Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Ben Solomon Whatever Hour cohosted by Robert Scott 1/25/2012

*** (22:22:22):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:22:35):
Thanks for keeping Warlord X on mute, Robert.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:22:53):
Warlord X praises the Muslim Brotherhood.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:25:11):
weak ass tribal warlord x is too stupid to stay on topic
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:25:30):
or maybe he is just too poor to pay attention
*** (22:26:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:26:12):
laws mean nothing without law enforcement, fool. yes, let the Muslim Brotherhood bomb extremist violent jews ! not the common jew citizen, but the ones who kill grandmother for zionism
*** (22:26:09):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:32:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:32:14):
this country is founded on terrorism, fools !  but i don't want to confuse you idiots with the facts. by the way, if we're not reaching our brothers, why did crackers in south africa lie about me ?
*** (22:32:12):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:38:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
*** (22:38:08):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:38:23):
Warlord X is staying on mute. He's too stupid to be off mute.
Dagwood Bumstead says to  (22:38:52):
So is this guy going to be able to respond or do we have to guess what he will say next
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:39:06):
he won't respond
Dagwood Bumstead says to  (22:39:16):
I guess he won't since he is muted
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:39:29):
no need to guess all he has are insults and untruths
Dagwood Bumstead says to  (22:39:35):
But what do I know, I just got here
*** (22:44:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:44:14):
yes. there's close similarities between the races. that's true. but you people, histories biggest liars, ignore carbon 1
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:44:25):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:44:33):
*** (22:44:36):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
MELINDA says to  (22:45:38):
i love you, benyamin.  i want to protect you.
MELINDA says to  (22:45:43):
i want to play with you.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:45:52):
Thanks, Melinda.
MELINDA says to  (22:46:03):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:46:15):
Africa did not create the world. God did.
MELINDA says to  (22:46:42):
Benyamin, I bet Tribal Warlord X is one of those Muslims
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:46:43):
Warlord X is a false scientist.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:46:51):
Warlord X supports Muslim terrorism.
MELINDA says to  (22:47:08):
I bet he loves Mooochelle Hussein Obama
MELINDA says to  (22:47:18):
He's total trash
MELINDA says to  (22:47:33):
Tribal Warlord X is a loser.  He's trash.
MELINDA says to  (22:48:39):
MELINDA says to  (22:48:43):
omg, benyamin
MELINDA says to  (22:48:46):
you are so funny
MELINDA says to  (22:48:49):
*** (22:50:06):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:50:12):
hello Melinda. we'll go out one day and debate. you're hot melinda, but all i'd do is talk with you once, then never speak to you again !
*** (22:50:24):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (22:53:25):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:53:34):
the jews came from ethiopia. linguistics prove that. hebrew is an afroasiatic language, most heavily concentrated in ethiopia  T and T, I thought you were smarter than that !
*** (22:53:36):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (22:57:02):
lol tribal you are going to need to change your name to tribal idiot refuted
*** (22:59:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:59:13):
nope. israel is an imaginary country. jews didn't invent !!!!!!!!!!  unless it was the original jews that the Arabs spoke of as " Bilad el Sudan ", which means the land of the blacks
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:59:25):
how do you know this
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:59:31):
read my blog
*** (22:59:29):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ggt183 says to  (23:04:15):
Benyamin,Thomas,warlord x (})
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:04:28):
(}) Germaine.
*** (23:05:06):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:05:13):
Ben, you wish you were good with a gun !!!!!  You are scary. I wouldn't sit in the same room with you if a butcher knife were in the room, you psychopath ! well, bless bin-laden ! hassan nasrallh,
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:05:43):
and muqtada al-sadr
*** (23:05:55):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:06:18):
lol more tribal man hugger x insults and nonsense
brotherk says to  (23:10:08):
warlord x is muted again? omg. let him loose ben !!  he needs the exercise
brotherk says to  (23:10:23):
hello to all
brotherk says to  (23:10:26):
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:10:28):

*** (23:11:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:11:13):
all praise to mahmoud ahmadinedad ! all joking aside, only the violent jews and settlers need to be bombed to smitherines. the germans didn't care 4 u
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:11:48):
the whites sold white women to black africa
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:11:54):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:12:09):
that's a fact !
