.
*** (23:30:08):Guest13695 has been unmuted by Admin.
MELINDA says to (23:30:17):
they are really appalling, bob
MELINDA says to (23:30:24):
omg, benyamin
BobUSMC says to (23:30:29):
being a fake soldier is a serious charge to veterans everywhere, that's just the facts.
MELINDA says to (23:30:29):
wow. he's saying the truth
BobUSMC says to (23:31:06):
measure, yes, really, Lee saw some of it. and I have chat logs saved too.
BobUSMC says to (23:32:14):
i have a screen cap of that douchebag Tessler trying to manipulate a BTR host into booting me out, but he accidentally sent ME the PM instead.
BobUSMC says to (23:32:19):
want to see it?
Measure of Faith says to (23:33:53):
i saw that
BobUSMC says to (23:33:58):
here's the screencap of Tessler trying to get me booted out of RobertJonesPhd room:
BobUSMC says to (23:34:05):
BobUSMC says to (23:34:46):
Lee saw wut she wrote to me about how i was KKK wore white sheets, etc etc and more
BobUSMC says to (23:35:25):
when I confronted her on her racism, then she started lying saying that I "wanted to kill all blacks"
BobUSMC says to (23:35:32):
which I never said, of course.
BobUSMC says to (23:35:36):
she's total phony.
BobUSMC says to (23:35:58):
comes accross as real sweet but she's racist down deep.
BobUSMC says to (23:36:57):
Ranger75 saw plenty of her racism too, he called it a year ago or more, actually and he was 100% right.
BobUSMC says to (00:01:59):
show's over, right?
Measure of Faith says to (00:02:28):
yes a little in archive
BobUSMC says to (00:02:53):
the room | ||||
2012-02-26 | 10:28:24 PM | Guest12116 | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:28:53 PM | bluesky69 | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:29:12 PM | bluesky69 | hi benyamin (L):-* | |
2012-02-26 | 10:30:35 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | hi bluesky69(L):-* | |
2012-02-26 | 10:30:52 PM | Guest12205 | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:31:47 PM | Guest12247 | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:32:58 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/153152#.T0r5EV2jKmE | |
2012-02-26 | 10:34:14 PM | Guest12205 | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:35:38 PM | Measure of Faith | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:36:46 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/153152#.T0r5EV2jKmE | |
2012-02-26 | 10:39:32 PM | Guest12247 | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:52:32 PM | Guest11867 | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:57:22 PM | ThunderCracker | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:57:43 PM | ThunderCracker | Hi Bluesky!(L):-* | |
2012-02-26 | 10:57:53 PM | ThunderCracker | Hey Ben!(}) | |
2012-02-26 | 10:58:20 PM | Guest13051 | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:58:40 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 10:58:52 PM | bluesky69 | thunder (L):-* | |
2012-02-26 | 10:58:58 PM | bluesky69 | how are you ? | |
2012-02-26 | 10:59:32 PM | Soap Worms | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:00:24 PM | Soap Worms | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:00:24 PM | Soap Worms | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:00:47 PM | Guest13154 | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:02:03 PM | Measure of Faith | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:02 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:02 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:02 PM | rwj Benyamin Solomon | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:15 PM | Measure of Faith | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:23 PM | Iran Spy | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:30 PM | Guest13154 | quit the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:49 PM | BobUSMC | enter the room | |
2012-02-26 | 11:03:59 PM | Guest13239 | enter the room |
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