Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Ethnic cleansings against White South Africans 1/31/2011

Benyamin Solomon's note The part of the chatroom with the word "censor" has been censored by me.

*** (22:09:01):Welcome to the rwj Benyamin Solomon Chat Room.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:21:52):
foolish crap
*** (22:22:12):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:24:14):
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:24:23):
*** (22:28:06):Tribal Warlord X has been unmuted by Admin.
Tribal Warlord X says to  (22:28:11):
benyamin goerbals. white are suffering nothing but priveledge in south africa, liar ! the boers are nazi scumbag pigs ! the whites are the victims in sa. indeed, you are a fool. eugene terreblanche raped black boys regularly. why not mention that ben ?
*** (22:28:14):Tribal Warlord X is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:30:35):
Warlord x is a coward.
*** (22:32:41):Guest16025 has been unmuted by Admin.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:39:42):
Call in, coward x.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:40:41):
I know you're Warlord X, Guest 16025. Hence why  you were muted when you came back in a sa guest, you cowardly fool.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (22:41:17):
Warlord X was kicked out.
Measure of Faith says to  (22:52:59):
Measure of Faith says to  (22:53:18):
homelesspoet says to  (22:53:29):
Measure of Faith says to  (22:53:34):
hi hp
homelesspoet says to  (22:53:39):
hi MOF
Measure of Faith says to  (22:53:44):
homelesspoet says to  (22:54:03):
homelesspoet says to  (22:54:34):
no i didnt
Measure of Faith says to  (22:54:35):
homelesspoet says to  (22:55:20):
ive been trying to stay out of all that, thats why i havent been on btr in a long time
homelesspoet says to  (22:56:28):
i just want to at peace, i like to debate and talk politics but things over at ggt got too out of hand
homelesspoet says to  (22:59:35):
that dude is obviously a racist
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:36):
Abc is brining ggt's show down.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:00:52):
Abc is a moron. Tomorrow, we shall be debunking the garbage that comes out of his mouth.
homelesspoet says to  (23:01:21):
i can agree with him on some of his conspiracy stuff, but i dont like his views on zionism
homelesspoet says to  (23:01:53):
i had it out with him awhile back on the antizionist nonsense he talks
homelesspoet says to  (23:02:58):
(}) g'night
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:03:36):
Abc is an obsessive anti-Semitic and Alex Jones worshipping loser.
rwj Benyamin Solomon says (23:08:49):

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