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:12:12):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:12:34):
tuna on rye. save me some
brotherk says to  (23:12:45):
what difference does it make? this is 2012! we are no longer in slavery
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:12:49):
feed yrself dole check casher
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:12:49):
and kosher pickle
*** (23:13:26):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
brotherk says to  (23:14:32):
unmute him ! i want to see him make a fool of himself
*** (23:14:35):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:14:43):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:14:44):
you know i dont give a damn about bin laden or any terrorist. they kill african boys for sport, and rape their women. they wouldn't be able to do this without U.S. foreign aid and
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:14:57):
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:15:08):
jewish tourism
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:15:20):
to kenya and other places
*** (23:15:24):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
brotherk says to  (23:16:13):
hey ggt183
ggt183 says to  (23:16:18):
brotherk says to  (23:16:25):
melinda !!
brotherk says to  (23:16:35):
is there a show tonight?
ggt183 says to  (23:16:46): 14 minutes
brotherk says to  (23:17:03):
he looks like elmer j. fudd in that picture! :D
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:17:06):
GGt state of the union as topic ??
ggt183 says to  (23:17:20):
multiple topics
brotherk says to  (23:17:21):
i am ready for that topic!
ggt183 says to  (23:17:57):
yeah were discissing that first
ggt183 says to  (23:18:06):
brotherk says to  (23:18:24):
unmute warlord x
*** (23:18:28):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:18:34):
the jews are fighting each other in " israel ". why don't you welfare jews do something in return for me. my taxes pay for your welfare state.  go the hell back to germany
*** (23:18:51):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
ggt183 says to  (23:19:43):
see y'all in a few(})
brotherk says to  (23:19:52):

rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:21:43):
How did this tribal guy get so stupid he is a putrified puss wound on the ass of humanity
brotherk says to  (23:22:44):
here is a nice song for warlord x to listen to ! i hope he pays close attention to the words !
brotherk says to  (23:22:47):
*** (23:24:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:24:14):
you're not clever, lying christian, brother kkkoon   there's nothing i can't stand more than phony religious zealots. go on a killing spree with ben.  ALL PRAISE TO ISRAEL SHAHAK, A JEW !  no ant-semiti
*** (23:24:15):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
brotherk says to  (23:27:20):
brotherk says to rwj Benyamin Solomon (private) (23:28:05):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says to brotherk (private) (23:28:31):
*** (23:30:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:30:13):
i just love truth. learn from me, not uncle toms and people who have used welfare to enslave " israel "  BTW, the 1950 terror campaign was a worldwide jew atrocity, and i'm a card carrying ADL member !
*** (23:30:16):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (23:30:29):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:30:41):
A card carrying ADL member, who supports Bin Ladin, Hassan Nasrallah, and Muqtada al-Sadr.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:30:56):
Why does the ADL have him as a member?
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:31:04):
ha !  ben threatened kala by saying " i know wherre you live ' !!!!!1
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:31:10):
Wah wah wah
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:31:23):
thts nt a treat thats a statemnet
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:31:21):
At least I don't praise Bin Ladin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:31:33):
I have no history of violence, so try again
rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost) says to  (23:31:46):
lol manhugger x you are a lil mommy's by if you think thats a threat
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:31:47):
go back to kindergarden if you want
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:31:49):
I can't win in  awater gun fight. Yet Warlord X portrays me as a terrorist.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:32:05):
Kala denied living there anyway.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (23:32:18):
ben. you ARE dangerous. that is my serious opinion
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:32:32):
So says someone, who praises Bin Ladin, Warlord X.
*** (23:32:34):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:32:47):
Warlord X, you are on mute for extreme stupidity.
*** (23:38:05):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:43:32):
(}) everyone
Date Time From To Message
2012-01-25 12:00:04 AM amandasuazo
2012-01-25 12:00:07 AM Guest14750
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:15 AM jesusgirl112
Nighty night Chris!
2012-01-25 12:00:16 AM thisisit4321 (Cohost)
Lady, I have my own channel.
2012-01-25 12:00:18 AM YayGodsGrace
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:22 AM Joseph2012
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:24 AM Guest14332
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:29 AM Guest15718
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:30 AM thisisit4321 (Cohost)
Love you, all :)
2012-01-25 12:00:31 AM Guest15100
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:35 AM Guest13915
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:35 AM KellyLopezXBullock
enter the room
2012-01-25 12:00:36 AM Guest14692
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:41 AM jesusgirl112
back atcha
2012-01-25 12:00:44 AM Guest13591
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:00:49 AM KellyLopezXBullock
2012-01-25 12:01:09 AM Guest13504
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:12 AM cocodesign
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2012-01-25 12:01:12 AM KellyLopezXBullock
2012-01-25 12:01:15 AM jesusgirl112
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:16 AM Guest15229
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:19 AM Guest13446
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:21 AM AliciaSpringer
night everybody. great show!
2012-01-25 12:01:24 AM amandasuazo
So wonderful to be in here with you all
2012-01-25 12:01:25 AM Guest13489
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:37 AM Guest13139
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:41 AM lesel
Thanks Jon Chris good job tonight
2012-01-25 12:01:42 AM Lady N Red
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:44 AM Guest13682
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:01:54 AM amandasuazo
Love you all. (L)
2012-01-25 12:02:03 AM AmiiJaye
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:02:05 AM KellyLopezXBullock
Thank you Jon and Chris!!
2012-01-25 12:02:11 AM Sh0ckwave11
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:02:11 AM Giesbrecht4
Thanks . Good night everyone. God bless you all. Thanks Jon and Chris.
2012-01-25 12:02:37 AM Baggio
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:02:37 AM amandasuazo
quit the room
2012-01-25 12:02:54 AM lesel
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2012-01-25 12:02:57 AM KellyLopezXBullock
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2012-01-25 12:03:15 AM prs832
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2012-01-25 12:03:25 AM deannschmitt
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2012-01-25 12:03:39 AM Guest14873
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2012-01-25 12:03:46 AM Guest13522
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2012-01-25 12:04:07 AM Guest15931
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2012-01-25 12:04:12 AM Guest13433
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2012-01-25 12:04:35 AM CrystalHijar
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2012-01-25 12:05:34 AM Guest13618
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2012-01-25 12:06:19 AM Giesbrecht4
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2012-01-25 12:07:18 AM Guest14045
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2012-01-25 12:08:06 AM dormain
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2012-01-25 12:09:24 AM thisisit4321 (Cohost)
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2012-01-25 12:13:30 AM Fernando82
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2012-01-25 12:15:25 AM AliciaSpringer
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2012-01-25 12:16:47 AM LuinThallion
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2012-01-25 12:18:38 AM Guest13899
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2012-01-25 12:18:53 AM suzannesprague
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2012-01-25 12:22:16 AM Guest15089
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2012-01-25 12:26:35 AM Guest13655
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2012-01-25 12:27:54 AM Guest13689
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2012-01-25 12:27:54 AM Guest13689
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2012-01-25 12:27:54 AM Guest13689
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2012-01-25 12:41:13 AM Guest13689
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2012-01-25 12:54:31 AM Guest15876
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2012-01-25 01:37:36 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 01:37:36 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 01:37:36 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 01:37:36 AM Guest13901
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2012-01-25 01:49:19 AM Guest13433
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2012-01-25 01:49:19 AM Guest13433
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2012-01-25 01:49:19 AM Guest13433
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2012-01-25 01:49:31 AM Guest13433
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2012-01-25 02:42:37 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 02:44:11 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 02:44:11 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 02:57:32 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 02:57:45 AM Guest15187
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2012-01-25 02:59:47 AM Guest139016767
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2012-01-25 03:07:37 AM Guest13268
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2012-01-25 03:27:37 AM Guest139016767
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Date Time From To Message
2012-01-25 09:59:53 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:07:14 PM Antoinette from De
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:09:03 PM Antoinette from De
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:11:12 PM Tribal Warlord X
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:11:37 PM Tribal Warlord X
good. a dumbo is on the air
2012-01-25 10:12:24 PM Tribal Warlord X
send him a bil. that's how things get done
2012-01-25 10:13:07 PM Tribal Warlord X
how would you stop it, fool
2012-01-25 10:13:59 PM Tribal Warlord X
that's optimistic, but it never works
2012-01-25 10:14:20 PM Tribal Warlord X
2012-01-25 10:14:29 PM Tribal Warlord X
i'm chilling tonight
2012-01-25 10:15:06 PM Tribal Warlord X
i'm not for more laws. just a few smart ones
2012-01-25 10:16:17 PM Tribal Warlord X
here's your flaw. you, like most people, don't realize that politicians are prostitutes
2012-01-25 10:16:23 PM Guest15900
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:16:37 PM Tribal Warlord X
murder is illegal, but people are killed every day
2012-01-25 10:18:20 PM Tribal Warlord X
how do you explain bernie madoff getting away with his illegal behavior ?
2012-01-25 10:18:56 PM Tribal Warlord X
what's wrong with my homosexuality ?
2012-01-25 10:19:29 PM Tribal Warlord X
you're a christian. convert me
2012-01-25 10:20:18 PM Tribal Warlord X
damn. you're as weak as Ben
2012-01-25 10:22:25 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:22:39 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Thanks for keeping Warlord X on mute, Robert.
2012-01-25 10:22:57 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Warlord X praises the Muslim Brotherhood.
2012-01-25 10:25:11 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
weak ass tribal warlord x is too stupid to stay on topic
2012-01-25 10:25:30 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
or maybe he is just too poor to pay attention
2012-01-25 10:26:01 PM Guest16114
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:26:12 PM Tribal Warlord X
laws mean nothing without law enforcement, fool. yes, let the Muslim Brotherhood bomb extremist violent jews ! not the common jew citizen, but the ones who kill grandmother for zionism
2012-01-25 10:30:13 PM Thomas Patrick
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:31:02 PM Guest15900
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:31:08 PM Guest16205
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:31:27 PM Guest16205
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:32:14 PM Tribal Warlord X
this country is founded on terrorism, fools ! but i don't want to confuse you idiots with the facts. by the way, if we're not reaching our brothers, why did crackers in south africa lie about me ?
2012-01-25 10:33:14 PM Guest16114
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:34:42 PM Dagwood Bumstead
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:36:26 PM Guest16305
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:38:26 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Warlord X is staying on mute. He's too stupid to be off mute.
2012-01-25 10:38:48 PM Guest16305
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:38:52 PM Dagwood Bumstead
So is this guy going to be able to respond or do we have to guess what he will say next
2012-01-25 10:39:06 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
he won't respond
2012-01-25 10:39:16 PM Dagwood Bumstead
I guess he won't since he is muted
2012-01-25 10:39:29 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
no need to guess all he has are insults and untruths
2012-01-25 10:39:35 PM Dagwood Bumstead
But what do I know, I just got here
2012-01-25 10:39:49 PM Guest16389
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:39:55 PM Dagwood Bumstead
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:41:37 PM Guest16389
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:42:42 PM Guest16471
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:44:14 PM Tribal Warlord X
yes. there's close similarities between the races. that's true. but you people, histories biggest liars, ignore carbon 1
2012-01-25 10:44:25 PM Tribal Warlord X
2012-01-25 10:44:33 PM Tribal Warlord X
2012-01-25 10:44:51 PM Guest16471
quit the room
2012-01-25 10:45:08 PM MELINDA
enter the room
2012-01-25 10:45:38 PM MELINDA
i love you, benyamin. i want to protect you.
2012-01-25 10:45:43 PM MELINDA
i want to play with you.
2012-01-25 10:45:55 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Thanks, Melinda.
2012-01-25 10:46:03 PM MELINDA
2012-01-25 10:46:18 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Africa did not create the world. God did.
2012-01-25 10:46:42 PM MELINDA
Benyamin, I bet Tribal Warlord X is one of those Muslims
2012-01-25 10:46:46 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Warlord X is a false scientist.
2012-01-25 10:46:55 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
Warlord X supports Muslim terrorism.
2012-01-25 10:47:08 PM MELINDA
I bet he loves Mooochelle Hussein Obama
2012-01-25 10:47:18 PM MELINDA
He's total trash
2012-01-25 10:47:33 PM MELINDA
Tribal Warlord X is a loser. He's trash.
2012-01-25 10:48:39 PM MELINDA
2012-01-25 10:48:43 PM MELINDA
omg, benyamin
2012-01-25 10:48:46 PM MELINDA
you are so funny
2012-01-25 10:48:49 PM MELINDA
2012-01-25 10:50:12 PM Tribal Warlord X
hello Melinda. we'll go out one day and debate. you're hot melinda, but all i'd do is talk with you once, then never speak to you again !
2012-01-25 10:53:34 PM Tribal Warlord X
the jews came from ethiopia. linguistics prove that. hebrew is an afroasiatic language, most heavily concentrated in ethiopia T and T, I thought you were smarter than that !
2012-01-25 10:57:02 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
lol tribal you are going to need to change your name to tribal idiot refuted
2012-01-25 10:59:13 PM Tribal Warlord X
nope. israel is an imaginary country. jews didn't invent !!!!!!!!!! unless it was the original jews that the Arabs spoke of as " Bilad el Sudan ", which means the land of the blacks
2012-01-25 10:59:25 PM Tribal Warlord X
how do you know this
2012-01-25 10:59:31 PM Tribal Warlord X
read my blog
2012-01-25 11:03:49 PM ggt183
enter the room
2012-01-25 11:04:15 PM ggt183
Benyamin,Thomas,warlord x (})
2012-01-25 11:04:31 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon
(}) Germaine.
2012-01-25 11:04:49 PM Minister Grok
enter the room
2012-01-25 11:05:07 PM Minister Grok
quit the room
2012-01-25 11:05:13 PM Tribal Warlord X
Ben, you wish you were good with a gun !!!!! You are scary. I wouldn't sit in the same room with you if a butcher knife were in the room, you psychopath ! well, bless bin-laden ! hassan nasrallh,
2012-01-25 11:05:26 PM Guest17179
enter the room
2012-01-25 11:05:43 PM Tribal Warlord X
and muqtada al-sadr
2012-01-25 11:06:18 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)
lol more tribal man hugger x insults and nonsense
2012-01-25 11:08:29 PM Guest17179
quit the room
2012-01-25 11:09:21 PM brotherk
enter the room
2012-01-25 11:10:08 PM brotherk
warlord x is muted again? omg. let him loose ben !! he needs the exercise
2012-01-25 11:10:23 PM brotherk
hello to all
2012-01-25 11:10:26 PM brotherk
2012-01-25 11:10:28 PM rwj Benyamin Solomon (Cohost)

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